A few weeks ago, I attended a family gathering. I wore this same blouse I’m wearing today. After the prayer session, one of the relatives came straight to get me. I was a bit shocked because she never talked to me before. The way she came to get me, I thought there was something really important that she wanted to tell me. Guess what…
“Nice oo baju kau. Di mana kau beli ni?” she asked me while she kept staring at “something”.
Then I thought, “Doii…pasal baju pula. Ingatkan apa tadi”
Then I answered her, “Err…This blouse ka…Di mana sudah sia beli tu ahh… Oh, this one sia beli saaaaanaaaaaaaaaaa Penampang, kalau nda silap laa..” (*Lols)
She added, “Jauh jugaaa. Ndakan la sia mau pigi sana mau beli baju ja kan.”
“Yaa jauh la juga…tapi memang sana la sia beli ni.” I said.
“Nice oo kan? Tinguk tu pattern dia di chest tu pun…cantik oo…”, while looking closely at my “chest”. *Lols. The blouse has a different pattern on the chest area. It’s very simple but gives so much difference to the whole presentation. The way she stared, made me think jokingly, Omigawd, did she mean the blouse of the boobs? Cos she kept staring at that area. Hahaahahahahahaha. Not trying to sound funny, but it happens sometimes. I remember I have this one friend who always look at other girls’ boobs as we went out together. She always commented on the boobs, whether the size is too small or too big – but enough for me to say that there are ladies who “appreciate” the view of other ladies’ breast. Whether they are not so happy with their own, or they are just sharing the happiness with giving remarks like “This blouse looks good on you.”
I am not sure if this one was one of those cases. Hahahahahahaha. But luckily she’s a female. Cos I imagine reacting differently if it were a guy who asked me that. So don’t stare too long at “u know where” cos she won’t buy it if you use the excuse of “wow…nice blouse”. If I get so nasty, I’ll say, “Jan la kau tambirang sana. You mean the boobs ba ni kan??” Hahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…nasty nasty…
If a man does not even subconsciously catch a glimpse at them (and women, you can easily notice, although we think we're covert enough)....he gay...haha! :-D
Hahahaha right Daniel. I think I have a better response to these men. "Omigawdd!!! You're Soo Noot Gay!!!" Hahahaahahahahahahaha. I mean, if the real men population is getting smaller, I think we can use this maneuver to tell real men from gays... *Lols...Hahahaahahahahahaha
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