Lex Luthor – The unpredictable – you don’t know what’s going on inside his mind. Whether he’s so smart, or he’s just playing smart. He sure has money and power – and he uses it more than he’s willing to show. At one time, he’s a reliable friend who would do anything to help a friend out of trouble. At one time, he is the one you can turn to because you know he has the ways to take care of business.
Lex Luthor appreciates Clerk Kent because he saved his life once. It’s through the friendship that he has with Clerk that let people see the good things about Lex. There are times when I see that Clerk is more of a reluctant friend than Lex is. Sometimes I even think that Clerk always want to doubt Lex when Lex doesn’t have that much to doubt about. But that was before.
Until the story uncovers how complicated is Lex’s character. He can be much more than what he initially showed. I learn much latter than Lex has been doing stuff behind everybody. He even does things that go against his friendship with Clerk. He even has heart for Lana Lang, who used to be Clerk’s long time girlfriend. When Lana and Clerk finally parted ways, Lex didn’t wait that long to win her. He said to Lana that he always have heart for her even when she was still with Clerk. But are you sure it’s not just “a rebel” way to get to Clerk since that everyone knows Clerk still loves Lana but has to let her go for her own safety, other than the fact he’s not ready to share his secret. Seeing a goodfriend taking over a girlfriend, what can be more hurting? Can this be one of his dark plans to get back to Clerk?
You never know the vengeance inside Lex’s mind. You never know what plans he has in mind. You never know what he would do next.
For all we know, he’s capable of doing all that because he has both Money and Power.
One thing for sure, Lex is damn unpredictable. Lex is damn Cunning.
One good thing about Lex, no one knows the journey of his character. As a matter of fact, no one really knows what his REAL characters are. He’s totally unreadable. He must have much more things in mind than what already revealed.
And when someone comes to me and claim he’s like Lex Luthor – the cunning Lex Luthor…
"Do you know that Lex Luthor got cheated by her own wife, and he almost got killed and left stranded in an island? He almost went crazy".
I only need one incident like that to prove that…
Lex Luther Is Not That Smart.
Are you sure it’s cool to be Lex Luthor? *winks
1stly..i notice here that all my comments will be in malay language..hahaha!!
Lex Luthor = adalah 1 watak yg mengagumkan walaupun ianya dicipta untuk menjadi watak berbentuk antagonis tetapi dalam smallville..dia tidak lah begitu jahat..masih ada juga sifat dan hatinya yg lembut disebalik watak yg dicipta khas untknya yg kita sudah sedia maklum pun. Sy peribadi, andai ditawarkan berlakon..sy lebih cenderung untuk memainkan peranan sebagai penjahat..kenapa? Walaupun pada akhirnya watak penjahat akan kalah tetapi..sekurang-kurangnya dia telah memperoleh kemenangan dan boleh rasa gah "yesss!! si starring sudah terkena, berabis ku kerjakan dia.." bukankah ni akan menjadi kepuasan...? Lihat watak² yg dibawa oleh Rosyam nor dlm castello, Nicholas cage & John travolta dalam face off, tom cruis, samuel L. jackson dan banyak lagi yg boleh sy sebut..mereka² ni pelakon ternama tetapi boleh juga melakonkan watak jahat kan..
jika sesiapa pernah menonton "swordfish" lakonan john travolta.. pasti kita ter-tanya² watak dan karektur macammana yg disampaikan oleh pengarah filem tersebut.. atau pun jika kita lihat filem "Inside man" lakonan cliff owen: adakah mereka² dan watak mereka ini org² yg baik...? tidak semestinya kan? ada juga terselit watak jahat dalam penceritaan itu tetapi pada akhirnya..watak² jahat tersebutlah yg mendoninasi keseluruhan cerita filem itu. Nah kan..disini lah kita akan terfikir kembali..tidak semua watak jahat itu sememangnya jahat kan..
Berbalik kepada Lex Luthor tadi (hanya dalam drama smallville..bukan filem superman@suparjo^)dia mempunyai karektor yg luar biasa seperti yg saudari telah ulaskan..ada sifat baik, setia kawan, penolong, pencinta dan banyak lagi..mempunyai personaliti yg susah hendak kita gambarkan kan..tapi itulah kekadang sifat manusia yg hidup d dunia ini..secara tidak lansung, filem ini banyak mengkritik sifat semula jadi manusia dalam kehidupan seharian kan. Andai ada org yg berkata " dia macam lex luthor.." dgn tidak hipokrit sudah tentu sy akan mengaku "ya, itulah watak saya.."
Yaa...mimang comment kau suma dalam malay, but no hal bai tuu...ada kelas sikit malay kau daripada kamirang. hehehehe. Keep it up ya wine
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