
Thursday, January 22, 2009

“I Admire You So Much Because…”

If one person comes to you and tell you, “I really admire you.” In most cases, I would ask back. “Really? And why is that?” Aha…What is the best answer you want to hear?

My whole life, I got funny experiences about this. Back in secondary school, I even had my junior who thought he admired me, and it was just because he saw my full name somewhere. It was the silliest reason to admire someone. No more silly things like that, please.

Then, what would be the best answer? Masa dulu2, maybe la the girls akan suka when the guy says, “Abis kau kiut ba.” “Abis kau manja ba.” “Sia suka ba tinguk tu lesung pipit kau.” “I like your sweet smile”.

Lepas tu, untuk yg dewasa, reason2 dia ada yang mimang reason berani mati, “Sebab sia tinguk body kau mengancam ba. Especially tu gunung Kinabalu kau.” “Cause I like your big butts and how you walk. So sexy o.” “Kau punya style dressing betul2 nice ba, seksiii gila.” Odoiii dogooo. Matai naa dengan reason2 begitu. Buang karan dan elektrik only!

Sia rasa dengan reason2 macam tu mcm putung stim ba. Baru jua kau mau rasa gembira pasal ada org minat, terus inda jadi gembira ba. Hahahahahaha. Just kidding. Tapi apa pun, kita kena bersyukur jua ba ada org suka dengan kita. Nda kisahlah pasal apa. I don’t know if your ladies like compliments like that. But as for me…ehmm…not really.

Nda tau la kalau org lain, but kalau sia, I don’t want to be liked for a wrong reason ba. As simple as that. If the person like me because of a sensible thing, then I can take him seriously, if not, masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri saja la.

But sejak sia rasa sia semakin matang, mungkin penilaian org pun berbeza. People tend to evaluate you for your true values ba. Mungkin juga benda tu datang dari diri sendiri – macamana cara kita appeal diri kita dengan org. Apa yang kita tonjolkan pada dorang dan sebagainya.

Sia paling appreciate when someone says to me that he admires me because of “The way I think”, “How I express myself”, “I have great ideas”, “I like your piece of writing.” “I like your creativity”. Nahh… benda2 mcm tu sia suka. Sebab sia rasa org tu hargai kebolehan sia dan dia nampak apa yang terbaik sia boleh buat dalam apa yang sia buat. Sebab mungkin I think that’s where my best values lie.

Apa pun, it’s good that people appreciate us for A Reason ba kan. Apa pun reason dorang, itu sudah cukup bagus ba tu. Itu hak dorang untuk pikir apa dorang mau pikir, rasa apa dorang mau rasa. Nda kisah la ba juga kalau ada org tu suka kamu sebab dia suka kening kamu lebat ka, mata kamu sepet ka, cara kamu bercakap ka…deii…kasi ON saja la ba tu. Jan pikir byk2. Syukur saja laa. Yang penting, minat meminati ni perkara yang baik ba ni. So yang baik tu biarla berkekalan, macam tu tema Teh Lipton ba pula. Hehehe. Peace everyone.


PJ said...

i admire u because...
bcoz urself...
go infront da mirror..
then u will see it..


Twofivesix256 said...

Papa-comel...I think people would say that to you la, cos your kecomelan says it all. Hahahaha. Keep reading :P