Why should trap our bird pet to stay in the cage when freedom is all it wants? Why do we have to wet our pillows thinking about the love that has gone when there are many worthy people who would appreciate that love? WHY?
Do I need to be on my knees to fight for what I want? To lose the last piece of my pride? To bring down my self value and be a beggar? Didn’t the history see it all already? Do we need more histories to be written that way? Are we people need to be looked like a pity when we keep bringing ourselves down when we can actually bring it up? WHY are we doing it this way??? WHY????
I bet you people also don’t understand. You don’t understand why is it so hard for other people to appreciate good deeds that you do for them. You people don’t understand why the people u love cannot see the value of your sacrifices. You people don’t understand why your heart has to be crushed like that when you give 110% of yourself to make them see how much you care for them. Don’t you guys realize how long we have been living in a world full of injustice?
Despite all that, I’m looking for a solution. I can’t let this happen again. If you guys have the guts to speak about Justice, then be the first one to practice it. If people treat you the way you don’t deserve, Fine…Just give them back the same dose. If people waste your love on them, Fine…then cease to love them. If people lie to you…Fine…Then don’t offer the truth. If people are disloyal to you…Fine, take back your loyalty.
I won’t beg. I won’t try to change anyone. This isn’t in the name of payback but take this as my last piece of love to teach you back How to live a life. If you want so much, you must be willing to give so much. If you want respect, give it first. If you want that love back, EARN IT!! I don’t see why I need to feel guilty when people don’t feel guilty doing it to me in the first place. Call me a robot, call my heart a stone – cos I’ll be more worried about the people who just expect things to unfold nicely for them cos “I sweat my soul out just to have one happy moment. Nobody is going to treat you like a baby. Make that freaking grown-up now and one day you’ll be happy someone told you so. And the next time you know, you’re telling someone the exact thing I’m telling you.
I believe in Justice. I just want justice for myself, as much as justice for the people I love and the people who love me. I just want you to get Justice for You. Make Justice Work for you. Do something good to get something good. As simple as that. :)
tey say love is blind..wen u r in love u dun see tings around u..wen u love some1 u love tat sum1 100% but u 4get 2 love ur ownself so u neglected 2 care bout urself n ur feelin but try 2 make ur loves one happy. wen u love sum1 u shuld giv 50% n d other 50% is 4 u. waa apa yg aku merepek ni..cabuttttt
Citmonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... hehehe... I agree with ya. Anyway the main point of this post if to treat people how the deserve to be treated. They define how we treat them. That's what I'm trying my best to do. Anyway, if I had to fail to do it, I hope that I would never mistreat those who treat me good. You too should do the same thing, acit... hehhe /me tickles acit *Lols
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