
Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Simplified Marriage

Most of us think that marriage is not something to joke about. You’re talking about spending your life with someone for the rest of your life. This subject gets even more complicated when you start talking about how ideal your partner is, the family background, the financial stability, the habits that you can’t cope – wooo! That’s a long list of requirements that you must satisfy before you decide, Yes, he’s the one for me. I does it have to be that difficult or it’s only us who make it difficult?

2 days ago, a customer came and had a chat with me. She’s a Muslim girl, barely 18, not even get her SPM result yet. Being a teenager, she’s a bit childish but well-mannered, and also – I can tell that she’s brainy. And one more...

She’s Married.

Been sms-ing with her senior in sekolah agama for quite a while, went quiet for 9 MONTHS and the first sms she got from him after 9 months, “Mari kawin? Bila boleh masuk meminang ni?” The girl jokingly replied, “Kalau sama abang, boleh saja ba.”

On 08/08/08 ... that is only 2 WEEKS after that phone conversation...

They had their majlis akad nikah and a session of bersanding at the girl’s house – the overall spending of RM20, 000 was all on the guy. The akad nikah fell on Friday, schoolday, and the girl skipped classes for another 1 week because that’s the only time that she got to spend with the “instant-husband” before he has to fly back to KL to work.

Masa sia dengar cerita dia tu kan, sia tekejut cos ada juga marriage yang macam tu punya “express”. That guy is NOT even her boyfriend yet ba. Cuma kawan2 mcm tu saja. Cuma kelebihannya adalah, rumah lelaki tu mimang dekat2 sama sekolah agama dorang tu so mimang dia kenal sudah family dia tu. So bukan juga cakap itu lelaki stranger yang out of no where. Cuma now, family tu lelaki semua sudah migrate pegi KL.

I asked her, “So what do you feel now being someone’s wife secara mengejut?”

“Semuanya ok saja.” <--- Jawapan orang yang tidak banyak pikir.

BAGUS! Itu perkataan “Tidak banyak pikir” dalam kes dia, adalah setakat ini, SATU KELEBIHAN untuk dia. Pasal dia nda banyak pikir la dia tidak kasi pening kepala dia pikir mcm2 hal. Tidak dia pikir susah2 adakah itu la lelaki terbaik yang dia buli jumpa sedangkan dia masih terlalu muda. Tidak dia susahkan diri dia yang SPM pun dia belum ambil lagi tu masa, but gara2 mau kejar tu tarikh yang lawa untuk kawin, dia OK saja. Now what?

Walaupun dia cuma rasa macamana jadi wife selama 1 minggu saja setakat ni, sebab itu lelaki (a 25 years old architect) terpaksa balik KL sebab kerja, tapi sekarang dia tidak macam kawan2 dia yang lain, yang mau pikir macamana mau cari duit, mau kerja part time and semua tu, sebab laki dia tu bank-in duit setiap minggu. So bila dia mau take this short English course di satu international college, dia boleh pergi tanpa dengar ibu bapa dia cakap, “Kami tidak mampu bayar tu yuran” sebab mimang itu la yang akan dia dengar SEKIRANYA dia belum berkawin lagi sekarang ni, sebab family dia mimang mengalami kesempitan wang. Perkahwinan dia tu bukan dia yang cari, tapi bila benda tu semua berlaku begitu cepat, sekarang bebanan keluarga dia pun kurang sebab now ada org yang akan jaga semua keperluan kewangan dia.

