
Friday, January 30, 2009

"Sioknya Kena Belanja..."

My sister called me up this morning. “You know what, I called the department just now and they told me I passed the test, highest grade, finally.” “Then I answered, “Oh. Ok.” (Teda perasaan hahaha) “Then that means I have to belanja kamu la ni.” Then again I said, “ Oh, ya ka. Bah ok la kalau mcm tu.” (Hahahahahahahaha :P)

Siok ba the feeling kalau kana belanja kan? I’m not the type who expect people to belanja me. I always “Go Dutch” when I go out with my friends. I think all my friends are like that. Unless they are celebrating birthdays and volunteer to pay, then only someone else is paying la. But when ada orang cakap, “I want to belanja you makan”, it sounds so good, right? But kalau sia, sia tinguk juga sepa orang yang mau belanja tu. Kalau sia belum berapa kanal, I Don’t Think So! So kalau guna itu excuse, “Mau belanja makan” mimang tidak begitu berkesan la untuk sia. Sebab I’m the type who doesn’t mind eating Nasi Lemak if that’s the only thing that I can afford, rather than makan hotel buffet but org lain yang bayar. Hehehe :P

Apa yang best sangat dengan kena belanja ni? Selain daripada save pocket money sendiri, mcm takut2 pula terhutang budi ba, don’t you guys think so? Or mana la tau tu org nda ikhlas dan minta balasan, nanti2 gaduh sikit, dia ungkit balik semua tu. Haiyoo...not nice la ungkit2 kan. Itu la we have to tinguk org juga kalau biar itu orang pay for your meal. Jangan pula hal2 kecil macam tu pun kana ungkit.

As for me juga, since my gaya pun macam tu, I sendiri pun tidak biasa belanja orang. Sia nda mau macam orang pikir macamlah sia paling banyak duit sampai buli belanja dorang semua. *Lols. So I usually akan belanja kawan2 yang belum ada kerja saja atau kawan2 sia yang mimang ada kerja tapi dorang pernah belanja sia. So teda konteks hutang budi terlebih2 sangat. Kadang2 tu, di kaunter baru cakap...It’s Okay, I Pay la this time. “Next time your turn”  itu untuk cover line la ba tu supaya kawan2 kita teda rasa apa2 sebab dorang tau next time dorang pula kena belanja. Hehehe. Ya la, manatau dorang takut kamurang pikir dorang teda duit pula sebab tiba2 u guys offer mau pay.

One more thing, is it okay untuk perempuan belanja lelaki? Of course, It’s Okay. But kalau lelaki berabis minta belanja perempuan, macamana? Ha, ini satu benda yang sia cerewet sikit. Sudah namanya lelaki kan, jaga la ba air muka tu sikit. Nda malu ka korang mau minta belanja kawan2 perempuan? Minta belanja secara bertatasusila dan berhemah tu mungkin buli2 lagi, maksudnya kalau kawan kamurang tu ada kena kenaikan pangkat ka, ada jua reason. Ini tidak, tiap2 lunch minta belanja. Aiyoo bikin malu o. My sister selalu kena tu benda. Mentang2 la my sister is quite generous kan, orang ambil kesempatan pula. Generous tu generous juga, tapi urg bukan buduh ba. So jaga2 sikit yang suka minta belanja tu. Nanti orang cakap2 u guys di belakang tu. Hahahahaha. Jangan la ba pasal makan pun jadi kes besar. So, pokoknya, jan terlampau berharap sama duit orang lain. Masing2 ada kerja kan? So pandai2 la control budget. Jan free2 malu pula kana cakap asyik minta belanja ja.

Apa pun, untuk mereka2 yang semulajadi murah hati dan selalu belanja orang, mimang kamurang ni murah rezeki la tu kan. But belanja tu belanja juga, hati tu mesti ikhlas. Jan korang tulis dalam buku log pula ahh. Hehehehe. One more thing, belanja2 orang ni satu perkara yang baik juga ba ni. Mengeratkan silaturahim la ba katakan, right? So, next time, when someone wants to belanja you for a good reason, then say, Okay! Next time it would be my turn! Fair and square, right! :)

“Kalau Saya Lelaki Yang Baik…”

“…Tuhan akan bagi saya perempuan yang baik.” (Dan begitu juga sebaliknya).

Betul ka tu? Kamu percaya yang salah satu reward untuk menjadi baik adalah dengan mendapat pasangan hidup yang baik?

Sekali imbas, macam siok saja tu ayat kan. Tapi kalau tinguk betul2 apa jadi di sekeliling kita, macam benda tu tidak tepat. Ramai juga orang2 baik yang kawin sama pasangan yang betul2 bertentangan dengan sikap dorang. Sumandak kampung yang innocent kawin sama ni tanak wagu yang banyak duit dan suka main judi, suka main perempuan dan joli sana sini. Nah, apa macam la tu?

First, definisi BAIK itu pun mau kena tinguk juga. Kalau kau jenis yang tidak pukul perempuan, adakah itu sudah cukup untuk dipanggil baik? Kan? You guys see it now? It becomes even more complicated from there. Definisi pun sudah tunggang langgang. Apa lagi mau cari jawapan sama tu persoalan.

“Baik” dalam konteks seorang perempuan. Virgin? Tidak keluar malam? Tidak flirt sama lelaki? Nah…macam2 lagi mau dihuraikan. You guys rajin mau huraikan? Ok, leave it there.

Actually, speaking of the topic. Itu benda keluar daripada mulut one of my friends ba tu masa kami cerita2. Sibuk dia bercerita pasal kawan2 lelaki dia yang mcm2 karenah dan akhirnya keluar la cerita pasal benda tu. Kununnya kawan lelaki dia tu berabis mau menilai perempuan sebelum dia mengurat tu perempuan. Dia mau make sure itu perempuan VIRGIN dulu baru dia mau urat. Alasannya? “Sebab sia pun lelaki baik. Mesti la sia mau cari yang baik2?” (Uiks…nda tersindir ka kamurang yang tergolong dalam lelaki2 nakal? Free2 ba kamu kana cakap layak dapat perempuan2 nakal yang mcm kamurang tu juga! *Lols)

For me, Kemahuan dan Kejadian tu nda sama. Kau buli minta dan harap mcm2 benda, tapi apa yang jadi tu mungkin tidak sama dengan yg kamu harap. Tapi itu tidak bermaksud yang kamu harus berhenti untuk harap yang terbaik untuk diri kamu. Bagus la kalau ada kesedaran dalam diri sendiri yang “Kalau sia baik, sia layak dapat pasangan yang baik.” Sebab, kamu imagine la kalau org tu cakap, “Sia jahat2 dulu, nanti sia cari pasangan yang baik untuk sia kawin.” Ha, itu mimang bahaya. Dia nda sedar, kalau dia pikir mau buat jahat sama perempuan dulu, ertinya dia menambah bilangan perempuan jahat dalam dunia ni, atau merosakkan hidup byk perempuan dalam dunia ni. Tapi pandai pula simpan impian mau kawin sama yang baik2 ja. Jadi mereka2 yang terpedaya tu apa cerita?

Mungkin kita nda payah pening2kan kepala ni.

Hidup ini LEBIH daripada setakat BAIK atau TIDAK BAIK sahaja. Mimang mission impossible kalau kamu cuma mau kategorikan manusia ni dalam dua golongan tu, sedangkan ia jauh lebih abstract dari tu.

Soal pasangan hidup ni baik atau tidak baik… nonsense la mau pikir banyak2. Kalau hati kau sudah suka, kau mesti dapat terima dia seadanya.

Speaking of, “Perempuan yang baik2 hanya untuk lelaki yang baik2” – Dipendekkan cerita, Itu bukan kerja kita. Tapi sia percaya, setiap kita ni, kalau mau jadi baik pun, kita baik sebab kita sendiri mau jadi baik. Kita nda juga paksa2 diri hanya sebab dia target mau dapat pasangan yang baik2 – pakai common sense pun kita tau yang benda tu BELUM TENTU lagi.

Lagipun…yang jahat dulu, tidak semestinya jahat sampai bila2. Mungkin lepas tu dia jadi baik juga. So sudah susah2 pikir sampai sini…kita pendekkan lagi la jalan cerita. Kalau korang terlampau mengikut satu format atau guideline dalam menjalani hidup ni, confirm la korang akan susah tu sebab sia sudah buat kesimpulan yang hidup ni tidak boleh dijalankan ikut satu format yang kita tetapkan. Cos hidup ini sangat subjektif ba. Jadi bila ada kawan2 sia yang cakap sama sia dorang “mesti mau begini, begitu” – sia senyum saja. Sebab sia tau mesti kawan sia tu belum lagi pikir dalam2 apa yang dia cakap. Life is Never On Theory alone my dear friends. It’s about Hands-On ba. So, satu jawapan yang my lecturer told us before…

“I will cross the bridge when I come to it.”

(Maybe satu jawapan yg you might consider kalau mau jawab soalan interview kerja)

Iaitu kalau kau tanya sia macamana mau handle satu masalah, sia tidak akan ada jawapan yang tepat untuk soalan kau. Tapi kalau sudah tu masalah depan2 sia, sia akan tau macamana mau handle masalah tu.

