
Showing posts with label Foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foods. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Brunch Today

The portion is too large for one person. Aiyoo...pengsan mau finish. I actually tapau the rest. This is the dish that I would order IF 1) I still feel tired from eating rice or noodles from yesterday , 2) I want to eat something slow than usual *Lols, 3) I want to kill the time. Thank you 256 for sharing the crazy reasons to eat something. *Lols

(You're welcome ... Hahahaaha)

Have a nice Wednesday, everyone :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What's Your Breakfast Today?

This was mine. I usually had my Mee Goreng Ayam at a Chinese restaurant (Malay chefs) in town and guess what, I only thought of ordering this menu at this Malay restaurant where I always go to have my brunch. I have tasted almost everything on their menu because I always eat something heavy for breakfast and sometimes my appetite just goes crazy that I don't know what to eat anymore! So I just order anything I can read from the menu board. *Lols. Why it takes so long for me to finally order this very common dish? I really don't have to go so far just to enjoy this dish anymore, and guess what, it's even 50 sen cheaper. How convenient. *giggles.

Breakfast is the meal time when I don't feel guilty by taking any kind of foods because our body needs the food to get energy to start working and then what we eat for breakfast will usually be burnt to produce the energy and heat for us to keep going. So I assume that all the calories I eat on breakfast will totally be gone by the end of the day. Yeah...but the calories from the lunch, the tea time, the dinner, the supper - that's a whole different book guys. Let's not spoil this moment, guys. *Lols.

Have a nice day today :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eating Reschedule...

This is quite funny. I started to think that my habit of skipping lunch won't do much good to myself especially after reading tips about maximizing our body fat-burning system. I thought that maybe I should reschedule my eating time.

Yesterday I actually forced myself to eat something at least I don't spend so many hours without food so luckily I have bought some instant foods which I store at my workplace which I almost forgot about. So I grabbed this instant soup, boiled water using electric kettle and cooked this soup. It was very instant and the soup tasted so nice. I ate this soup while I have my customers sitting in front of me. *Lols.

"You have not had your meal?" one of them said to me. I said, "That's the problem. I have had my meal but yet I still need to eat something now." Maybe they had no idea how it finally got me there. I mean, Why do I feel so guilty for not eating? Hehe

At the end of the day, we should remember that Foods are here to keep us alive and only when we are still alive that we can eat foods. I think that the pressure of keeping the weight was way over-rated. Why don't we just go back to the basic idea that we need foods to keep going. Let's not hold our breath or purposely starve of spend our lives in hunger just to keep the weight down. This is all starting to sound like crap. Just bear in mind that Anything Too Much Is Not Good so it's important to have some rules of moderation. Other than that, it's Okay To Eat!! Don't you guys think so?

I also believe that people give different reactions to foods. Like me, I skip lunch because lunch makes me feel sleepy-- the very bad kind of sleepy that I could just close the door and lay on the carpet. *Lols. Yeah, That Bad actually. If I am at home, I will not skip my lunch. The problem is, I have not spent any of my lunchtime at home for so so long. And this No-lunch policy isn't doing anything good to my weight either. I just have to find another way to avoid feeling sleepy rather than skipping lunch cos in a way, this habit spells disaster for my whole diet cos I usually eat so much at nite cos I want to replace the food I should have eaten at lunch. Isn't that crazy?

Mushroom soup or anything, I really need to do some eating reschedule and we'll see what happens from there. *giggles

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Would You UnderStand The Passion?

I remember Ken mentioned about a food decoration event that would held in days after. He said, “Nanti I snap pics ah.” Masa tu, I really didn’t get it why he sounded so passionate about the event. When the day finally came, I thought he forgot about the pics. So that nite, he tried to mms me a picture. “Dapat sudah that mms I send tadi?” It failed a few times. Because he insisted to send the pic, I started to imagine yang he wanted to send me a surprise with of him smiling beside a gigantic chocolate tower. *Lols. And finally, the mms got through because he kept trying. I received it very early morning. After all the effort, it was actually a picture of a decorated fruit. *Giggles. Duii giaaaaa…hehehehehehehe. Dalam hati sia rasa so kekiutan sama tu gaya yang susah payah mau send me mms just untuk show me how itu buah kana decorate. Hahahahaahahahhaa. I just smiled dengan gaya si Ken tu masa. Hehehehehehehe. I could feel the excitement dalam hati dia ba. And the other day, I taught Ken how to attach files in e-mail, so now that he knows how to attach pics in e-mail, he sent these pics for me. Again..Ken, that is sooo cute!!! *Lols

Ini lah satu contoh yang mana someone has a passion So High about something and it’s kinda hard for you to understand it just because you don’t share the same passion.

