Of course he was surprised. Especially when he told me later on, none of his girlfriends actually answered they would wait for 15 years until the guy is released. So is 256 kidding or what? Or does she playing the angel versus demon here? *Lols.
I was imagining myself to be in that woman’s place, where a rich guy whom she picked to marry, did something to save my life. What, does it take a genius? I MARRIED that guy, right? Regardless he has or not a freaking Ferrari, I married him. I mean, ask me again if you mean this guy is just a guy I meet on the stress who suddenly passed me a Ferrari. But when I said I’d wait, does it mean I have to lock myself in the house for 15 years?
Freaking No. What I would do is to carry on with me life. If you ask me would I mingle with some guys, I’d say I would. You have to remember that guys can be only good friends and nothing more. And Vic added, What if I fall in love with a new guy while my Mr. Ferrari was still serving sentence? Okay, this is what I do. I think that IF something like this is going to happen in my life, it has very little to do with Mr Ferrari is around or not. Infidelity can take place right before the spouse’s eyes, not to mention behind their back. So in the case where I might need a companion, I think that I would not hold myself back if I could be around people who can keep me company. Of course it’s a little temptation to the heart when the real guy is not around and when the new guy is always there – I still think that it’s normal. What I should keep in mind is it becomes a moral issue to just do anything as if I am under no marriage vow. I think that I would not give in so easily to anything that I would regret. You want to know why? Because in reality, IF I WANT to be bad, I am already VERY BAD once I reach this point in my life. I know how to handle temptations that has something to do with morality and virtues. I think this is something that you get from how your parents brought you up.
Vic added. But the Ferrari guy said meant that I would never meet guys at all. You know what? That part I have to say sorry to Mr. Ferrari. He’s behind the bar and not me. I would like him to think if he were in my place, do you think he would obey? Maybe his heart is big enough to keep his word, but he’s just a human being. So what I told Vic is…”Mr Ferrari doesn’t have to know that I’m still making friends with some guys.” If the truth hurts him, then don’t tell him the truth when it can only be misleading. Unless I’ve done something very sinful, then maybe I have more reasons to keep secret. But in normal situation, once he goes out from jail, everything is in good place and he doesn’t have to know what he doesn’t know. And hopefully, I do something like that not in guilt that I have done something very wrong which is also hurting my own dignity. So…bottomline is, Would I Wait? Of course I would.
If a man loves me so much and I do find a reason to love him back, I would rather keep it that way and I believe there are times when the man by my side would have to do the same thing for me. So it’s simple with me. If this Mr Ferrari is someone that is NOT WORTHY to begin with, I won’t even put myself in the situation to be married to him. So IF I CAN’T BE LOYAL to a man, I WON’T make that man, My Man to begin with. So you know :) If someone becomes my man, I WILL BE LOYAL TO HIM. Fullstop.
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