Oleh kerana dia excited sebab dia tau husband dia tu banyak simpanan, sebab she saw his CIMB account saja pun sudah ada beratus ribu, so she minta macam2 la. Nampak kawan ada laptop, dia pun mau. Bukan itu saja, dia sudah pun minta kereta sama rumah. *Lols. Dan satu permintaan dia lagi yang BELUM dapat ditunaikan oleh husband dia, iaitu dia mau shopping satu hari dengan duit RM8,000. Hahaahahahahahahaahahahaha. Berabis sia ketawa ba. Whether she’s too immature or mimang simply because dia mimang jenis yang “tidak banyak pikir”. Tapi leks kawan2 semua, dia belum pun dapat tu semua ba. Kan husband dia tu belum pun balik Sabah lepas 1 minggu dorang kawin tu. Tapi husband dia tu sudah kasi 5 designs rumah banglo untuk dia pilih dan dia kasi tinguk sia lagi design rumah yang dia pilih tu. Apa pun, sia pun heran ba tu kenapa lama betul tu husband dia nda balik, even masa Raya tahun lalu tu pun dia nda balik. Ngam2 ada abang dia kawin di KL, so pasal tu dia nda juga sempat balik Sabah. Lepas tu, kalau nda cuti pula, dia terlalu bz dengan kerja dia. Betul ka tu ah? Nah kan, korang pun pikir lain2 sudah. Sama la kita tu. Hahahaahahahahahahahaha. Aiks, korang nda rasa ka kita ni TERLAMPAU banyak pikir? hehehe

“Apa pun, dia cakap...Do I marry him pasal dia berduit? Orang tidak boleh tuduh macam tu juga sebab masa sia kenal dia, dia sangat miskin. Naik bas pun teda duit. Maybe memang sudah jodoh.”

Ada juga baiknya kalau nda banyak sangat pikir ba kan guys.

Think about it.

(Hahahahaahhaa...suruh pikir lagiii... mimang la dasar org terlampau banyak pikir!!*Lols)

NOTE: Now I remember Britney’s short-lived marriage with, errks..who’s the guy’s name tu ah? Hahahahaha. How can we remember when they were married for 55 hours only?! *Lols. Itu pun kes nda banyak pikir oso that! Hahahahaha.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Forgotten GOLDS...

Semua kita pun ada datuk dan nenek. Dorang dulu pun pernah jadi baby, budak kecil dan kemudian dewasa, dan akhirnya tua. Dorang pun pernah ada beribu-ribu impian dalam hati dorang. Dorang pun pernah jadi macam kita sekarang ni…iaitu orang yang masih penuh dengan tanda tanya, “Apakah yang akan berlaku di masa depan?” Walaupun begitu, dorang pun macam kita juga. Dorang cuma mengharapkan yang terbaik untuk diri dorang.

Masa sia menulis ni, sia teringat wajah-wajah 2 orang nenek sia dan 1 orang datuk sia. Datuk sebelah dad sia, sia nda sempat nampak sebab he left us when my dad was still small lagi. Sia teringat gelak ketawa dorang masa dorang happy. Yang paling sia ingat adalah muka mama tua sia, iaitu nenek sia sebelah mom – I wrote about her dalam article “The Lost Of The Very Pearl” yang sia tulis di blog ni juga. Dia lah nenek sia yang paling rapat sama kami masa kami besar sudah. Sia masih ingat dia suka minum kopi, dan kalau dia datang rumah, my mom mesti kasi buat dia satu gelas kecil nescafe. Kalau buat gelas besar sikit, mesti dia komplen. Sia masih ingat lagi ketawa dia, yang sangat2 comel sekali. She was a very adorable grandma. Apa kuih atau kek yang sia buat, dia mesti makan dan dia mesti cakap sedap, walaupun mungkin terlampau manis atau terlampau keras. Dia saja mau jaga hati cucu dia kali kan. Sia yang buat bday cake dia yang ke 68 tahun, atas permintaan dia sendiri.

