When you spoke the word, you did mean it. When you asked someone to believe you, you actually meant it too. Like you could bet your whole life that you would keep the word. You only needed someone to trust you ONCE and that’s all. But when it was the time to finally show the result, something went wrong and you FAILED! So, what did you get for this? Losing someone’s trust? Definitely yes. But do you guys realize that when something like that happens, it’s also hurting your own faith in your own word?
I have made the same mistake too before. I made a word and then I failed to keep it because something just changed direction in the middle, or something accidentally went wrong. Whatever the excuses were, the person who put trust on you would have less to tolerate on your failure to keep your word. I tried to say a lot of excuses so the person stopped blaming me and just accepted this as "accidental mistake" but it's not that easy. The person could return you the same sweet smile but the faith is never the same again.
I tell you that it's not cool at all. Because of the few mistakes that I did in the past, it's almost a traumatic experience to MAKE another word and make someone expects me to keep it. I rather NOT say anything than LOSING another point of my own faith towards my own words. I must gain back my OWN respect before I could even think of gaining someone else's respect. I mean, I was ashamed of myself when I could remember years ago that I claimed that I was a person of my word. I could not simply claim the same anymore after the few mistakes that I did and in some of those mistakes, I was not brave enough to step forward and admit – that keeping a word is Not as easy as saying it.
I could not let this continue. I must put a stop to this. I must build back my own reputation as someone who keeps her word. To me, if I can’t even be true with my own words, I don’t think people care so much if I’m good in other things. I met many people who are not reliable with their words. Whatever that comes out from their mouth is nothing but Rubbish to other people and no one cares to listen till they finish the sentence. I don’t want to be one of them.
How about you?
So the first step is TO NOT TOY with promises. Once you promise and fail to keep, is another lost value in the words you will say in the future. We must realize that people can’t read our heart. All they can hear is what comes out from our mouth. If you want to be looked as one righteous person, you must learn how Walk The Talk. Do you know how it feels to Lose Faith in your own word? I think I experienced it before. I just refused to say a word. Even when I could fix things by explaining the real situation, I just could not find the right word. You know why? Because at that moment, I thought that I was a total failure in keeping my word. Whatever comes out from my mouth next has NO-TRUST value for other people to hear. So I just kept quiet and said to myself that “This will never happen again.” That’s why starting from that moment, I am being a bit more careful when I make a word. I don’t do this for other people first, mind you. I do this for myself. I can’t imagine continue being myself if I could NOT trust my own word. If you guys agree with me, then let’s do something about it. You may lose trust in your spouse, your brother or your sister, or even your own parents, but NEVER yourself. Think about it :)
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