
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The 7 Things That The Guys Think The Girls Like, But They Don’t

1. The Whistling
I don’t know what you guys are thinking when you whistle as a girl walking by. You think they like it? Guess what? Most of them DON’T LIKE IT. If you think the girls might think it would make them feel more attractive and sexy, they actually think that you guys might do the whistling out of mockery or even worse, just to make them look awkward in public. It makes them feel uncomfortable and if she knows it’s you who are doing it, the next time she saw you, she would avoid from you. It’s the jinx from your whistling. Get it?!

2. The Quick Hands
The quick hands I referred to the guys who don’t wait long to have their hands all over the girls. You think all the girls like it? Guess what? They DON’T! Unless the girls are under certain profession that would list that “the intimate touchings” are among the job list, you guys better get hold of those nasty hands because Not all girls would welcome that. Especially if your hands are not insured, Get a License before you could get your hands on her. Understand?!!! If you’re too quick with your hands, that mean you have been touching many different girls that way too. Girls like to be special and maybe your nasty hands would spoil her impressions on you. Think for your hands dudes!!

3. The Flattering
Girls used to be naïve, but not anymore. Girls sure loved to be flattered. But at the same time, they can tell which is sincere, which is not. “Wah, lawa o kau ni hari.” “Cuteee oo kau punya smile.” (Tapi mata tinguk pigi breast, apa cerita? Hehe) Most guys might think that flattering is an easy way to get the girl’s attention, but Guess What? Free and overdone flattering doesn’t work anymore! As a matter of fact, one thing like that can simply make you “the dumb and lame guy” because flattering is like “the last resort” to the guys who don’t have “bigger things going on in their mind” so they just settle for cheap compliments to an easy catch. Nope, it won’t work that much anymore. The girls say, you can save the flattering, we want something more real than that. Is that bad news or what? *Grinz

4. The Big Spending

Whoaa…whatta misled assumption all this time, right guys? Yes, some generous guys would lavish their girlfriends with gifts and treat them nice meals. I don’t say they don’t appreciate it. They Do appreciate it. They enjoy it, and sometimes are a good show-off point to bring to their friends. But when it comes to a more serious and long term relationship, the big spenders would get bad points from their girlfriends. The girls are smart enough to think that if guys are spending like there’s no tomorrow, they would end up eating sands and rocks. They prefer if you can take them to normal eateries, buy simple things as long as you have big fat bucks in your bank accounts. *Grinz
5. The Sweet Talking

The sweet talking represents the type of candy words that would come out from the guys’ mouth that don’t sound much like flattering like, Oh Baby…How would I live a day without your smile? Yeahhh…those kind of candy words that the guys thought would make the girls drool. *Lols. Guess what? Not anymore. The girls are smart enough to tell that guys usually use these lines to cover up their mistakes and make the girls forget about what they should be angry about. It’s also a maneuver to make the girls feel wanted when they know, the sweeter the words, the bigger things they are hiding. *Grinzzzz (*Lols)

6. The Too-NiceNess

(Pandai2 buat word o kau ni 256. Marah la si Oxford ni tau. *Lols.). “It’s okay my dear, I do if for you.” “It’s okay, I’m not mad at all. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy too.” “You don’t have to worry of that, I will take care of everything.” “Are you sure you don’t want me to pick up your clothes from the laundry?” “I clean your office today, what do you say?” If you’re too nice, too kind, too gentleman. Omigawd, something is wrong, don’t you think? The girls know the guys are anything but angels. If you’re too nice to begin with, they might expect the bigger devil you are within. So they prefer to see the hard and evil side of you once in a while, just to make sure that you’re not a pretender. Girls like Real Man who have weaknesses because they know if they ask for Mr. Perfect, it doesn’t exist. So if you’re too nice now, the girls know anyway that you gonna unleash the unexpected. So, I should say that the best way to go is be your freaking self. Let your girl decide if she still wants you after knowing your weaknesses. Before that, I would advice you guys to prepare for the worst. Hehehehehehe. Hey, this is the best option for you anyway. Remember, too nice is something that is not always not good for ya! *Grinz

7. The Yes-Madam

If you think the girls love to be in control, let me tell you again, the answer is NO! As a matter of fact, the girls want the men to wear the pants. They want men to play a leader and take charge. At first, they might enjoy the view of having their man tailing them around and receive orders from them but this is only short-lived. Men who receive orders and can’t step up with their own principle – is only giving the girls the idea that this kind of man is not reliable and Not Ready for a bigger responsibility and they might end up NOT taking you seriously. Remember guys, if you want to take the job as “your girl’s man” maybe you should clean up your act. Unless you want to apply for the post “your girl’s maid” then maybe you should just carry on with Yes Madam. *Grinz 
Hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Nasty nasty 256.

Am I Right Or Not? 
7 good lessons, right guys? So you know what to do! Hehehehehehe

Anything But Rice!

I like rice. For me rice is very fulfilling. Rasa mcm puas hati kalau lepas makan. Dulu masa kecil2, nasi tu lambang makanan “yang sihat”. Makan mesti mau ada nasi. Tapi masa meningkat dewasa, lama2 kita tau yang nasi ni adalah karbohidrat yang mengandungi gula complex yang akan menyimpan lemak dalam badan kita. So, cara kau gemuk cepat, makan la nasi banyak2. Kalau korang staring, korang makan la tu nasi jan dua tiga pinggan, lauk dia cuma secebis ikan masin jak. Tinguk apa macam. Heheheeheheheh. Ya la, ya laa... suka ati korang la apa tu lauk. Mau ayam ka, sayur ka... apa2 ja la ba...deiii, mau jua serius tul ba bila kana suruh makan secebis ikan masin goreng. Hahahaahahaha. Untuk perempuan2 di luar sana yang obses mau cantik, mesti korang nda suka selulit kan? Nah, nasi ni penyebab utama selulit ni. Selain tu, gula kompleks yang susah mau diuraikan tu juga ada dalam white bread and biskut2 tu semua. Nah, bukan tu ka tu kita makan hari2? Hehehehehehe

Terus sia teringat masa dulu2 ba. Masa masih study. Masa tu I lived with my friends dalam satu unit apartment. Untuk save money, we collect money so that we can cook for dinner. So time dinner, kami makan ramai2. Actually, we all makan cukup2 saja. Teda yang berlebih-lebih. Everyday ada budget untuk bahan mentah yang mau dimasak. Mimang for me, pengalaman masa tu betul2 berharga. Antara kami tu, ada sorang yang obsess betul dengan badan dia. Heheheehehehe. Mimang tumbesaran dia laju betul. Sudah la rajin bersolek, serba serbinya mcm perempuan matang sudah. Masa tu kami rasa kami masih lagi mcm budak2. Then ada beberapa bulan dia punya obsession tu menjadi2. Maybe pasal dia ada mission mengurat ba tu masa tu. Hahahahahaahha. Then dia mau kasi kurus badan dia, and masa tu la dia cakap sama kami, time makan malam tu, dia tidak mau nasi, so dia ikut makan lauk ja. Kami geleng kepala ja. Sebab masa tu kami nda tau pula nasi tu bikin gemuk. So lama tu dia nda makan nasi. Sudah la nda makan nasi, dia bersenam lagi di bilik. Kami betul2 heran kenapa dia bersungguh-sungguh tul kasi kurus badan.

Then sempat lagi masuk bulan puasa masa tu. So banyak la jualan bazar Ramadhan di sekitar kolej kami tu. Sepa yang banyak duit tu, mimang buli la beli macam2. So si kawan yang diet nasi ni, dia beli macam2 ba. Kalau buli, semua benda dia mau beli. Minuman manis yang mcm cendol tu pun, 1 bungkus pun susah mau kasi abis, but dia buli beli sampai 2 bungkus air manis yang berlainan. Lain lagi mcm2 keropok goreng, kek2 dan kuih2. Kami tinguk ja dia beli sebab kami heran juga kenapa bnyk betul dia beli. Then masa malam tu, kami makan mcm biasa, dia makan lauk ja. And then dia makan la tu makanan2 yang berjenis2 tu. Kawan sia yang nda tahan mulut ni geram la tinguk dia. Sebab bukan main mau diet separuh gila, bersenam pun dalam bilik ba, sambil pakai tu pakaian khas dia tu yg kasi keluar peluh. So mimang heran nampak dia bertimbun sama makanan sedangkan misi dia tu mau kasi kurus badan.

Then kawan sia ni cakap la... “Bukan kau mau kurus ka? Sia tinguk kau ni, keropok la, cendol la, kek la...semua kau makan, CUMA NASI JA KAU NDA MAKAN!!!”

Terus lain terus tu muka kawan sia. Kami yang lain tahan ketawa ja. Kami pikir kan, kalau mau diet, kasi kurang makan la semua jenis makanan. Ini tidak, semua benda dia makan secara berlebih-lebihan, kecuali NASI ja!!! Jadi kawan sia tu meradang la tinguk “ketidakseimbangan” dia punya diet tu. Kawan sia yang satu tu pun satu jua. Emo nda tentu pasal. Hehehehehehehe.

Tapi itu kejadian berlaku masa tu. Bila masuk U, badan kawan sia tu naik dengan mendadak ba juga. Jadi kawan2 sia yang playful2 juga like me tu, apa lagi, cakap2 la sesama kami. “Bah, sepa sudah yang nda makan nasi dulu tu? Tapi semua benda lain dia makan.” Entah la, but mimang sounds funny jua ba, so mimang kamirang pecah ketawa punya tu.

Sengsara baa kalau mau diet secara drastik ni. If nasi is something u eat since you were still small, susah badan kau mau berpisah sama tu nasi kalau terus2 kau buang sama dia. Then you try to resist and give in to your kemahuan badan dengan replace tu nasi dengan lain2 makanan yang akan kasi puas hati your selera tu. Kalau badan cantik kejap ja apa guna kan? Tapi sengsara bukan main lagi tu. As a result, my friend tu “give up” terus sama diet2 ni, sebab dia push too hard kan masa tu.

So...nasi tu teda jua ba salah dia tu kalau dimakan secara berhemah. Jan dibuang terus nanti satu kali badan kau balas dendam, ada dalam satu kawah nasi pun kau ble kasi abis tu kali. Lauknya apa sudah tadi tu? Secebis ikan masin kaitu? Hehehehehehehehehehe. Jan u guys serius betul ba bila sia cabar makan 3 pinggan nasi dengan secebis ikan masin ja...heheheheh *Lols. Sampai di hujung post ni pun masih lagi korang emosi ba dengan cabaran sia tu. Hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha. Teasing you guys! Have fun all!