Masa dia masuk hospital, masa tu la sia dapat nampak yg begitu banyak org2 tua yang terlantar di katil hospital tu. Ada yang ada org jaga, ada yang tiada. Adakah lagi orang2 yang sayang sama dorang ni? Masa dorang terlantar di sana tu, adakah actually org2 yang sedang ingatkan dorang masa tu? Sia ingat lagi masa mamatua sia tu dalam keadaan kritikal. Me and my sister berdiri di tepi katil dia and my auntie duduk at the other side. Kami tinguk ja muka mamatua kami yang tidak sedar. Masa tu, ada nurse yang sibuk bercerita di satu penjuru, dan siap ketawa2 lagi, di satu penjuru lagi ada doktor yang layan cerita masing2. Sia terpikir dalam hati sia, dalam dorang berbual-bual tu, dorang tau ka ni betapa besarnya harapan kami supaya mamatua sia buli sedar dan sembuh? Adakah dorang betul2 sedar dan tau bahawa yang terlantar di atas katil tu adalah seorang manusia yang disayangi oleh banyak orang, dan seorang manusia yang dulunya pun sihat macam dorang juga, dan pernah juga rasa jadi muda macam dorang? Tau ka dorang yang dalam jiwa mamatua sia tu, masih ada harapan2 dia yang tidak terlaksana dan hajat2 yang belum kesampaian?

Tahukah dorang bahawa pesakit2 ni masih mau hidup dan menikmati kehidupan ni?

Apa pun, mamatua kesayangan kami tu has left us last year. Bersahaja saja sia tulis di sini kan? Tapi dalam hati sia, sia dan Tuhan saja la yang tau. Now, the only nenek kami yang ada, sedang terlantar di hospital juga. She’s my dad’s mom. She’s my dear Moing. Sia pernah jadi cucu kesayangan dia masa sia kecil.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, kami melawat dia di hospital. Baru sia dapat tinguk betul2 muka moing sia tu. Jauh sudah pula dia berubah. She’s getting very old sudah, dalam age yang melebihi 80 tahun. Sayu hati sia sebab sia teringat semua kenangan yang dia bawa sia pigi mandi sungai, kasi buat sia minuman panas dan kasi sia biskut coklat. Baru sia sedar, lama sudah sia nda tinguk betul2 tu muka moing sia. Mata dia pun ada tu selaput putih sudah. Dia masih buli cakap dan dengar dengan waras. Sedih betul sia tinguk bila dia tinguk ke arah kami. Sia nda tau dia nampak ka muka sia dengan jelas. Dia kenal ka lagi sama cucu dia ni yang dia sayang betul masa kecil? Sia la tu budak kici yang jajal betul tu, Moing. Sia la yang tu yang selalu merajuk dan nangis kalau kana marah. Sia la ba tu yang manja betul sama si bapa tu, dan selalu ikut dia balik kampung. Apa pun, kalau dia nda kenal, sia nda salahkan dia. Sebab sia sendiri pun bukan cucu yang begitu baik. Sia hanya dapat rapat sama dia masa sia masih budak. Masa tu I was the daddy’s girl yang ikut my dad pi mana2 ja. Pasal tu la moing sia tu sayang tul sama sia. Lepas sia masuk sekolah menengah, sia banyak berubah. Bertahun-tahun sia tidak jumpa dia sebab most of my time I spent away from home. Now, akhirnya sia dapat tinguk muka dia betul2, di atas katil hospital pula. Ini cuma lebih baik sedikit saja daripada langsung tidak sempat tinguk.

Dui giaa moing sia. Sedih betul sia masa sia tulis ni. Dia ingat ka tu semua kenangan dia masa dia masih kecil? Dia ingat ka masa dia kawin dan dapat anak pertama? Dia masih ingat ka tu masa2 dia masuk hutan cari sayur, atau masa dia pigi tanam padi? Sia selalu ingat yang moing sia tu mesti ada tu saging di belakang dia. Abis dia kuat keja ba tu.

Dia masih ingat ka tu masa sia masih kecil, sia tumondik di rumah uncle sia tu malam, dia dan my dad limpas tu rumah uncle sia malam2, dia berabis panggil2 nama sia walaupun dia pikir sia sudah tidur tu masa, tapi sebenarnya sia dengar tu dia panggil. Sia masih ingat tu semua, tapi adakah dia masih ingat?

