I’ve been there too, people. I have been in serious troubles with certain parties, which can get even serious if I was unlucky. Then I could not even walk properly. The rest of the world was still going in its own pace, like nothing different had happened. Isn’t it good if we can just be like them, regardless what happen in our lives? As much as I think it’s all in the mind, it’s another easier said than done thing. We wish that we could just grab Peace and put it in our mind and suddenly the world looks like a different place. I know how it feels to be totally trapped in anxiety. Suddenly it feels like the organs aren’t working at their 100% anymore. Where can we find that peace?
My sister is currently having a trouble that really disturbs peace in her mind. Luckily it was the Holy Week, she suddenly felt the need to attend all the special masses like never before. She said, It’s the blessing during the mass that you can’t get when you pray alone. I understand the situation she is in. But actually her problem isn’t as serious as she thought but she refused to make it easier for herself. She wants to think for the worse so she won’t have to be shocked if it really happens. The problem is, trying to exaggerate a problem won’t do anybody good. She could not eat or sleep like normal. This really robs PEACE from her mind. I handed her a prayer book Novena Prayer for The Sacred Heart of Jesus, “Read this.” She said, “Does it work or not?” Totally a wrong question to ask. If it’s a prayer, it would be just a piece of poetry if you DON’T believe that it will work. Maybe it’s not the prayer. But it’s because of your FAITH that prayer will bring you closer to a greater power that is IN CONTROL of your situation, then it’s how you get your peace back.
I have actually experimented this myself. More than once. I faced a big problem and everytime the peace was taken away from me, I turned to Prayers with such Faith that this world and everything inside it is only temporary. Our problems are only A Joke to our lifetime but we fail to see it that way. So when I read the Novena prayer with such devotion, my Faith is doing its own magic. I believe that God will help me see the way out by giving me Peace. Yes, do you believe when I say that once that Peace happens, you finally see many options out from your problems?!! No kidding!! After it happens a few times, I almost screamed. I could not believe that simply by surrendering ourselves to God – we could begin to see the ways out. Then I told myself, I WON’T DOUBT anymore. When you can think clearly, suddenly the fogs that cloud the solutions are cleared. The road ahead is easier.
You want Peace of mind? PRAY – finally a 4 letter word that really brings a lot of magic to those who have faith in it. You won’t know it until you try. TRY and See for yourself
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