This guy was a customer before. He came again asking for something else. but he ended up glued to the chair for more than an hour despite knowing that he shouldn’t stay because I was rushing with a work. He got to tell me about his story of his love life, where he’s getting married but a co-worker misunderstood about their relationship and wanted to snatch him away despite knowing that he’s taken. He kept giving bad comments about the lady and referred her all the bad names. I just listened away while my eyes were on my monitor.
He kept saying that “I’m like this. Always a friendly person. The single ladies can misunderstand my intention but I never mean to mislead them. This one lady is kinda scary, like she wanted to tie me for a lasting relationship. What makes she think that I’m going for someone like her? As a friend, maybe. But never as a wife. I can tell that she’s very pushy, bad-tempered and aggressive person. I don’t think she’ll make a good wife for me. Look like now, I am talking with you like this. Like we’ve known each other for so long, right? That’s just how friendly I am. But that lady misunderstood my intention. She’s just a friend to me.
I went nodding and smiling, agreeing on certain things in his words. But I do sense that this guy is Just Another Guy who is attracted to certain women and do all the things according to a male nature and then make it sound like they are super attractive when some girls start to give response. To describe this guy a bit, he’s a tall Malay guy. Well built but not that good looking to me. His teeth was a distraction and when he laughed or smiled, he looked like a Mr Bean material. Hahaahahaha. So if you ask me, this guy might not attract me a bit.
He brought the story further about the girl who has serious crush on him. He started to accuse that the lady acted so funny must be when she first saw his car. “She saw my Ninja king parked at the corner and she said, “Wow…you drive a Ninja King?” I jokingly replied, “No, that’s my dad’s.” From there she started to show a lot of interest to get closer to me. “Oh Man…that lady must be after my money”. The more he spoke, the more bad reviews that he gave her.
He went on and on talking about the lady and then his fiancée and their relationship, their coming marriage and all that. Until he reached a point to actually make me the target. “Eh, are you married?” Then I went, “Emmmmm….YeSss.” (*Lols) When he heard that, he sort of feeling “it’s okay” to share more of his relationship story. So he went on and on about long distant relationship that he is having with his future wife. He changed topic again, “Eh, you kawin orang dekat or orang jauh?” Then I went, “Emmmmm…Dekat la kali tu.” (*Lols). Then he continued with his story. Then he paused again, “Wait, are you sure you’re married? Tell the truth bah.” Then I was like, “Aiks…this isn’t about me ba. I thought you heard me say that I’m married, right? So stick with that.” (Hahahahaa) Then he started to dig more from me. “Nah kan…You’re not married ba ni kan?” Then I replied, “It doesn’t matter if I’m married or not. This isn’t about me bah. I don’t share my private life with my customers,” trying to make it sound like I don’t mind to share but it’s just part of the policy. Heheehe.
Him: Do you know something? I don’t notice the time when I talk with you. I’ve been here for almost 2 hours and yet I don’t feel boring at all. It’s so convenient having a talk with you.
256: Oh really? Most of my customers said the same thing.
Him: So? Tell me the truth . Are you really married or not? Oh come on…
Hahahahahaha. I said it once and you accepted the answer. So just stick with it.
Oh. Untunglah sepa dapat u ni kan. (Wah…ayat power buaya dikesan!! *Lols)
256:Aiks…Tedalah. Besa2 only.
Him: “Have you ever taken a ride on a Ninja King before?”
256: Nope never. I don’t even know how it looks like. To me all cars are the same.
Him: Cars are not the same. If I use my Ninja, I feel like “the king” on the street. It’s not because of showing off but it’s the comfort. Same as foods. The expensive ones usually are tastier than the cheaper ones. Do you mind if I send you home? At least now you know how it feels to ride on that car. Even the lady I mentioned to you never been on my Ninja. When I drive her home, I was always using my Wira.
256: Oh…Cannot. I am not that interested and anxious about Ninja King or any cars. SORRY.
If he could treat a lady he just met twice like that, I could imagine how he did it with someone that he could meet everyday! If you were me, would you think that you are attractive and special just because a guy with a Ninja King said something nice to you? Can’t you see it that he’s just another guy out there who is making moves on every girl that he meets and yet he blames it on friendliness when some girls try to make her own moves to respond. The fact that he initially thought and believed I was married, he still thought about sending me home in the name of “just being friendly”. If I accepted it, you never knew what he would say about me to another person. Uknow what? Guys like this don’t deserve to get attention from the girls because guys who have to show off what they have before a girl can like them, and then accuse the girl to go after his money, I think they need to learn a lot of maturity cos they must understand something – If the girls are after their wealth, it’s only because the wealth is the only thing that is be appealing about them, not always because they are gold-diggers, but these men have very lack understanding and appreciation for woman – and IT SHOWS so much just from the way they commented about other women.
So the only wise thing the guy did was flashing the Ninja King car key at me, cos it’s all that can be seen significant in him. Learn some respect then come back, maybe he would deserve a better treatment from me. Maybe I won’t mind to even say the truth about my status and all cos until he gives some respect for the women, then only he deserves to get one.
err..wats a ninja king look like?
like in the pic dat citmon... hahahahaa. I'm sure it still have to get stuck in the jam and does not have wings to fly. *Lols
But maybe ada mahal siiikit ja ba tu dari kancil *Lols Hahahahahahahahaa
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