"I Thought You Loved Me??"

Nah nah…apa lagi ni…Salah paham la ni kan. Hehehehehe. Baca tu topik balik. Sah ni mimang kes salah paham. Sounds Familiar? 

Dalam persabahatan yang ada “aura2” yang menuju ke arah bibit2 percintaan ni – benda ni sering berlaku. Kadang2 kemesraan tu disalahertikan oleh satu pihak. Ada “aura2” saja ba, but belum tentu lagi mimang menuju ke arah tu. Lain orang, lain cara. Ada yang kemesraannya melampau-lampau, tapi hatinya steady ja. Ada yang sebaliknya pula, di luar nampak cool, tapi dalam hati membara-bara. Apa lagi pada zaman sekarang ni, semakin open. Semakin bijak. Semakin kompleks. Nothing is that simple anymore. 

Untuk orang yang sudah terkena, akan lebih berhati2. Tidak mau orang salah paham. Tapi ada yang masih nda serik2. Masih juga begitu outgoing dengan semua kawan2 lelaki/perempuan dorang. Bila berlaku salah paham, salah siapa? Adakah si pelakunya yang terlebih mesra, atau yang si kawan kepada pelaku tu yg terover perasan? Ok, sia mimang nda suka ba ni mau blame2. It takes two to tango ba kan. 

Imagine kau berada di tempat si pelakunya. Iaitu gerak geri kau disalahertikan oleh kawan kau yg berlainan jantina ni. Maybe kau terlalu mesra dan terlalu bergurau - yang bagi kau cuma perkara biasa saja. Apa perasaan kau bila tiba2 satu hari tu, kawan kau tu cakap, “I understand what you feel about me. You won’t use all those sweet word to call me, just for nothing right. It’s okay. I understand your feeling.” Your jaw dropped to the floor, man! *Lols. Takazut gila ni ba. Deiii. “Jadi, selama ni, kau pikir sia…” Arrgghhhh! Dia pikir sia suka sama dia pula ooooooooooooooooohhh…mataiii laa!! *Lols 

Then, kau imagine kau berada di tempat tu kawan si pelaku tu. Kau tinguk kawan kau sorang ni bukan main mesra lagi sama kau. Buli2 dia panggil2 kau darling, baby…mcm2 la nama yang menaikkan bulu roma kau. Yang kau ni pula, dalam diam kau tu kesiokan jua tu dipanggil mcm tu. “Mimang compom lai ni dia suka sama sia!!” Tapi kau nda sedar jua, dalam kemesraan kawan kau tu, nda pula kau tunjukkan resistance. Kau bukan main layan lagi tahap gila gaban. (Erkss…ada ka gila gaban? Antam jak la ahh…hehehehe :P) Nahh…then satu ari tu, kau rasa kau punya staring tu berada di puncak, dengan gentlemannya kau mau bagitau dia yang kau tau yang dia tu ada hati dengan kau. “Ya, sia paham ba perasaan kau sama sia. Jan kau bimbang.” Then kau puzzled juga meninguk tu muka kawan kau tu. Musykil eh! Kenapa jua muka dia takazut like that? 

Alamakkk… Ada salah paham ka niiii?? Mataiii… Punyalah bikin maluuuuu. Bah, mana sudah tu kolam terdekat dari sini, kira2 mau pi terajun ni ba. Abis malu baituu!!!! (Hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahaha). Ya baaa. Maluuu baaa. 

Putung Stim Eh! You guys know how benda ni putung stim? Bagus2 itu kawan kau mimang “mau2” sudah tersuka sama kau, tiba2 kau cakap mcm tu, silap2 dia buli U-Turn woooo!! It’s such a turn-off. Entah la mana yang lagi bikin malu, sama ada itu pelakunya adalah perempuan atau lelaki. Oleh kerana sia perempuan, then sia rasa, if pelakunya tu perempuan, lagiiiii la bikin malu! Hehehehehehehehe. Dan kalau salah paham ni berlaku, sia rasa mau kasi malu sama tu org yang terlebih perasan tu. Doiii…buli2 dia salah paham macam tu. Kalau pun salah paham, diam2 la ba dulu kan. Kalau salah, bukankah malu tu??? Hehehehehehehe 

Ok la, I’m generous today. Biar la sia jadikan diri sia sendiri sebagai korban contoh (bukan pula korban cinta ahh heheheheheheheheh) untuk topik ni. I have this experience. Anti climax ba beb! Happened not long ago. This guy yang I just knew ni, balik2 call sia after we met at an event ba. Hari2 call me, bergayut lama2. Masa tu sia betul2 nda biasa bergayut di phone lama2 with someone who was NOT my boyfriend. So I didn’t like it la. Sudah la macam tu, meluah perasaan lagi tu ba. Masa tu I felt okay la juga, sebab I felt appreciated. And he asked my permission if he could be my “friend”. Of course la ba I said, okay. Pasal he said “friend” kan. Lagipun itu orang pun bukan alang2 juga. Then okay la…lagipun I thought he was nice juga. Awal2 lagi sudah minta confirm sama ada “sia sudah ada org yang punya ka belum” abis dia cakap, dia inda suka mau rebut orang punya. *Lols. Kelucuan pula sia rasa. Abis mcm terang2 ba dia punya niat tu ke arah sana. Then terang2 sudah dia yang call sia hari2, then lama2 kamirang biasa la. Masa tu he worked jauh juga, so mimang tidak boleh come and jumpa me melainkan ada masa free. So, sia ni kalau sia sudah biasa, sia mimang keluar sia punya tanduk ba. I like to joke around, tapi sia confirm sia tidak pernah buat dia salah paham, sebab you guys know my perangai. I’m keras kepala sikit ni. Then lepas 2 bulan gitu…tiba2 dia cakap sama sia. “Mimang sia paham yang rasa cinta terhadap sia tu mungkin sudah berputik sebab kita punya kerapatan ni…” Terus terbeliak biji mata sia ba. Terus sia tutup mulut. Sia takut terpecah ketawa sia ba, nanti kecil pula hati dia. Nasib ba di telefon. I mean, before dia cakap benda tu, dia actually sudah balik2 admit yang he has fallen for me ba, but I never responded. Sia selalunya ketawa saja and tukar topik, pasal sia malas mau layan jiwang2 karat ni kalau itu lelaki cuma kawan biasa saja. I never actually took it seriously ba. So bila dia cakap gitu, selain rasa lucu, I don’t know WHY, in a way, I felt like he made me think I was the one yg terhegeh-hegeh sama dia. Doiiii. The feeling wasn’t cool, AT ALL! Sekelip mata ja kamirang tukar tempat ba sia rasa. Yang kununnya sia la yang selama ini terkeja2-kejar sama dia. Bah…apa lagiiii…pingsan la sia ketawa. Hahahahaahahahahahaha. Masa tu actually sia rasa mcm a bit attracted to him sudah ba tu, but bila dia cakap gitu, sia ALMOST U-Turn wooo~! So sia deny dengan cara yang baik dan campur2 bergurau la, dia NDA pecaya lagi tuuu. Dia confirm sia sudah SINTA sama dia ba guyss… doiiii mataizzzzz…Hahahahaahahahahahaha 

Nah nahh…bila jadi mcm tu. Sia mesti resistant ba. I must save my face juga ba, betul ka tidak? Sia nda suka kana tuduh2 mcm tu sebab tu mcm melibatkan airmuka sia ba tu. Kalau sia cakap TIDAK, percaya laaa apa sia cakap. Sia tidak akan tapuk2 punya kalau sia sudah SINTA sama tu lelaki. I mean, apa lagi kalau dalam situasi yang tu lelaki pun sudah balik2 confess sama sia feelings dia. So, Papar Jalan Terus baitu ertinyaa. Hehehehe. Tapi ni tidak. Then meaning nya, dia mau paksa sia tunjuk betul2 la tu. Then I didn’t layan his phone call anymore lorr. Apa macam? Siok ka if like that? 

So, petua dia senang ja. Kalau situasi tu masih samar2, jangan buat conclusion yang merosakkan atmosfera kemesraan tu ba. Daripada kau hampir2 dapat dia, kau terlepas pula dia, gara2 kau excited nda tentu pasal. Sebab kalau salah paham, sepa yang susah? Nahh…kauuuu juga yang susah! 
Untuk mereka2 yang suka bergurau, outgoing dan mesra melampau-lampau tu, tinguk jua kiri kanan sebelum melintas jalan tu k? Hehehehe. I mean, jan sampai disalah paham oleh kawan yang lain jantina tu. Biar paham dulu personaliti masing2 dan baru la kau kasi keluar tanduk kau tu kalau mau. Ini konsep yg sia pakai. Kena paham dulu sedikit sebanyak style kawan kita tu, baru la kita tau mcamana mau handle dia, what to say and what to do. Kalau dia tu crack jua mcm korang, nahhh…hantam saja la bergurau sampai ke Kutub Utara. So teda la masalah salah paham.
You like my friendliness? You like my naughtiness? Nah, the best idea is, just enjoy tu benda ja dan kalau tersalah-paham tu, jan cakap terus2. If u guys terkena orang mcm sia, I don’t like it cos for me itu benda menjatuhkan air muka sia. (Errksss, emo pula si 256 ni ahh *Lols. Ui! Jan korang tuduh2 sana. Kubit nanti baru tau) Sebab sia perempuan ba. I must save my waterface. Hehehehe. 

(Suara hati orang kamu yang sedang membaca ni mungkin berbunyi: Kau akun ja ba 256 yang kau tu saja mau tunjuk keras kepala tahap gaban) 

Yaa, ada juga kawan2 sia yang question my friendliness. Dorang pun confuse sama ada sia ni actually setakat bergurau2 manja ja or sia mimang ada hati dengan dorang. Hehehehe. Duiii…ok la, macam ni la. Mau ada hati dengan orang tu bukan perkara main2 ba for me. So if you’re special to me, you will know. Sia panggil darling, dear, baby, doremon, pikachu tu semua --- untuk manja2 saja ba tu. If ada kawan yg friendly gitu, syukur la ba kan? Jan pikir2 byk2 sangat. 

