
Friday, July 23, 2010

How Would You Rate Yourself From 1 to 10?

I remember when I was 13 years old, during this orientation week, we held one session at a beach and did many activities. Just for the fun of it, we were asked to line up, 1 line for girls and one line for boys. They asked a few questions and asked us to change our position in the line, depending on the questions. For instance, make a line with the person who was born first at the front and born last at the back. So we would ask each other our birthday and made the line. It was a way to break the ice so we could communicate more since we were all freshies in the school. So after a few questions that made us go nuts, one of the guy teacher just cracked up this one more. Make a line with the most beautiful/handsome at the front and the least beautiful at the back!! So the girls were going nuts trying to position themselves. I saw a few who went straight to the front, and the only way that they didn’t end up at the most front was when someone else was braver enough to stand in front of them. Hahahaahhaa. It was funny I tell ya. That time, I recall that I was not that friendly with the other kids. I was feeling a bit lost in the new school because they were all brilliant students; hyper, outspoken and everyone thought they were the best from their old schools. I had all the reason to shy away and just hid myself at the corner. *giggles. So I tell ya what I did. I just straight away went to the back of the line and let the girls settled who was at whose front or back cos if I stood in front of someone, the person behind me would feel that I was belittling her, “Hey, you’re uglier than me, ok?” (*Lols) so I just went ahead and put myself at the back so I didn’t have to make anybody feel bad. Hahahaahaha. So after the time was up, the teachers examined the line. I noticed that they only cared who stood at the front and at the back. They didn’t care those in the middle. So surprisingly, the teacher looked at me and said, “You definitely don’t belong there.” Hahaha. So because of that stupid game, the teacher who gave the condition said to us, Ok!! No one is ugly. You are all pretty!! (Maybe he suddenly realized that it was subjective and there’s no way we could tell where we should stand in the line!)

So…I ask you again. How would you rate yourself from 1 to 10? A friend gave me this idea lately. Suddenly he was talking about rating. He said his rating is 3 out of 10. Hahahaahaha. It was so hilarious to know anyone would rate her/himself any number before 5. I mean, Oh come on…are you sure? Are you just being humble? Referring to the little line-up game at the beach, I think my approach is always the same. We don’t argue who is better than who. Just enough for us to know that we are GOOD as who we are, no matter what people say. Even if I put myself at the back of the line, it doesn’t change anything. If I’m good, I’m still good. If I’m average, I’m still average. It’s the same when we speak about ourselves to other people. We can boast that we are so good, or even give ourselves 10 for the rating, but if people don’t agree to it, the rating means nothing. Rating is when people try to evaluate you or compare you. So for their many different reasons, they would make their own reason why they think you are 1 or 10. You don’t walk around with that 10 rating just because your bestfriend think you are a 10. You can just drop to 1 by your customer who thought you don’t do your job well. That’s how it works for me.

So everyone who comes through my office door, might have a rating in their head that 256 is this or that rating. Some of them think I am great, and some of them think I’m boring. I can’t stop them from thinking what they want. It’s just individual evaluation towards us. But I am still the person I am. If I’m good in writing, I'll still be good and no one can take that away from me unless for some reason, I start to lose passion in writing. Speaking of looks, I used to be like the rest of u too. I asked the question, Am I Good Looking Or Not? Cos the people that we meet always give us different impressions about our looks. But now, I never worry about that anymore. Cos to me, I am still who I am. If people think I’m cute or not, it’s from their eyes and not from me. If one person says I look good, I expect nothing from the other person. Cos to me, what they think about my looks is not my business. They have their own reasons. If I happen to learn they give me a good rating for anything, Yes I will be thankful to God that people think good of me. Even if they don’t say it, how they treat and respect me as another human being is good enough. In fact, that’s all the good rating is good, don’t you think?

So…It doesn’t matter if someone gives you a 3, or a 5 – cos maybe they don’t know you well enough. What matters is YOU give yourself a 10 because you know you work so hard, you are nice to people, you always hope for good things for people, you are never jealous of people’s good luck and you love your loved ones unconditionally. For this reason, You deserve a 10 rating NO MATTER what you neighbor says.
So if you ask me How would I rate myself from 1 to 10… Well, I’m sorry. I’m just too humble to rate myself. But just in case you guys have a rating for me, if you are nice to me, I don’t need to know what that rating is. :)

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