256 : *calling Digi Helpline – After pressing 3 times for choices, finally got on the phone with the operator. : Why I can’t access the internet? Can you please check my account?
Operator: It’s because it’s barred. We bar accounts with 3 months unpaid bills.
256 : Oh okay. (* not surprised at all). So how much should I pay?
Operator : You can pay 2 months minimum and we can continue the service.
256 : Where to pay? Do you know that I have tried to make the first payment before and the shop rejected because I did not bring along my number, when I have brought along my sim card. They should know how to check my account using only my sim card. It’s so troublesome la like that. Tell me again the nearest place to make the payment.
Operator: We have a Digi Centre at Api-api. Is that nearby your area?
256 : No, that’s very far. Give me another place. Can’t I just pay at any Digi shop? It shouldn’t be that difficult to pay bills, right? I saw quite a few of “Yellow” phone shops around here.
Operator: Oh, you can make payment at any Digi dealers who accept payment for postpaid. They will use flexi reload to make the payment direct to us. But only the real dealers can do that. I hope you can find one around your place.
256 : How long should I wait after I make the payment?
Operator: 2 hours, miss.
256 : That’s very long. I can’t wait for 2 hours.
Operator: We can make it fast. All you need to do is give us the reference number to the payment and we can process it in 15 minutes.
256 : Ok, good. I call back later.
Before that call, I made a call a week ago, asking the Digi operators why I couldn’t connect to the internet. They said my account was active. I forced them to find for the solution why on earth I could not connect. My modem couldn’t detect my simcard. The operator was checking all over why the modem could give that kind of problem. They even conducted me step by step by trying to uninstall and reinstall back the modem. Still in vain. I ended one call, and called again, almost 4 different operators. I asked them to Check Again if they did something to my account (because I never paid any bills so far. *Lols) They said No, the account was active. “Give me the solution!!” They almost gave me the silliest solution like my simcard could be damaged and I should ask for replacement at the nearest Digi centre. I said, “There’s no way! It could be my account. Check it back please.” Okay, before I could make the 5th call, I found out that the modem was loose. I just press it together and Viola, my problem solved. Erks?
Before that, I made another havoc by asking them the question, “What is the day do you guys reset back the connection for the best speed?” They didn’t get the question right. I made at least 3 calls before the guy finally said what I wanted to hear. “It’s on the 15th of every month.” I said, “Finally someone answered my question!!!”
I remember months ago that I called Celcom Careline in the middle of the nite just to ask, “Why did I receive a message that RM2 is deducted from my balance for a credit advance that I never use?” I called at least 2 Celcom operators just because of this. I didn’t care about the RM2, I just wasn’t satisfied with how they just simply deduct things from my balance and I thought that I would give them a hard time before I could let the RM2 go resulting from a mistake. I was keeping so much “grudge” with Celcom because their service is Very Poor as far as it concerns me. But in this case, I tried to remember…and guess what? I think I did use the credit advance that they have not yet deducted for months. Ouch! So after all, it was all my mistake? Erkssss!!!
Wow…? Do you guys see that? I always complain about a customer being irritating and fussy in the wrong place. The thing is that, I am NOT one easy customer to handle either. Omigawdddddd!!!!
Shame on you 256…Shame on youuuu…. Hahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaa
Being a fussy and irritating customer makes me put my standard a bit high for my own customers and in some of the cases, my customers are NOT even as fussy as I am and they thought “a little mistake” is okay but I always end up making my life difficult by putting my customers’ standard is at least at the same level. My goodness. Life has a way to get back to us, even in the most polite sinless ways… *giggles.
Maybe we should save others trouble and others can save us from troubles too. You may call it Karma but this could be simpler than that. “What you give, you get back”. .. :)
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