Gurau tu gurau juga, tapi jangan tuduh2 yang orang tu sudah jatuh cinta dengan kamu, melainkan dia sudah mengaku la. Deiii…anti-climax ba tu barang. Hilang thrill. I don’t think the girls will like it when the guys tuduh dorang mcm tu. So, simpan2 la ba sikit “tafsiran” tu…takut nanti hubungan jadi renggang pula nda pasal2! Save it until the time is right ba, ok guys? Ok Set!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

A One-Month Lesson

It all happens in only a month. The girl in this story is the same girl in the post “The Sms Affair”. A new friend of mine who is engaged with a guy back in her hometown, went to town and landed a job here. Another guy, who is working doorsteps away from the office where she works, “had something going on” with her, and she gave way to it.

They started with sms-ing day and nite. The short distance doesn’t seem to be “close enough” for them that they even sms-ed at work. The guy did whatever he could to try and get her attention, even with the knowledge that the girl is engaged. I saw it all happened, other than the daily updates that I got from the girl every morning. I saw how their relationship developed. It’s plain to see how she finally fell for the guy, despite her loving fiance who always gets her on the phone checking on her. Her new “friendship” with the new guy was not kept secret from her fiance. But she kept telling her fiance that “we are only friends.”

They went out like every nite. The guy bought her foods everyday, and sent them to her table. It was the attention that she won’t get from the fiance who is still studying in a district miles away from her. With the charm and humour that the guy has, I’m not surprised how she could finally fall for him. It was really obvious why the girl came to the office with the most cheerful face everyday. That’s exactly how a girl would react when she enters the world of wonderLove. She told me how she was fed with words of love everyday. They have actually declared a “girlfriend boyfriend relationship” finally. I didn’t say much to her. She was practically cheating her fiance. I knew it she was doing something wrong. But I didn’t say it. I think that she’s big enough to think for herself. So I just let her.

I heard her talked about her fiance. How much he loves her. How possesive he is. I met her fiance a few times when he came to visit her at the workplace. I saw how her fiance loves her to death. It wasn’t fair for him. It was really an act of infidelity happened before my very eyes. And as the quick relationship with the new guy went on, it went so fast. So so fast. The new guy didn’t wait for so long to reveal his true colours. The girl learnt afterwards that he was “so quick” with his hands. Holding, touching her as if she was nobody’s fiance. She wasn’t comfortable with that too but she said she couldn’t say a word because she didn’t want to hurt him. I knew this relationship was not even built on the right base, but I didn’t say it. They are big enough to make mistakes and learn from it. So...finally, as fate would have it, a bomb exploded.

The girl checked the guy’s handphone and found out a few suspicious sms where he referred the person as “Sayang”, the same word he used to call her. She exploded right away but the guy said “She is only one of my fans”. She didn’t believe it. She called the girl and found out later that the girl was the guy’s special girlfriend. They even planned to get engaged. I even heard how the girl argued with the guy’s fiancee-to-be on the phone. They screamed the hurting words to each other. It was a total mess. My Oh My!

The girl felt so cheated. When she talked to him face to face, he couldn’t explain it. The other girl came much earlier than her and all this while, the guy was also cheating on his own girlfriend... With someone’s else fiancee! Whoaaa... You guys see how it was getting back to my friend who was cheating her fiance for some unworthy guy.

Infatuation on first sight, a honeymoon season on cloud-9, an unveiled dark secret, a few episodes of arguments and cursing – all happened so fast, my friends. Now, after everything is said and done – the real thing has come to the surface. But in the name of love, she learnt to forgive him, especially after the guy’s girlfriend broke up with him. Yes, he cheated her once, but it didn’t change the love she has for him. She could still say to me, “I have really fallen for him. My feeling for my fiance is totally gone.” But after the ordeal, the guy started to change. He didn’t act the same way anymore. He looked at the girl more like “a sister” and knowing that she has totally fallen for him, he was taking advantage of her, like asking her to buy foods or anything for him, and the girl complied because she thought it was a way of expressing her care for him. It went more ridiculous than ever!

And earlier today...the girl came to me and said to me, the guy didn’t even look at him anymore. He didn’t even reply her sms, and he didn’t even ask her out on the last weekend. When she walked by the guy’s workplace, he didn’t even turned his face on her. No more sending foods to her office. No more smiling and exchanging meaningful glares.

As If The One Month Never Happened.

I asked her, “Why does it has to be this fast? Everything happens in only 1 month".

After done some talking with me, she finally realized something. The guy was a loser to begin with. He was one of the playboy type who would do something to get any girl he likes just to get the thrill of chasing her, but when she surrendered herself so easily, it’s that easily too that he let her go. I told her something about “guys and the chasing game” – maybe her biggest mistake is because “she gives her heart too easily”...

From my silence, I actually regret that I don’t tell her...

Guys don’t usually appreciate what they get easily.

It’s really a lesson to learn for the girl.

And she told me, “After everything that happens, I now realize I still love my fiance”.

People make mistakes. But it’s about how you take the lesson and apply it.

And be a better person, hopefully. :)

P/S: One more, don’t wait until life teaches you the worst lesson in return of your infidelity. Be honest and true to your partner :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

He Who Has The Speed, Wins?

This topic is nothing new to me. I always asked myself that question when I realized that I was being left behind by other people, especially those my age, and those who are younger. I saw how they discovered life and experienced great stuff much earlier; and some of them even reach their comfort zone much younger. How lucky!

If you are the type who cares about stuff like that, trust me I understand what you feel. If life were a marathon track, it was like you saw these people ran at a high speed and left you far behind when you were still running at the same pace, or worse, you felt like you weren't running at all! Do you feel bad, my friends? I honestly feel bad whenever I have that thought. But not until I made up my mind. But before that, I must ask you again, so is it all about speed? He who runs faster win the race? Is that so?

My dear friends. Can I just answer it now? IT'S NOT ABOUT SPEED, that's my answer. I will tell you why.

Life gives you the edge of "having the speed", at least one time in your life. If you remember how many times you actually "did it first" and you friends could only envy you? For example. you are the first one to land a job, while your friends are still waiting for interviews. You get to earn money much earlier than them and whenever you guys meet up, you can show up your car and talk about your plan to buy a house. Your jobless friends can only listen and "pity" themselves deep inside. That time, you sure get the upper hand. So, the speed is on your side. Does it mean you win the race of life?

Of course NO. As a continuation to that example- Later, all of them finally get a job. Since they are new, they often refer to you because of your experience. How to do this, how do you do it, where to go and what to do…all that questions. You feel superior and proud because you feel that "speed" is giving you the edge. So, as times go by, you guys finally meet up again and it's now a different story. You see that your friends have changed a great deal. The way they dress, the way they talk and some even get a promotion only after months working. Suddenly, everyone talks "the same language" and "sit and stand at the same level". Suddenly, nobody refers to you or ask you anything anymore, and what is worse, you don't feel superior anymore because nobody make a big deal out of "who get hired first". You feel like it's you who are being left behind judging from the very instant accomplishments achieved by your friends in such a "speed". Oops, what happen to "the speed" you once have?

Life is like that. It's a roller coaster. Sometimes you're up, and sometimes down. So if the example above happens to you, should you be surprised or sad? YOU SHOULDN'T. This is life and get ready for this. Don't waste your energy on "feeling bad" when it's your turn to be at the bottom. This is not the time to ask, "WHY IT HAPPENS TO ME? WHY I FEEL LIKE OTHERS ARE LEAVING ME BEHIND WHEN I WAS THE ONE WHO LEAD THE RACE BEFORE? No more question on this. THIS IS FACT and let's not "bark at the mountain". Let me reveal you guys A VERY PRICELESS FACT I have discovered from this life.


So that will ELIMINATE the role of SPEED in this journey of life. It's okay to imagine that this road of life is like a marathon track, but correct the part when you think that PEOPLE ARE RUNNING AT THE SAME TRACK AS YOURS. Each of us have our own, individual, unique track. THE TRACK IS YOURS ALONE! You decide when to run, when to walk, when to sit or when to just rest there looking at others. Yes, imagine this. Though you don't share the same track as other people, you could see them on their track. So, you still can't help but compare who actually runs faster. But that would be silly because even if she runs faster than you, it's her own track and it has nothing to do with you and your track. Get that? AGAIN, FORGET ABOUT THE WORD "SPEED"!

When someone rich tells you how you should cope with being poor when he doesn't even know what "poor" means, let alone feel how "painful" being poor is, then maybe you should think twice whether or not to take that person's views. But in this case, I've been there, every step of a way. I write from my own experience and though I usually follow my stubborn mind, I can only assure you that I AM NOT COPYING all this from somewhere just to waste my time typing them all back. Hehehe

I'll make it clear. I was always the victim of "speed" in this life simply because "I DON'T HAVE IT". I was a very slow developer because instead of TAKING ACTION right away, I rather spend a lot of time THINKING. (I bet you are not at all surprised. *giggles). I know how it feels to see people run so fast and I'm still standing there thinking "WHAT SHOULD I DO NEXT?". It's quite a painful view to see how people wait at nothing just so they can "speed" and leave you behind. For what? To win the race? What race? What's the catch at the end of the race? You can't answer me, right? It's because life is not even a race!

You guys know what? After all this "speed" confusion, I should be thankful for my stubbornness. I should be thankful for my strong principles and my strong faith in myself and my mind. I haven't told you guys that "despite being slow" in development, I was slow for a reason. I was figuring the best plans and best approach to achieve my dreams, and that's why I took my time. I was being realistic and I didn't take it easy because I always have in mind that MY DREAM is a very serious business. I MUST achieve it no matter what. So, during the time I took to discover my way and my strength to achieve my dreams, people don't wait for me. They just too fond of "speed". There are many times when they showed me, "Look where am I now and look where you are. And "appreciate" the difference!" I am just a human being and of course I felt bad. But deep inside my heart, I know THIS IS THE BEST FOR MY LIFE. I CAN'T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY." Some people, they can't stand this. They give up their own dreams and go for the "speed" just to be "better" so that, "AT LEAST I'M NOT FAR BEHIND". Oh my, should I remind you again that "SPEED" is not in the picture, anymore?

