I do not make this blog so that I can get back to you guys. What for? I have no issues except for the global issues that are going against women. I stand for what is right to me because I am given the ability to tell right from wrong. No, I mean Yes, I have written a few articles that are dedicated to the men and their weaknesses, but I might as well write something about women too. In fact I do it all the time. Not even once that I give ladies the upper hand for no apparent reasons. I am being VERY FAIR here, my friends…
I am sure, most of my handsome guy readers (ahem! *Lols) understand and get my clear message and not for once they might have mistaken my intention. Never at once that most of them come back to me and say, Hey 256, I think you are too much on siding the women. No, they are so smart to NOT think that way! I think that my guy readers are LOVING me (for my writing la ba!) even more! *giggles. Oh well…what can I say? Hahahaahahahah. Just kidding guys :)
Let me make it very clear. I lurvee this male species. As much as you guys adore the ladies, that’s how I see men. I lurve men for their own special qualities. And no, that doesn’t mean that I’m going to list down my preferences in men. I have a strange taste in men actually. Hahahahahahaha. Gotcha!! :P
Please ahh… no more salah sangka. Ya la, I might sound so jahat in public channel, flirty, rude and all that, but those who talk to me in private message know that I am QUITE nice. So sepa2 yang kana buli di public tu jan korang ambil ati sama sia ah. Patutla ramai pikir sia ni lelaki sebab sia jaat ba di public kan. *Lols. Padan dengan muka sia. Hahahahahahaha. Thanks for reading, guys. Muahsss.
P/S – The third guy who is invited to get a tribute page in my blog is Ko[R]N… my offer stands until I have the next guy in mind. Hahahahahaha. (Oh, now you believe that I actually appreciate guys? Nah, jan lagi jaat sama sia ahhh :P ) What is my criteria to pick who I want to appear in my blog? Emm… let me see. No criteria actually. I follow my gut feelings. The guys who get a step closer to me, and have certain kind of appeal to me. Definitely does it all. You all are great ba actually. Seriously. Abis you guys semua best2, I tutup mata only pick that. Can use ka the excuse? *giggles. Can la baaa. Alaa, can laaa. (Hahahahahahahahahaha)…Notty nottyy 256. Please be around me cos you guys make my day :) Muahsss you guys.
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