The most powerful 1-liner that we all know is I Love You. But I love you sort of losing its value because it’s overused and its wide definition makes people don’t appreciate it as much anymore. Nowadays, people use it for fun and sometimes, without even meaning it. Because of the magic of a 1-liner, you can melt a heart, you can make someone spend sleepless nite, you can make someone jump for joy and you can definitely make the day!
I thought that I won’t have to rely on this 1-liner thing. But maybe I don’t. Someone only needs to shoot it at me and see if it does something to me. Recently, I had a chat with someone after weeks of silence. I’ve been wondering if he ever thought of me or remember the good memories with me. Thinking that the good memories are too good to be forgotten, I was a bit upset thinking that those memories are not appreciated. The most unbearable thing is when I have so many unanswered questions in my head. So finally when the silence was broken, I did more listening than talking at first. When he popped out the word, “I Miss You So Much”, I was taken aback. Suddenly I didn’t know which emotion to entertain. One thing for sure, all the questions were gone instantly. I didn’t need to ask anything anymore, and suddenly the pain was undone. Only 1 line and already all the heartache didn’t matter anymore. That’s so magical, right?
That’s the same with the lifetime feud you have with someone. Especially relatives or friends who have been good once and then you guys turned into foes because of some incident. You spend all the freaking years getting angry and cursing the person, consuming your own energy and time for something that only makes you feel worse. Suddenly only one thing that the person does could just simply make all the bad years gone or less mattered. Suddenly it only takes one good deed and already you can just let go all the bitterness. Suddenly you ask yourself, Why does it take so long for this to take place? And you know how silly you have been to be wasting all the years with anguish and hatred. “Let’s forgive and forget” is the 1-liner than make us realize that in the end, all the bad things will not stay. Suddenly, all the details of the bad experiences sink and just gradually disappear. I do believe in 1-liner magic. Because of a 1-line word, I could spend a month in tears but those tears won’t matter the next sincere smile that my lips form. Sometimes it’s just too delighting that I could not even answer back in the form of words. Maybe this explains why I just laugh or smile or just keep quiet because I don’t want to spoil the moment of magic. I remember one nite when I received a short message from someone that tells me that, “I have always loved you” and suddenly all my doubts were gone. Suddenly all the memories were alive once again. Although I wondered so much why was it so hard to take that long to even say the right word, but finally when something is said, I can rest my case. It’s just magical, I have no doubt. :)
But whether or not the 1-liner means as much to the person who says it, heaven knows. For all we know, if 0 word to 1 word is only 1 step away, a 1-liner is still 100% better than silence. And maybe, because of its magic, we only need 1 simple line to tell us that things are in good place. Well, another wonder to me. I won’t miss it for the world. *giggles.
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