Let's say someone starts working at the age of 23 and starts earning money that young. You can't say that the person has a successful journey just because he started so young. The thing is, by the time the person reach 30, he's still "nowhere". He's not happy, he's not paid well, and yet he's stuck with his work and a lot of stress. As for the other person who takes some times to make a proper long term planning, only starts his career at 30. Quite late, right? But don't be surprised, at the age of 35, he's already enjoying the labour of his work and proper planning. The other person only stays there, still unhappy, still empty and still lost. By the time "the late developer" reaches 50, he has 15 years full of achievements and successes because he found his real comfort zone at 35 when the other person who started at 23, is still puzzled with his life, even at 50. My explanation is simple. The first person worries so much about speed. I tell you again, life is not a race, and it's not about speed. It's the quality of the journey. All you want is make the best from your life and that is not measured with "who starts first" or "who does it first" --- What is the meaning of starting first when you never arrive at the "ultimate achievement", and some don't even know what is the ultimate achievement they want to achieve because THEY DON'T TAKE TIME TO FIGURE IT OUT. They just want it fast, but the fact is, they don't have a clear direction. THINK ABOUT IT!

It's okay to be slow, but you must be slow IN WISDOM, not slow because you are totally clueless about your own life or too lazy to do what you plan. We own our track and we know better. Our aim in life is not WHO REACH THE END FIRST, it's about how wonderful the process is, to accomplish great things as much as possible, and to collect the treasure from this life and IF POSSIBLE, TO GIVE SOME TREASURE BACK TO THIS LIFE by helping and inspiring others. SUCCESS IS NOT A DESTINATION, IT'S A PROCESS. Remember that.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

"You Need A License For That"

More and more foreign addresses have been visiting my blog lately so I think it’s fair to write in a language they can understand just in case they want to decide if this accidental click is worth it or not. *giggles.

Do you entertain requests like, “You cannot make friends to those people” “You cannot talk to him/her without my concern” - from just anybody?

In reality, “A License” to do something like that is “a MUST” to me. I mean, this is about WHO deserves to get priority in your life. Yes, you read me. WHO. That means, you can’t just treat everyone the same. They need to be “somebody” special or important for them to “demand” anything special from you. Do you use that kind of concept?

As for me, I would love to deny it and make things sound more innocent and simpler for other people, but I think I DO wear that concept of Who Is More Than Who. I think, this is just about knowing to whom your better attention should go to. Of course, family is not in the list. THEY already have that priority from birth. But speaking of other people, you need a certain reason why they can have “that license” to demand your attention more than the rest.

In one way, this could be seen as practising “double standard” which is not a cool idea, but lets not make it sound bad. I have been getting mean remarks from some online acquaintances that, “Twofivesix[256] only make friends with certain people”. In other words, my online character is seen as someone who “pick friends”. That is actually NOT true, my friends. Online or not online, this is just how I do it. I don’t really care about WHO, but it’s more about How comfortable the friendship is. But maybe because it’s the virtual world, I have certain limits to obey because I’m comfortable with that for now. Maybe to some people, it’s hard to get close to me, but to the very few who have “the license”, I can even simply take a snap of myself instantly and mms the picture right away – “This is my new hair!” – So, this is what I call, having the license. It’s just fun to give the few people certain priority like that. I think that with this, the few people know that they have a special place in my heart. It’s so so fulfilling when you find yourself being “that person” who becomes the priority of someone you know. It’s just so rewarding, so I know it is also that rewarding for the few people who get that “license” from me. I Like the word “Special”. Maybe because I also want to be treated that way by certain people. But I am not sure if everyone else use the same concept.

So, a silly issue can come to the surface. What If, someone who you think, doesn’t have that license yet, actually demands so much from you? Yes, I am the type who would need you to show “that license” first before you ask “so much” from me. I mean, I would treat all my friends nicely. If they ask me out for a hangout, I would make time for it if I could. But if I can’t, they know how to accept it and not making me feel like I just did a serious offense by not making myself available. Actually, for quite a while, I have been letting some people making demands on me. For friendship sake, I entertained it. But like I said, I have limits too. I got so suffocated with this “demanding” thing and it would turn me into a “rebel” when I feel like this is starting to press me. Maybe I didn’t watch closely how I have let things go, and at one point I just snapped and saw it’s hitting the limit line already. Then now I have to speak!

“This is too much!”

Then it’s when I start to be a bit defensive. “You don’t just go and demand things from me when you have not gotten the proper license to do that!” Erkss…of course I don’t say it out loud, but when I start to have thoughts like that. It’s a bad sign. This can become a poison to the friendship, don’t you think so? So it’s best to watch the limit so that we don’t demand too much from a friend, to the extent that you are starting to make them feel so uncomfortable. It happens to me a few times so I know it’s not cool. We don’t want to lose friendships that way, do we?

How do you know that you’re crossing the line? You would get funny responses from your friends. Like they start to say No and giving excuses to your requests. Even the simplest ones. That’s just their way of being defensive and trying to redraw the border. I’m sorry if the concept does sound a bit mean. But that’s the way it is. I can’t treat a normal guyfriend like I would do to a special boyfriend, right? If you’re just a normal guyfriend to me, you can’t ask that much attention from me as if you were already my boyfriend, right? Likewise, I also cannot ask too much attention from any of my normal guyfriends. I have to understand that they have their own lives too, so if they can’t make time for me, I should understand. It’s just a natural way of understanding where we stand in someone’s life.

I have friends who told me I am sometimes being too emotionless. They would expect me to feel jealous or at least show some uneasiness when they do something purposely to see my reaction. And in those few cases, I was the last one to laugh. Because when I found out everything was done on the purpose to see how I would react, it usually didn’t work. My answer is very simple. If you’re not my special boyfriend, I don’t need the reason to have those unnecessary reactions. Why? Because for me, that’s how I should react towards a normal friend. So, I do expect that people do the same to me. Until I am your special girlfriend, I don’t expect people to be so demanding towards me. Cos I don’t have much to offer. That’s very honest. If you are my friend, I only have my friendship to offer.

Be careful, sometimes we don’t notice that we are actually demanding too much from our friends. So, the point is to not get carried away with it. I don’t think this is that serious, but at least, you know how much you should expect from a friend and if you are overdoing it, you can always readjust and mend things before it harms the friendship. I can’t stand when someone gets too jealous or too pushy or anything like that – checking me, stalking me and even questioning me what I do, who I go out with…It’s suffocating me ba. I can only give one and only guy the license to demand that much from me. I don’t think you guys can stand something like that too. It’s just too unfair.

Let’s just enjoy the friendship in the most innocent way. A good friendship doesn’t give pressures. I understand that some people are too possessive, that they want extra attentions, but my suggestion is – demand the proper attention from the proper person. While we are still holding on to the word “friendship”, this is the best time to enjoy everything without so much emotional complications. Trust me, all those complications will be the air that you breathe should you guys proceed to the next level after friendship. But before that happens, all this too much demanding “without a proper license” is so premature.

Maybe this post will not tell you anything new. But it might help you to reexamine your ways. This is also a reminder to myself just in case I do something like this to my own friends too. Because I can seriously tell you guys, it doesn’t feel good at all to be in this situation. The act of trying to draw a distance from your friends is not a good thing. I don’t like it. But in some cases, I feel the need to do it because it doesn’t make you feel comfortable anymore.

So, if you can’t help it – maybe you Should try and get “the License” first and earn the ways to demand! *Lols. That’s the only way you’ve got baby! *giggles.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Something To Laugh About!

Sia mau ketawa betul ba. Betimbun-timbun tu slimming products di luar sana. Kalau tinguk iklan, bukan main lagi ba. Macam bisuk2 jua kau mau pi beli ni and terus dapat badan mcm si Nasha Aziz. Ok la, nda payah la cakap pasal product mcm Hollywood tu atau Tummytrim tu, even yg slimming tea – macam tu keluaran Orang Kampung tu Murah juga la, dan risiko pun kurang berbanding yang pil2 mahal2 tu.

Ada tu syarat dia tu geng. “Nah…kalau mau makan ini product ahh…mesti itu makan kasi kurang tau. Jangan makan tu lemak2, berminyak, bergoreng, dan tulung bersenam! NESCAYA akan kurus tu korang…Slim terus wooo!!”

Geli hati sia ba guys…heheheheheehehehehhehehehehehehehehe. No, you guys dapat ka? You get the point ka? Buat apa sia pi beli tu product2 semua kalau sia teda masalah mau kasi kurang makan dan bersenam ba!!! Hahahahahaahahahhahahahaha

Eh wait wait…itu bukan yg paling lucu. Yang paling lucu kan, itu duit kita FREE2 ja ba buang beli tu product kalau sama juga kena buat tu benda2 semua, you know why??? Sebabbb… Kalau sia dari dulu lagi buli kasi kurang makan tu semua makanan2 berlemak dan berminyak, dan lepas tu kerap bersenam…

Mimang budak kici pun tau yang SIA MIMANG AKAN KURUS PUNYA!!

Tidak payah pun itu product ba yang sampai lunggar tu muka mau minum dia punya pahit tuu! *Lols.

Jadi sebenarnya seolah-olah kita pigi buat lawak ja beli products2 tu sebab sama jua dia paksa kita untuk buat benda2 yang susah kita mau buat – lain lagi mau ikut tu jadual makan dia, mau tahan tu rasa yang nda sedap dan yang paling teruk lagi, sampai sakit tu usus kita abis balik2 pi toilet.

Sebab…dia sudah warning ba tu sana…Kalau u guys inda kasi kurang makan dan bersenam, jangan pula korang salahkan kamirang kalau badan kamurang nda pandai kurus2!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaahahahahha

Betul2 buat lawak antarabangsa. Macam juga tu iklan pencerah yang sama juga nda pandai cerah2…ada ka dia cakap, “Tulung elakkan berjemur ah. If korang nda putih2 juga, jan korang salahkan kamirang.” (*Lols)

Lepas tu, sama la ba juga sama tu slimming lingerie yang orang Elken berabis mau promote tu. Itu baju kau pakai untuk force your body kasi fit bahagian2 tertentu. Bukan main sengsara. Tapi benda tu TIDAK AKAN berkesan kalau makan masih dalam amaun yang sama. Dia mesti kasi kurang makan tu. Adoiii… sama la ba tu!!!! Bagus lagi itu RM2k pegi shopping daripada kasi duit beli tu baju, sebab formula dia sama juga guna formula yang PERCUMA ba, iaitu, kalau mau kurus, kasi kurang makan!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha.

Macam jua itu Shampoo, or whatever beauty products ba…dia claim mcm2…itu rambut mcm kana rawatan minyak panas laa, mcm lepas rebonding laa… tapi ada tu di bawah tu, tulisan kiiiiciii. *hanya dengan penggunaan kerap, atau yang paling bikin ketawa sekali adalah, *hanya untuk rambut yg lurus semulajadi. *Lols…hahahahaahahahahahahhaha

Kalau sudah rambut tu org lurus semulajadi, biarla dia pakai sabun mandi pun sama oso lurus that!! Matai laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….


