
Friday, March 5, 2010

Miss You Till I Miss You No More

Sometimes some people let us miss them so much at one time. At one time, you feel that you are overpowered by the feeling of longing to have the person around. You are asking all sorts of questions to yourself, Why isn’t the person be around for you? At times, you can’t hold back and just let yourself weep thinking about the person. You miss the good memories, you miss the things that you guys have spent together, and you miss all the fun things. Everything that the person has said that once cheered you up, playing again in your head. How cruel it is for the person to not be around and let you miss him? You are thinking what have you done that causes this distance. Was it anything that you have said or done? Have you done something really wrong to deserve this?

But this feeling might not stay for so long. If the person whom you miss is cheering because he can turn your life upside down just from missing him, he’s not going to be so cheerful any longer than that. Cos this feeling might be gone before you know. Yes, this feeling isn’t here to stay. The next time the person shows up, you forgot about missing him. You could even ask him, “Oh, you’re here.” Emotionless.

It’s good to be missed but make sure the people whom you let miss you, aren’t the people you care. Cos they might decide otherwise if you let them miss you too long. You thought they gonna jump for joy when they hear from you again, but you could be wrong. Suddenly your presence DOESN’T matter anymore. They are used to not having you around. They have learnt to accept your absence. Now that when you think you want to appear again, you have to REGAIN their attention all over again.

Something that maybe we don’t think much of. We thought that people who miss us will always miss us and waiting for us. The fact is, they know if you’re worth-missing. If you make yourself absence out of selfishness, they will soon find out about it. When you make yourself occupied just for indulgence without thinking about the people who want your presence, they will know it. That’s why before you do anything like that, make sure you don’t get yourself hurt in the end. Cos missing someone can be painful. That’s why we want only miss those who care if we miss them or not. And if you care, you won’t let them miss you for that long :)

If someone cease to miss you, now you know…

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