Mungkin juga ada sekali moing sia merajuk sama sia sebab lama betul sia nda pulang kampung. Bila sia pulang, bapa sia terpaksa mau kasi kenal lagi siapa sia, baru la dia kenal. Bukan sia sengaja jua tu Moing. Kan sia tidak tinggal di rumah tu masa sia school. Sampai la sia habis U, baru sia betul2 dapat tinggal di rumah. Moing sia paham ka tu situasi sia ah? Ada bapa sia kasitau dia betul2 ka tu ah?Dan, ada orang bagitau dia ka sia yang buat itu kek birthday dia yang ke-80 tahun tu? Sia harap auntie2 sia and dad sia ada kasitau dia.

Masa sister sia bercakap sama dia di hospital tu ari, dia jawab dengan cara yang sama as she would answer it when she was younger and healthier. Tidak banyak beza. Cuma bezanya, dia sekarang jauh lebih tua dan tidak begitu bertenaga. Sia tinguk dia punya spirit untuk hidup tu tiada kaitan langsung dengan usia dia. “She still wants to live this life.” Sia tau tu. Tapi adakah orang lain tau? Adakah dia sendiri tau bahawa dia sedang bertarung sama kemampuan badan dia sendiri just so she could wake up just another day and menikmati kehidupan ni?

Untuk kita semua… sekarang mungkin kita masih muda dan bertenaga. Adakah kita tau yang suatu hari nanti, kita pun akan jadi macam dorang juga? Semangat kita untuk hidup masih sama, tapi usia kita akan tidak seiring sama tu. Mau tidak mau, rambut kita akan beruban, kulit berkedut dan macam2 penyakit datang – biar macamanapun kita jaga kesihatan, benda2 tu semua akan berlaku juga sebab fungsi organ dalaman kita pun semakin berkurang dan menyusut. Bukan kita mau macam tu, tapi benda tu akan jadi juga kalau kita panjang umur dan sempat menjalani hari tua kita.

Sekarang sia tinguk moing sia macam tu, sia tidak tau apa dalam hati dia. Adakah dia gembira dengan kehidupan dia selama ini? Kadang2 hati kecil sia bertanya juga bukan2, “Kenapa la manusia perlu menamatkan kehidupan ini?” Kenapa mesti ahli keluarga dorang terpaksa berdepan sama kesedihan yang betul2 teruk sebab terpaksa kehilangan dorang? – Walaupun tu semua soalan bodoh, sia masih lagi sering bertanya tu soalan. Walaupun sebenarnya sia terpaksa akur sama lumrah hidup ni.

Kalau sia buli minta sesuatu dari Tuhan, sia mau semoga ada juga reward di dalam hati dorang yang CUMA dorang saja yang dapat rasa dan tau, what it feels like to be old and coming to nearer to end of life. Sebab sebagai diri sia sekarang, sia tidak buli pikir dan teka apa dalam pikiran dorang. Pengetahuan sia mungkin sangat cetek untuk tau itu semua. Mungkin sia rasa dorang sedih, tapi sepa tau, mungkin sebenarnya dorang gembira. Sia rela untuk tau yg betapa ceteknya fikiran sia ni asalkan hanya perkara2 yang terbaik saja yang dorang alami dan sia tidak mampu untuk tau sampai la sia sendiri rasa.

Untuk masa2 macam ni, masing2 la kita spare some thoughts untuk mereka2 dalam keluarga kita yang sudah tua – jangan kita lupa, dorang ini adalah GOLD dalam hidup kita. Sia bukan simply taruh2 saja itu word. Dorang mimang GOLD sebab pasal kehadiran dorang itu adalah satu keindahan yang tidak boleh dihuraikan. Pasal dorang la, kita ada di sini. Dorang adalah pengasas kepada generasi yang akan kita teruskan. Kita mungkin lalai dan leka dengan arus hidup masing2, tapi jangan sekali kita lupa untuk kembali ke hujung pangkal dan renung sejenak mereka2 yang sudah bertungkus lumus untuk survive life dorang, hadapi setiap rintangan dan cabaran untuk terus hidup. Pasal kekuatan dorang la, kau dan sia ada di sini.