Ya, I know if you guys find a way to object me, but I said what I said bebeh. Tell me something I don’t know, okay? Hehehehe. Muahsss

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kita Sudah Tau, Tapi Kita Masih Buat...

Guys…ini lagi satu benda yang cukup menarik untuk sia share with you guys. Kamurang tau ka ni perangai manusia ni? Pelik betul. Kita ni diberi anggota badan yang cukup, otak yang sihat dan boleh berfikir, dan kemajuan dan teknologi ni sebenarnya mendedahkan kita dengan mcm2 pengetahuan yang dulu kita tidak tau. Semakin banyak kita tau, semakin kita sedar perkara2 yang kita buat yang boleh memudaratkan diri kita. Tapi like it or not, we cuma MAMPU untuk TAHU saja…and that’s it. Kita masih tidak mampu untuk DO SOMETHING about it, and make use of the knowledge so that it can benefit us. You guys pikir kejap, sama ada betul atau tidak my statement. Oh, okay. Too early to say Yes? Read On.

1. Itu tukang2 sigup tu, u guys pikir dorang tidak tau ka paru2 dorang sedang terbakar masa dorang sibuk2 kesiokan menyigup? Dorang pun macam kita jua, ada jua dorang dengar tu kes orang kena lung cancer gara2 menyigup. Dorang tau tu sigup kasi kikis duit dorang, kasi risiko orang keliling dorang, kasi baju pakai perfume “asap” atau buat dorang dijauhi orang. Dorang TAU, tapi dorang masih buat!

2. Kita tau itu plastik yg dorang guna untuk simpan makanan yang kita mau take away tu adalah merbahaya sebab itu kandungan “phthalate”, apa la ba salahnya makan terus di sana atau elakkan daripada menapau lauk saja, terutama yang panas. Sudah kita tau itu kandungan plastik akan masuk makanan kita dan masuk dalam badan kita dan meniru hormon manusia – yg akan menyumbang kepada risiko cancer yang hormon-based …Eh, you guys belum tau meh? Sure you guys know. But tutup mata, and kalau buli, minta tapau tu sup sekali yg sedang mendidih masuk plastik tu. Yes, kita tau, tapi kita masih buat.

3. The same thing, itu botol plastik mineral. Same itu kandungan bahan kimia yang buat tu botol jernih – satu kali kita buka and minum tu air dari tu botol, SEBENARNYA itu la saja had penggunaan tu botol. Kau recycle kali kedua pun sudah kita telan tu bahan kimia. Dan ikut logik sia, itu finding for sure Tidak tepat. The truth is, the bahan is already there by the time itu air mineral kena isi tu botol. So, maybe 2nd or 3rd time usage as what they claim, is just a business strategy to make people worry less. And at least itu sales untuk mineral water tidak berkurang pasal isu ini. But sia rasa2 la kan, itu orang business tidak payah worry la!! Kamirang dari dulu tau ni tu botol nda ble recycle, but bila desperate sudah mau guna botol, hantam saja laa!! Phthalate pun phthalate la! Bukan selalu!

4. Itu minuman2 sirap yang sedap2 tu…macam2 colour. Merah, oren, hujau…mimang menyelerakan. Bukan nda pernah dikasitau di radio and tv, itu pewarna semua memudaratkan ba. Kau minum macam2 colour, tapi kencing kau sama ada kuning atau jernih saja…aiyooo, pigi mana itu warna semua o? Kita tau yang ada organ dalam badan kita yang buat itu kerja untuk menyahtoksik ni barang2 semua, tapi buli tahan ka itu organ kerja kalau tiada lain melainkan makanan yang berpewarna, perperisa tiruan…semua la! Tapi bila nampak tu sirap yang sejuk2, Ahhh paduli la ada kimia kaa, bahaya kaaa… inda jua ba tu sampai bisuk2 juga sia mati… yang penting Ruggiii ba kalau tidak minum ni minuman sedap! Yaaa sia setuju! Nah, tapi tidak bermaksud kita nda tau benda tu bahaya, kan? Tapi apa? Tapi samaaaaaaa juga kita buat kan? Bijakkk…bijakkk.

5. Ini maggie ahhh…nama pun mi segera, cooked in 2 minutes. Kasi panas air ja, rendam and then kasi campur perisa dia. Bukan juga kita nda tau tu noodles dia tu ada kandungan WAX (alamak, sejenis lilin kai tu????) supaya itu mi tidak melekat antara satu sama lain, dan itu takes 7 days for the wax to be flushed out from out body… (phewww…at least kita tau lepas 7 days kira suci bersih lagi balik dalam badan kita ni kunun). Lain lagi itu perencah diaa, kandungan garam dan monosodium yang sangat high, yang membolehkan dia kasi perisa yang serta merta sama maggie yang dimasak tu- bukan kita tidak tau ba tu, KITA TAUUU…and itu tukang buat pun tau juga dorang sebenarnya buat product yang akan membahayakan orang ramai, tapi apa buli buat, orang masih mau beli sama dia. Masa2 sesak tu apa lagi mau pikir, maggie pun bikin kanyang juga tu… alaaa…7 hari ja ba tu benda ada dalam badan, bukan jua sedar ba tu 1 minggu berlalu…paduli apa….makan ja laaaa~!!

6. Minum ais – sedappp ba minum sejuk2. Tapi ais tu kan sejuk, mimang akan bikin sakit. Dan yang perempuan lagi, minum sejuk sangat tidak digalakkan. Bukan tidak dikasitau, bukan tidak disindir-sindir…tapi sedap ba tu aiss…apa lagi masa penat2…alaaa…nda jua sakit ba tu. Minum ja laaaaa!

7. Masa pegi tamu…whoaaa…rambang mata ba tinguk tu kuih2 macam2 rupa. Mimang la Malaysia ni negera yang kaya dengan jenis kuih. Mimang hebat ba ni makanan2 kita. Rambang mata ba mau pilih. Then, tidak hairan la bila harga gula naik, itu babu2 yang jual kuih pun susah hati sebab takut kurang untung, sebab Apa lah Kuih2 Malaysia Tanpa Segantang Gula??? As a matter of fact, Malaysia is a leading country in diabetes (kencing manis) ba, jauh sekali di atas berbanding sama negara pengeluar Coca cola sendiri. Alamak.! Bukan kita tidak tau itu kuih2 terlampau manis, tapi, alaaa, kecil ja ba tu satu kuih, berapa byk juga gula masuk badan kita kan? Alaaa…kali ni ja baa, bukan jua selalu ba makan ni kuih2 ni. Manis pun manis la…bukan selalu laa katakannn…hehehehe

8. Ini lagi satu – sampai kana sue ba itu Burger King and McDonald oleh pengguna2 di tempat dorang sendiri la, sebab dorang blame ini fast food companies yang buat dorang overweight. Aiks, bah apa mcm lagi. Sepa juga suruh pigi bili itu burger hari2? Sudah la itu inti burger tu daging kisar, bukan setakat daging jak dia kisar tu geng, semua pun dia campur ja tu, bukan jua korang tau lagi tu lepas kana kisar. Then, bahan pengawet yang tinggi supaya dia tahan (sampai bertahun-tahun???) then sudah dikasitau di mana2 majalah yang makanan yang diproses semula ni paling tinggi kolesterol ba, ui geng…betimbun sudah ba kolesterol semulajadi badan kita ni, ditambah lagi dengan itu burger yang di add dengan burger bun made of white flour, yang karbohidratnya paling tinggi (selain nasi) dan dikasi kawan lagi sama french fries yang kana deep fried (wah sadap ba tu rangup2…tapi orang sakap deep fried ni yang betul2 kasi bahaya kesihatan – itu khasiat makanan sudah terabang, dan minyak goreng tuu…colesterol free? Tapi FATnya tetap bertimbun!) lepas tu dikasi kawan lagi tu meal sama carbonated drink yang Size Up lagi ba geng! Sudah lah 1 tin tu equals tu 8 sudu gula – tau juga kita tu, tapi we are so helpless!!! Limpas2 itu McDonald…kita babai semua tu pengetahuan2 kita…nanti2 la ambil balik, kita makannn duluu! *Lols

9. Kita kalau buli mau marah itu US ba, abis kasi keluar ni product2 yang bikin sakit…terutamanya Coca cola, Pepsi tu semua laa…kita sibuk cakap pasal kandungan gula yang tinggi…tapi kan sepa ba juga suruh tu orang2 Malaysia yang ghairah betul sama tu products2? Like I said, walaupun itu products dari sana, tapi orang di sini lagi la ketagih sama dia, kalau nda, inda la kita peneraju diabetes kan?Aiks…again, bukan kita tidak tauu, kita tauu ba tu, tapi kita buatttttttttt jugaaa.

10. Haa…yang numbur sepuluh ni spesel sikit…sia kasi wakil ja sama lain2 perbuatan tidak BERMORAL yang orang sanggup buat. Sudah tau itu seks bebas akan kasi risiko AIDS, sudah tau itu seks luar nikah kasi risiko unwanted pregnancy, sudah tau kasi gugur baby tu membunuh darah daging yang tidak berdosa, sudah tau sudah kawin masih lagi pigi buat dosa sama pelacur2 sedangkan di depan bini tulak itu sayap angel saja yang inda kenampakan di badannya, sudah tau moginum dan mabuk2 sampai larut malam tu buli membahayakan kehormatan diri dan keselamatan, sudah tau yang menipu itu salah, memfitnah, menghina, mengejek… whoaaa…banyak oo! Kepala otak kita ni bergeliga ba guys, nda kita buli salahkan sepa2 lagi ba. Kita tauuuu semua benda2 tu salah, tapi kita buattttttt juga.

Akhirnya, bila terkena akibat…mula la tunjuk sana, tunjuk sini. Dia yang silap! Itu yg punya salah! Begitu la begini laa… Nah, kalau berani buat, berani tanggung. Apa lagi mau bising2? Nah, bila kau tunjuk orang untuk blame, 1 jari ja tunjuk dorang, yang 4 jari lagi tunjuk diri sendiri. NGAM LAI TUU!!! Mimang kita manusia yang helpless. Sia pun cuma harap yang dalam dunia yang sudah jadi dunia penuh dengan racun ni, sia cuma harap kita tetap dijauhi dari penyakit la. Apa buli buat juga kan, kita kena juga makan, minum dan mimang sudah makanan2 tidak sihat yang membanjiri populasi kita ni. Tapi kalau perkara jahat tu tangan dan kaki kau yg buat sendiri, ini kali kau mau salahkan burger McD atau Coca Cola pun susah juga kan…hehehehe…last2…ehem2…sama juga yang dinampak di cermin tu yg punya salah. So orang cakap, think twice before you do anything. Again… mau cakap bodoh pun tidak, mau cakap tidak tau pun tidak juga. There’s nothing left to blame but you yourself. So pesanan dari penaja adalah:


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Who You said Invented High Heels again???!!