Pandai2 korang la buat yang terbaik :)

"Judging The Book By Its Cover"

Semalam, I had a chat with this fellow chatter. Awal2 we talked about some experiences dealing with rude people whose job are to to deal with the public. She mentioned yang mentang2 la she pakai selekeh, orang pun tinguk dia teda mata. Cakap kasar2 dan pikir orang ni mcm datang dari kampung2. Satu kali, once she started talking in English, baru tu orang punya muka lain2 sebab dia pikir semua yg pakai selekeh2 sikit ni mesti org teda pelajaran. Ohoo…silap kamurang tu geng! Then I said, “Mimang ada orang mcm tu. Dorang tinguk penampilan org tu dulu sebelum dorang mau layan baik2”. Hey, look who’s talking. I sendiri pernah kena mcm tu when I deal with this bank. When I pakai t-shirt and loose pants, itu perempuan di kaunter mcm malas2 mau layan. Cakap pun mau raise voice. Selang beberapa bulan ja after that, I come to the same bank, buat urusan yang lebih kurang sama. Cuma this time I dressed nicely mcm biasa la, in my working attire. Layanan sangat berbeza. The same girl yang di kaunter tu, cakap pun tunduk2 dan segan2. When I said something, dia dengar baik2. Then itu masa la sia nampak sendiri macamana orang ni menilai orang lain melalui penampilan dorang. So, making use of this, maybe you can consider wearing nicely kalau mau urusan kau berjalan dengan lancar. Bukan pasal apa, pasal kita teda masa mau correct penilaian orang kalau dalam situasi macam tu. Urusan kita tu lagi penting. Kita kena ikut ja cara mainan dorang. True or not? First impressions do count! The best part of the conversation with the chatter comes when I learnt that she is actually a single mother. Then learning that she has been that way for more than 10 years, then I asked la. “Don’t you feel like looking for a replacement?” She thought I was kidding. Maybe it never crossed her mind. Then she said to me, “A replacement?” “Ada ka yang mau sia lagi? I’m old enough. I’m not pretty. Not solid. Noone will accept me especially after knowing that I’m a single mother. I don’t groom and wear make-ups. I don’t even dress nicely after work.” Then I had this urge to say something. I felt that something needs to be corrected.

“Please don’t say that. Of course someone will fall for you. But first, you must have that self confidence. Beauty will shine from the inside. Everything else will fall in place. You can’t sound that negative to begin with.” Then she said, “I have self –confidence in my work. But not in relationship.”

Then I replied,

“Okay, then start somewhere. You’ll be surprised that the prouder you are of yourself, the more attractive you become. But I’m not the type who shows off just to attract other people.”

I said,

“No, Don’t do it for others. Do it for yourself. For your own pleasure. Be proud because you are who you are. You have career, you have a good life, you have it all. Most women don’t even have what you have now. You have the reason to be proud.”
Then I added this,
“Maybe you may start to groom and dress nicely, just to tell yourself once again that you’re THAT worthy. You love the woman you are. And you do all this for YOURSELF.” Forget about other people first. My point is kinda simple. Sometimes we worried too much about putting up a good cover. Looking beautiful and all. But actually, I found out that the way you bring yourself is actually where the real attraction lies. You’ll be surprised when the girls who has the most self confidence have more fans than those who are pretty but nothing else. The attraction lies in how comfortable you are of being yourself. At the end of the day, it’s not about Who’s the prettiest of them all, anymore. Those who have learnt to love themselves and feel good about themselves, becomes a magnet for others to feel the same way towards them. And I don’t say that we go through all this just to please others. My concept is always – begin with yourself first. Whatever you do, you do it for yourself first. Feel Good and you’ll look good. Let’s try it, what do you say?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Can You Write The Date Properly?"

I asked my assistant to write down quite a number of receipts and when I checked what she did, I was shocked that she didn’t even know how to write the date properly. I was like, “My goodness. Is that how you write dates?” She wrote it like this

01. January. 2009

And all the receipts received the same fate. Yes, of course I was pissed. “Who teach you to write dates like this?” She said, “That’s how I used to write dates.” I just geleng my kepala and said, “There Is NO such thing as this. Ini bukan surat cinta yang kita buli suka2 taruh noktah macam tu. Ini receipt untuk kegunaan formal, Ok?”

Ok, I was kidding. Hahahaahha. I mean, I did not sound that harsh though I think I SHOULD. I kept my tone very very low so that she won’t hear how pissed I was. Because of how she wrote the dates, I wasted 1 whole receipt book that I have completed with the company’s stamp.

Earlier today, I sent some clothes to the nearby tailor, also a friend of mine. I said to her, once done, send to me the receipt and I'll pay you cash. So just now, she sent me the clothes and the receipt. I look at the date. And you guessed it. She wrote it down like this.

29 hb. Januari. 2009

Ladies and gentleman, is it me who have not updated my knowledge on how to write down dates or am I surrounded by the people who don’t know how to write date properly? Cos if it was me who made a mistake about the right format, then I am all ready to laugh at myself right now. *Sighs

NOTE: I seriously want to know if I should laugh at myself instead. :P

"I've Been Her"

I had a chat with my guyfriend. He told his bitter experience about having his heart broken by the girl he loved so much. I experienced his story and I followed every word he said. I could feel the frustration and the anger. He definitely blamed it all on her since the moment she said, "I Don’t Love You Anymore".

I said some questions because to me, there’s no way a girl would say something like that towards the guy she loved unless something really bad had happened. I don’t believe that any girl could be so stupid to do that. At least if she’s stupid, she must have a heart TO NOT just say something like that. My guyfriend didn’t want to go into the details. I let him keep his secrets. But the anger is still inside him.

You guys know what I did after that? Instead of just listening to him and his frustration, I tried to find justification for the girl to have done something like that. I still refused to believe the girl doesn’t have a heart. Then something knocked into me.

My goodness.

“I’ve been in her place too.”

Then I tell my guyfriend this story.

There was this girl who loved to make friends. One of her friends fell in love with her and asked her to be his girlfriend. She wasn’t ready for a relationship, and she tried to explain to him that she didn’t have the space for romantic love yet. The guy was giving a signal that he was going to be very very upset if she turned him down. So this girl had to save the friendship by saying, Okay. So the guy took it as a Yes, and they began from there. The guy lavished the girl with undivided love. He sure loved every bit of her. The girl, who was not so ready for it, thought that she could pick up with the emotions. She went ahead and did her part. At one point, she thought that she was starting to feel the same way. Until a new guy came into her life and made her realized something else. She finally found a better definition of love with the new guy.

“She left the boyfriend for the new guy.”

After I ended my story, I told this to my guyfriend.

“Feelings are very complicated.”

You might be rich, you might be handsome, you might be ALL THAT – but it doesn’t mean that the girl that you love will love you in return. AND…

If the girl you love doesn’t love you as much, IT DOESN’T MEAN that she thinks you’re not good enough. Maybe she’s just not the one. Someone else IS. And she’s out there.

Maybe you girls have been in her place to. You saw No Flaws in your boyfriend but you still left him because you didn’t love him. You can’t force love to happen just because he’s so handsome, he’s so loving, romantic and all that. People say love is blind. Maybe they are right. Because if Love has eyes, we might call ourselves stupid for leaving someone like that.

It’s just too complicated. If your lover left you for a reason, just let the person go. You will regret it much more if you are given the knowledge of WHO your soulmate is, but you stuck with someone who is not – the person HAS TO GO in order to make it possible for you and your soulmate find each other’s way. Believe in that theory and may the wound from the past love will heal a bit faster than you expect. Let the person go because only that way, the right one finds the way towards you.

Let’s just believe in it that way. :)

"Jangan Jadi Si Bodoh Sombong"

Well, the title sounds a bit harsh. But perkataan “bodoh sombong” ni satu bidalan yang sudah lama ada, dan bukan sia buat2. I still remember back in secondary school, one of this male teacher said to us with that very very vicious look on his face. “Jangan jadi bodoh sombong!” Cos he was expressing how upset he was towards us that time. Masa tu, sia nda berapa paham apa maksud dia. Sia cuma rasa dia jaat betul guna perkataan “bodoh” tu.

Now sia sendiri pun sometimes mau guna tu perkataan. Cos you know, ada this one habit yang only best described as “Bodoh Sombong”. Jangan pandang negatif sama tu simpulan bahasa. Why don’t guna tu sebagai peringatan kepada diri sendiri? We have this habit, yang sudah la kita tau yang kita tidak tau satu perkara tu, dan kita tau ada cara untuk tau, but still we refuse to do it because we are SO LAZY and so comfortable being in the state of “I don’t know and I rather not know.” Lain la kalau kita ni begitu berpengetahuan sampaikan kita boleh pandang remeh saja perkara2 yg boleh menambahkan pengetahuan kita. And then you ask me, “What for?Ada faedah meh?” – Odoiiii dogoo. Let me ask you again. Kau tau satu perkara tu, dan kau tidak tau, antara dua ni...mana satu lagi bagus? Of course la, It’s better than you know than you don’t know!! (Still don’t agree with me? Take your time bebeh, and think again!)

