A friend of yours spent an hour talking about how much he dreamt to be a local leader so that he could help a lot of people. So that he could make up for the weaknesses that are done by the past and the current leaders that always fail to do their responsibility towards the people. And then imagine how proud can you be listening to his sincerity, especially because his dream is so unique and rare; considering that many people only dream for something that is dedicated to themselves, and not other people. Woww…isn't it great to know you have a friend who has a dream like that?
But something silly can simply spoil this good feeling. It's when the same person comes to you and start talking about "another dream", the same enthusiastic way; as if it were his first time talking about his "ultimate dream" to you. And then you realize that this "new dream" doesn't have anything to do with the "old dream". Both dreams take "a lifetime" to achieve each of them. The question is, WHICH ONE IS THE REAL ULTIMATE DREAM? If you're driving a car towards a destination, you come to a junction, even how greedy you can be, it isn't realistic to go to left and right AT THE SAME TIME! Isn't it time to decide WHICH ONE is the best junction to follow?
Of course, it's not BAD to have a lot of wonderful dreams. One dream takes time to build. Sometimes, it takes you years to have a certain dream you want to achieve. If you have TWO dreams, you double the years they take to build. People, do you want to spend MOST OF YOUR LIFE building dreams? Do you even have the time to start achieving "them"?
Of course, I'm being a little negative. But I look at this at one perspective. I can look at them at many different perspectives, but I want to concentrate on ONE, because this will work BETTER in reality. In reality, it's NOT easy to achieve a dream. You would fail, fall and cry many times before you achieve it. So, how you do budget your time to achieve a dream? Of course you would love you say, 2 years, or 5 years…but the reality is, the ultimate dream will take you "the rest of your life" to achieve it. It isn't easy.
Now you understand WHY I'm a bit upset when my friend talked to me about him having more than ONE big dream?
Of course, you can have one dream for every aspect of your life. You can dream to be THE BOSS of your company, and at the same time, you dream to be the BEST WIFE for your husband and the BEST MOTHER for your kids. This one is acceptable and most importantly, ACHIEVABLE.
No people, don't get me wrong. Do have many dreams if you want. Dream your way towards success. But please don't get TOO BUSY dreaming. Start achieving it instead. I have a friend before who ventured into one business and quit because she thought of another business, and then another. And then, before she ventured into a next business, she talked about how the old business didn't work. It was only MONTHS that she tried the old business. My question was, did MONTHS enuff to succeed in something challenging as business? And then, there she went again with another dream, that she wanted to pursue her Master, in the middle on trying out another business. I couldn't help but BE RUDE. I asked her, WHAT ACTUALLY DO YOU WANT TO DO?
I told her that she needs TO FOCUS. In this business of life, you can't quit that soon. I told her that SUCCESS is sometimes quite SHY and unpredictable. IF you want it, you need to be there LONG ENUFF, survive a lot of obstacles and then NEVER QUITS. Usually, success is only A MOMENT AWAY from the time you decide to quit. NO KIDDING. So, everytime you want to quit, you know HOW CLOSE you are to success.
Okay, maybe this is only my own theory. But it's a nice and sweet theory. If you use this, you will NOT quit no matter what. I have spent many many years of my life trying to sort out WHAT I WANT, so finally when I'm here doing what I like, I WILL NOT QUIT even if YOU KILL ME. *giggles. It's a pleasure of "having someone to kill me ONCE" for having ONE ultimate achievable dream, than to have someone kill me TWICE because of two unachievable dreams. Okay, I was joking. hehehehehe. I mean, if you have ONE BIG DREAM that you give yourself the option of "DO IT OR DIE", you will know what I'm saying. Cos THIS IS WHAT I'M DOING NOW.
