
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Penat Jadi Jahat

Hari tu sia bual2 dengan my friend(yang selalu bad-mouth pasal boss dia tu). Ada this guy tiba2 masuk and then pass kami this leaflet about a motorbike. Then memang gelagat that guy mencurigakan. Tiba2 dia tengok2 macam cari something, as if lah teda orang di sana. Gelagat dia buat kami terpaku dan tunggu what’s next. Luckily dia “sedar diri” and left. So I continued talking to my friend. Suddenly kami dengar orang cakap2 di luar. I saw muka2 familiar including the security guard. Then nda lama tu, tu guard masuk and told us, “Ada orang kecurian handphone” and he referred to the clerk just beside my office. And he was referring to the guy who gave the flyers. Omigawd! So the guy was a thief?

Speaking of kecurian di tempat kerja, especially handphone yang diletak di atas meja and then tiba2 ada orang datang and ask something, and next thing you know, Oh I lost my handphone!! In that particular building alone, memang kerap sangat kes macam tu. Jangankan cakap orang luar yang datang dan pergi, the suspect could be the ones who you thought were a friend. Then I raised a topic – We never know if the person’s intention is TO STEAL something. Maybe he just came and saw an opportunity to steal and he took it. It’s like, “If I don’t take it, someone would”. Something like that. So it sounds like I’m backing up these thieves…but NOPE. For your information, I had it worse. The whole handbag was taken in front of me, in my own office, by a so-called customer. But after I examined my situation that time, it could be ME at fault. I was being so careless like I could trust everyone. I just left my handbag opened on the floor where everyone could see and I was busy with the pc. Then it occurred to my mind, whether or not the guy came as a thief By Choice or By Chance? If your situation was anywhere giving a green light for A Normal Guy to turn into a thief just because of the chance that you put in front of him, maybe you should partly be blamed.

I remember asking my friend, “Let me ask you. If you jalan2 and jumpa duit, you ambil ka tidak?” She said, “Ui, kalau teda nama dan alamat,memang la ambil. Buduh la kalau nda ambil. But itu tidak sama dengan pencuri handphone tu.” I know, but the concept is the same. If you want to practice the righteous way, you would just walk away because it still doesn’t belong to you. Then I kasi cerita her pengalaman kawan2 sia yang pernah jumpa duit di jalanan. Ada yang jumpa RM10 and terus guna pegi makan and then sakit perut, sampaikan kepada kawan sia yang jumpa dekat RM500 and terus shopping barang2. Apa lagi bila kejadian tu semua berlaku masa masih sekolah. So memang mcm bulan jatuh ke riba ja bila “tertendang” duit di jalanan. Heheheehe. Pokoknya, biarlah RM1 ka, RM10 ka, asalkan duit, memang ringan ja tangan kita mau ambil. Jangankan barang2 yg mahal2 yg kita nda mampu mau beli. Apa lagi kalau masa sedang susah dan sesak. Memang ada saja desakan yang menjadikan kita si Pencuri or si Jahat yang mencari peluang. Pada pendapat sia, naluri manusia untuk memiliki sesuatu dengan mudah tu sesuatu yang quite predictable. Then bila kita mula bercakap pasal prinsip hidup dan nilai2 murni yang kita jadikan pegangan, barulah naluri itu dapat dihalang. Jadi sepa yang kuat moral dia, akan berjaya menepis cubaan2 untuk menjadi Si Jahat By Chance.

Then my friend mencelah dengan cakap, “Mama sia pernah ba jumpa RM10k di jalan. Dalam dompet lagi tu. Datin yg punya. Kau tau apa dia buat? Dia nda sentuh satu sen pun dan terus hantar pegi balai. Betul2 la mama sia tu oo. Buli tahan juga dia.” When I heard that, it was nothing new to me. I still remember the rare case of the taxi driver whose passenger left a suitcase stuff with RM30k cash. Yes, he actually sent the suitcase to the nearby police station and they found the owner who at the same time, made a police report on the lost suitcase (which was all his own mistake). Of course the guy was so pleased and overwhelmed by the good-heart of the taxi driver. I mean, in this world of greed and materialistic, we do actually have people like this still around? What I could remember from the newspaper report, I caught some interesting words coming from the taxi driver. Of course he was asked Why did he return the suitcase? Let me guess, you guys must think that he was just trying to make the headline and be known as ‘The Righteous One” and get instant popularity, or maybe he would preach about it was Sinful to take what belongs to others which sounds absurd (like people don’t know it and still spend years in jail for stealing. Hehehe). He actually said something quite simple. He said something like “Biasanya orang mesti akan ambil, tapi kali ni apa salahnya pulangkan saja barang yang dijumpa tu kepada pemiliknya.” You guys get it?

Like we heard TOO MUCH of bad things already. We already know all the bad rituals most people do. Oh, he found the money and took it and spent it. Like, Hey!! ENUFF!!! Like you wake up one morning and decide that you had enough of all that. When something bump into you, your crazy mind just pops out and -- Hey, why don’t we do it differently this time? Haahahahahahaahahahahahahaha. Isn’t it funny that Too Much Of Bad Things can eventually lead people to Good Things? I mean, you would never guess in a million years that Too Much Badness just makes you tired and then Oklah…now I decided to be good.

Oh well, How Cool Is That?

NOTE: Bahh…if adalah kelibat si pencuri2 or penyamun2 yang terbaca post sia ni…Are you sure you’re not tired yet ka? Hehehehe. Tired la baa… banyak pahala tu geng.*Lols. Mungkin masih ada harapan ba dunia ni kan guys? Hehehe. Bijakk…bijak…

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