The blogging trend has been around for quite a while. What is the meaning of Blog? It’s a short form of Web Log – your own online journal. Most the early bloggers use it as their own diaries. They tell people their frustration, their good experiences... and all that stuff. Now, bloggers are becoming more creative. Anything Goes! You go through 100 blogs and you’ll find 100 variation! It tells you right there that No 2 Minds Are Alike. Not all of us can meet 100 people in one day and learn something about each of them. You ask me, “What for?” Then I have to shout this again, “IT’S GOOD TO KNOW!” With blogs, Yes you can go through 100 blogs in one day and learn something from each of them.

I have spoken to a few friends who dislike reading. Whenever someone speaks of “a blog”, they roll their eyes before the person even finish pronouncing the word “blog”. Man, how they hate reading! So since I am now a blogger myself, I should say something. I remember having this phone conversation with my friend who is one of them who think that “blogs are lame”. So when I tell him this... “Why are you being so negative? There’s a lot you can learn from reading blogs.” Then he said, “I don’t read that much.”

Then suddenly I became a bit geram. I told him this. “You tell me that I have a lot of ideas. You even wonder where the ideas come from. Now I’m telling you. BECAUSE I READ!” Then macam he baru tersedar one thing la. “You could be right”. “Of course I’m right. If I don’t read, I don’t think I can write a damn thing.” “Blogs are not just for the lamers like what you think. If you open your mind, you can learn A LOT from blogs alone.”

Sudah la you tidak tau, you malas lagi mau membaca. Sampai bila2 la u tidak akan tau. Orang lain sudah jauh beribu-ribu batu. Baca newspapers, baca blog, baca majalah, baca macam2 masih lagi di situ. Dengan alasan, “Alah, malas la mau baca.” Ini adalah attitude si “bodoh sombong” yang sudah tau diri tu tidak tau byk perkara, kemampuan membaca tu tidak diguna langsung. Sia sendiri pun kadang2 macam tu juga ba. Banyak perkara yang sia buli explore dan belajar, tapi pasal hal2 kecil pun sia terus rasa, “Alah, biar lah. Nanti2 ja la.” Tapi at least, sia sudah sedar benda ni satu penghalang untuk sia maju, so I can do something. Tapi bagaimana pula dengan mereka yang nda sedar2 lagi tu? Wake up la! Let us together move forward. Read! Read! Read!

NOTE: Some of my readers are once the “hesitant readers” too. I had to ask them a few times to at least, visit my blog ONCE! One funny thing is, some of them are now my loyal readers and I still remember the first time they said, “Niceee blog!” (Then I know, they have spent some time reading! *giggles) So, apa macam? Ada rasa mcm kana gigit semut api ka kalau membaca? Inda kan? Nah...tu la korang. Satu sen pun korang nda rugi kalau membaca! Kita jauh2 la dari tu perangai “bodoh sombong” tuu, ok? Ok set!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"I Want To Be Special"


Guys…maybe inilah suara hati girlfriend kamu; or orang2 yang kamu sayang atau minat. Perempuan ni biasanya sangat sensitif dan lelaki ni pula biasanya sangat sempoi dan tidak banyak selok-beloknya. Mungkin tidak perlu cakap pasal perempuan atau lelaki, sebab memang ada satu golongan yang mcm ni…dorang sangat mahukan attention yang kaw2 punya. Dorang mau jadi nombor 1 dalam hidup partner dorang. Tapi, bukan semua bernasib baik ada partner yang paham apa dorang mau. Pasal inilah wujudnya partner yang complain yg pasangan dorang tu terlampau demanding, terlalu mengongkong, terlalu mengada-ngada dan mcm2 lagi. Sedangkan mungkin jawapanya sangat mudah. They want to be special, and you guys tidak show it enuff for them. 

So golongan yg sangat perlukan attention ni mimang wujud. Sometimes, I feel like I belong to this golongan also. A little gesture of affection does count. You guys tidak boleh cakap berapi-api depan partner kamurang yang kamu cinta gila sama dia sedangkan bila di depan orang, kamu tengking2 dia. TIDAK boleh macam gitu. Di mana sudah letaknya perkataan “special” tu? Sometimes your partner will feel good if you can show it depan2 orang yang kau mimang sayang dia. Ini mimang sifat manusia yang adakalanya yang mau orang lain tau dan nampak sendiri yang dia tu sebenarnya sangat disayangi oleh partner dia ba. Tidak salah langsung ba tu, apa lagi hal2 yang berkaitan dengan sayang menyayang ni. Love is a gift, right? When you love, you shouldn’t feel shy. 

I have a few friends yang boyfriend dorang jenis yang sempoi dan bersahaja; yg dorang ada banyak kawan perempuan lain yg mesra. And when dating with boyfriend dorang ni, she feels like she’s just another friend to him. Seriously, I feel bad for them tapi as long as dorang sendiri rasa It’s Okay…then good for them la. Asal saja dorang tau boyfriend dorang tu sayang dorang…tidak payah mau tunjuk2. It’s okay juga…but mcm nda syok kan? I have to admit that I’m not a sempoi person like that. I want to be special, feel special --- so guys jenis yang tidak expressive biasanya not my type. Pikir punya pikir, kenapa ada org yang mcm ni ah? I mean, yang mau sangat dilayan tahap vip oleh daling dorang untuk buktikan yang boyfriend dorang tu sayang gila sama dorang? 

I don’t think sifat ni datang dari lahir. I think that a woman will demand more attention when she was Once given that much attention too. If dorang sudah pernah rasa kena lavished me with love yg di luar jangkaan, sampaikan mcm pernah sudah rasa mcmana itu kaki capai tu langit ke-7 or terapung-apung di cloud 9, mimang dorang hope for attention yg that much juga. Tapi, untuk yg sudah pernah rasa, itu perasaan mimang kamu akan bawa sampai bila2 ba…tiada apa yg buli ganti tu. Apa pun, untuk setiap cinta yang berputik tu…hidup ni bukan lama…tiada salah untuk tunjukkan cinta untuk orang yang kamu sayang. Menjadi atau tidak, kekal atau tidak, kita cuma mampu merancang. Rasa sayang tu jangan diabaikan hanya kerana sifat kamu yg selfish and tidak thoughtful. TIDAK RUGI UNTUK TUNJUKKAN KASIH SAYANG KAMU untuk orang yg kamu sayang. Belum tentu lagi esok tu milik kita, so jangan pula bila kita hilang orang tu baru mau menyesal tidak kasi tunjuk semua love kita sama dia. Apa la salahnya buat dia rasa SPECIAL. Itu bukan satu permintaan yang tinggi untuk sebuah perhubungan. So my advice would be: SHOW YOUR LOVE TO YOUR LOVED ONES WHEN YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE TO DO IT. TOMORROW MIGHT NOT BE OURS.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Taking Time To Laugh

Sia ni actually seorang yang sangat suka ketawa ba. Sia senang geli hati sama peristiwa2 kecil. Entah la pula kalau sama u guys. Let’s share a few here.
You guys sedarkah kita sering tanya soalan2 bodoh yang jawapan sudah ada terang2. Like, when kawan kau offer kau biskut, kau tanya lagi, “Apa tu?”. Kau sudah pulang ka? Maka terang2 sudah ba depan pintu. Atau, “Saturang ja kau datang?” Kalau terkena sama tu loyar buruk, ada la tu korang dapat jawapan cepu emas, “Nda la, ada jua tu kawan2 sia, tapi kau nda nampak. Abis antu kan. Tu sana sudah sebelah kau dorang sekarang.” (Hahahaahahahahahah)

Dulu ba masa sia skul lagi ni kejadian. Masa tu sia mau pegi minta engrave this metal keychain ba. So mimang dorang akan suruh sia tulis apa word sia mau di atas kertas. So dorang bagi la sia kertas. Sia tunggu2 dia kasi pen, inda pandai kasi. So sia tarik nafas, dan tanya, “Ada pen ka?” Then baru dia kasi sia pen. Lepas tu sia tulis la. Balik2 sia try, confirm ba teda ink. Terus sia tinguk ja tu org2 sana. Lama sia tinguk dorang. Macam geram ba sia. *Lols. Then sia tarik lagi nafas panjang. Then sia cakap, “Buli kasi sia pen yang ADA ink ka?” Terus tu kawan2 sia di belakang ketawa sebab sia punya muka mimang kontrol geram ba tu masa. Mauu juga ditanya satu2 secara detail ba baru mau kasi. Lagipun, pen itu tiada makna ba tanpa ink! Melainkan kamurang buli baca tulisan invisible la! *Lols.

Ini pun masa skul. Masa tu kami ni ramai2 ba turun tu tangga. Jalan dalam group kawan2 masing. So ada ba ni kawan Indian sia ni, dia jalan dalam group kira quite jauh la di belakang sia. But besar betul hati dia mau menegur sia walaupun sia jauh di depan dia. So dia teriak la, “----, How Are You?” Then sia tinguk belakang and jawab balik la, “Fine!” Then dia jawab balik, “Thank Youu!” Terus sia rasa ganjil, dan pusing belakang. I said, “Uii, sepatutnya sia ba yang cakap Thank You ba, bukan kau!!!” Terus lain ni ba muka dia. “Ya kan... alaaa sorry” Terus kami semua ketawa ba. Sepa suruh dia bersemangat mau tanya khabar dalam keadaan macam tu. Lawak Mr. Beans betul o. Hahahahahahaaha.

