
Friday, March 20, 2009

What's Inside A Guy's Mind

It’s true that as long as we live, so long do we learn. We will never get too clever about anything in this life. We always have something new to learn and if someone says he knows too much of something that he doesn’t have more to learn…yups, he bluffs.

Guys, actually we ladies know nothing about you guys. Really. We don’t know how far can your words be trusted, which words that you guys really mean for real and which part of your doings that are really sincere – We really don’t know, ANYMORE. No ladies, I mean it. Maybe we think we know so much, but actually we don’t! This creature called MALE could be as complicated as we are!

In this blog alone, I have talked about many different issues. I have a lot o f issue involving guys. I have the story how a guyfriend who didn’t contact me for 6 months suddenly made that call and told me how he missed me to the extent that he almost cried while thinking about me, still he waited 6 months to make that call. Why? I don’t understand. Second, I have talked about a guy, who went silent for 9 months and made that call to the girl (who was my customer) and popped out that marriage proposal and the wedding happened only 2 weeks after the proposal. My goodness, what’s inside that guy’s mind? Why did he have to keep silent for that long if he had long thought of marrying the girl? Third, I have talked about a guy, who simply say, “Let’s end this relationship here” just to come back to her and say, “Let’s get back together,” and only told her that he didn’t mean it and he did it out of jealousy. My gawd. Again, what’s inside your mind, guys? Not to mention, how a guyfriend of mind who sms-ed me, “I’m dying” and disturbed my emotions the whole nite, and the next day, forgot about it? Want more?

A friend of mine told me that she went out with this guy many times already. He would drive long distant just to fetch my friend, and he paid for everything, from movies, foods and even sent her home. My friend felt kinda attached to him because of his kindness. And the most recent hang out, the guy finally said this in the most jovial manner, “Ya know, I’m going to get married in August.” He laughed and continued, “Not sure what year, but must be in August.” My friend was shocked. And felt cheated too. All this while, the guy is already engaged to someone. If he is sincere with the friendship with my friend, why don’t tell her much earlier?

Also a friend of mine, know a guy from the internet. She referred her as Abang angkat. They have never met yet but they become so close through the phone because the guy is in Peninsular. The guy seemed to be very interested in my friend and he even mentioned the possibility of marrying her one day after they meet. He always told my friend that he was so lonely. Recently, my friend received a call from the guy’s number, but it was a lady. Yesz people, it was the man’s wife. The wife spoke nicely, telling her that the guy was her husband, with 4 kids. My friend was shocked, especially when the guy snatched the phone from the wife and screamed at the phone, “Who are you? I don’t know you!!!”, then she heard them arguing before the line was cut off. My friend cried so hard. 8 months friendship ended just like that. And by the time she told me this, she asked me, “Kenapa lelaki macam tu ah?” Guess what, I also don’t know the answer.

What about this one. A guy who seems to have a lot of interest in you, telling you all the benefits of becoming his wife – telling you that you’re the only girl who gets the upper hand among all the girls he has ever met. You thought of giving it a try, but before you even get to tell him about that, he then tells you that, “If I tell you I’m taken and going to get married soon, can we still be friends?”

Sometimes it’s obvious that you men are greedy when it comes to girls. That’s in the nature, okay fine. Sometimes you men do things to save face, or to show the girls, who wears the pants. Okay, that’s understandable. But now, it’s getting more complicated. I’m afraid that you guys are also at lost when it comes to explaining your own behaviour, why do you guys say something serious to the girls and the next thing you know, “hey, I don’t know what you’re talking about” “No, I never say anything like that” – You guys even refuse to take responsibility for what you said. Don’t make the words cheaper, guys. I’m afraid, no girls are buying them anymore.

So, do you have to wonder anymore why you can learn to write a love letter and recite a love poem but they won’t work anymore? If you think you can soften a woman’s heart by confessing your love and feeding her I Love You all the time, Nope, that’s not going to work anymore. We simply don’t know what to believe because you guys are becoming more cunning than ever. But I’m sure, deep inside the female’s heart, we do want to understand you guys but the question is, will you guys let us understand you?



AngeL BeaR said...

Men..they are so complicated! Take my bf for instant - if I simply informed him that I will be going somewhere with who and who, the reply he gave me is "no need to tell me, you can do whatever you want." then one day I was in the club with a friend, watching liveband all of the sudden he called and when he learnt where I was he said "owh, pandai suda keluar teda pandai kasitau ah...."

