
Monday, July 25, 2011

The Reminiscence of Halfway Thru 2011

Since last month, a few individuals have brought up about 2011 being A BAD YEAR not only for them, but for most people. These people have just broken up so we understand that life might not look too neat to them that time… but to say that 2011 is a bad year, like what I told them, “It was not even mid year. It’s not fair to label 2011 that early.” The most I pity are these people who have lost faith that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I mean, as if they were saying the rest of the months are going to be Lifeless for them. Come ON. Are you kidding me?

Not gonna give the same kind of motivational preach this time. I TRUST you guys can handle it from there. Today I did a lot of thinking. My mind was recalling back memories that I had at the same month, last year. Is my life better now, than the same month last year? The answer is gonna be interesting. The answer is NO. Should I join those who said that 2011 is a bad year? I mean, could it be that what they said is going to be true? ErrmMMM…NO WAY. No that fast.

In my deepest thought, I could not lie to myself that last year, same time, my life was so much adventurous than this. I also couldn’t believe that “That was me” and it was only last year when things were looking so different. I was A Different Person. Oh man. Was that even me? I remember that I was considered half floating half walking. There were things that I did with me being half awake. Seriously. Last year was filled with excitement compared to same time this year. My oh My. Am I close to labeling 2011 being dull and less lively? Okay. NOT YET.

I took my time recalling back the people I have in my life. Other than my family and my closefriends, some places were taken by different people. Maybe these people made my life looking so interesting that time. It was worth remembering although it wasn’t a good ending. Okay enough with that. Now I want to identify why THIS YEAR isn’t that interesting? Have I lost my sense of humour? Have I lost my ground to enjoy life that I give myself a boring life this year? Cos it’s clearly my own doing, ya see. I can’t blame others why my life is not as interesting as before. I can’t blame my surrounding for making it less adventurous. I can’t blame it on other people why they are not around to make my life looking that excited.

But it’s only July, guys. Don’t talk about next month, you don’t even know what gonna happen tomorrow, or the day after that. There are a few months to make A Big difference to 2011. Although I can say that compared to same time last year, this year is considered gloomy but I can expect some “explosion” in the months to come. I have FAITH that 2011 is gonna ba A GREAT YEAR for me. Maybe it’s a slow start but again, it’s about how we end it. At the end of the day, don’t you think 90% of it comes from us?

Oh man. Come to think about it…I totally underestimate my 2011 so far. Yeah, maybe I had some adventures last year but look, I am enjoying myself now. I can’t believe that typing half of this post, without the realization that This year so far has done wonders to me. The new people that come to my life, they are a lot of fun. Maybe it was just my fault for not giving it all the justice it deserves. My work is doing good, although I deal with a few crooked friends, but my customers are giving me trust like never before. I guess, all the effort of being strong in the past years finally starting to pay back. This year, opportunities are open in such a way that I can advance myself so much better than years before. Also, I feel like I am more IN CONTROL of my life. It‘s always about me, what I want, what I decide and how I make things happen. Being another year more mature, I handle things so well. No more prolonged cold wars, emotionally or physically. I have faced situation that can turn me into a mad cow, but it didn’t happen that way. Instead, I refuse to blow it up and accepted that some conflicts could caused by my own mistakes too. Oh gosh. I am on my way to become a much better individual. How can I not thank God for that.

What a silly thing to do when I have great people telling me of my worth, although I always want to deny it, why don’t I just really consider that they really mean it. It’s not like I have another lifetime for all that. IT’S NOW…OR Never. Now I have the answer. I have almost full power to DO IT and turn this year into a Superb year. Now that we know we have this power, don’t you want to use it? GO USE IT and MAKE THIS 2011 BIG in History. 

We have a mission, guys. Good Luck. :))

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