Haaa...ini satu perkara yang biasa terjadi. Kalau kamu masuk kedai, ada tu salesgirls dia ikut2 kau macam apa ja. Ini actually satu perkara yang sia paling paling tidak suka kalau sia shopping. Sebab dorang tu kadang2 ikut2 ja untuk kasi tayang sama boss dorang yang dorang bukan setakat tau berdiri ja, tapi tau juga berjalan (*Lols). Itu ok lagi, ada yang nda sempat2 kau masuk tu kedai kan, sudah dia tanya, “Mau cari apa?”. Macam seolah-olah sia lulus ujian soal siasat dulu baru buli masuk tu kedai. Wahahahaha. Then, ada ba ni a few incidents juga kan, masa sia sibuk tinguk2 tu barang sana kan, sanaaa la juga tu salesgirls tanya, “Mau cari apa?” Maka terang2 sudah ba dorang jual kasut. Lama sudah tu sia main tahan2 jaa tu. But since sia sudah geram kana tanya mcm tu kan, mau jua sia jawab, “Sia kira2 mau cari pizza ba ni, ya la, mana la tau ada pula terselit di celah2 kasut2 ni kan” Wahahaahahahahahha. Jangan sampai ada org jawab dorang macam tu o. Haiyaa! Soalan bonus betul!!

Bah, kalau ada lagi, nanti2 sia buat di episod lain kio. Hehehe.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Funny Things Guys Do To Get Attention

I didn’t know what to call it…funny or awful, or maybe both? I recalled one day, when I was on my way home, I got a call from a guyfriend. Uh-Oh…bad timing. I have this habit of NOT picking up call during the bad times. I must be in the right mood to pick up calls. UNLESS it’s from my customers or families, then I have no choice. So what I did was, I let the phone rang until it stopped. And then the same guy called again. Hey, it gave some signal of desperation, don’t you think?

Then it started to piss me off. This guyfriend knew my habit of picking calls. He usually asked my permission before he calls, but this time, he didn’t. Now you know why I didn’t feel guilty not picking up his call. So after the second ring, I turned off the phone right away. After reaching home, turned it back on and got an sms from him. Aha, only then he asked my permission to call me. “Can we talk?” I sms-ed back, “What’s the matter? I can’t pick up calls right now.” I remember not putting so much thoughts on what I typed. I sure had many other things in my mind. So that was when he replied, “I’m Dying.” Only then, You guessed it. He got my attention!!! I was like, “What?? Hey, you don’t just joke around like that, you understand me??” He answered me again, “I’m dying! You think I’m kidding??” and then he turned his phone off because my reply got a failure report. Imagine what have been going on in my mind after that reply.

Believe it or not, because of that remark “I’m dying” disturbed my emotion the whole nite. I had this mixed feelings and my overworked brains produced me many different ideas of what situation might he be in for him to use the remark “I’m dying”. Damn, I hate guessing games!

And then, I finally found out the truth that he was totally not serious about “dying”. He sms-ed me again the day after talking about all the funny everyday thing. I didn’t ask him why he said something “not funny” like that because I didn’t want to sound like I was overreacting. I learnt after that, that I was only fooling myself to let myself worried. Why was I being too emotional that nite? If you want my attention, Just Say Something Sweet. Don’t use any word that made me feel like my negligence causes someone’s death, you understand me? Logik ka you guys use something like that to show “protest” yang org tidak sambut your call? Come on lah! Gila punya kerja!

This took me years back when one of my ex-boyfriends did something like that. I knew I did something wrong and he had been very patient already. I still talked to other guys even when I already had him. But my intention was only to have friends to have fun and good laugh with. Maybe I didn’t realize that to him, I was overdoing it. But believe it or not, none of the guys really got above my boyf. One nite, my boyf just broke his silence. LET’S END THIS RELATIONSHIP HERE. Out of nowhere, I was feeling so so shocked and that nite, I was wetting my pillow like crazy before I went to sleep. The next day, I caught a fever. It was all because of the break-up. I had no idea why he made such a decision that time.

After such a painful nite, he came back to me after only separating in a short time. Only then he was ready to tell me the truth. “I never mean what I said. You know why I ended the relationship? Because I want to get your attention!! Don’t you know I was damn jealous that you still talk to all the guys when you already have me? You’re too busy talking with the guys and you might have forgotten my existence! I have to say something like that to make you start looking at my ways again! Can we get together again? I’m sorry for all I did.” I just stared in disbelief. Gotta be kidding me! NO you idiot! You don’t just say something serious like that just to get my damn attention! The relationship is all he got with me, why jeopardize it just to get a damn ATTENTION! Can you at least say it properly and nicely?

You guys…DON’T DON’T ever do anything like that EVER again! Why do you have to use some desperate lines to get a woman’s attention? I repeat…DON’T DO IT AGAIN. That’s my final warning. Ok? (Haiyaaa!! Bikin paning kepala otak me only!)

Another Chinese New Year Coming In!

This hamper is made by me. Thanks to my brother Jojon for giving me the ideas to assemble the stuff in this hamper. It helps a lot!

I want to wish all the Chinese friends a very happy and prosperous Chinese New Year and Happy Holiday to everyone else who are not celebrating. Drive safely and enjoy your holidays with your loved one. And don’t forget to come back to work, ok! Hehe. Thanks for all the visible and invisible readers of this blog. *giggles. I watch the hit statistic very closely guys and I wish more of you my silent readers will come up and appear in any of the comments. I will surely thank you personally for supporting my blog! *winks. Thanks all. Muahsss.

To All The Guys In My Life...

How you could any of you guys ever think for once, that I am against you all? Not because I write many articles that stand for women’s right, I am declaring wars against the male species. Goodness gracious me! Gotta be freaking kidding me!

I do not make this blog so that I can get back to you guys. What for? I have no issues except for the global issues that are going against women. I stand for what is right to me because I am given the ability to tell right from wrong. No, I mean Yes, I have written a few articles that are dedicated to the men and their weaknesses, but I might as well write something about women too. In fact I do it all the time. Not even once that I give ladies the upper hand for no apparent reasons. I am being VERY FAIR here, my friends…

I am sure, most of my handsome guy readers (ahem! *Lols) understand and get my clear message and not for once they might have mistaken my intention. Never at once that most of them come back to me and say, Hey 256, I think you are too much on siding the women. No, they are so smart to NOT think that way! I think that my guy readers are LOVING me (for my writing la ba!) even more! *giggles. Oh well…what can I say? Hahahaahahahah. Just kidding guys :)

Let me make it very clear. I lurvee this male species. As much as you guys adore the ladies, that’s how I see men. I lurve men for their own special qualities. And no, that doesn’t mean that I’m going to list down my preferences in men. I have a strange taste in men actually. Hahahahahahaha. Gotcha!! :P

Please ahh… no more salah sangka. Ya la, I might sound so jahat in public channel, flirty, rude and all that, but those who talk to me in private message know that I am QUITE nice. So sepa2 yang kana buli di public tu jan korang ambil ati sama sia ah. Patutla ramai pikir sia ni lelaki sebab sia jaat ba di public kan. *Lols. Padan dengan muka sia. Hahahahahahaha. Thanks for reading, guys. Muahsss.

P/S – The third guy who is invited to get a tribute page in my blog is Ko[R]N… my offer stands until I have the next guy in mind. Hahahahahaha. (Oh, now you believe that I actually appreciate guys? Nah, jan lagi jaat sama sia ahhh :P ) What is my criteria to pick who I want to appear in my blog? Emm… let me see. No criteria actually. I follow my gut feelings. The guys who get a step closer to me, and have certain kind of appeal to me. Definitely does it all. You all are great ba actually. Seriously. Abis you guys semua best2, I tutup mata only pick that. Can use ka the excuse? *giggles. Can la baaa. Alaa, can laaa. (Hahahahahahahahahaha)…Notty nottyy 256. Please be around me cos you guys make my day :) Muahsss you guys.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Untold Story About Lottery Gambling

A sales manager told this to us: There are only 3 ways to get rich.

Start from number 3. Uh-oh...that’s a longggg longg way to go. How you would love you say, “Can I ignore that one? I want to try something else, please.”

Now number 2. Ehm...aiming the top gun. “Only in your wildest dream?” *Lols. Paling lucu, tu manager cakap, “Kamu ada dapat pinangan Sultan Brunei ka? Kalau teda, automatik ini cara out dari list.

Aha...the number 1 is about the topic today. Yang tidak beli numbur tu, korang baca ja la. Untuk mereka2 yang kaki nombor, baca betul2 ah.

TWO facts that you might NOT realize about lottery gambling.


Orang sebenarnya ada duit yg mencukupi untuk keperluan dorang. Tapi DORANG MAU LEBIH! So dorang pegi tikam nombor, dan dari sana baru la dorang sebenarnya tidak cukup duit untuk keperluan dorang. Pikir baik2 apa sia tulis k. U guys complain, “My gaji tidak cukup la.” Then you buy lottery pun pakai duit kan? How come you got money to buy lottery tickets?


U guys beli lottery sebab u think your duit tidak cukup, tapi sebenarnya kamurang nda sedar yang reason duit u guys tidak cukup adalah sebab u guys beli lottery!! Hahahahahahahah. My oh my. THINK PEOPLE, THINK!


