"What It Feels Like Being Twofivesix[256]'s Favourite
Maybe that's why Mr Ulal
The Story Begins…
I first chatted with him in August 2008. In fact, the first day that I chatted as Twofivesix[256] – my registered nick, he was the one I chatted with. Sebelum tu, sia sudah start parking nick at #KK and saw him chatting for quite a while. He has this some kind of attraction – he’s supernasty and yet, there’s something so so HONEST and then so so gentle about him. So experienced and he usually has opinions on different stuff walaupun mostly his opinions are berunsurkan the “blue” stuff – coming from Only two typing fingers – yang tidak diinsurankan(Hahahaahahahahaha).
How He Becomes My Sexy Snake…
It’s no question. If you are around since I’m around, you would for sure know how much I PAMPER this snake. I think that our chemistry is that strong that we get close in months time. It’s not much I want to hide about this because I show it to everyone that Ulal gets my special attention. Some of his friends who are also my friends even told me – “Bikin jeles ba cara kau layan si ulal ni. Nasib la dia kawan sia.” And guess what? It’s all totally sincere and innocent. He’s my dear dear big brother, who at the same time, my best buddy and and I find myself so so comfortable calling him laling, (even though he has to occasionally remind me, (*whisper: bro tu bro juga, tapi sia lagi suka kau panggil sia laling ba) hahahaahahahahahahahahha (Eiii!! Jan kubit!) Hahaha.
Ulal and His Shining Eyes
Baiklah kawan2 semua…sia harap mata Encik ulal akan bersinar2 selepas baca ni
perenggan. (Hahahahaahahahahahah). You guys know ka dari mana datang perkataan “mata bersinar” yang kami selalu guna tu? Actually I use it to tease him ba tu. Sebab bila kami sudah rancak bercerita tu kan, kadang2 he got too excited and curious to know what I would type next. Maybe because I feel that we both really go deep into the topic yang we chat kan, sampai suddenly I putung stim tengah2 cerita, and said, “Ui dear, bersinar-sinar jua mata kau tu?” Abis,
sia imagine begitu la dia punya mata menunggu apa yang akan sia taip ba. *Lols.
Hahahahahahaahahahah. And then, mesti pecah ketawa punya. Kadang2 kamirang punya ketawa itu saja pun sudah abis dua-tiga baris ba.
He’s terlampau2 funny and as original as can be! Sia sudah cuba untuk tidak mau
anggap yang En. Ulal ini akan buat sia ketawa, tapi I always end up breaking the
rule, sebab entah berapa kali sia dianggap gila gara2 ketawa depan pc sia. He’s TERLAMPAU funny ba to me. Dakat2 lagi ba sia jatuh kerusi ketawa gara2 dia ni. And then, istilah mata bersinar ni terjangkitlah terus dalam mcm2 hal.
Asalkan kami ada benda mau tease each other.
Ada beberapa kali, sia masuk channel dengan mood yang down sikit. Then tiba2 ada la ni masuk pm sia, nick2 yg bikin ketawa – such as, cikakikukat, kuyutut, bungawot – kalau dia masuk2 ja sudah memanggil tu, confirm laa ulalku punya jelmaan tu. Itu nick pun sudah bikin ketawa ba. Kekiutan betul sia dengan idea2 si ulal ni. Apa pun, sia paling ketawa juga la bila dia pakai ni satu nick. Mentang2 la sia selalu cakap, "Brb…ada customer". So, the next time dia online, tiba2 ada ni nick “customer” ba pm sia. Punya la sia geli hati tu masa. He’s so so adorably funny ba. You guys paham ka sekarang? Hehehehehe. Kalau u guys nda paham jua, nda apa…cuba lagi. Teruskan usaha anda. Yakin boleh !! Hehe :P
Ulal as The Mighty Big Brother
Haa! Bukan suma orang ada this quality ba. Walaupun dia ni sangat nasty, dia actually jenis org yang mau ambil tau pasal hal2 keliling dia. He cares to know and listen. Walaupun he always menunjukkan kehamsapannya di channel, which you guys won’t deny either, tapi if sama sia, dia he’s a really good listener. He usually ingat apa yg we talked about, sedangkan sia sendiri lupa. I know that there is some sincere bones inside him, untuk balance kenakalan tahap gaban dia tu. For an experienced man like him, he's sensitive juga towards the female. Sometimes, he can read me too, tapi kadang2 "ops, terlebih sudah" - sebab dia pikir sia sedang merajuk sedangkan sia baru bercadang mau merajuk ba tu
actually. Heheheheh. Anyway so far, sia confirm, he pening sudah with my perangai cos banyak karenah. Masa I said I wanted to make this page for him, he
sudah banyak berkorban hanya untuk buat apa yg sia minta. The fact that he
doesn't have a little sister and I don't have a big brother, makes us in a perfect position to give a taste of how it feels like to have one.