I am actually quite geram. I broke my newest pair of shoes – which is the high heel type. I don’t use flat heels. Mau cari a new pair untuk ganti, Bukan Senang bah! Sebab, the shoes I was looking for sangat susah untuk cari. I went back to the shop I bought the shoes and they don’t have them anymore. Now I have to settle for the older shoes yang “at least” masih buli pakai. I INSIST to only wear this kind of shoes!! The hunt must go on!

High heels bertimbun ba di market. If I look at my sister’s shoes – they are all nice. Macam2 colour. Buli tahan juga taste my sister. In fact, bukan lagi buli tahan, mimang itu la kesukaan ramai perempuan yang suka high-heels. Kadang2 got blink2 sikit, got hiasan mcm ribbon, ada also yg mcm bunga ros. Nice ba. One nice high-heels mcm tu you can get for RM 39.90. But I don’t wear mcm tu punya heels. I don’t have problem with the “girly” thing that the high heels have on the people who wear them, but it’s that damn high-heels are not PRACTICAL!

This kegeraman timbul when I find it so hard to find for the type of high heels yang I like. It’s all the TYPICAL fancy high heels yang you find everywhere, cuma lain brand saja. Doiii…look at those high heels. Yes, they are pretty, but NOT practical ba! Kenapa ba juga diCIPTA itu high-heels sedemikian rupaa???

This morning, I went to a shoe shop and TRY to force myself to like what’s on the rack. Dari jauh mimang nampak cantik2. But bila sia test and tinguk dengan dekat tu style buatan dia kan, sia jadi heran ba….dan sangat2 geram. Itu heels dibuat begitu kecil, dan kurus, dan it doesn’t take a genius ba- it’s so so unpractical to be used to WALK ba! We are not talking about catwalk on the runway ba this! We are talking about how the heels are going to be used by normal ladies who sometimes need to rush here and there, and akan jalan di tempat2 yang “not a red carpet at all” so dengan kasut yg macam tu, I ask you, Who’s Wearing Who?

If I were the one who wear the shoes, for sure itu shoes kena ikut keperluan sia. Kalau sia terpaksa jalan di tempat yang becak and slippery, itu shoes can help me walk through it. Bukan pula “Itu shoes yang pakai sia”, sampaikan sia kena ikut cakap tu shoes, di mana dia sesuai jalan, di sana baru sia buli jalan. Gila punya kerja!

Okay, my type of high heels ni, heels dia jenis yang besar, bukan kurus dan kecil mcm yg u guys nampak di mana2. My type of shoes yang sia suka ni, mimang ada susah sikit mau cari. Sia suka tu shoes bukan pasal dia ikut trend. Sia ni bukan a trend slave so I really don’t care. I want those shoes sebab itu shoes practical. Sebab dia punya tumit yang I use to walk, akan give balance to my body. Dan kasut ni biasanya sangat ringan dan kalau jalan tu, teda bunyi yang bikin sakit telinga. Maybe the material made of campuran rubber kali that. But if sia nampak ada kasut gini, sia mimang beli punya, asalkan mampu la. Actually, the kedai kasut yang said the kasut sudah habis tu, errggh… sia ba yang kasi abis tu. *Lols (Hahahahahahahahahahhaha). Hellooo? 3 pairs saja ba sia beli, then why habis sudah? :P

True. You guys jangan pandang ringan ini hal. Sebab high heels are used to walk ba selain daripada kasi lengkap pakaian. Kalau itu kasut sudah mcm tu, mesti ada effect yang teruk tu sebab kalau high begitu narrow, you have to use more energy to balance your body masa jalan then baru u guys boleh berjalan dengan normal.Ini akan affect otot di betis kau, up to your thighs. Silap2, your muscle pula hurt sebab berjalan dalam keterpaksaan. Bagi sia, itu sudah satu concept yang salah. Remember, kita yang pakai itu kasut, bukan itu kasut yang pakai kita! Tu kasut patut tulung kita berjalan dengan baik dan selesa, dan bukan pula kita yang adjust cara jalan kita just supaya itu kasut buli berfungsi dengan baik. No Way!!

Nah, kalau terseliuh lagi, apa macam? Bukan saja effect tu urat, silap2 bengkak tu buku lali ba! Mimang chances untuk terseliuh untuk the typical type of high heels tu adalah lebih tinggi sebab dia punya tumit yang kecil, tapi effect dia tu akan bergantung kepada ketinggian tu heels. Kalau lebih tinggi, lebih “kuat” jua korang teriak tu kalau terseliuh. Hehehehe. Kalau yg my type of high heels tu, tumit dia tebal dan sekata, so balance sikit. But mimang buli terseliuh juga, dan effect dia pun “sama hebat” jua tu geng! Hehehehe :P Nah, actually sia baru jua mengakui satu keburukan memakai SEBARANG jenis high heels – but walaupun u guys kasi pandangan serong sana, sia buat2 nda nampak ja la ahh…hehehehehehehe. Cos I lurvee high heels! :P

Jadi apa macam ni?? Mana lagi sia mau cari itu kasut? I can’t use these old shoes forever! Tension juga o cari kasut ni, sometimes sia mau complain juga sama taste sia ni sebab tidak ikut kesukaan ramai, pasal tu la susah sia mau cari tu kasut. Actually, mimang tu kasut ada ba dijual but when kena tanya, sudah habis. Aiks, then order la ba banyak2!! Deiii…I think kasut mcm tu lagi banyak peminat daripada apa yang people think ba. Abis berabut juga orang mau beli walaupun price dia mahal dari high-heels biasa tu.

Suddenly sia rasa mau ketawa pula writing this post. Who the heck care about this ba kan. Hehehehehehe. Sia geram ba kenapa tu high heels yang dijual secara berleluasa tu dibuat mcm tu…hanya cantik dipandang tapi inda practical untul dipakai ba. I can understand why tu high heels lagi senang untuk dijumpa sebab mimang pun kasut tu lagi senang untuk diproduce. Itu heels biasanya dorang simply gam saja sana, then pasal tu la buli terbuka. Now I realize why my favourite tu susah mau jumpa sebab itu heels bukan main gam mcm tu. Dia mimang part of the tapak and totally bersambung dengan tumit dia. Then tiba2 suara hati sia cakap…”Bahh 256, sudah2 laa tuuuu…” Kurang asam…buli2 suara hati sia suruh sia berenti becakap. *Lols. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Ya la ya laa…I stop la this.

Macamana sia nda membebel baaaa, abis sia bulum ada kasut baru thisss. Hehehehehehhehe. Sebelum korang melemparkan pandangan serong secara berpanjangan, okay, I will stop here but a message to the inventor of the typical unpractical high heels – “thanks but no thanks” – sia rela lagi pakai kasut lama sia ni sampai la betul2 nda ble pakai sudah selagi sia nda jumpa kasut yang sama. Degil pun degil la, but sia tatap namau beli tu high heels yang “whoever you are” cipta tu!!


Ya, one of those posts yang entertain the “toddler” in me…just to make you guys smile ba. Heheheheh. Have fun all…

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mrs Or Mistress?

Definition: Mrs tu you guys tau la kan. Mistress tu pula adalah gelaran untuk perempuan simpanan. Even di novel yang tebal2 yang guna cerita classic tu biasanya akan guna this term untuk perempuan simpanan.

Whoaa…why this computer dictionary tells that Mrs also stands for Mistress, with capital M? I mean, if according to the dictionary, the definition for Mrs and Mistress is only the M being “big” or “small”. IF only, my friends…If Only. (I’m sure there’s a little mistake with the Babylon dictionary here in my pc la. Later I check out).

Okay, when I write issue mcm ni, mesti ramai complain if I write in English. Sebab my English yang tunggang langgang itu kan. *Lols. Now let’s do it the way you guys prefer la okay.

Actually, bukan sia sengaja mau tulis perbandingan2 ni semua since dari post2 terdahulu, but mimang benda ni terlintas di kepala sia. In fact, lama sudah I want to write this topic. Anyway, you guys sedarkah, sama ada Mrs atau Mistress, semuanya bergantung kepada lelaki yang terlibat tu? Like, he decides which one is his Mrs, which one is just his mistress.

To be the man’s Mrs tu, it’s clear. It’s written in law. You’re married legally to the guy, then you become his Mrs. Ini adalah satu hubungan yang dimaklumi oleh masyarakat sekeliling. You held a wedding party, buat ramai2…nah, si anu is bini kepada si anu. It’s clear, right?

Mistress with the small letter M tu pula, refers to a relationship yang biasanya “terlarang” – not in the way that it involves only one jantina, but terlarang because the guy is practically keeping the lady as companion sedangkan benda tu tidak diketahui umum. And the guy is still very much Married, and usually, the wife bukan tau kewujudan ini mistress dalam life husband dia. Nama pun sudah mistress. But dalam dunia sekarang yang semakinlah tidak dapat dijangka, ada extra-marital affairs yang actually diketahui oleh wife tu sendiri. But apa tu wife buat untuk handle this situation is not my focus here. I think, you and I are more interested to focus on the “mistress” with the small m. Yes, itu Perempuan Simpanan. Nama pun perempuan simpanan. Kana simpan. But u guys kena ingat, the general idea is, the lady is not kept for free. So usually cuma lelaki2 berduit yang ada mistress ni. Sebab it’s always sebab2 material yang akan make the hubungan “berlansung dalam keterdesakan” because the lady has something to rely on the man. “Biar la dia ada bini dan anak berbaris di rumah, but he gives me this luxury life, he comes home to me when he needs me, then there’s really no harm to live this way,” as a mistress might say it la. But perempuan ni, biasa la. Dorang ni makhluk yang lemah and so emotionally fragile. If she already shares part of her with the guy, mesti pun she sayang ba tu lelaki. Terlarang atau tidak, that’s another question. But mesti para mistress2 ni biasanya sayang dengan itu lelaki, then sanggup disimpan asalkan hati bahagia.