Berapa banyak org yang KAYA RAYA (and stay rich for a long time ) daripada menang lottery number? I NEED TO KNOW SO I CAN CALCULATE THE PERCENTAGE. Because as far as MY VIEW can see now, it's 100% on :

A) Orang kaya tidak dapat kekayaan dorang daripada menang loteri

B) Org yang menang “big money” from lottery gambling sebenarnya Tidak pun jadi kaya!


People buy lottery tickets so that they can be rich, but the fact is, NOBODY gets rich from it!

Mesti kamurang bantah sia punya point number 2 kan? Ya, sia tau la, itu duit Jackpot ada yang sampai 3 juta, and the next time you learn, someone won the money! So the logic is, of course that person who won the money just by buying at least one lottery ticket that cost about RM1.15 has become a very instant millionaire, right? Did you read the part when I said "stay rich for a long time" (if not for the rest of the person's life)? Of course when you get the money, you'll be super-rich but can I know how long will you stay that way? Itu duit bukan tumbuh dari pokok, kalau kana spend saja, pejam celik, abis sudah tu. Bisuk2...back to square one!


I have a few relatives yang mimang totally addicted to lottery gambling. At least 3 of them ni, sudah beberapa kali menang at least RM10K up to RM30K. They are still "as poor" and actually "poorer". I will tell you why. Baca bagus2.

Pendapatan dorang mimang sudah kecil, so dorang tikam loteri supaya buli dapat duit lebih.

Jadi dorang beli nombor setiap minggu. Satu kali tikam mau juga at least 5 tiket untuk 1 nombor. Kalau lebih dari satu nombor, u imagine la. Abis dorang cakap, alang2 jua beli 1 nombor, “Kalau kena, baru ada kick ba kalau beli banyak...”

Tapi, tau la ni benda, nama pun sudah judi. Inda juga itu numbur saja balik2 naik. Tu numbur naik 1 kali, turun 10 ribu kali. *Lols. So selagi inda naik, selagi itu la duit terbang saja. Tapi usaha tangga kejayaan la kali kan, so they never stop trying.

Dalam ketagihan membeli nombor, duit yg sedia sikit tu, tambah la sikit. Mau beli makanan, petrol dan lain2 keperluan pun lagi la tidak cukup. So apa dorang buat? Pinjam duit org lain untuk kasi cukup itu KEPERLUAN SEBENAR hidup dorang. “Jangan saja itu lotteri sia inda dapat beli. Lain2 hal belakang kira. Rugi wooo kalau tertinggal satu hari tidak beli numbur.”.

Then tikam lagi, tikam lagi dan lagi dan lagi... berbulan-bulan, nda juga kena. Hutang berlambak. Tapi mimpi mau kaya tu tiap2 malam, betambah menjadi-jadi. Bertambah bersemangat mau menikam. So duit makin2 lagi nda cukup untuk keperluan. They borrow again from another person and another and another. So this circle will go on and on…so FINALLY… their luck took its toll and they won big money. Big money means at least RM10,000.

Nah, waahh...banyak ooH!! Duit free datang dari langit! Eh wait wait...jan dulu. Kira2 hutang, ada dekat at least RM5K sudah, campur bunga-bungaan dia lagi, mau dekat2 juga RM8K kali. And then spend sikit ja, yang lain guna untuk apa? Kasi double triple lagi itu tikaman. Ini kali berani sudah ambil 10 tiket untuk satu numbur. Dan beberapa ribu yang tinggal tu semakin hari semakin kikis. Kamu sedarkah, dorang sebenarnya tidak pun sempat untuk rasa belanja itu duit untuk diri sendiri. Itu lottery ambil balik tu duit yang dorang menang. Apa yg dia kasi kamu, kamu kasi dia balik.

My Findings:


Do you guys realize this, people?

My Suggestion:

TRY this. You don't buy lottery ticket for one month. See how it fares. Don't be surprise when you think that you suddenly have money to buy the food you want and still have more for other spending. You'll be surprised that you don't feel the need to borrow from other people because without the "responsibility to buy lottery tickets, No Magics. It's because " YOU SPEND WITHIN YOUR MEANS".


Actually, I also have bought a few lottery tickets my whole life. *giggles. JUST TO TEST MY exBOYFRIEND'S LUCK because I was buying his car number. You guys know what? The 4D number actually came out at first prize at 88 and I bought at Toto. I missed at least RM2,500. Takajut juga sia ba bila tinguk tu nombor naik. Buying lottery isn't fun at all! IF I'M A MILLIONAIRE THEN ONLY I WILL BUY LOTTERY TICKETS!


Don't you think this is a game for the rich people who have less to lose, and not the poor who has everything to lose?

I want to end this article with this.


What is the easiest way to get rich? WORK HARDER AND USE YOUR BRAIN TO MAKE MONEY! It's not only the "easiest", but also, "the safest" because you live and dream in reality and at least you know, "there's a reward for every hardwork". Rather than buying lottery tickets just to get rich quick. Not only that it's not easy, it's not safe and you better know "there's no reward for wasting more money you don't have, just to get more money that you will never get"


NOTE: Actually beli nombor just for fun teda salahnya, untuk mereka yang berduit dan saja mau suka-suka. Tapi selain daripada tu, I pity those who cari duit kerja susah2, makan pun cukup2 saja, tapi loteri tidak pandai miss, and then tidak pandai kena lagi. Lebih banyak yg susah daripada yang senang ba gara-gara ni loteri. Pikir2 la kio. Yang baik kita sama-sama jadikan pengajaran kio.

I Don't Care How Tasty Durians Are...

Benda ni berlaku almost 2 tahun yang lalu. I remember that I had to attend a course in one week and that was when I had my sore throat. Sore throat ni adalah my common sickness – sickness yang paling senang sia dapat. Surprisingly, I still hate it.

Beberapa hari lepas tu, my sore throat was recovering sudah. Then I had my period. Masa tu juga la kebetulan musim durian. At my kampung, keliling tu pokok buah-buahan ba, so apa buah pun, mau rajin pegi pungut saja. So berlambak-lambak la ni durian ready untuk dimakan. Haa, masa tu since my sore throat pun mau ok2 sudah, so sia punya selera balik mcm biasa. Main makan ja apa yang sia suka makan. So I like eating itu durian putih, entah apa parents sia panggil tu, but yg isi dia lembut dan sangat sedap tu ba. I didn’t makan banyak pun actually.

That nite, suddenly my tekak rasa SANGAT SANGAT SAKIT. When I gulp, rasa mau terkeluar air mata me mau nangis, sebab rasa mcm my anak tekak luka habis. I felt like it must be damn bleeding ba sebab terlampau sakit. Sia2 ja all the things that I did untuk buat my sore throat tu recover. Malam tu, dia punya sakit berganda-ganda. I thought I was losing my anak tekak forever ba! Damn painful.

So sia tahan juga sakit malam tu. Dan esoknya I planned to see the doctor. When I got into the car, my sister said to me, “Aiyoo kau kena sakit mata merah ni” I looked in the mirror, and saw my mata mimang merah. But I tell you guys ah… I NEVER KENA SAKIT MATA MERAH SEUMUR HIDUP SIA!!! Itu la penyakit yang sudah berjangkit-jangkit dalam family sia, but sia TIDAK pernah kena. My sister la paling staring kena tu sakit. But me? Never. So that morning, when my sister cakap gitu, I still didn’t believe. “Alaaa…ni mesti kena sabun ja ba tu”, I said So sia pegi klinik untuk treat my tekak, bukan my mata.

When sia jumpa the doctor, I cakap2 with him, and I asked, “Look at my eyes. Do I get the red eyes disease or what?” “Ya, mimang kau kena sakit mata merah ni.” Sia terkejutla. Sebab my throat yang actually killing me tu masa. Sia masih ingat pula ba how I said, “I never get red eye my whole life oh! How come? Can durian cause this?”, sampai itu doktor tahan ketawa sudah ba sebab sia inda mau pecaya.

At the same time, I had my period lagi tu. Mimang sia betul2 kesian tu hari! Sia adalah si 256 yang sakit! *Lols. Sukur laaa itu doktor hensem!!! Ada jua pengubat kesedihan sia yang dibebani dengan beberapa kesakitan tu masa. Wahahahahaha.

Itu doktor cakap. When you are having your period, your immunity drops so u akan senang kena penyakit. So kena jaga2 sikit masa period. “Apa lagi kalau buah mcm durian,” dia cakap. Ini semua pasal durian yang sia makan malam sebelumnya tu! And u guys know ka, itu klinik cuma boleh ubat mata sia ja, yang sore throat sia tu langsung teda kesan. Sia kena tahan lagi tu kesakitan mau satu minggu, dan tukar at least 2 jenis ubat baru la dia buli bagus. Punyaaa la sengsara. Imagine setiap kali telan air liur, kamu rasa seolah-olah tu tekak kamu ada luka yang besar sebab sangat sakit. I almost cancelled my participation ikut tu course. Tapi sia pegi juga.

Kan orang cakap durian tu panas. I even pernah watched some Malay drama yang org tu sampai boleh mati ba sebab makan too much durian. My mom said, ada jua kes di kalangan kawan2 dia, yg anak dorang sampai bangun2 ja terus tidak nampak gara2 hantam byk durian. “Entah kenapa sudah sama durian zaman sekarang ni, membawa penyakit. Dulu tidak juga macam tu,” said my mom. But then I think maybe it’s not the durian yang punya silap, tapi maybe badan manusia ni sudah too much chemical so reaction dia pun di luar jangkaaan kita. Tapi sia sudah kena sekali, so I know. So this time, ada satu container besar tu durian putih sana esbok but sia buat nda nampak ja, apa lagi time period ni. Paduli la dia sedap ka tidak ka, I definitely learnt something from the past. Kim salamz ja sama tu durians! *Lols.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Are Intelligent Women Scary?

