I did play around with temporary tattoo when I did a photoshoot before. I put the tattoo from my neck down to the cleavage. Hahahaah. That time, tattoo was not so much of a trend yet, but already I had the thought of “having fun” with it. Recently, I’ve been spending some time talking about this thing with a good guyfriend who appears to have a really nice tattoo on his arm (ehem!!! *Lols) and I told him about my intention of getting THE REAL TATTOO this time and he was like, “Are you sure?” I mean, Of course I’m sure. It’s not like I’m going to war or something. I definitely won’t admit to be a victim of trend, but history has proven that I always have this fondness of tattoo. Maybe because I always appreciate the art and the kind of expression that it can let us have…and guess what, I look at myself as this expressive individual who would do things her way whether others like it or not. But of course I do seek for opinions because getting approval from some people would definitely help me do it with a light heart. Especially when I am not a pro in this, I should ask from people who know better. Agree? Hahaha.
I have a few thoughts of where to put the tattoo. Whether it’s on the back of the neck, back of the shoulder, arm, upper hips, below the belly button (Ok, don’t laugh Hahahaha) or just above the ankle. I already know what the tattoo would be. I would design it on my own. I just need to find a tattoo parlor that has a female tattoo maker and some results of her work that can convince me that she knows what she’s doing, and some information about the safety of the colour and anything risk of infections or whatsoever. (Omigawddd…she’s so fussy isn’t she? Lols). I mean, when I was still in school, I liked to keep long nails. I mean, things like that. I just wished I could have the freedom to do what I want even way back then. So now that I have that freedom, this is the time to explore what’s cool. I have tried putting as many as 4 earrings in one ear (when I was in U!! Omigawd! Hahahaha) and now in the working world, I could simply try any hair colour that I find attractive. As far as hair-colouring is concerned, I told a friend that my original hair is Very Black. It will forgive me for putting colours. *Lols.
So…maybe I won’t get the tattoo anything soon cos I am not rushing at all. I just want to be sure where is the best to put it, and I want to decide on the design and the size and the colour. Omigawd…suddenly I feel like this tattoo sounds like a million-dollar mission that Can’t go wrong! Hahahahahaha. The good news is, I will share with you guys the tattoo once I have it done. I hope to get it sometimes in this year. *giggles.
Fancy a tattoo? Nothing’s wrong. It’s your body. It’s your right. Moreover, it’s just a drawing of something on your skin. As long as it makes you happy and content, and be wise in your decision, I think it’s all you need to indulge yourself in something that you like. Whatever you do, keep it in moderation and do it safe. That’s about it. :)
Note: I’m serious about the tattoo, guys… *giggles.
Make cicak ruma on ur hand, when people saw the tail just below ur sleeve and ask what you got.. you pull up ur sleeve and say "Na cicak rumah saya"
/me pingsan sama idea si baboon... *Lols. Bagus lagi sia taruh baboon senyum there wooo...asalkan bukan sisak... Hahaahahahahaaha /me pasik pipi Baboon for the crazy idea. *Lols
hauahauua... /me sikit lagi tebirak sambil ketawa oo ni si baboon punya komen. so mana ko pigi selama ni? len kali selalu la ba ko komen biar si jojon datang lagi p mengumin sini...hauhauha.
Lau sia kan, sa buat tu tatoo sana di kuku jari.
babon u got tatoo? im pretty sure its not visible coz its covered by hairs..hakkhakk
I have a tattoo. a traditional tattoo on both shoulders. It's not for fun but a tradition and I like how the ancestors designed it. It looks cool.
Some say, tattoo for wild / bad guy/girl.. I just think it's a body art for self-satisfaction.
Great entry!
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