Hey, wants to test my Cursing Skills? I’m all geared up: Beep: Twofivesix[256] is in the cursing mode.
This will show you the “evil side” of Twofivesix[256]. I DON’T MIND at all! Remind me that I am here AS a human being. I am actually as evil as you guys. *Lols. Okay, I lied. I am actually MORE evil than you guys! Hahahahahahaha. That one I can prove! Here we go!
1. I hate smokers or being around smokers. I hate them to DEATH. They are the demons who don’t even care about themselves and not enuff with that, they don’t even care for their loved ones. The moment that I saw them puffing away, like I am seeing the ugliest creatures on the universe. They smell so bad and THEY SUCK!!! (Hahahahahahahahaha)
(Sorry to my dearest big brother Jojon @ Ulal – only he deserves my sorry at this moment :P…o ya…actually he prefers me to call him daling *Lols)
2. Omigawd I hate spitters. Yikessss… even as I am writing this, I’m burning like fire!! That’s how much I hate these stupid spitters. Not that they spit Just For Fun, they are a total jerk. How jerk can they be? They got used to spitting SO MUCH, that they spit as they walk!! Totally brainless. You guys imagine, as they walk, they spit and they practically spitting on themselves!! Can you guys be MORE STUPID, Please? I have to watch what I step so that I don’t step on any filth that comes from the mouth of the brainless spitters. If only the authority can wipe you guys away together with all the rubbish, this earth will be a much better place. (*Lols. Oh well, I mean, THAT RUDE?! Hahahahahahahahahaha)
3. I hate the rude sneezers. It’s totally manner-less to sneeze away and release the millions on germs as if they are the only stupid-ass alive. If you have one humanly bone inside you, could you at least care enuff to cover your mouth?? Yes, with your palms, or anything, you MORONS! Just cover the f*cking mouth – for the benefit of the people who don’t WANT YOUR GERMS!!!! YOU UNDERSTAND ENGLISH??? NO THANKS FOR THE GERMS, KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF!! (Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahha…Oh well…Now That’s Actually So Rude)
4. I hate the yawners. Ok, I get sleepy too. People get sleepy too. But can you please NOT YAWN as if you own the whole universe? PLEASE COVER that f*cking mouth again! We DO NOT want bad smell anymore than the garbage offers. NO THANKS! Not to mention the free gift of “viruses and germs” that come with the stinky smell, especially from the unbrushed teeth of yours! Don’t wait until anybody spray some Ridsect into your mouth as you yawn! (Hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahah…Errkss…Rude, is it? Hahahahaah)
5. I hate drunk alcoholics- TO THE MAX. I wish I could just snap my fingers and they will disappear! Yes, that badly I want them to get out of my sight. I hate it that they start talking craps and acting like some gorillas, singing and dancing around as if they belong to no one on this earth. Hate them hate them hate them!!! (*Lols)
Ok STOP. I can’t stand these funny stares that I get from you guys. *Lols. I am just trying to prove that I CAN BE as EVIL as you guys. I can curse, I can swear and I sure can get in the CURSING MODE especially when I face the everyday things I hate the most. I don’t mind to write more, but shsss…I’m saving most curses for later. Hahahahahahahahahahaahaha. Remember, if you fall into any of the 4 categories, PEOPLE ARE so generous with curses and swears for you so, IF you don’t like the idea of it, maybe you can do something about your BAD HABITS!
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