“Aiyoo… you are too knowledgeable la. Susah la mcm ni,” says a guy friend. And then I was there to defend myself. “No, not like that la. But isn’t it good that one of us is knowledgeable more than the other, so that I can tell you something you don’t know?”

Another person added to the list of “The List Of Men Who Think Smart Women Are Scary”…Hahahaahahaha. I am not saying that I am smart, but at least, I am smart enough to some of my guy friends and they thought I am not an easy business to handle. They can’t simply twist their tongue and expect me to accept everything they say without a debate. Yes, I love to debate and argue about something that I know to be true.

Men love to be superior than their partner. They want to feel that they are better. These are the men who are clear of the purpose of their creation in this universe…To Lead. Yes guys, To Lead.
But what now? Are we women going to feel sorry that we have got brains? That we learn so much from life and finally be someone that has pretty much lot of common senses to apply in our daily lives?

I remember this conversation with my other close guy friend who works with a government department that I deal with. I expect them to inform me about a last minute cancellation. “…Then why didn’t they call me to inform me about this matter? They can explain to me, right?” Then my guy friend responded, “ Habis kau talampau pandai ba. Susah org mau explain sama kau. Nanti nda pasal2 free2 lagi kana teriak sebab mimang ada ja jawapan kau tu. Itu la ba dorang rasa inda payah explain sama kau.” Then sia cakap, “Ohh, sampai mcm gitu sekali ka.” Then I felt like something was tickling me from inside. Hahahaaha. First, I felt like “The Swamp Thing” where people ran away from me because I was that scary, and secondly, for the silliest reason, they thought that talking to the wall was better because the wall couldn’t answer them back. *Lols.

Hey, u guys takut your girlfriend smarter ka? Takut you guys tidak boleh bully them and lie to them yg kononnya u guys got overtime sedangkan u pegi joli? Actually, if a lady is smart pun, she’s weak in other areas so mimang you can always complement her in those areas she lacks. Kalau sia yg jadi lelaki kan, I think smart women are very attractive, because they know what to say and you can learn a lot from them. With them, you will feel a bigger challenge of improving yourself and with that, you won’t feel far left behind. In fact, I think you would become a better man TWICE faster!!

What Do You Say? :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Teda juga guna kamu pandai English…"

Sambungannya..."...sama juga kamu miskin." (Hahahaahahaha)

I remember in one chatting session, Dingobee and I were having a discussion in English. I remember that we talked about “scandals”; how to handle the people who badmouth about you and spread funny gossips. It’s good to share knowledge and information while chatting in IRC.

I understand that not all chatters could blend into the topic. Some of them got really disturbed because instead of using Sabahan Malay, we used English. Until a chatter came with the remark, “The juga guna kamu pandai English. Tinguk, sama juga kamu masih miskin.” Hahahaahahahahaha. I laughed because it was such an easy punishment.

You guys kaya pasal apa? If you guys kaya sebab u lahir2 saja pun sudah waris berjuta-juta duit, itu semua pasal u guys are lucky sebab org lain yang kerja bertungkus-lumus, u live to spend the wealth you don’t earn with your own hands. Untuk orang2 mcm kami yg bukan dilahirkan kaya, education itu adalah aset kami. Kalau kami tidak kaya, and then tidak berpendidikan lagi, itu sudah double trouble. So kalau we have fair English pun, it’s BETTER that at least we have one winning point.

MISKIN at this point, is not a dead end. As long as we are still alive, we can still make wealth with our two hands, right? Tomorrow is a different day already. Poverty is NOT a curse. Pasal tu la org bertungkus-lumus mau dapat sijil, sebab kemahiran dan pendidikan tu give them the edge to move forward. Daripada lahir2 saja sudah kaya, cuba la if itu kekayaan kena tarik, can you start from zero like us? Until something like that happens, you have no rights to look down on others because we build our lives entirely on our abilities. Because mcm ni baru la betul2 org cakap maximising your potential sebab you are building something from zero ba. Itu baru lah satu percaturan yang adil.

So now, ada paham? Oh, speaking of English. Apa salahnya berjinak2 dengan English. You read, you listen – You learn. Teda org yang lahir2 saja sudah pandai English. Jangan la pasal ini language saja pun, u guys pikir org tu temberang. You guys akan susah mau maju mcm tu. Ini mentality and mindset typical Malaysians yang harus diubah. Itu tourists pun won’t laugh at your broken English, but among Malaysians sendiri pula yang ketawakan sesama sendiri. Can you see where we stand? This has to change, don’t you think?

O ya, lagi satu. Walaupun miskin dan cukup2 makan saja, it really doesn’t hurt that AT LEAST we have good English. Don’t you think so? *Lols.

“I Admire You So Much Because…”

If one person comes to you and tell you, “I really admire you.” In most cases, I would ask back. “Really? And why is that?” Aha…What is the best answer you want to hear?

My whole life, I got funny experiences about this. Back in secondary school, I even had my junior who thought he admired me, and it was just because he saw my full name somewhere. It was the silliest reason to admire someone. No more silly things like that, please.

Then, what would be the best answer? Masa dulu2, maybe la the girls akan suka when the guy says, “Abis kau kiut ba.” “Abis kau manja ba.” “Sia suka ba tinguk tu lesung pipit kau.” “I like your sweet smile”.

Lepas tu, untuk yg dewasa, reason2 dia ada yang mimang reason berani mati, “Sebab sia tinguk body kau mengancam ba. Especially tu gunung Kinabalu kau.” “Cause I like your big butts and how you walk. So sexy o.” “Kau punya style dressing betul2 nice ba, seksiii gila.” Odoiii dogooo. Matai naa dengan reason2 begitu. Buang karan dan elektrik only!

Sia rasa dengan reason2 macam tu mcm putung stim ba. Baru jua kau mau rasa gembira pasal ada org minat, terus inda jadi gembira ba. Hahahahahaha. Just kidding. Tapi apa pun, kita kena bersyukur jua ba ada org suka dengan kita. Nda kisahlah pasal apa. I don’t know if your ladies like compliments like that. But as for me…ehmm…not really.

Nda tau la kalau org lain, but kalau sia, I don’t want to be liked for a wrong reason ba. As simple as that. If the person like me because of a sensible thing, then I can take him seriously, if not, masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri saja la.

But sejak sia rasa sia semakin matang, mungkin penilaian org pun berbeza. People tend to evaluate you for your true values ba. Mungkin juga benda tu datang dari diri sendiri – macamana cara kita appeal diri kita dengan org. Apa yang kita tonjolkan pada dorang dan sebagainya.

Sia paling appreciate when someone says to me that he admires me because of “The way I think”, “How I express myself”, “I have great ideas”, “I like your piece of writing.” “I like your creativity”. Nahh… benda2 mcm tu sia suka. Sebab sia rasa org tu hargai kebolehan sia dan dia nampak apa yang terbaik sia boleh buat dalam apa yang sia buat. Sebab mungkin I think that’s where my best values lie.

Apa pun, it’s good that people appreciate us for A Reason ba kan. Apa pun reason dorang, itu sudah cukup bagus ba tu. Itu hak dorang untuk pikir apa dorang mau pikir, rasa apa dorang mau rasa. Nda kisah la ba juga kalau ada org tu suka kamu sebab dia suka kening kamu lebat ka, mata kamu sepet ka, cara kamu bercakap ka…deii…kasi ON saja la ba tu. Jan pikir byk2. Syukur saja laa. Yang penting, minat meminati ni perkara yang baik ba ni. So yang baik tu biarla berkekalan, macam tu tema Teh Lipton ba pula. Hehehe. Peace everyone.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Can We Love 2 Persons At Once?

I asked my guyfriend. “Is it possible for a person, who is committed to someone, falls in love with another person, with the same level and intensity of affection? My experienced guy friend said, “OF COURSE IT’S POSSIBLE!” Even married men who has a wife and kids can also fall deep in love with another woman. Then this puzzled me, asked him again, “How is that possible ah?” How come your heart has another big space for another love when you already give it to someone else? 

What do you guys think? Mesti u guys cakap yang love tu kadang2 bukan love, nafsu saja. Tapi di mulut cakap Love la. Tapi kenapa mcm tu ah? Bukankah if you love another person yang bukan your partner, tu satu bentuk kecurangan juga? And what if you were in the place of the person who become “the other person” who is loved by someone who is taken. What do you feel? 

When it comes to the question of heart, it becomes so so complicated. You sometimes fall in love, blindly. You don’t want to love someone that you shouldn’t love, but still it can happen. Attraction happens in funny little ways that you can’t explain. The next thing is, you think about the person so much, and then you miss the person so much and then being around the person is like something you’re looking forward to, day to day. Again – I don’t say that you WANT this to happen. 