Actually, if you ask me my raw opinion…this is what I say. I don’t understand why on earth, a good looking, well-built hunk like Kennedy who you would imagine be doing some masculine jobs, would actually opt for a profession that women start at home - CHEF, that is. Yeah, most people might not care to understand. Some people would even question and object – I think you are better off doing something else, because you can spare works like this to the softies and not tough guys like you. There are more professions out there in need of your energy and strength! Ahaa… that’s what the normal people might think or say.

But look at us, people. Setiap dari kita pun macam ni juga. Ada hal2 tertentu yg buat kita sangat excited, and bila kita cakap dengan orang lain tentang hal tu, seolah-olah ada api menyala-nyala di mata kita. Suddenly kita jadi bertenaga dan bersemangat. Nah, inilah namanya passion. Benda tu switch on semua senses inside your body. Tapi bukan semua org akan paham why you are so obsessed dengan style manik2 yang orang taruh di leher or baju, or dengan corak batik abstrack yang simbolik – sedangkan orang lain cuma terbeliak mata tengok u sebab dorang tidak tau WHY on earth you boleh nampak SENI dalam benda2 macam tu. If you jumpa orang yg macam ni, jangan lupa yang u pun macam tu juga dalam hal2 yang tertentu.

Don’t you just wish that people would give you the chance to really convey why and how much something really means to you? Don’t you wish that at least people just RESPECT your passion and find the way to accept and understand it? Ahaaa… If you guys take the time, kamu akan paham yang passion kita membentuk personality kita. So passion seseorang tu adalah keunikan diri dia, dan ia adalah sesuatu yg indah. Langsung tidak hurting kalau we TAKE A MOMENT to understand and if you take a little longer, you can see the beauty in their passion :) So here I am. I give this tribute to Kennedy for his passion. *giggles.



Thanks for sharing the pics ah Ken. Ni me display here at the blog as a support from me supaya you pursue your passion. Hehehehe. One day, you show to us your own piece of work ok? Jangan lupa kau decorate tu buah-buahan tu Ken…nanti mms me lagi di pagi2 buta ahhh *Lols. But this time, u must posing sebelah buah as signature k. Hehehe.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Breakfast Trend

If you guys remember one posting I made before about my breakfast incident. Well, today I had my breakfast outside again. Same place. Same menu. *giggles.
Actually, I have been going to the same eating outlet, ordering the same menu since last year. So this is actually something that I initiate according to my favour and taste. Remember last time when I said that my sister always disagreed with me on foods. She wanted to find the reason to say otherwise when I say that I like a certain food. It was also the reason why she insisted to join me for breakfast the last time. Hahahaahahaha. Trying to beat me in this area, huh sister? I don't think so! So, what's the result now? You guys gonna laugh at this. My sister gets "addicted" to my favourite Mi Goreng Ayam and not only her, but also her guy friend who she often hangs out with. They are now the fans of this menu. I hold my laughter because I don't want to sound too obvious that I win the little game there. *giggles. So this is only one small trend that I intentionally set. I have done something like that in the past towards my friends and the people around me. For example, the song that I like. I could listen to a Dangdut song and make a friend who disliked Dangdut to start liking the song. They asked me, Hey, what's in you ah. I tend to like what you like. Hahahaahahaha. Repeat that again? I can't hear youuu... *giggles. (Just kidding guys.)
The eating outlet should be thankful to me because I bring them some business. I'm sure that the whole office will know about this menu from my sister and her friend and maybe next time I should claim my commission - what do you call it, good marketing? Hahahaahahahah.