Sadly to admit that most of the cases of unfortunate people are actually a result of their own doing. No kidding. They lied to people even about the smallest thing and they cheated people when they have the chance of playing rough, they borrow money by making fake stories and never pay, and they don’t pray, and they prefer spending hours sleeping than to wake up and do something – and the list goes on. Maybe you guys should do the checklist to examine whether or not you are THAT Unfortunate or you’re just UNGRATEFUL. I have relatives whose lives are like that. I feel so deep for them when I learn that whetever they touch, turned into stone instead of gold. It’s almost like a jinx. But when I go deeper into each case, I could see HOW and WHY things are starting to screw up from a point in their lives. No, they are NOT even unfortunate. These people are blessed with many things some of us don’t have. It’s so so unfair to see them end up mourning about their own lives. Do you get my point? You won’t even get to eat if you don’t put that food inside your mouth. The concept is the same. If you are blessed with many abilities but you are just feeling happy with what you have, this is gonna spell disaster. Blessings won’t make you blessed if you don’t use them!! These people are lazy, they want to get rich easy, they don’t play by the rules and they are not even honest with themselves. U want to reach the moon and stars with those attitudes?
In the other hands, I have relatives who work so hard and earn very little. They never find the stop to wake up everyday on time and rush to work just to chase a small amount of money just enough to not make them starved. These people work hard for every penny they mak. But they never stop trying. I know they gonna reach somewhere, someday.
That’s how I found this little concept. When I gamble with something whether or not it would work…I put ALL my heart and soul into it. I knew that maybe I was unfortunate in the things that I want, but the choice is to work hard and do it the right way. I believe that God always wants to help me. He wants to give me some luck. He wants to make things smoothly for me so I could get where I want to be. He will look at my heart, whether or not I have a good intention for what I’m doing. He will see how much I want something because I just can’t give up. I believe that God WANTS TO HELP US, but HE WANTS us to show him WHY He should help us achieve what we want. I always tell myself this, “I want to give God the reasons why He should help me.” Cos I believe that even if He loves me, it doesn’t mean that He will just give me anything without me earning it. So to those who are UNFORTUNATE because you choose to be Helpless, Hopeless and Lazy… Don’t blame other people for your bad life cos I could not help you, they could not help you, even GOD can’t help you because until you learn how to Help yourself first, others can’t freaking help you. You want to get out of that bad life? Then Help God to Help You!! Work hard and struggle! He will give His mercy on those who earn that Help. :)
Note: Then help yourself :)
good writing..wil try 2 help others 2 help tem..hehe. i used to tink tat we hv our stock of goodlucks and badlucks. if u r always lucky sooner or later tat stock of luck wil runs out and ur stock of bad luck wit come out haha.
Really acit? Erkss...I don't think the same way. Luck is when circumstances meet with chances, so according to some books, you are also the factor of your own luck. The more you go out and make effort and meet more people, the more luck you have. I think it's the science behind it. But in my own definition, Luck is a blessing that you get without you looking for it. So kalau mau harap tuah datang bergolek tu memang susah la. Mau nda mau sendiri jua tu kena cari :))
i used to tink lah :p.. wen stil little kid..wen u grow old u bcome wiser :)
Acit...actually it's interesting ba tu if u can put it in simpler understanding. I wish I could come up with something like that cos nda payah pikir sangat and just accept it as it is kan... Me too ba a philosophy maker acit... *Lols. But still I don't want to agree ba tu cos pandai abis tu stock good luck...mana bestttt...mau jua sentiasa ada ba tu acittt... *Lols
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