Since that day, I tried to think over what my dad said to me. Could I regret this one day? I tried to make that Regret come sooner so I didn’t have to wait. But I failed. I failed to regret. So after years of leaving those hobbies behind, I still have those collections kept safely in a box. Ask me again if I feel regret spending time and money over the hobbies that time. Ask me again, would u?
Guess what. NO, I don’t regret it still. Until this time. I’m sorry that I don’t regret FOR DOING WHAT I LIKE. When I was in that age, what I did made me so happy. It was how I experience life by exploring my interests. I’m sorry that I had to waste so much money and I’m sorry if my obsession with my favourite singers made me look like a freak. So sorry. But if u asked me, I TOTALLY enjoyed my life that time. If u ask me is it wise to spend money on things like that, I can answer you a clear NO. But please, it makes me so happy that time. I might spend the money I could use to buy books, but this is more than just that. If that’s the price of my happiness, then at least my happiness can be defined with material and I was in the capacity to meet that definition.
As we grow older, we change hobbies and interests. Now I tend to blog almost everyday. This hobby might not be as expensive. But it could consume time and the time that I consume for blogging could be a time for work – which appears to be more important. If you ask me, of course I know that work is on top but sorry that I still love to visit my blog even if I have to steal my work time. If u ask me why,..”Cos it makes me happy.” You don’t understand. This isn’t just about money. This isn’t about being wise on how to spend money and manage time. I could continue doing my job without distraction and gain so much more in terms of income and profit. But knowing that I restraint myself from doing something I like, what is the meaning of this life without that indulgence in what we like. Let me just steal some time and make myself happy with what I like to do. I’m sorry if this looks like I’m wasting my time. But you don’t know how happy it makes me. You can never know. I know there’s a price for this happiness. But let me pay the price. I just want my happiness.
So what my dad told me was not right in my case. Because my concept is always right to begin with. I do this not because I try to make people happy. I do this because it makes me happy. If wasting money buying vcd, magazines, tapes, pictures of my fav singers make me happy when I was 17, I could NOT REGRET that decision 5 years later when I get matured enough to think that my old hobbies only wasted money. NO, I could not. My decision when I was 17 was what made me happy that time. I already had the happiness. The happiness that I had that time contributes to my wellbeing today. So I could not regret anything. I’m only enjoying life. I did not disturb people’s life. I did not steal or kill or frame people just to get this happiness. So little reason to make me regret anything.
So if you get the concept right from day one, trust me you have a very little room for regrets. The challenge is that you have to indulge yourself “with manners”. You don’t just go break the rules and ruin people’s lives and claim that “This makes me happy.” No. If you play foul, trust me u will give your happiness a bad name and that, Regrets is just the next best thing for you. To play it fair doesn’t mean that happiness is for free. But make sure you pay the price that is worth it.
Make sure u gonna make that smile linger…. You paid the price, you claim the prize. And the prize is Your Happiness. No rooms for regrets :)
hrm...susa sa mo kasi value sa py happiness ni....cud be the numbers of bruises I 'collected'....heaps of sushi plates.....or my meal bill....or my flight ticket.....or my little digicam....or the number of my books, or the journey I took to any bookstore I passed by...my blog..
owh well....whatever it is, as long as I am content and happy, what other people think doesn't matter to me. =)
Yes dingo...that's the way it should be. We know what makes us happy and we do exactly what makes us happy. Too bad that sometimes happiness does cost something :)
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