I don’t blame people. They are being the typical human beings. It’s a normal thing. When u have a good plan, and start sharing it with other people, “Wow, isn’t that too risky?” “What if it doesn’t work?” “What if it all fails before it even begins?” If you have NOTHNG but this series of negative What Ifs questions, I think that you better go to sleep, tie your hands to the bed and don’t move. You’ll be a winner in your own class. You get me?
If you want to talk about THE WAYS TO NEGATIVE THINKING – I assure you, you can rest assured NOBODY needs a lecture like that. You know why? Because it's in OUR BONES! We are born with it. It's something that gives everybody the right TO BE THE WINNER. If you want to be a negative thinker, YES, YOU WILL SUCCEED. No doubt about it. YOU WILL SUCCEED AS A NEGATIVE THINKER. What kind of success is that? Will you get anything for that success? Any certificate? Any medal? Any trophy? And the bonus question of the day, WILL YOU GET ANY RICHER? Poorer, yes, no question. You see now? You don't need to tell me how to think negatively, cos not only me, but the whole universe is A WINNER when it comes to that. HOW easy to doubt than to believe, right? How easy to be happy with NOTHING than try hard to get something, right? If you want to talk about WHAT IFS your plans WON'T WORK, YOU GO AHEAD, let me know when you're done, cos I HAVE WORKS TO DO!!! COS I HAVE A DREAM TO ACHIEVE AND I CERTAINLY DON'T HAVE TIME TO LISTEN TO "The ways to negative thinking" because EVERYONE IS A PHD HOLDER IN THAT SUBJECT. Understand??
That's my point. We are already a winner in that. Now, we want to be a winner in something NOT EVERYONE can be. How many successful people you can name? 10? 100? 1000? 10,000? Yes, you can name them all. But you certainly won't say that, the successful people are EVERYONE on this earth. As a matter of fact, the successful people are only a handful. Are you surprised? I AM NOT SURPRISED AT ALL. Just look at how the typical people think. Look at how many of them who choose to LAUGH at you, then TO tap your shoulder and say, I believe you can do it. LOOK AROUND YOU and see for yourself. People like this are EVERYWHERE. YOU could be one of them too. Oops. Did I say anything wrong?
You see? if you want to find LOSERS, you don't need to. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE.. I am not surprised that THERE ARE MORE people who talk about other people's successes and just be happy by simply KNOWING and ENJOY THE VIEW. But at least these people experience a journey inside their mind by learning how someone climbed the ladder of success from a ZERO to a HERO. At least, I give these people some credit for THE EFFORTS. But there are some people who don't even CARE about all that. It's like, "Successful? Nonsense la…Alaaa…no need la all that. Just be happy for what you have la. As long as you have food to eat and clothes to wear, if you have no money, you can borrow what?" – Yeah, the typical remark. Now, do you wonder anymore WHY not everybody is SUCCESSFUL? Why not everybody is like Bill Gates or Donald Trump? I used to be curious about that too. But now I know. REAL WINNERS ARE JUST DIFFERENT from the rest of the people.
WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? I will tell you straight away. I WANT HAPPINESS. I will FOCUS on this. If by any chance that I look for LOVE, it's because of happiness. If by any chance I look for MONEY, it's because of happiness. And so on. Don't EVER look for MONEY, MONEY and MONEY and FORGOT WHY. That’s why I told you guys earlier on that don't ask me, to whom I do all this. ASK SOMETHING LESS STUPID. Of course I do it for MYSELF. YES, it's true that on the way of achieving it for myself, my loved ones will get the benefit too. YOU SEE THAT? I DO IT ALL FOR MYSELF, and TO SEE THEM HAPPY BECAUSE OF WHAT I'M DOING, IS PART OF THE QUEST FOR HAPPINESS. It's SO EASY to hold on to the concept. How to strengthen your inner strength for you to hold on to your foundation and never get carried away by the negative influences? PRAY. In today's world, it's so easy to get drifted. Only God is stronger than all that. Be humble because of our humanly weaknesses. BUT humble is not the same as giving in.
SO, if you have a good plan, don't talk about the negative possibilities again. YOU KNOW THEM ALL ALREADY. Your job is to find HOW IT CAN SUCCEED. BE RATIONAL, BE WISE, BE LOGICAL – THINK SMART, BELIEVE SMART. Use our best asset. The brain. SO, the negative people, STAY AWAY. People with dreams have work to do. BEST OF LUCK.
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