
Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Weight Or The Shape?

Ahaa… ini something yg menarik. Ada sorang kenalan sia ni, she’s overweight. But her kind of overweight ni masih boleh dikatakan “selesa” untuk diri dia, sebab weight dia tu tidak ganggu pergerakan dia and she still finds the way untuk dress up dan look attractive. But still, she’s in the category yang overweight. So the other day when she dropped by, dia cakap pasal dia punya instant diet. Dia cakap, dia tidak makan nasi selama seminggu lebih saja, dan dia hilang 7 kg dalam jangkamasa singkat. Dia cuma makan 10 keping roti kering dan nescafe saja untuk breakfast and lunch. The reason why dia mau diet macam tu adalah sebab dia sedar yang weight dia sudah melebihi had, iaitu masa tu dia pernah reach lebih dari 80 kg. Whoaa…berat tu geng! She noticed that baju2 dia semua sempit. Dia cakap, “Habis la kalau kena beli baju baru ni!”. Baju dia berlambak yg belum dipakai. Memang satu pembaziran akan berlaku. Then, dia teda pilihan but kena turunkan berat badan. So daripada 80 kg tu, dia berjaya buang 7kg dalam masa 1 minggu lebih. Wow! 7kg bukan senang mau buang ohh! I mean, we are speaking of one week here bah. Terlampau singkat ba tu! Anyway, I congratulate her sebab dia berjaya juga dalam mission dia tu. But then, 1 minggu ja? Untuk sia yang sudah banyak baca mcm2 cerita ni, sia rasa short-term goal macam tu doesn’t matter much. It’s not about shedding the kg and then you’re good to go. It’s about keeping the kg away for good!! So walaupun dia berjaga buang 7kg dalam seminggu lebih, tapi hanya untuk dapat balik 14 kg balik dalam masa 1 bulan, what for? Okay, sebelum sia lari topik, bagus sia straight to the point. Actually, this kg thingy is becoming overrated la for me. People are talking about BMI (Body Mass Index) and all. Actually who cares about 80kg if you’re looking hot with your body shape now? (Well of course la it’s not logic. There’s no way you can look that hot at 80 kg!! *Lols. Unless you’re extraordinary tall la maybe kan?)

Walaupun dia cakap dia sudah hilang 7 kg, sia belum nampak perbezaan pada dia. Dia masih nampak very much overweight, walaupun selesa. So again, tidak kisahlah berapa banyak dia hilang, tapi I believe that it’s now about the weight scale, it’s about the silhouette of your dream-body, right? Pasal tu la sia tidak suka timbang2 berat untuk tau sama ada sia lose weight atau tidak. In fact, I don’t care about weight. I care more about how I look in the mirror. If I can fit my blouse and pants nicely – that’s very good!! I still remember those days when my mom put the weight scale near the bathroom, we couldn’t help but weigh ourselves every time. My sister and I, we produced the same reading!! My sister is taller, she should weigh more. My body that time was considered thin, and I’m shorter than her. I should weigh less than her, right?? But for many times comparing, we both produced the same weigh. How on earth?!!!

Yes, it’s the shape!! You have to consider that certain people are just bigger in frame. Although dua2 pun dalam category yg kurus, but there are “pemberat” yg tertentu. Contohnya. My sister maybe taller, but she’s less curvy. Her shape is more balanced. Mine was otherwise. That explained why we still produced the same weight. I definitely won’t want to argue why someone who looked smaller, still weigh the same. And if BMI is about your height and weight, I could produce bad BMI if I weigh more because my height is still the same. But dorang kena ingat juga, bahawa berat tu adalah berpunca dari tulang, muscle and fat – dan tidak semestinya fat saja memanjang!! Terlebih berat pun sudah kena cakap unhealthy. But macamana lagi kalau sudah semulajadi frame kau tu bigger than those who are taller than you? Apa lagi kalau jenis yang flat chested and lean backside? Nahh…nampak saja tinggi, tapi mesti still ringan. Apa lagi kalau perempuan, dorang punya chest and hips tu must be bigger than the waist. But pada kadar yg berlainan. Tidak semestinya perempuan yg waist dia 25 akan ada chest 32 kan? Something like that.

So, dipendekkan cerita, you know that the weight scale doesn’t tell everything. Kalau ikut style si Halle Berry, dia akan ukur sama ada badan dia sudah naik atau tidak dengan berpandukan satu jeans lama. Kalau dia boleh muat jeans tu, means dia masih dalam tahap yang safe dan tidak perlu risau. Kalau jeans tu ketat atau tidak muat, masa tu dia akan mula buat something about cutting her diet. I think it’s more realistic because it doesn’t matter if you weigh so much, but if you look as good as you want, It’s Bingo for me!!

What do you think?



ulal said...

/me pun petik jari sambil "BinGo" wakwak ..nahhhh nantung!!!! ingat tu ...jan lampau kuatir pasal boroi .. maseh siuk tu kalo kaseh dodoi gf kat tu boroi wakwakwak ~~peace~~

Twofivesix256 said...

Ada juga nice nya lelaki perut boroi ba tuu...Asal kena dengan badan. /me pasik perut si jojon terus capat2 rari. *Lols