Maybe some of you who go online and bumped into new friends never actually believe that online friends can really be taken to the real world. I always believe that friendships can form in many different ways and cyberworld is just different in terms of approach but it’s still human beings who are playing the part as the friend. In my situation now, I am SO LUCKY because even after showing my reluctance, some people never stop trying to make friends with me. I FEEL SO SO LUCKY. I might ignore them, avoid them and making it hard for them to know me more, but the fact is that…they are the ones who ARE THERE for me when I’m in need of a friend. I feel so touched thinking that who would have guessed these people saved me from loneliness and sadness. They were the friends who told me no matter how much I have ignored them, they would not give up easily on me. Suddenly I feel like my fate is giving me a slap of reality – I never know they could be the ones who are there for me when I need most of a friend. Yes, it’s not the friends who I spend so much times nourishing friendships with, or the friends who I spent laughter with – instead, they are the friends I ignored and who I won’t pick to share my good moments with.
I could have cried in GRATEFULNESS because there are people who really would appreciate my friendships. And it’s just a painful truth when they may not be on top of my list, and they are there during my times of needs. If you ask me, what should I feel towards the friends who don’t appreciate my friendship? My answer is very simple. I don’t see WHY I should grieve, because now I see who are really worth it to get my friendship. Luckily, I am always appreciating these people’s presence, just that I didn’t give enough way, and now I know I should.
Thanks to all the friends who are there for me when I need them the most. Who never judge me for my wrongdoings, they always find the way to accept and understand, who will forgive me even I cancel a phonecall date in the last minute, who would call me immediately when I SMS that “I want to chit chat with you tonite” and who would stay up until midnite just to accompany me and make sure I go to sleep smiling. These people – they are not even the ones who I give priority to, or the ones I would call and say my first greeting in the morning, or get warm hug and kisses from me. BUT THEY ARE THERE WHEN I NEED THEM. This is among my biggest blessings in life. I want to thank God for giving me these people. Thanks for being patient with me, guys. I am just a normal human who makes mistakes and you guys tell me you won’t judge me for that. Thanks for reminding me that I should be thankful to be myself and I don’t have to be sad just for some ungrateful people who don’t know how to appreciate my presence in their lives.
A Big Warm Hug to you guys…THANKS for being there for me.
:)).... nice wooo dat post....
hahah~!! betul2 ba dia bt~ sia ingat men2 only~
hahahahaahha alamakk..ada pla eye witness yg tu ari kan... *Lols. Junky...I install at home, rupanya sinang ja pun. Sia silap download link ba kali dat. hehehehe.
Ya baa junky, betul2 ba dat...hehehehe. Sebab kalau nda, kana sindir2 di channel tu karang. Hahahaaahaha. :))
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