Hargai dan sayangilah mereka sementara kita masih berpeluang untuk buat begitu. Sebab sia yakin, macam tu juga la harapan kita bila kita pun jadi tua macam dorang satu hari nanti.

Lord, please grant your mercy, peace of heart and fullness of joy in the hearts of the elderly people in our lives. May they experience your love much more than we can ever imagine. It’s because of them that we are here and we want to say our great thankfulness for picking them to be the Golds in our lives. Thank You Lord.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dropping by again...

Hi guys!!! Read my post yesterday and you know that I’ve planned some cleaning up activities at my workplace and my room. Guess what? I did it! *Big grinz. Hahahahaha. Mana best kan, sudah sia plan mcm tu punya semangat, suddenly tidak buat pula. So sia mesti buat tuu! Jatuh la my waterface depan u guys if I don’t buat. Heheheheh. Uiks, tiba2 sia teingat sia punya barang2 yang sia pikir hilang dalam semak samun, tapi sama jua nda jumpa2! Di mana ka mereka itu?!! Itu lipstick sia terpaksa halalkan kehilangannya, lagipun sia sudah pun beli lipstick yang sama, tapi kalau jumpa sia lagi gumbira supaya ada dua. Itu jam sia tu…emm… kena curi ka apa tu ah? How come tidak pandai jumpa juga that? Mimang la I bought a new watch tapi sia mau juga itu watch lama. Sebab besar sentimental value dia tu. And, berabis sia cari ni satu benda lagi. I can’t remember how the handphone punya earphone dapat connect di handphone yang cuma ada usb port ja. Now sia tinguk ja tu earphone dan sia ingat ada tu connector yang kena kasi, but guess what, I LOST IT TOO! Bravo Twofivesix[256]!

This is going to be a short one for now. I have a few NICE topics to write but right now, I am too tired from cleaning my room just now. You guys will read this post the day after. I’m sleepy and too tired to type more. I need to be in the right mood to write. Okay guys, everyone have a nice day today. See you next post.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How Do I Get Ready For A Better Tomorrow?

Dari kemarin I feel this changes yang suddenly I don’t experience binge and hunger. Alangkah bagusnya kalau macam tu selalu? Hehehehehe. Tapi lapar atau tidak, sia paksa diri juga untuk makan something sebelum sia start buat kerja sebab sia nda mau tiba2 masa sia buat kerja, sana juga sia lapar, and then I mesti eat much more and lepas tu, mesti mengantuk and malas. Cukup2 la dengan kemalasan yang sedia ada ni. No thanks~! Hahahaha

Wow, u guys know ka what I finally do since yesterday? I kasi kemas my workplace!!! Mau keluar air mata ja inda ba. Hehehehe. Itu pun only yang bersepah di depan mata sia ja. Sia nda kacau benda2 yang sudah sedia berlambak sebab mandi habuk sia nanti. Now clear sudah sikit ni opis sia. Actually, mimang sia sudah ada beberapa versi assistant yang tulung kasi kemas my working area di opis sia ni, but biasanya sehari ja dia nampak clear sikit, pas tu sia akan memporak-perandakan balik ni tempat. Hahahahaahahaha. Org pun geleng kepala ba, sebab kalau tinguk dari depan, mcm ok sikit, satu kali dorang rajin sikit tinguk dari tepi dan nampak apa ada di lantai di bawah kaki sia ni, Macam2 Ada ba urang cakap! Wayar ntah apa2 belilit-lilit sudah, ada la card reader yang ada 3, ada la wire2 printer sia ntah yang mana satu, ada lagi wire phone, ada lagi charger handphone, lain lagi computer, scanner – kadang2 tu kalau sia mau sambung, mau jua 2,3 minit sia mau cari dari mana asal satu2 tu wayar tu. Selalu jua salah pasang and lidud lagi tu baru sedar yang sia salah pasang karen, apa lagi, siap memaki lagi sia sorang diri. Hahahahahaha. Yang paling lucu tu kan, kadang2 kasut sebelah sia pun buli hilang dalam semak2 tu. Kan sia suka buka tu kasut and then bila mau pakai balik, berabis sia cari mana sudah tu kasut sebelah. Wahahahahahahahahahaha. Buli2 sia tanya assistant sia, ada kau nampak tu kasut sia sebelah ka?

