Last nite I had a chat with Consen about this. We spoke about the time when our anger got the better of us. It was a bit shocking to find out what he had done when some guys didn’t keep their word and I also told him how I chased out a salesman from my office, and how I scolded a bus driver because of being hours late and how I almost canceled a job deal with the guys who did not follow my time. Yes, sometimes we got embarrassed to even tell people what we did when we reach the limit of our anger. Suddenly we are not so sure if we were still the same person, wearing the same heart and mind. I mean, where are all those bad language and violence come from? Are they always there inside us or the Satan successfully injected them into us when we give in to our temper? Ouch!!
But when I told my side of story, I was not that embarrassed actually. Although my family would agree that I am a bit short-tempered but I have a very rational mind. I have face to save and I do believe in self-value. Once I give in to anger, I will have to give up SO MUCH things – even my principles are shaken. If you make me say bad words to you, you think it’s just you who get the punishment? I got punished too because taking out my anger is A LOST BATTLE between good and evil. Even if someone deserves you get that dose of punch-kick from you, but that’s a different story. This is about YOU and the battle inside you. Bad people will come and go. But do you gonna make them turn you into an Incredible Hulk everytime they do or say something bad? I have this thought that everytime I say something bad for revenge, it only makes me feel so stupid and embarrassed in the end. From a very cool and sensible person, someone just make me leash out my weaknesses by showing it IN PUBLIC that I am NOT that cool and sensible actually.
Losing our sanity over anger is really an act of immaturity. So before we even do anything that we gonna regret, THINK twice. I do agree anyway that some thugs do deserve Hulk treatment from us but this is MORE than just about other people. If you just let them pass u without them hurting your pride, That’s Bingo. You can’t let some stupid people successfully turning you into “one of them” by a little attempt to step on your toes. There are ways of “teaching people a lesson” and Violence is considered “almost out of the list” cos in this case, we want to do it With Honour. You speak the right word, you act the right way – they will get their lesson. That’s how I do it these days. No more turning into an crazy angry lion and embarrassed yourself. Hulk era is OVER people. Nowadays, people are using The Mind Game to get to others. Just like what I did to my old landlord last week. He violated the verbal agreement without my approval, I took my stuff out from his premis without telling him. He was trying to be a bad guy at one point, but I did not play that rough. Instead I showed him that he might unintentionally be a bad guy, but I am who I am. I want to do the right thing. He couldn’t simply trigger the Hulk inside me cos I proved that my Mind is stronger than my temper. So maybe he learnt a big lesson just by how I settled it. I even wrote him a cheque to "repay" him. It's Good Vs Evil and Evil lost. Try it guys…tell me how it feels to be able to be in control of your anger. Yes, there’s a Hulk inside you but he won’t come out if you don’t let him to :)
oo.. i wan 2 bcome an incredible hulk so i dun hv 2 spen much time in d gym..come out wit big masol2 haha sori..its self control..how u control urself..patience is a virtue, anger is satanic. i always remind tis 2 myself..the best thing to do in every situation is to remain calm.
Hulkcitmonnnnnnnnnnn... *Lols...Trust me acit, you don't want to have muscles like that. U might scare the girls away...heehhehee. As for being calm, it's easy for some people cos it's in their nature. To the rest, it could be a struggle to stay calm. At the end of the day, it's about being rational and it's about the sensibility of what's right, what's not.I still think that being rational can help us to be in control of our own doing... /me sempat lagi pasik pipi acit *Lols
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