When they thought they loved you, they be on their knees. They said and did everything just to get your heart. When you did something wrong, they got hurt and said, Ok, let’s take some days off, I need some time alone. When you gave them the days off, and they missed you so they said baby I miss you, let’s get back together. All they know is I, Me, Myself and expect that the girls are always ready when to get “dumped” or “picked” back. You guys really think girls don’t have a freaking heart ka? This kind of man can just eat their freaking ego and go to hell la!!
Men like this, can meet many girls but will lose it in the end cos until they learn to see a girl like a human with a piece of heart, they DON'T deserved to be loved.
You learn your lesson well then you know what I'm talking about.
i dont know wat u talk about but sa rasa semua sama ja ba. semuanya sama, sama dan sama..tu la mengkali si najib bikin one malaysia. tidak kira lelaki ka perempuan kesimpulan yg kita buat adalah sama. no body perfect, semua buat kesilapan dan kalau tidak pun memang menuju kearah itu..kesilapan yg sama2 pun durang tahu yg 1 day pasti berlaku lah kisah dan cerita2 gembira yang seterusnya disusuli dgn cerita yg menyayat hati serta drama saling tuduh menuduh siapa yg salah.
secara teorinya, lelaki ni sebenarnya lebih memahami dan kerap kali mengalah berbanding perempuan ba. So kurang sesuai la sa rasa asal ja ada pasangan yg putus atau bergaduh..semua pasti menyalahkan lelaki. Lelaki lah yg memegang watak antagogis, lelaki lah yg jahat dan serba serbinya lelaki jua lah yg wajib disalahkan. tak kan tiada perempuan yg jahat sama sekali..? aduii... kalau kita dengar gosip2 liar di luar sana..takut kita dgn nisbah perempuan2 yg memang sejahat lelaki2 yg sentiasa jadi mangsa ini.
You learn ur lesson well then u know what im talkin` about..and then when u really knew what im talkin about..meet me somewhere. im waiting with 2 tickets shrek movie 3D at suria.
Wine...thanks for this comment. I will write another topic to justify this okay... thankss...
Erksss...sampat lagi ba tu ticket wayang ahh... *Lols
/me tickles si wine to cheer him up...hehehehehe. Wait for the reply next post.
agreed wine..both gender do tis..girls r no barbie dolls n boys r not boy toy. men also hv heart..just bcoz men r naturally rough doesnt mean tey dun hv a heart. a hard lesson in life tho we r careful 2 giv our heart 2 sumbody stil it went wrong. arghhh apa aku melalut ni..balik balikkkkk
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