Another person added to the list of “The List Of Men Who Think Smart Women Are Scary”…Hahahaahahaha. I am not saying that I am smart, but at least, I am smart enough to some of my guy friends and they thought I am not an easy business to handle. They can’t simply twist their tongue and expect me to accept everything they say without a debate. Yes, I love to debate and argue about something that I know to be true.
Men love to be superior than their partner. They want to feel that they are better. These are the men who are clear of the purpose of their creation in this universe…To Lead. Yes guys, To Lead.
But what now? Are we women going to feel sorry that we have got brains? That we learn so much from life and finally be someone that has pretty much lot of common senses to apply in our daily lives?
I remember this conversation with my other close guy friend who works with a government department that I deal with. I expect them to inform me about a last minute cancellation. “…Then why didn’t they call me to inform me about this matter? They can explain to me, right?” Then my guy friend responded, “ Habis kau talampau pandai ba. Susah org mau explain sama kau. Nanti nda pasal2 free2 lagi kana teriak sebab mimang ada ja jawapan kau tu. Itu la ba dorang rasa inda payah explain sama kau.” Then sia cakap, “Ohh, sampai mcm gitu sekali ka.” Then I felt like something was tickling me from inside. Hahahaaha. First, I felt like “The Swamp Thing” where people ran away from me because I was that scary, and secondly, for the silliest reason, they thought that talking to the wall was better because the wall couldn’t answer them back. *Lols.
Hey, u guys takut your girlfriend smarter ka? Takut you guys tidak boleh bully them and lie to them yg kononnya u guys got overtime sedangkan u pegi joli? Actually, if a lady is smart pun, she’s weak in other areas so mimang you can always complement her in those areas she lacks. Kalau sia yg jadi lelaki kan, I think smart women are very attractive, because they know what to say and you can learn a lot from them. With them, you will feel a bigger challenge of improving yourself and with that, you won’t feel far left behind. In fact, I think you would become a better man TWICE faster!!
What Do You Say? :)
intiliziun wanita bikin takut ??? emm..bagus bah kalo bini bijak atau kawan pompuan yg bijak TAPI!!!!bagi pompuan umur 40 keatas yg bulum kahwen !!! sia akan jadi scarry jua ohhhh...sbabnya..sdahlah bijak tambah lagi pamanas d sampul lagi GANAS + beberan lagi dan lagi lagi lagiii+++ haiyoooooooo bikin takut jua woooooooo!! peace utk wanita up40 yg maseh buzang :))
But kan laling, inda semua ba tu macam tu. Kalau dia mau pemanas, dia akan pemanas juga tu nda kira la umur dia berapa. True or not? *giggles.
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