Speaking from the guy’s side la kan. Why dorang ada mistress? I think, jan pikir jauh2 la. Infidelity is as common as like what you guys know. Mimang lumrah lelaki mcm tu. They are born to conquer and they feel better as a man having women around them. And this need won’t stop with marriage. It’s just an animal side of man that they can’t live without. Remember, this is not to blame the man. Like one of my matured guy friend said, “The animal instinct is there in every man. But whether to let it overpower you is totally up to you.” So lelaki yang serba-serbinya ada sifat2 yang membolehkan dia keeping another woman (or maybe women?), he might do it – maybe it makes him feel happier. Wait, if you guys fikir betul2 ah…ikut logik la. Actually, if a man has a mistress kan, he can take a break from his wife and family, true? And in fact, this is a way the man can find himself harder to get bored of his own wife since that she’s not the only woman he spends time with. It’s VARIATION ba tu kali. Oh man, I tell you guys. This is actually more complicated than just being Unfaithful. It’s the needs to try to maximize life and let the different colours come to the surface and being able to really enjoy the beauty of every colours. Apa lagi dalam dunia yang penuh cubaan ni. You nampak orang lain buat, why you tidak buat? Something like that. It adds thrill to your life ba. Apa lagi when you have to sneak and tipu your wife mcm2 just to spend time with the mistress. Yes, betul la apa u guys pikir tu. Mistress ni dia punya kerja adalah as companion. So speaking of companionship, it usually involves sex. And for that, the guy gives materials in return la. Maybe kasi rumah or lain2 kemewahan. Sekali imbas, dorang ni mcm high-class prostitute pula kan, and at one side, dorang ni actually “a lover” to the man ba juga tu. Cuma since the man is married, so the law expects the wife to be the man’s only lover. So since ada extra lover, then wujudlah gelaran2 untuk perempuan simpanan ni.

Sekali imbas, terus kita mau menghakimi ba ni perempuan2 simpanan2. Kau la perempuan jahat, inda tau malu, inda sedar diri, perampas, gatal, miang…Nahh… sampai bisuk pun nda abis. Tapi betul ka dorang ni adalah perempuan2 yang cuma akhlaknya rendah, teda pelajaran atau “terlebih” pelajaran dan perangai macam bohsia? I think, you guys pun sudah boleh teka apa sia akan tulis next. Dorang tu pun perempuan macam kita juga tu – untuk yg perempuan la. Dorang pun ada naluri mau dicintai ba tu. Cuma dorang jatuh dalam jerat si lelaki yg sudah kawin. Then dorang stuck dalam relationship tu. Ada jua yang mistress2 ni kana tipu ba oleh lelaki tu. Kununnya sudah cerai la, kununnya sudah berpisah la, kununnya sudah kematian bini laa… DEIIII… lelaki oh lelaki, mestikah lidahmu tu perlu bercabang? Stop la ni perangai k?

Sia teda kawan yang jadi mistress, so sia nda pernah bercakap with any of them. But I know a story of my sister’s punya kawan. Yang ni mimang kes mistress sebab itu lelaki berpangkat Datuk. Dia kasi apartment, kereta…and gara2 sudah cinta sama tu lelaki, macam sia dengar2 tu perempuan actually sudah gugur anak beberapa kali. The Datuk keep saying yang, “I will leave my wife very soon” jadi tu mistress pun terus mengharap untuk ada ikatan sah sama ni lelaki. Tapi mcm sedikit silly la bila the lady tau yg lelaki tu kasi present sport car sama bini dia, and feels okay about it. I mean, is a sport car a good sign to “a coming divorce”? Untuk orang2 yang tukang dengar ja ni pun tau ba yang the man is very much still married to the wife, and no intention of leaving her. Maybe itu janji sudah “terlepas cakap” ba tu di saat rumahtangga tu bergoyang sikit. At the end of the day…The Wife Always Wins. Sorry to say la. Actually, sia sudah tulis this statement dalam post sia yang bertajuk, The Price Of Messing With Someone’s Husband. Entah kenapa, semua cerita orang ke-3 yang sia dengar dari orang sekeliling sia, semua TIDAK BERJAYA ambil tu husband. Tu husband akan pilih juga anak bini.

Cuma di post ni, sia focus on perempuan simpanan yang seolah-olah servicenya for companionship dibayar ba. So sia mau share a little thoughts with the ladies la okay. Emm…sia ni pun bukan jua sebagus mana mau nasihat2 orang but we share2 ja la ba kio. Gini laaa…I’m sure you ladies mau satu hubungan yang realistic, yang sah dan yang terjamin. So if you say YES untuk semua tu, say No to becoming somebody’s concubine – Yes…say No to becoming a mistress. Awal2 tu mungkin u guys enjoy juga, but sampai bila? Ingat tu, yang most men yang not divorced akan balik sama wife dia, sebab most lelaki ni cari mistress untuk EXTRA saja ba. If you guys teda pun dorang nda mati punya. Tapi jangan put yourself dalam situation yg you guys akan mati kalau itu lelaki teda. Awal2 sudah elakkan tu benda. Speaking of a mistress…semua perempuan pun ada peluang jadi somebody’s mistress juga kalau dorang pendek akal. But bukan semua mau benda ni. It’s not so hard to avoid this ba. Kita ni, hidup cuma sekali. Berbaloikah hidup setakat menumpang kasih yang tidak pasti, and just to find out that you will never make it yours sampai bila2?

Satu soalan yang interesting. Pernahkah kamu didatangi oleh lelaki2 dalam hidup kamu yang sanggup keluar duit untuk kamu, dan cakap tidak harap apa2 balasan? Ini bahaya ni. Yes, kadang2 kita dalam kesusahan kan. And ada lelaki2 ni yang maybe berkemampuan untuk tolong you guys, and you guys cakap, Iya saja. Apa lagi kalau sudah mimang ada niat mau mengikis. Tu lelaki2 kaya tu pun bukan buduh ba, my friends. Awal2 tu rasa mcm ikhlas ja, tapi bila sampai masa, mimang kana ungkit tu. Itu la buli timbul istilah Terhutang budi, tergadai body. Kelemahan perempuan ni mudah dimanipulasikan ba. Hal2 mcm tu akan lembutkan hati perempuan. Sia personally “takut” sama benda2 mcm ni sebab sia takut sia punya hati lembut sebab terhutang budi saja. Sia nda mau jadi mangsa and walaupun benda ni masih awal untuk dilabel sebagai “mistress”, tapi kalau lelaki2 yang terlibat tu adalah husband orang, what do you think is Next kalau benda tu dilayan menjadi besar?

Just now, I got an offer from a friend, who is a married man, to help me out on something ba. Actually, I did ask for his help but not involving material, but just now he offers help in terms of materials. Then I terus snapped like – “Eh no nooo…don’t want like that”. “We are friends kan?” he said, trying to make me say yes. But I cepat2 tukar topic sebab I think, the best way to treat a friendship is by not putting “materials” as priority ba. Tiba2 geli pula sia bila ingat kana offer mcm tu. Jadi if I say yes, then what? I owe him something ka that? I don’t think so he wants to help for free. Maybe intention dia baik, cuma hati manusia ni mana la kita tau. Sia cuba avoid risk ja ba tu. Kalau buli, problem sia biar sia handle la sendiri. If ada orang mau tolong, don’t make me feel mcm kana sponsor pula. Deiii…That’s not the worst actually. But as perempuan, pegangan tu kena ada. You can practise that little devil inside you but never puts your whole life on the line. Pandai2 la bawa diri kio. Perempuan kaum yang lemah? Make the guys think twice. Hehehe.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Arrgghh...What A Chaotic Monday!!

This morning, I woke up early, looked at the clock, I still have 10 minutes to prolong my nap and I only got up from bed at 6 AM. I remember my 2 pails of clothes soaked in detergent since last nite. I screamed at myself, It’s time to do the spinning!!! And so starting the day at 6 AM is half an hour early for me. So I put all the clothes in the machine and let it do the rest. As usual, my laundry session will be in a few “trips” of spinning since the clothes are those from 1 week. Imagine!! While the machine did its work, I was busy with my hair. I wanted to make sure my hair is looking nice with a little ironing and crystal oil. Yes, it was before I took my bath! I only took my bath during the last trip of spinning. I realized that then time was running so fast and I had not done with anything yet. So I took my bath, ran to my room and just pok silap any clean clothes yang bertimbun di atas kerusi – asalkan cukup syarat satu baju satu seluar, jangan ja lupa salah satu. Hahahaahahha

So sempat lagi I touched up my hair again – and I stuff itu crystal oil dalam itu beg plastik yang I will take to work. I kasi masuk tu iron rambut sekali, and sia punya little bag yang ada isi compact powder and all the lipsticks berhambur di meja. I just scoop everything masuk tu beg and toss it masuk tu beg plastic sekali. Sia lari turun bawa mau buat my sandwich. Today sia mesti buat tu sandwich sebab sia sudah beli semua dia punya bahan2 – nanti nda pasal2 kempunan pula, nah sepa susah. Heheheheheh. So sia pi goreng tu beef lagi untuk kasi inti and then wash the lettuce and tomatoes – actually itu lebih kepada burger ba tu tapi sia nda jumpa tu bun burger kemarin then I just bought itu bread yang size dia bigger than usual. Punya la kelam kabut kerja sia. Terabang sana sini lagi tu semua barang2 yang sia pigang, termasuk la yang sia masak. Sia main hambur2 saja tu sos and sos thousand island and putung lagi tu bread tiga segi sebab sia punya container nda muat. *Lols. And then since I made 2 sandwiches, tidak muat lagi tu container. U guys know what I do? I paksa juga masuk and then impit dia pakai tu tutup. Biar la terbuka-buka sikit. Lols. Sebab if I left tu extra di sana, teda org akan makan tu. Sebab my mom tidak akan makan makanan “tidak sihat” mcm tu ba. *Lols.