First scenario: If I have a boyfriend I really love, can I still find myself in love with one of my attractive guyfriends? If something like this happens, it would be like two-timing my boyfriend right? This can really mess things up because instead of missing one person, I’d be missing two. So so not healthy to happen, right? Things would mess up even more if the person is returning you the feelings. Uh-oh! 

Second scenario: Someone who is married or taken, falls in love with me, whether or not the person knows I am taken. What should I do? It is still a problem to begin with because the guy is taken, and it’s double trouble if I were also taken. If you were me, don’t you feel awkward to be in this situation? If you know where you stand, fine. That would be simpler. What if you feel the same way? Would you try your luck to grab the guy away from the person he belongs to? Uh-oh, you’re playing with fire! 

The question of hearts and feelings…sometimes it gets funny, awkward and anything else you can name. Because of this macam2 hal, manusia tidak pernah duduk diam. They always have “a fight” inside them. At the end of the day, you know what is the best for you. It’s not all about feelings, but also responsibilities, integrity and all the other virtues that will keep this world in peace. 

Dipendekkan cerita, you guys pandai2 la handle if you are caught in this situation. Jangan u guys tanya sia sudah la, sia pun nda tau apa mau buat. *Lols. Or, you have a better view in this? *winks.

Lelaki Dan Permainan Bubut2

Hahahaahhahaha. Kasi ketawa dulu tu topik. U know guys…kamurang yang lelaki ni sedar ka satu hal pasal lelaki? Kamurang tau ka kamurang ni suka MEMBUBUT? Yes! If I use the CHASING GAME – sia takut ada yang paning. Now you know. This is definitely SATU perkara yang SANGAT menarik pasal lelaki. U Guys Definitely Lurveee The Chasing Game! Ada perempuan ni mimang ada payah sikit mau dekat. Call it anything la, jual mahal ka, suka ati kamurang. But ini perangai la yang sebenarnya turns the guys CRAZY! Sia sendiri pun tidak paham juga hal ni until benda tu berlaku depan mata sia sendiri, baru la sia paham. Lelaki2 yang sedang membaca ni, what do you guys think?

Perempuan yg susah mau dapat, lagi la kamu berkeras mau kejar dia. Yang senang dapat, kamu pun senang juga kasi lepas. Kenapa kunu dengan korang ni? Ohh…I Know! Because you guys lurves challenges kan. Ohooo…Ini adalah satu KELEMAHAN lelaki wooo…Hahahahahahaha. Pasal dalam kamu kesukaan mengejar tu perempuan, seolah-olah kamu berada di hujung jari tu perempuan. Dia cuma tunjuk, kamu akan ikut. Sebab kamu rasa seronok ba dengan ni permainan. Dan kalau kamu terkena perempuan jahat, dia biar kamu hanyut dalam permainan kamu sendiri, dan akhirnyaa… kamu tetap putih mata. Kamu tidak pun dapat dia ba. Ha! Jangan salahkan perempuan. Apa boleh buat kalau orang lain yg dapat curi hati dia.

Itu majalah Cleo cakap…Men Loves The Chasing Game. They love the thrill. They love the challenges. Jadi, lelaki2 macam ni, dorang akan rasa seronok kalau kejar perempuan yg jadi rebutan lelaki2 lain. Sebab dorang rasa ini adalah masanya untuk tengok kuasa kelakian dorang. “Kalau la sia yang dapat tu perempuan, mimang sia la staring!” But yang funnynya, sebenarnya THE BEST PART is not about “getting the girl”…Tapi perasaan sudah menewaskan itu lelaki2 yang sama2 berebut tu. U like it how the other guys akan salute you and cakap to you, Wah, kau juga dia pilih ah. Mimang kau betul2 hebat la. Semua berebut dia tapi nda dapat. Nah, pujian semudah itu la yang sebenarnya kamu paling tunggu2! Hahahahahahah.

Tapi the worst part of the chasing game, according to Cleo is… when dorang dapat kau, itu keseronokan semakin hilang. Walaupun masa dapat kau tu dorang rasa dorang sudah memiliki dunia ni, tapi dorang akan rasa bosan bila sudah teda benda yang dorang kena kejar. Pasal tu la lelaki tend to take their ladies for granted and kita perempuan pun rasa, kita semakin tidak dihargai. Mungkin hati dorang tetap sayang dengan kita, tapi teda sudah tu emosi yang MEMBARA-BARA, yang dulunya bukan main lagi. Jadi kita yg perempuan ni akan mula rasa jauh hati sebab kita punya sikap ni berbeza dengan lelaki. Kita ni biasanya, semakin hari semakin sayang dan semakin mau melekat sama dorang. Lelaki ni pula, sebaliknya. Ada yang semakin kau mau melekat, semakin lagi dorang rimas. Haiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… macam2 ba korang ni!

Suka ati korang la mau buat macamana! Jangan menyusahkan hidup org lain cukupla! (Hahahahahahah. Tiba2 datang geram ni ba.) Teda penutup ni ari. Korang buat penutup sendiri laa!!!

(Hahahahaahahahaha. Just kidding ba. Play2 only with you guys. Muahs you all.)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Women, With The Weight Of The World On Their Shoulders

Adakah kamu menghargai perempuan di sekeliling kamu? Your mom, your wife or your girlfriend, your sister(s), your grandma, your aunties, your female cousins, your nieces and your female friends... dan yang akhir sekali, perempuan2 yg lalu lalang yang kamu langsung nda kenal? How seriously do you take them?

Sia tulis ni article sebagai seorang perempuan sebab sia tau apa rasa jadi perempuan. Sia pernah jadi baby, and then sia jadi budak perempuan, and then remaja perempuan dan now sia seorang perempuan yang matang. Sia diberikan kelebihan untuk share hasil tulisan sia sebab sia dikurniakan kebolehan untuk menulis. BUKAN SEMUA perempuan ada peluang untuk kongsi mind dorang dengan org lain mcm yang sia dpt buat sekarang. Pasal tu la sia ambil kesempatan ni untuk reach out to the world through my little piece of writing.

Kamu tau ka bila seorang perempuan tu discovers yang dia pregnant, dia punya laki dan keluarga, termasuklah diri dia sendiri, would probably prefer the first child to be A BOY? I know this to be true because I read a lot about it. Species lelaki ni dilahirkan untuk menjadi KETUA dan it’s such a great idea to have the first child as a male. For the Chinese people pula, anak lelaki can carry the family name for the generations. Secara saintifiknya, to get a baby boy isn’t as easy as getting a baby girl because you need the rare XY chromosome to form a boy foetus, and the common XX chromosome to form a girl. A baby boy is “SUCH A BLESSING”. Women, even before we are formed in the womb, the female species is already “A Second Choice.”

Now, sebaik saja kita lahir, we are already opened to social judgment. "Is the babygirl pretty? Cos if she's not, she'll face trouble finding a man to marry one day." This thing happens a lot, walaupun pada ketika kita terlalu muda to even know that we have actually started breathing. Awal2 pun sudah orang muka bercakap “di belakang kita” when dorang datang kita punya 1 month birthday. Kalau kita mimang dilahirkan cute, mimang kita bertuah. Tapi macamana kalau tidak? Yang pasti, cuma ibu bapa kita ja yang betul2 happy sama kedatangan kita di dunia ni.

When kita masuk primary school, usually kita akan ada kelebihan sebab biasanya kita akan lebih talkative dan lebih disukai sebab kita punya perangai yang comel dan keanakan. But when it comes to, “Who is the class monitor? Everyone will expect to see a hand from the boys corner. Walau macamana pun hebatnya kita sebagai seorang budak perempuan, orang tidak akan susah2 mau pikir pasal leadership kau. Dorang akan terus heran, “Are you sure you are the class monitor?” Dan kalau kau boleh control satu kelas yang ada 40-50 pelajar, kau mimang Luar Biasa, tapi bila kau tidak boleh control dorang, you’ll expect this, “Told you, she’s a girl. She can’t be a class monitor.” Hukuman sudah dijatuhkan dari awal lagi. Teda sepa akan berdebat jika kita gagal sebagai ketua.

Tempoh penghujung sekolah rendah ke awal sekolah menengah, kita dikejutkan lagi dengan sesuatu. “Oh my gosh, what’s this blood? Sia kena penyakit apa ni? Sia akan mati ka ni?” Untuk mereka yang tidak segan, akan terus cakap sama mom dorang. “Mom, there’s some blood on my panties.” So mom dorang kasi la dorang tu pad. Ada yang tekejut sebab tinguk tu benda too big to wear,”Mau dibagi dua ka ni?” and how to wear it? Some even wear it upside down. Lepas tu, lain lagi kalau tembus masa di sekolah. Mau cover2 pakai bag lagi kalau teda sudah kawan dapat tolong cover. Dan selepas tu, setiap bulan, sampai la tu perempuan putus haid, dorang akan alami PMS yang bermacam ragam. Mula la mood down, breast engorged, lemah badan. Lepas tu, semasa period tu pula, ada yang kena senggugut yang sakitnya melampau-lampau sampaikan dorang terpaksa baring dan tahan kesakitan tu selama berjam-jam. Muka pucat gila dan kadang2 sampai berpeluh bah menahan sakit.

See? Guys don’t have to face all this.

