
Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Give Her All The Corrects She Doesn't Deserve"

I was sitting on my desk when I recalled this funny thing happened years ago. I remember that I joined a class for a short-term course that was very different from the course I was doing for years. There were only a few students with degree and the rest are with diploma. The course was conducted 70% in English. I remember that the lecturer was young good-looking family man. He’s the nicest lecturer that I have ever come across. Maybe because the duration of the course was quite short, so we only got to share all the good stuff.

I remember that I was a very serious student during the course. I never played around. When it was time to write notes, I write, so I became the place they came to ask notes from. The rest of them were wasting their time, chatting and playing around at the back. I learnt my lesson back in secondary school when my grades were plunging just because I played around. I never felt sleepy even once during the whole months. I’m very satisfied with my commitment with the course. It was like never before!

Maybe because of that, I gained a lot of respect from the lecturer. He would tease some of my classmates, but he would never tease me. He was the type who joked around like he was just a colleague to us. We even discussed about some nasty hot videos openly during recess. So you know that our lecturer was more like a friend than a lecturer to us. The only thing that he often said to me jokingly, I should quit the course early and apply for a lot of vacancies that I might fit in. I said to him, if I wanted to do it, I would have done that long before. He couldn’t understand why I was so stubborn with my decisions. He thought that courses like that are only delaying my time. I remember that one time, I was at the pc lab, and instead of doing the work he asked, I logged in to IRC and went chatting. He saw it. I was giggling in front of the pc as I was chatting pretending I didn’t see him looking my way. *Lols. My other friend who was using the pc beside me was doing the same thing. But she was doing a little less crime because she was not that good with handling pc so she sort of trying to connect her IRC but didn’t manage. I didn’t know if my lecturer thought it was okay for me to steal some time chatting, but he did not say anything to stop me. He only said, Wow 256, you can type very fast oh. It could be a sarcastic remark but I didn’t get it. *Lols. When we came back to the classroom, he kept saying to the class that “he’s amazed” that I could type so fast. You see? I didn’t get it that he was trying to hide a little dissatisfaction towards me “taking advantage” of his kindness at the pc lab. He kept attacking my friend who sat beside me at the pc lab – saying that “she could never finish her work because she only chats when she’s at the pc lab. That’s all she knows.” That’s what my lecturer teased my friend in the joking manner. The whole class laughed at her. That’s what always happened. He would tease my other friends but he would not tease me. I felt that I was given a special treatment.

But it was a wild guess until I found something on my test paper. We did a few tests and I was always sure of my answers so I never received an X on any of my answers. Not even a single X. If we got even one wrong answer, we need to do the question once again in a correction paper and submit it to be rechecked. Finally, we came to this one test - after we submitted the paper, we discussed the answers, and I almost choked when I found out that I finally got one answer wrong. I mean, it was really shameful when I was doing my notes correctly and still got it wrong. So I was ready to accept an X on this question when I received my test paper. But guess what?? My lecturer gave that wrong answer a big correct sign. I mean, I was so sure I was wrong for that answer and he still gave me correct. I did not say anything to my friends and I was sure my lecturer won’t overlook that mistake too. I tried to guess why. One could be because my lecturer did not want to deal with me any further because if he gave me wrong, he needed to remind me to do the correction. I could tell that he might not like to remind me about something like that because I was the one who often caught his mistakes when he was teaching. I remember that he used the wrong English term and I said, “Sir, I believe that word doesn’t exist. I checked on my pc dictionary last nite.” I think even my lecturer was scared of me. (Hahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahaaha).

I was just kidding. But it left me wondering why. If you were some lecturer, do you think you’ll get intimidated by your student to the extent that you give her all the corrects she doesn’t deserve? It’s ridiculous, right?

One more thing. Coming to the end of the course, my classmates were planning to do a “farewell vacation” to Ranau, since that some of them are not Sabahans. So they were all excited to go. They had been planning on the fun stuff to do during the trip and my lecturer agreed with them all the way. They were on it for some time. I was keeping my mouth shut because I didn’t like the trip because of many reasons, other that the fact that my boyfriend didn’t permit me to go. So, a few days before the trip, I finally spoke.

“I actually dislike the trip because the time frame is really short. Many hours would be spent on the bus instead of on the location itself. We will arrive back tired and worn out and this doesn’t sound like a fun trip for me. It’s more like a rushing trip that takes a lot of energy and not have the time to relax. My suggestion is that we do a class party in this classroom, have some indoor games, exchanging gifts, collect money and we buy many delicious foods that we can enjoy together. Everyone will go home feeling happy.”

Because of that “heartless” suggestion I made, they canceled the trip!! Ouch!! Nobody actually said No to me. Even my lecturer said, “Yes, I agree. I will sponsor 4 cakes for the party. Suddenly everyone forgot about the trip. And yup, we finally had a nice party packed with delicious foods.

I don’t know why only just now I remember it all back and thought that I was given too many “corrects” that I didn’t deserve. I just hope that for anybody who was involved in any of those scenes, felt okay with it and not saw me as The Queen Of The Termites. Hahahaahahahahahahahaha.

Anyway, it is one very treasured memory. Thanks my dear lecturer because of my CLEAN record without X – Hahahahahahahaha. (But sorry I just told my readers I didn’t actually deserve the clean record. Hehehehe. Muahsss all.

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