So kelam kabut sudah sia kasi masuk semua tu barang2 dalam beg sia and ready sudah mau jalan, kali tinguk sia sedar sia punya hphone teda di beg. Sia lari lagi naik atas dan mimang ada tu hphone sebelah bantal sia. Argghhh...mimang chaotic ba. Mana lagi sia nda sempat2 tinguk cermin, and then sia cincai2 ja apply the foundation on my face. Asal ja sia nda nampak mcm org baru bangun cukupla!!! hahahaha

Then masa dalam kereta, sia check my plastic bag. My crystal oil tumpah ba~!!!! Punyalah sia mau teriak. Then sia becoming more concerned with my hair di depan, yang looking burnt out ba from the rebonding session less than a week ago. Matai laaa!!! Sia rasa sesak nafas betul dengan kekelam-kabutan sia tu masa. Otak sia berserabut and so so disturbed ba. Mana lagi sia sibuk bercermin tinguk muka sia mcm tu zombie ka inda ni pagi. *Lols.

Then kan...lepas sampai, sia jalan dengan kelam kabut and limpas ni kedai makan ba...yang kebanyakannya adalah working men yang makan sana. Then sia sempat jua jeling sekali and ni satu meja yang ada dalam 5,6 org sedang makan sana, dorang meninguk lagi tempat sia ba. Punya tension sia tu masa sebab sia sudah la kelam kabut mcm tu, ntah apa la yang dorang tinguk tu tersengih sana. Dalam hati sia, entah why sia so so disturbed and I wanted to scream the word "Shut Up" *Lols. Even an extra stare pun sangat disturbing for me tu masa. And then I walked and walked, ada lagi sia dengar whistling. Sia tul2 mau menyumpah sudah sebab sia tul2 tension ba tu masa, especially mengingatkan sia punya crystal oil tumpah dalam beg. I’m having my hormonal dilemma you people, stay away from me!!!! Haahahahaah.

Tadi sia sampai ofis, trying to fix yang berhambur dalam beg, and semua yang sia pegang, semua jatuh and terabang. Punya laaaa sia tension tadi. Sia rasa mau teriak ja sama ni barang2 semua ba, and teriak also to my hands yang sentiasa buat tu barang2 semua terabang. Hahahaha. And then okay2 sudah sia duduk2 sini, datang lagi kawan2 sia yang mau bawa cerita masalah peribadi dorang di awal pagi. Sia tahan hati ja la, and layan jua, but at the same time, sia punya mata di pc, TRYING TO WRITE SOMETHING FOR MY BLOG!!! *Lols. Mana lagi sia pasang tu tv mau dengar tu Malaysia Hari Ini dan Breakfast Show, sia tul2 nda ble concentrate with writing ba. And finally, when I finally get calm, sia make coffee and trying to stuff myself with my sandwiches. Makan sandwich pakai sudu, korang pernah ka? Hahahahaahahahahahahahaha. Still deciding what else to eat, but these sandwiches are sure a good stuff to pamper my hormanal dilemma – it’s the time of the month again, u guys get it? *giggles. Emmmm...the letucce taste soooo gooodddd....

So, I thought of going online to post this blog and spend some time on IRC. So I sms-ed my bro Jojon, I will be around in IRC in any minute, tiba2 a customer datang, an urgent work needed to be done in 1 and a half hour. I felt like screaming ba tu masa. Baru sia kira mau pegi chat and kasi release sikit sia punya stress, then macam tu pula. So I ran lagi pegi beli a few things needed to do the urgent work, with the knowledge I couldn't log in to IRC so I called up my bro and told him “I couldn't go online now. You have fun ah”...actually I was so geram, I tutup mata saja sama my stress tu. It's time constraint, it's my clumsiness, it's my unnecessary anxiety over tiny stuff – Twofivesix[256], you need a therapy or what? *Lols

One thing that I learn from today is – I'm still a beginner in managing my time. My discipline is nothing I can be proud of. It doesn't take a genius my dear, I really need to divide my time wisely and not squeeze all works into one short time frame – It's not realistic and I can blame it all on my hormonal dilemma but I bet – It's as simple as Time Management, my dear self.

Now actually, after all is done, then only I can sit here and post this blog that you're reading now. After all, I still have something to laugh about. My hair that took too much of my attention lately, made the wastage of the crystal oil a big deal. My sandwiches are only half nescafe ice is also not finished yet. I guess, I only have the good things waiting for me for the rest of the day. I'm done with all the messy things. Thank you my chaotic Monday. I'm learning something from this already.

I'm glad I decide that smiling is the best to do now.



Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ni Barulah Husband Mithali!

Yesterday I took the chance to meet my best close buddy who gave birth to a babygirl less than a year ago. Apa lagi si kawan, menginterview la abis-abisan! Hahahahahaha. (Si kawan dalam ayat ni merujuk kepada sia sendiri ok? hehehehe) Dia ni pernah tinggal sebilik dengan sia, pernah cold war dengan sia, pernah complain sia pasang radio terlampau kuat, selalu sindir2 sia sebab suka nyanyi masa mandi, dan antara banyak2 kawan sia, dia la yang paling kenal perangai sia. Jadi KALAU la ada sorang di antara kawan2 sia yang wujud di dunia ni yang masih stay jadi kawan sia sampai bila2 adalah DIA, pun sia rasa syukur sudah. Sebab she knows keburukan sia, dan masih anggap sia ni bestfriend dia. I tell you guys, cukup syukur sudah kalau ada satu kawan macam ni.

I know her husband too. Also a friend sama2 study dulu. Who would have known, this humble guy who wasn’t famous enough to be “the talk-about” among the girls, actually become my best buddy’s husband. So, is he a good husband or what?

“Masa kami pulang kerja, mula sudah dia sibuk. Dia cakap, “Bah, capat2 kau mandi, sia mau cuci kain ni.” Terus sia main ampai ja tu kain2 di lantai, kelam kabut dia pungut dan pigi cuci. Lepas tu dia pigi jemur tu kain semua. Lepas kami makan, dia yang cuci tu pinggan mangkuk semua. Lepas tu, dia sapu lantai. Lepas dia sapu, dia mop lagi dua kali. Kalau masa malam tu masa tidur, selalu dia yang kasi bangun sia, “Tu baby mau menyusu sudah tu.” And then kalau tu baby kami batuk2, capat2 dia kasi angkat sikit kepala tu baby. Dia tukar pampers lagi semua. Kadang2 dia yang berjaga lewat tu untuk tinguk tu baby. Lepas tu, ada masa yang sia plan mau kami dua ja keluar and kasi tinggal tu baby tempat mentua sia, terus dia cakap, “Jangan sekali2 kasi tinggal tu baby kita.”

Masa kawan sia cerita tu kan, sambil jua sia terbayang tu muka dan perwatakan husband dia yang nampak calm saja. Cakap pun slow ja. And sia terbayang dia buat semua benda yang kawan sia cakap tu kan, terus sia pula yg terharu ni ba. Balik2 sia cakap… “Duiii giaaaaaaa” Dakat2 keluar jua air mata sia o. *Lols.

Since kawan sia tu sudah lalui kesakitan yang mcm2 selama berbulan-bulan masa mengandung dan beranak, so mimang dia take over banyak kerja sebab dia rasa bini dia tu terlalu penat ba sudah tu. Dan dia buat semua dengan volunteer ja. Buli2 kawan sia cakap, “Actually, mimang menyapu sama mop lantai la kerja dia hari2 tu.”

Kawan sia yang gayanya nakal2 jua mcm sia tu, selamba cerita in a sarcastic way. Sampat lagi dia buat lawak ba. Dakat jua pecah memecah tu dinding daripada kamirang punya ketawa. *Lols

Then after that, I said to her,

“You made the right choice kan.”

Kawan sia tidak buli deny yang she made the right choice. Actually I knew how hard it was for her back then. She loved another guy who seemed to give her “the thrill” of life that she was seeking for. She loved the guy separuh gila. But this man (her husband now), was there for her all the time she was experiencing disappointment in relationships. Maybe because he was there all the time, she could not see him more than a friend. He was “an easy catch” for her when she could actually try out with better guys out there. It was what in her mind back then. She knew she could opt for better life with the other guy that she loved – she could travel and she could expect bigger things. But fate has a way of telling you what you are destined to be and to do. The ways got really tough for her and the man she loved and finally she picked the patient guy who might not offer her all the thrills in life but A simple Life to be shared with her.

It was a sacrifice. I know how much my friend cried for weeks because she had to let go the guy she loved after doing so much thinking on WHO would be the best person to live with. It was painful for her when her wisdom picked the guy who she didn’t love that much. But this guy could give her security that mostly comes from the many years of friendship.

Ini betul2 satu cerita yang membuktikan satu teori sia.

A Good Life Is Not A Fluke. Kau yang buat keputusan, kau akan terima baik buruk keputusan kau.

I told my friend just that. She sangat2 setuju.

“Kalau sia pikir cinta, bukan dia yang sia kawin. I could end up regretting my decision when I come to this very same moment. But as a result, I can gladly say,


Ini betul2 satu bukti bahawa kau berkuasa buat pilihan dan sama ada kau ikut akal kau, atau hati kau – tapi usually, yang ikut akal ni, kau nda akan menyesal punya, melainkan takdir sudah campur tangan dan kau teda kuasa mau ubah.

Then speaking of her husband, I asked her this,

“Oh Man, What Else Do You Want? You Have Everything sudah tu.”

Of course my friend akan cakap…”Tapi dia tu bikin geram juga tu kadang2…”

Then I potong,

“I tell you ahh…bini2 orang di luar sana tu yang husband dia jenis tidak peduli dan tidak akan buat benda2 husband kau buat, I bet dorang akan wish “Kalau la husband dorang tu buli buat semua yg mcm husband kau buat, dorang akan tolerate with semua kelemahan husband dorang yang ada. Pasal bukan senang mau dapat husband mithali macam tu ba, kau tau ka?”

Terus kawan sia angguk sambil senyum malu2 kunu tiba2. Deiiiii. *Lols.

Tiba2 ada husbandnya tu datang duduk kejap with us. Sia senyum ja tinguk muka dia yang calm tu. Lagipun sia rasa dia belum tau tu yang sia sudah tau dia paling rajin menyapu dan mop lantai rumahnya tu. Hehehehehe. It must take a man yang hatinya betul2 committed towards a family yg bagus, baru la buli buat semua tu.

Anyway, benda mcm ni la yang sia mau lihat dan dengar, then I can feel so good about this life.

Good things still exist pula kan guys :)

Maybe satu dunia tidak payah tau yang dia tu adalah seorang husband Mithali, yang penting, anak bini dia tau they have the best man that will take care of them, dan kalau ini berkekalan (mudah-mudahan), harap2 juga jadi contoh dan tauladan sama yang lain kan :) (Erkss…ya laa…termasuk diri sia sendiri la baitu. Deiii…mau jua sia cakap ba. Hehehe)