I remember he said once, "Siok pula ada adik ni kan." tapi yg lagi terkini, sia pun
ingat juga when he said, "Ini pula yang nda siok ni kalau ada adik kan." (Hahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha). NOW YOU KNOW! Tapi apa pun, I am NOT a pok silap pula orang, so there must be something really special about him that makes me call him my big brother. Maybe if he's NOT carefree, laidback and positive as he is now, he won't stand another day being my big brother. Hehehe. If he HAD to be nasty before he could be all that, maybe I would still choose that I prefer him stay the way he is. Another thing
is, maybe pasal I respect him that much, dia tegur sia pun sia akan accept teguran dia dengan cara yang positif – Cuma dia ni pandai juga jaga hati sia so dia nda akan suka2 tegur abis dia pun takut jua ba tu kalau sia mula sudah “tulak pinggang” dan kasi biut muka. Hahahaahahahahahaha. I don’t call him my big brother for nothing. He sets the standard of the kind of big brother yg I wished I had. Muahsss.
He’s my Ulal – Never by Its Cover
Ahaa…interesting. I called him the sexy snake since day one, walaupun masa tu baru kejap chat sama dia. Actually, quite a while juga kami chat baru la I got to know how he looks like. Awal2 tu sia pun nda juga sangka yang dia ni good looking. Ngam lai tuu sia panggil dia My Sexy Snake. Hehehehehehe. Ulal ni antara sekerat org yang tau how I look like. And let me guess, I think his most favourite is my TEETH. Jaat kan dia. *Lols. (But shssss guys...awal2 tu dia eja itu "teeth" as "tit" ba. Matai sia ketawa. I said, jaga2 sama tu ejaan kalau cakap sama org lain, nanti kalau biru mata hitammu tu, sia nda bertanggungjawab ah *Lols).
Anyway, when it comes to laughing, he's my match. In fact, he laughs much louder and much neverending that I have to angkat bendera putih pun belum tentu he berhenti. One more thing, he's never ashamed to learn. Ada a few times he used wrong English words yang buat sia paning lalat, then when I correct it- mau jua 4,5 baris kamirang punya ketawa. He’s one of the people yang totally support my blog from the beginning. I think that he is among them who can connect with my writing and appreciate the little piece of ideas that I try to convey. Thanks for supporting my blog ah laling. Thanks for being the one who gives the most comments in my blog so far. Apa lagi selepas dia tau sudah macamana mau tulis nick dia tu di page comment. Hehehehehe. Pakai nick Anonymous pun sama jua ketauan bai tu kalau sudah 2 jarinya tu yang menaip. Hahahahahahahah.
Actually, I have people who told me that they totally heran why dalam banyak2 chatters tu, Ulal gets my attention. I even get funny remarks from people who misunderstand this whole thing but we kinda enjoy seeing you guys making creative conclusions. *Lols Now that you have come to this part of the page, I hope now you know why Ulal deserves all that.
Okay guys, I still want to say it again. Actually it's one pleasure in life that we
appreciate org2 yang bring us joy and delight to our lives. Kenal di mana pun, sama ada di real life ka, di internet ka. Kalau kita punya niat tu lurus dan baik, kita akan dapat juga perkara2 yang baik. As you guys can see, the way I see it, kita buli appreciate one another dalam pelbagai cara. Tidak payah letakkan macam2 syarat untuk sesuatu persahabatan – kalau org tu buat kamu happy, kamu hargai la dorang. Kamu cari la kualiti2 dalam diri dia yang kamu suka dan itulah yang kamu treasure. In my case with Ulal, that’s how I do it. The pleasure of appreciating one another for their own true qualities –tidak payah susah2 mau pikir KENAPA sia perlu show that much appreciation to him. Bottomline, he makes me happy and we enjoy each other’s company. Nda kisah la lain2 hal. Jan pikir banyak2. Yang penting, macam Ulal cakap, Hati mesti gembira!
Bestnya dunia ni kalau semua org appreciate one another like we do. Don’t you guys think so? *winks.
This is the original logo that I made for Ulal to put in #KK website. It's best viewed with white background though. It has all the Ulal's elements, right? *Lols
"What It Feels Like To Being MY Favourite?"
Yup, ASK ULAL :)