
Friday, December 18, 2015

My Life As A Listening-Booth-No-More

I know that I've become the listening booth for so many years. All the years, I enjoyed doing it. I thought that it really balanced my talkativeness. I enjoyed listening to people and their situations, especially when they really needed my opinions. The thing is, there are these people who "abuse" the listening booths around them. They see them as...what, a thing instead of a person? Like, "if I have something to say, I say it and you listen". "It's an order!!" And they go tailing you making you feel bad for not doing your "job" this time. Suddenly it's not anymore a friendship thing. They become clingy and want to talk about anything to you, just to have ears, and after that, they just forget about it. Yeah, you heard it right.

Not that I grow to be heartless, but come on, if you become "abusive" like that, you're just lucky that the machines can't walk away. If they could, they would walk out on you too. Some people don't need humans, cos they already made up their mind. They know and think they are smart enough. They already know the answers to all their questions. They don't need your friggin opinions. They only need an entity to be there to listen to their ranting and "no thanks I'm not interested to hear anything from your side". Not only it's a one-sided conversation, it's totally selfish too. Like, "Oops, time's up I have something to do.", when you sacrifice your time for them, you make time for them just for it to go with the wind. Seriously, some people need is not a human listening booth but a coin-operated one. Seriously!

I'm slowly leaving my "part-time" job as a listening booth. Not that I become less caring, but I realize that the less and less deserving I am to give people advice. My own mind is already too cluttered to even give some quality opinions, I can't think for people when I'm dealing with many real life issues myself. I do miss those days when some people came to me and thanked me that they got something good and solved their problems from following my advice and opinion. I miss those days really. But I rather leave them in my good memory than to continue becoming one just for the wrong people to misuse it. 

*Hangs a CLOSED sign at the door.
Just let this one listening booth rest. :))

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