I realize something that it has been a long time since I last use the word “Boring” to complain about a dull day or to describe my inability to think of anything worthy to do. Ouch? Anything abnormal? Was it me, or you?
I have times when I just sit there and do nothing, entertaining my disappointment over something. Times like that are considered the worst I could ever think of. Even how bad those times are, I still couldn’t find myself slapping my forehead and running out of breath describing that this is my BORING time. I could not find myself complaining “Aiyooo punya boringggg” cos when there are so many things to do that are waiting for our time to do them, it’s such a violation of time justice to simply complain about feeling bored as if you have run out of things to do. When you actually speak of the How Bored you are at that time, it’s actually you surrendering to time-wasting. And the bad news is, you don’t actually have more time to waste considering all the incomplete and delayed tasks.
I remember recently when I told this friend, “Why are you always complaining about feeling BORED? When you have so many undone works waiting for you at the office or home? And look at you, you are here sitting and do nothing and telling people that you’re bored?” So the next time she came again, when something was about to come out from her mouth, she paused and said, “Oops, I won’t say I’m bored again cos when I say something like that, you would start nagging”. I laughed. Don’t you think you should thank me for that? If you can’t find anything to do or you’re just too lazy to do anything, using the word BORING is not going to help. In fact, you would start spreading that unmotivated spirit of surrendering to a total wastage of time and unutilized forces that could be use to make something big out of your day.
You heard people say that negative phrases that you say unintentionally are going to affect the energy around you. It isn’t going to make things better. I am just thankful I am not one of those who often say the word BORING cos that is not the right word to use if you really bear in mind that your days will never be silent from undone business. So maybe you shouldn’t use that phrase “I’m Bored” too much cos if you can see from other people’s eyes, maybe you would realize how HOPELESS that phrase make you.
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