They are like little kids - MOST of the time! Once they want this toy, the next they would leave it there but when someone tries to claimed it they would give a tantrum not give it out of to do all means to get it back.

There are guys who always say "You start to act like my mother!" because of our constant nags about him sleep late, not eating well, got sick..etc etc...yeah the end, once they can't get it from you anymore they will feel isolated, neglected.

guys - uptil now I can't really figure out what they actually wanted. Not even my owh bf! Hehehehe...but the most obvious thing is - once they were lonely, heartbroken - they will find solace with any ladies they can get closed with, to become their comfort zone until when everything was okay and safe to get out from that 'zone' - trust me - in most cases, he would leave that comfort zone and got a gf...leave that poor lady wondering 'what is wrong with me? am I not treating him nice? Hell, I was there when he was hurt and lonely now he simply leave me and choose to be with someone else!"

And yet they still think we women are hard to understand. Sheesh...

Twofivesix256 said...

Yes dear dingo!!! We had the same questions in mind! If only we could understand this creature kan :)) Thanks for the nice sharing.

Anonymous said...

haha zaat juga dalam pandangan kamurang terhadap kaum adam ni tau. yg sia nampak suma sama jak tentang kaum adam dan kaum hawa ni :)))
ada yg bagus dan ada jua yg nda bagus bah :)) kalo sdah bersama2 tu...kekadang kena guhed..kekadang kena gustan lah..tulak manulak ansur ekekkeke
"no need to tell me, you can do whatever you want." <-- dia sakap gini kali dia namau ko rasa terkongkong bila bersama ngan dia bah :))
"owh, pandai suda keluar teda pandai kasitau ah...." <---- nahh camni contoh arr :)) ni bf ko kali mo begurau saja sama ko mah.. 2nd contoh iyalah..dia mo tunjukkan yg dia maseh amik berat sama ko baitu.
mang susah mo jadi manusia ni(tapi kalo bikin manusia pula sonang haha)..satu jak petuanya kalo mo berpanjangan tu hubungan..tu pikiran kena pikir yg baik punya demi utk perhubungan tu :)))
kalo rumitkan tu pikiran ...yg buli bahagia pun buli jadi nda bahagia . so pikiran sia iyalah..jan sembarangan berpikir yg bukan bukan punya lorr :)))) peace~~!!

Twofivesix256 said...

Encik ulal!!!!!!! kau tahan ka kalau kamirang dua si dingo gigit telinga kau sorang satu? *lols. Bukan pikir bukan2 ba tu laling, cuma satu persoalan. Kamirang perempuan kan, mcm we akan selalunya ingat ba tu apa kami cakap, sebab kan bikin jatuh air muka tuu kalau cakap2 ja and then lupa. Nah, but ni lelaki ni kadang2 lain...berabis dorang cakap, then dorang simply lupa ba...or, they don't meant it pun, sedangkan benda tu should be something serious. Nah, kalau sudah byk kali mcm tu, mau nda mau maka dijadikan la topik di blog...hahahahaha. Ya la ba ulal, kau lain, abis kau ayu dan jelita kan. hahahaha :P Apa pun, betul tu apa kau cakap. Think positip baru la hidup senang. Muahsss

Anonymous said...

will you guys let us understand you?<------ of coz bah my dear litol kosayangan :)) ko anggap jak macam pilih sayur bah dear,kalo sayur yg baik punya tuss buli nampak baitu kehijauannya..dan ada kana geget uli serangga :))) takan tu sayur ijau dan teda gegetan serangga pun ko anggap sayur yg bagus?? padahal banyak tu rasun serangga taim tanam tu sayur kan :)) dan kedua2 jenis sayur ni pun buli d makan ..cuma rasanya sodap kah nda :))
nahh..sama jua ni ngan manusia begelar kaum adam ni..kalo yg bagus punya tetap ko buli tau punya..manakala yg nda bagus punya...jan lah kamu rasa kamu buli kaseh bagus sbab ni jenis kaum adam sama ngan tu jenis sayur yg banyak racun serangga tu ..puin sia iyalah jan lah susahkan tu hati mu hanya gara2 ni jenis kaum adam yg banyak rasun serangga tu..maseh banyak lagi kaum adam yg nda berasun serangga :)) hanya perlu palan palan pilih bah dear wakwak