When we masuk sekolah menengah, masa ni mimang best. Itu budak2 lelaki senior la yang paling gembira sebab dorang imagine tu pelajar2 baru perempuan yang bebaris pegang nombor mcm tu beauty peagant, pilih mana satu mau kana urat dan mana satu mau hantar bunga. Untuk yg lelaki pula, tidak pula org harap dorang ni antara yang macho2 atau hunky sebab, “Alah, dorang masih muda. They will take time to grow.” Tapi kalau perempuan pula, if you are the ugly duckling, YOU ARE the ugly duckling. Yang cantik2 akan dapat “nota cinta” daripada tu guy seniors and nama dorang akan diteriak2 dan dipanggil2 bila dorang limpas. Yang tidak seberapa cantik pula mau tidak mau, terpaksa la rasa jauh hati sikit dan cemburu sebab dorang pula kana tinguk sebelah mata ja. Benda ni berlarutan menjadi Double Standards iaitu - "The girls on demand" or "The girls nobody demands". Dalam usia semuda itu, kita sudah pun rasa begitu punya emotional wars dalam diri kita because of the social demands. Kita sudah dinilai dari segi fizikal semasa begitu muda. Tapi tidak pula org jangka yang kita punya result itu kurang baik dalam studies kita. People still expect us to get better marks though at this age, we start to feel all kinds of conflicts just for being a teenage girl. Imagine how much the girls have to strive just to reach the expectation the society has for them.

Satu perjuangan yang terbesar untuk remaja perempuan adalah “social expectation”. Pada umur sekolah menengah dan lepas tu kolej dan uni, kita terdedah kepada gejala dari luar sebab pada usia ini, kita sangat muda terpengaruh, emosi membara dan kita mau mencari identiti. Tekanan dari keluarga dan teman sebaya akan jadi begitu hebat sebab expectation untuk dapat result yg bagus dan catch up with social demands. At the same time, there's a battle within them that sometimes turn them into a rebel. You can never imagine how much pressure a girl has at this stage. Dengan hormon yang aktif and then mix lagi dengan org yang salah, you can end up making irreversible mistake like accidentally losing your female gift, your virginity.

Bila benda ni terjadi, dunia akan menyalahkan kita. People often forget that you can't lose your virginity if you're alone. Org nda kisah sangat sepa tu lelaki. Yang penting, dorang tau, you are not virgin so you're immoral, you're dirty, you're cheap and you're worthless. While the unfortunate ladies are facing a lot of punishment and embarrassment from the society, how easy others will take advantage on them. Just look at the prostitutes - they are labeled as "DIRTY" or "PUBLIC TOILET" yet, men go after them despite their wives waiting at home (who are also women!). The girls who are unfortunate like this will NOT be seen as a WHOLE complete human being. They are referred to as "a piece of p*s*y*" and "You want her? Sure. You'll get a discount if you book for 2 hours" - It's not even them who put the price and it's even NEGOTIABLE!

Jangan lupa yang bukan semua pelacur tu adalah pelacur atas kemahuan sendiri. Dorang mungkin mangsa sindiket, atau terperangkap dengan penipuan atau ada yang buat dengan rela HANYA UNTUK kasi makan anak dorang di rumah. Dalam situasi dorang punya bapa lari dari tanggungjawab kasi makan tu anak bini dan tinggalkan tu tugas sama tu perempuan, dunia ni pula SIBUK sumpah seranah sama tu perempuan yg jadi pelacur untuk kasi makan anak dia, dan bukan pula dorang sibuk sumpah seranah tu laki dia yang lari. Berapa banyak lelaki yg sanggup hilang maruah hanya untuk kasi makan anak2 di rumah? As far as I know, the gigolos have nothing to lose but everything to gain. They are losing on their self value and feel a bit of guilty feelings but HEY, as usual, the WORLD CAN EXCUSE YOU MEN! DON'T WORRY!

Ha, speaking of gigolo. Sepa yang guna servis ni gigolo? Perempuan2 berduit kan? Nah, apa lagi. What else can you expect the world to say towards them? They get all the bad names especially when most of them are married and the money comes from the husband. Dorang guna tu duit husband dorang untuk bayar tu kemewahan yang dorang kasi sama tu gigolo in return of their "companionship". Apa yang orang overlook is that women are not "a toy". They have feelings too. They want to be loved and pampered too. Teda pula org bising2 pasal laki dia yang perangai tidak betul atau tidak setia, kasi biar tu bini dorang macam patung bernyawa di rumah. Itu perempuan juga kana hantam abis-abisan.

Teda sepa persoalkan. Kalau tu bini dorang semakin tua dan semakin kurang menarik, itu laki dapat tiket untuk pegi minta service tu call-girls. And the world will say, "Aaah, he's a man he has needs." Jadi kamurang pikir tu perempuan tu diperbuat daripada mesin dan wayar ka? The world will be busy blaming the wives for not keeping in shape and not looking good enough to make the husbands want them in bed.

Teda sepa peduli macamana itu perempuan bertungkus lumus mau jadi SUPERWOMAN, mau layan anak2, households lagi, kerja dorang lagi... and after all, sudah la begitu, sikit tolerate pun tiada daripada tu laki for them to look a bit messy from running around doing things for her family. Look at the salons, SPA, gyms, beauty clinics! - THEY ARE PACKED WITH WOMEN WHO WANT TO IMPRESS the men they love!

Not to mention how many beauty and health products are sold like "hot cakes" because the women stop at nothing just to win their husband back. In case you miss the death cases when women took slimming pills that led to kidney failure that finally took their lives. In some cases I read, these women were just months away after giving birth. THEY DIDN'T WAIT SO LONG TO START BEING A WIFE AGAIN. They want their figure back FOR THE HUSBANDS!

Lain lagi tu plastic surgery dan breast enlargements. How many women out there got silicon under their breast just because THE BIG ISN'T BIG ENOUGH for the men they love. Dorang risk their lives just to be pretty so they can feel loved by their men again. Dorang sudah nda peduli berapa byk darah yang keluar dari luka tu as long as they can see that smile on the men's face. But all the world know is, THESE WOMEN ARE A PITY AND UNGRATEFUL. THEY ARE NEVER SATISFIED WITH WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN THEM.

But when the men say, I want you to have bigger breast, hips and slimmer waist, and good skin - "Hey it's normal. It's the woman's responsibility to be beautiful for their man.

As for the women who are mothers…just imagine the 9 months of carrying around the baby in their stomach. Dorang kandung tu baby walaupun dorang sendiri nda pasti sama ada dorang akan ada di sana ka untuk melihat tu baby yg dorang lahirkan, sebab the pain of giving birth is "THE PAIN THAT HURT THE MOST as if their live is taken away from them" and surviving labour is almost a miracle. Tapi untuk kes laki yg nda sedar diri, "Get the baby out fast so you can get rid of that bulging belly and YOU BETTER GIVE BIRTH TO A HEALTHY BABY!" If the baby is abnormal, "IT'S A JINX THAT I MARRY YOU and look at the baby that will carry my name! You want people to laugh at us? IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT and your BAD GENES!"

Itu masa melahirkan. Lain lagi masa membesarkan. Bukan semua anak akan sayang mom dorang macamana mom dorang sayang dorang. Ini adalah risiko yg dorang kena pegang, iaitu sama ada kepayahan dorang selama 9 bulan tu akan mendatangkan sesuatu yg baik sama dorang. YET, they never give up to find that out. Kalaupun dorang terpaksa mengorbankan diri dorang untuk kasi makan anak2 dorang, THEY WILL DO IT. After all the sweats and hardship of raising the kids, they are still at risk that the kids will turn their back on them. When they are old and useless, they can expect to be sent to the welfare home so that they can die peacefully there.

Fikirlah berapa byk “hukuman” yg perlu dilalui oleh seorang perempuan sejak dorang lahir, dan ia tidak akan berhenti selagi dorang masih hidup. Now, the world has another one waiting to attack just any women through something that should be their womanly asset. If you guys don't know yet how every minute women are at risk. Their womanly asset - the breast - could get back at them anytime. Any time they can get false alarm if they find lumps on their breast and could only be thinking about death. And for those who have sex with random partners at early age, their cervix could be "eating" them AS I'M WRITING THIS LINE, and they don't even know it. After all the things, we women have to undergo…our own body is actually A TICKING BOMB for us that it could explode anytime and kill us.

Now, you guys pikir balik, macamana kamu treat perempuan2 dalam hidup kamu. Apa yang kamu admire sama dorang, sama ada kecantikan dorang atau tarikan fizikal yg kamu rasa sama dorang, hinggalah kepada how gross you look at other women for all the other reasons. The physical things could be deceitful, but after reading this article, I hope you get the idea that IT'S PAINFUL enough to even think about all that we have to go through just because we ARE WOMEN. If you think you guys can simply judge us as bitchy, plain-jane, fat-ass, big-breast, or a baby-making machine - I hope you guys have some heart after you read this. I hope you guys will have the guts to say "THANK YOU" FOR BEING ONE OF THE WOMEN IN MY LIFE. I want to congratulate all the women in this world for all the tears you've cried and all the laughs you bring to the people around you. I know what you have gone through and are still going through because I am a woman too, so I KNOW. When I turn on the tv and hear we lost another female to breast/cervical cancer, I feel so heavy and sad. Some of these women were still in the middle of the mission of doing a lot of good deeds for the society and some were still building their family lives and some, not even get to experience marriage. I am so sad because of what is happening to women in the world today.