Recently, I spent quite a sum of money to pay people to help me do some work. They are friends or relatives who I think might need some extra money. I think that I’m helping them in the best way because I don’t “donate” to them, but they get payment for doing a work I need them to. Looking at this in a different angle, I did question myself What Happened To Me? Why this year I actually resorted to paying people for their hands when I had been doing it all on my own all the years back? I mean, what happens with my hyper hands?
Like what I did for the past 2 weeks. I called up my cousins and jobless friends and asked them if they could help me out. I told them, “I’m going to pay you . As long as the job is done.” If u ask me, Yes I could actually do the things on my own. It’s just that, if I try to do everything, I would have less time for each of them, and end up not doing anything really well. All the years before, I FORCED myself into doing things and blamed it on anything but myself if I could not get things done perfectly. I always told them that I didn’t have enough time, that It’s SOO NOT my fault. Guess what? This year finally a breakthrough. I decided that I should STOP blaming time. I asked people’s hands and paid them for their favour. I did not mind to spend a bit more than I usually would. Actually, all the small tasks like arranging, cleaning and all the little stuff that I could do myself but could not find the time to do it – is still considered extra expenditure when suddenly I ask people to do it. I must be realistic that I AM NOT a robot. I must not really feel so tight about spending money on things like that. Because the reality is, Even if I can Bake a chocolate cake, it doesn’t mean that I could forget about eating a choc cake just because I don’t have time to bake. So if I end up buying a choc cake from a shop, it doesn’t imply that I don’t know how to bake it on my own. Cos I must realize that when Time is the issue, it’s so not the end of the world. Fork out some money and Get Things Done. Life shouldn’t stop at our inability to be a bionic person. You get me?
There’s something quite funny about this. Eventhough I thought that I spent so much extra cost on this, surprisingly…I always have MORE and MORE to spend. Why is that? Really, I am quite surprised. I did not count how much I spent when I paid them for their favour, but then I always have more to spend and call more people and paid them for their help. The last time I recall, though I held tight on my budget, it wasn’t getting any better. It didn’t get me anywhere. I just got stuck with a tight budget and didn’t get many things done. Now when I started to give and share, I found out that I get A LOT MORE back.
Omigawd. This is happening. I am not kidding. Isn’t it against the law of nature that when you give something, you actually have more left? But that’s what I’m experiencing for the past few months. Giving something is REALLY rewarding because you always get more and more back. I really can’t explain this in the science that I know. But maybe you should try it! See for yourself!
"...Giving something is REALLY rewarding because you always get more and more back..."
I believed it and agreed with you my dear!!
Good one... (^_6)
Hello Lady, interesting posting, as well you have a nice blog. And what you posted is very true...
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.
And one can pay back the loan of gold, but one dies forever in debt to those who are kind.
Give without remembering, receive without forgetting.
And hands that help are Holier than lips that pray.
You have a pleasant weekend and keep a song in your heart, best regards, Lee.
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