
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Old Pictures...

I opened an old cd. This is what I get for keeping as much things as possible. I saw a lot of zip files. Yes, most of them are my pictures from 6-7 years ago. Look what I’ve found out:

I actually had my hair longer than what I ever had this year. I forgot about this! *Lols. It was long and very original because back then, I never actually visited the saloon. My oh my, my hair was very black!! No wonder my friends back in college always told me about how black my hair was – I remember saying, what’s a big deal? Everyone’s hair is black to me. Now I know what they mean. Mine was just as black as can be. Whoaa…do I miss that black hair? Errksss… (Why does it feel so bad to answer, No?) *Lols

Yes, I looked younger and less matured. I remember those pictures I labeled as –good new pictures – when I first took them. But when I look at them once again, they are not that good anyway!! I mean, I have seen my pics much better than those. I don’t think I could ever produce the same pictures again. I think the emotions in the pictures are just raw and immature. Erkss…Pretty rude comment for my own pics. Oh yeah. *Lols

Ok, I want to cut this short. All in all, I actually prefer who I am today, though I was much younger back then. I think I look better than my younger versions and I love my maturity more than anything else. It’s the maturity that gives me this – certain impressions- in my face that I am far ahead of who I was before. Let’s not talk about 7 years ago…Even pictures from 2 years ago is already amateur to me. They are all hilarious!! Hahahaahahahahahahahahahaha.

No wonder. A guyfriend who knows me only in 2 years saw me again weeks ago and he told me that I look so different now (in a good way). I thought he was just playing sweet, but when I found the pictures back, I realize that he’s right. I could not bear to see the pictures from 2 years ago longer because I looked really messy with my hair like that. Hahahaahahahahaahhaahhahahahahaahahah. My goodness!!!

Now I agree even more and more than getting older doesn’t always hurt how we look. Seriously!!! I think that some people look better and better as they age. Because they find themselves better with time. They know better how to present themselves better, and that matured and confident look do come with time.

Come to think about it, Getting older every year doesn’t actually hurt that much :) Just keep a positive mind to it and better things will unfold as we age.



ulal said...

dr pemikiran seseorang baini kan dear :)) ada yg suka tul ngan usia kematangannya .. ada pula sebaliknya ..pena sia dengar kan kununnya kaum hawa ni kalo sdah sampai umur 50thn keatas .. nda mau sdah dia ninguk wajahnya kat cermin,asal nampak wajah sendiri akan jadi sodih kunu durang ni .. kosian jua kan ..kalo dapat durang lihat dr sisi kan bagus seperti dr segi pandangan laling :))))

Twofivesix256 said...

Sia bagi contoh mom sia la kan sia looks so much better lagi dari masa dia muda2. Dan ramai lagi mcm tu. Sia pun heran juga awal2 tu, but then sia rasa amazed juga yang ramai org takut betul bila bday drg sampai, padahal bagi orang2 tertentu, dorang hanya jadi lebih baik and look much better actually!! :)