Semalam sia tinguk tu bilik sia kan, punyalah sakit jiwa sia. Sebab betul2 mcm teda org tinggal punya bilik ba. Hahahahahahaha. Itu la pasal dorang paling pantang mau buka tu bilik sia tu, sebab dia cuma kalah sama opis sia ja kesemakan dia. Hehehehehehe. ¼ daripada tu ruang bilik dipenuhi oleh lambakan newspapers yg kebanyakannya sia belum baca pun. Berabis my dad suruh kasi turun tu newspaper yang sia sudah baca, tapi sia nda sanggup berpisah sama dorang, abis sia takut sia belum baca ba. Tercampur-campur sudah dii. Hahahaahahahahaha. Lain lagi baju2 sia ba. Itu almari sia almost kosong sebab itu baju semua di luar. Kalau sia ingat2 tu bilik sia kan sekarang ni, dakat jua sia mau menangis ba mau pikir mau kasi kemas dia tonite. Hahahaha. Aiks, sure ka tonite? (Musyhkil beta... *Lols). Pasal baju2 sia semua berlambak di luar almari, sia kadang2 lupa tu mana satu baju yang sia baru pakai and so on. Bila lepas kena cuci tu kan, it all looks the same to me. Kadang2 tu masa kerja baru sia teringat yang sia baru ja pakai baju tu selang sehari ja sebelum tu. Hahahahaaha. Lantak laa, nda jua ba org perasan tu, I said dalam ati, mau cover line bai tu ging. *Lols.

Jaat o korang kan, adakah korang nda pecaya sia mau kemas bilik tonite. Hahahahaha. Ya lor. Mesti kemas tonite abis sia mau azam baru ba ni esok. (*Lols). This has to change ba kan, true or not? Sampai bila mau mcm ni? I bet kalau bilik sia tu kemas kan, I would feel like it’s more than just a place to sleep ba. Maybe I can get more idea lagi. I can’t just shut my eyes dan tidak bersyukur yang sia ada bilik ba. Look at my workplace...sia nda bersyukur lagi ka ada ni tempat untuk sia buat keja? Apa la ba salahnya sia kemas kan? Silap2 sia punya fengshui lagi bagus ba. Camana oo kalau sana sini semua semak. Actually I am not a penyemak punya org, cuma mimang my stuff terlampau banyak dan sia punya style buat keja pun sudah kasi hampar tu barang2 semua and then malas pla sia mau kemas hehehehe. Sia nda pula tau sia macam ni punya pemalas baa, baru sia sedar woooo.. adoiii... sabar ja la.

This has to change no matter what!! Dan never ever take a damn nap sebelum mandi, abis takut teroversleep sampai pagi. Bukan nda besa sudah that! Gila punya kerja ni si 256 ni o. Macam sia mau tampiling pun ada ba tu perangai dia. Hahahahahahahahahaha. (Aiks, macam la korang nda besa bercakap sama tu cermin...:P). Also, I want to clean the bathroom. Nasib la I only need to brush sikit2 the floor and clean sudah that. Itu pun sama. Macam la sia ni nda tau bersyukur yang sia ada bathroom yg begitu selesa yang sia sorang ja pakai. Kalau nda pandai sedar2 juga... mimang laaa dasar nda tau bersyukur ka apa tu. Itu baju tulung semua simpan dalam almari supaya tidak bersepah. Sia sudah muak tinguk tu baju2 sia berhambur sana kerusi. Uii...banyaknya sia kena buat tu!! Bah wait and see la ah.

I Must and Must and Must DO! And I know I’ll be thankful that I only need one big courage to do it ONCE, and it will bring goodness to be for the rest of my life. Sepa tau ka? It doesn’t hurt to try! Again, wish me luck. Hehehehehe.