You guys know what? Do you think I'm having fun making up all this? I don't even make up all this. This is my very own concept. I tell you, what's the point of being a sane human being if you don't have A CONCEPT of how do you live your life? And now we are talking about YOUR ULTIMATE DREAM. You must have a concept. Your concept might not be THE BEST concept, but at least you have one. THERE'S NO BEST OR BAD concept; cos bottomline is, you achieve your dream and maximize your life. If your concept can't help you to achieve your dream, it might not be called A CONCEPT to begin with. So people, if you want to have many dreams, it's up to you. But remember, you only have a lifetime. Don't be so greedy. Achieving ½ of all the dreams you have, is that enuff? That's almost like "not achieving anything" to me. I rather concentrate on one dream and make it my biggest glory that people would remember me for it. I'm not greedy towards the millions of dreams that I could pursue but I don't pursue just because I want to conquer one big dream.
1 DREAM, 1 LIFETIME – How hard it is to understand it? It's plain LOGIC. So, if you dare yourself to achieve so many dreams at once, and succeed, LET US KNOW HOW YOU DO IT. OK? *giggles. May God Bless Everyone.
Huh..semua org mempunyai impian tidak kira dia perempuan, lelaki, org kaya, org miskin, org tua, org muda lebih² lagi budak² yg penuh dgn impian yg mereka tidak tahupun apa yg mereka maksudkan impian yg sebenar. kita mempunya hati yg memang tidak puas dgn apa yg kita ada, sebab itulah kita selalu mengimpikan apa sahaj yg terbayang dibenak kita..apa yg terlintas di pikiran kita yg indah², yang bagus², yg baik² dan yg buat kita tersenyum dgn impian tersebut andai terlaksana dan berjaya..
bagi sy, tidak salah kita mempunyai impian yang banyak selain dari 1 impian shj..terpulang sebanyak mana impian kita itu..dan terpulang dari komitmen kita untuk melaksanakan impian itu sendiri. memang betul setiap impian itu mengambil masa yg lama untuk tercapai, memakan banyak tenaga, skill, idea bahkan wang ringgit...tetapi apa yg sy maksudkan, setiap impian itu akan mendorong kita untuk melakukan yg terbaik atau berusaha unt mendapatkan apa yg kita hajati dari impian itu. Kalau dulu kita iri hati/jeles tengok org pakai kereta toyota vios, sedangkan kita hanya mampu pakai proton saga kelabu..nah di benak tu memang akan terbetik sebuah impian unt memakai kereta yg sama..nah disana lah kita tahu apa maksud sebuah impian itu..dan banyak lagi lah yg kita boleh kita cerita atau terangkan tentang impian² ini.
Betul kata [256] Impian ini adalah mudah untuk kita create tapi susah untuk kita laksanakan..dari diri kita shj samaada mahu unt merealisasikan impian itu unt jadi kenyataan atau pun putus asa di tengah jalan ataupun tidak sama sekali. Sy peribadi pun banyak impian dan banyak mengimpikan apa yg org lain ada..tapi kita kena berpijak la pada bumi, jadikan impian itu supaya terlaksana tetapi mestilah mengikut keupayaan diri kita..tidak boleh juga kita paksa unt mengejar sesebuah impian itu kalau impian itu pada akhirnya membinasakan diri kita sendiri kan.
Sy pun mengimpikan bulan jatuh keriba..dgn dapat durian runtuh ka.. supaya cepat kaya..tidak juga susah² mahu kerja lagi kan. Harap beli nombor jakpot toto la..mana tahu kan sama ada durian tu betul² jatuh untuk kita atau pun betul² jatuh di atas kepala kita.
*andai si win dpt jakpot: pasti dia akan cari [256] pi makan sana risoto di ferdinand`s restaurant..
hehehehehe How sweettt...kau ingat jua sia ah wine, tapi jan kau cakap ja tu wine, sia ni kalau orang cakap mau belanja, sia tulis kama dalam buku log tuuu...hehehehe
Actually, nda payah pun mau tunggu kau menang jackpot bai tu wine kalau mau belanja *Lols (kedapatan nda sabar kana belanja la bai tu hahahaha)
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