So when I finally put that conclusion into words, Well, maybe I just have to admit that My Hair is indeed my winning possession. But after I said that, acit chided, “No, your brain is your winning possession.” Suddenly it sounds so funny because I was relating this Winning Possession with profile pictures and If I really need to put the best winning possession that I have (and in this case, my brain), how could I put My Brain as the profile picture? Hahahaahahahahahahhaahahaha. Thanks citmon for the remark cos now I know that after all the banters we had in the channel, he actually thought I’m quite brainy (*big biggg grinzzz… Hahahahahahaha). Speaking of the Real winning possession – of course mine is NOT my hair!!! My hair is just average, needed a lot of treatment and appreciation before it can appear attractive enough to get a compliment. I might not adore this hair as much if it wasn’t MY hair so now you know – I don’t love my hair because it’s beautiful but it’s because it’s MY hair then only I think it’s beautiful. ß Exactly how we should treat our blessings. We might not have The Best possession, but because we are blessed with it, we make it the best for us. That is the art of being grateful with what we have. We don’t have a freaking choice. :)
Well, there are simple ways to determine our winning possessions. Usually, these possessions are the reasons why people appreciate us, remember us for and would love to have our company around. I don’t know about you, but to make a little analysis on myself…I don’t think my friends like to come and sit there with me for hours just because I have a long and thick hair. *Lols. None of them actually thought my hair actually matters that much. Hahaahaha. I remember when I texted my bestfriend, asking if we could have lunch together whenever I go to the shopping mall beside her office building. I recall how upset she was when she couldn’t make it because she was outstation, or when I cancelled it in the last minute. She would sulk and said she was so sad that we could not meet. I was a bit curious why she made it sound like hanging out with me is something that she could not miss. I remember when she was jumping for joy just because I told her that I wanted to go shopping at the mall near her workplace like she has not met me for years. I mean, I take my own bestfriend as “The magic mirror” for my winning possessions because this lady knows me for many years. We have had cold wars and arguments in the past. She once stayed in the same room as me back in college years. So – through her I could reevaluate myself once again. It’s through her that I learn that I am not a perfect human being, but I am A Friend she could not lose. Though I might not be the most helpful one when it comes to lending hands, but I am still the best person to consult when she has very bad emotional problems. As a matter of fact, all of my friends make me the place they go to whenever they ask for opinions despite having a low profile and average life compared to them. So I find a way to agree with citmon that maybe my brain is my winning possession, because it’s my brain where all that fruitful ideas come from, but it’s not so until it’s paired with A Heart that cares. So I can’t decide. I just feel that a combination of more than one element make up for our best values. So maybe it doesn’t matter what the winning possessions are, I am just glad to be me. :)
arghh..miss my long hair..as for winning possession people wont notice mine until they look very close to me heheh
yeah...the 6 pax abs, right... hahahhaha...I could actually see it from afar if the pic from the swimming pool didn't break apart. *Lols
KO mo sa terus terang ka 256, kalau sa sakap dari segi metaforanya yg menarik tentang ko ni adalah tangan ko...tia perlu la ko susah2 pikir 'aik..napa pula tangan aku yg menarik dalam banyak2 benda yg lebih menarik di badan ini' hauhauha...tapi kalau dari aspek tipikal sepanjang mengenali ko kan...ermmm (/me sambil main2 jari di pipi kiri..) apa yg ko bilang 'ur winning possession' tu kan ko punya hati dan mood ba that...kenapa? coz sa tahu ko hanya ada 1 hati ja but yg 1 saja itulah yg mempunyai seribu corak bagi memenangi sejuta hati di luar sana...dgn layanan mesrah dan sifat keibuan terhadap rasa persahabatan yg tidak dpt dijelaskan dgn kata2..hauhauhuhua...so terima kasih la bagi sa yg antara sejuta hati diluar sana ni kerana dapat kenal dgn ko. so dengan sifat abstrak sa ini, dgn manjanya kono sa untaikan apa yg pernah bapak sa sakap dgn mak sa berkurun dulu yg durang ceritakan ama sa time durang mula2 kanal kono "baru sekejap aku mengenalimu, tapi dalam sekejap itu aku kenal akan dirimu"....hauhauhauha
ko tengok kanan 256!
Hahahahahahaa si wine ni ahhh... Masing2 punya pendapat kali ah...
I think ada perkara yang kita betul2 staring dan ada perkara yang kita betul2 teruk. So yang penting kita tau apa kelebihan dan kekurangan kita dan we try to tap the best from kelebihan kita and minimum kan kesan dari kekurangan kita kan... hehehehe
/me pasik pipi si wine masa dia suruh tinguk kanan...hahahahahaha
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