Muahsss all.

Have A Blessed Ash Wednesday

When I was small, my dad has been teaching us to be “friendly” with the church. Even how hard it was, we must come to church every week. He always brought us to the English mass. We were too young to understand but still he didn’t use it as an excuse. As long as we sat there and followed the mass till the end. My dad even go to night masses and I still remember sleeping soundly during the long sermon. I also remember sticking out my tongue to the much bigger boys sitting at the back that my dad ended up pinching my arms. *giggles. During those times, we went to church just to please my dad. We didn’t know WHY but we only knew we didn’t want our dad to get mad. Oh well, I want to say, THANK YOU dad for all that. Now I understand. Maybe we were too young to understand English to follow the English mass but it was not because my dad expected us to listen and understand, but the point is to make us see THE CHURCH as a place where we find peace, where we feel like we have the obligation to visit it at least once a week. Being friendly with the church and making friends with the church is the first way for the young kids to learn anything before they could understand why they should go to church by their own will. Now I understand. Thank you my dad.

Now, all that paid off. My dad doesn’t have to force us to go to church like the old days. In fact, even if we miss a week, my dad won’t be mad anymore. Because he knows that he has done everything he could to teach us what is necessary, and we are big enough to decide on our own. He knows that our every decision now is with the knowledge that we know what is right and wrong, and if we still choose to do something wrong, we are totally aware of it, and that we are also aware of the consequences. The church is in fact the most peaceful place to be. In fact, that’s the reason why I find myself closer to the church. I have this experience of facing the worse anxiety of a lifetime that the feeling was almost like losing my own life. It was the church that helped me to realize my problems are just NOTHING compared to God’s power and from there, I find the answer myself that going to church is not anymore about pleasing my dad, but it’s where I experience the greater power and love like never before.

The questions of Who is holy, who is devoted, who is following the way of Christ – let’s not ask those questions. We are just the same. We have the same chances of making sins and making good deeds. In fact, most of us are more fortunate than the rest that we are given so much abilities to be God’s instrument to spread the good news. We are in no position to judge another person that, “Hey, you’re bad, I think you will go to hell.” Nope. Don’t do that. Not just because I go to church every week, it doesn’t mean that I should make that a reason for my Catholic friends who don’t go to church, to feel bad that “Ya laa, sia berdusa la ba ni abis nda pigi church.” How many times should I tell you that it’s just not the way to go. I also make sins everyday, maybe simply from having bad and negative thoughts about the people around me, yes, especially vengeance and hatred. So, let’s be reminded that we are no angels to judge others. We have the same fair chance to do good and bad so we respect each other’s decision on how they lead their lives. It’s a matter between you and God, and no one else should come in between.

The holy fasting season is here again and I will not say my long list of resolutions how I want to do it this time. I will not say, “I will not curse a single word at this for this 40 days.” “I will not “go to party” with foods like I always do.” Nope, I won’t spell out the ways for me to become better, not anymore. It never worked. The more I pressed myself to obey a list of definite rules that I made myself, the more I strayed from it. Then, I rather just concentrate on one big mission throughout the fasting season. I think that, maybe we forgot that the most important thing is not about holding back from foods, but it’s more about how to lead a life that is that closer to God, and apply it to every part of our lives, including work and relationship.

So to my Catholic brothers and sisters, wish you guys a blessed fasting season. Hope everyone will get something good from this holy season, ok? :)

May God Bless Everyone.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Theory Behind The Falling Eyelashes

Have you guys heard this funny thing when people used to say that when you find the piece of your eyelashes on your cheek, someone is actually missing you? *Lols. No kidding. It happens to me, A LOT. Is this coincidence or what? I mean, when I have new people coming to my life, my eyelashes start to fall, like every morning! I look in the mirror and keep finding an eyelash on my cheek. Of course I don’t actually believe the joke that falling eyelashes is an indicator that you’re “being missed by someone” but sometimes it happens a lot that I keep seeing my piece of eyelash on my cheek, I CAN’T HELP but get MAD!!! *Lols. And there goes the funny thought, “Whoever missing me right now, you better stop, cos I don’t want to waste another eyelash, you understand me?” Hahahahaahahahahahahahahaahaha. Yeah, that’s a funny thought that comes to my mind because I start to get pissed off when I see more and more of my eyelashes start to fall down. I love my eyelashes ok? Don’t make me lose more just because someone is missing me! *Lols. Just kidding guys. I mean, the part where my eyelashes falls a lot, is true! I remember when I just met this guy at a function about 2 years ago. He showed a lot of interest “to make friends” with me and called me up EVERYDAY since that he is working at a different district. Shortly after, he became a bestfriend to me for almost a year. Those are one of the times when I remember when I lost a lot of eyelashes. *Lols. I didn’t think much about my falling eyelashes but because it kept happening, I just couldn’t stand it anymore! The closest person I want to accuse was him, because he became a major thing to me daily, because he never missed a day talking to me. I said to him, Are you missing me that much, or what? I’m losing my eyelashes everyday, you know that? *Lols. He thought I was kidding.

During those times, I had a meet up with my close female friend. We had a long chat at one foodcourt. In the middle of chatting, she told me, “There’s an eyelash on your cheek.” My goodness. I finally got “A WITNESS”!!!! You see that? I got even mad towards my guyfriend because my own friend saw it, LIVE telecast, man! I wasn’t making up stories about the falling eyelashes, ok? Hahahaha. But really guys. Is it coincidence or what? I experience something like that whenever there’s a new person who comes to my life, whether the person is trying to get close to me or whatever in that sense. Yup, even only as friends. I mean, usually, in the beginning of a friendship, the person usually makes extra effort to be in touch with you, like calling you, sms-ing you and even come to see you. I notice that whenever something like that happens, my eyelashes start to give that attitude of falling down. *Lols. (I thought that only the London bridge is falling down. Hahahahaahahahahahahaha)

Omigawd. I’m serious. I love my eyelashes. It’s because of them that I never have to worry about getting an eyedo just to make my small eyes visible. I mean, I don’t mind if people are missing me for a reason, I even THANK you for missing me, but can we let my eyelashes stay out of this? *Lols.

This actually the second time that I write about this and the first article that I wrote in the old unknown blog, my exboyfriend actually loved the article. He said that, “Maybe one of them of miss you is me.” I don’t really care who and who, I’m trying to keep my eyelashes here, do you guys understand! *Lols.

Just want to have a morning laugh with you guys. Hope you enjoy it. Have a nice day everyone :)


Monday, February 23, 2009

My Diet Regime

My goodness. I have not even started a diet regime towards the mission to lose weight. Hehehehe. I can’t always reward myself like this, right? I mean, I have this habit of rewarding myself after a long day at work. I thought that I deserve to do and eat what I want, but I think I’m overdoing often enough. I don’t actually deserve to sleep as early as 8 PM and only wake up at 6.30 AM. My goodness. Now I’m a sleep canibal too, am I not? *Lols.

Actually, to hell with this losing weight thing. I don’t think it would ever work. The more we aim to lose weight, the farther we are from it. Remember how Oprah lost her weight in months and regain back even twice the weight she lost? Man, that was disastrous. Now what happens? She just quits from trying to lose weight and decided to be happy with her new weight. Yup, I know it guys. I am also not and never that obsessed with weight. I’m not a friend of the weight scale. In fact, I never care! *Lols. That’s the problem! I never care! I think that it’s not healthy to never watch the weight. I think that to never care about weight is already a problem. Weight and size is not all about looking good, my friends. It’s about health! I can’t deny though that my mission to lose weight is more on to look good. *Lols. But wait, I DO IT FOR MYSELF. That’s the most important thing. I can never do something serious like this just to please someone else but me. It’s not worth it to suffer and to cut meal portion just so I can make someone smile. Gimme a break!

Yeah, that’s a pinch of the selfish Twofivesix[256]. Hahahahaha.

For the Catholics, I’m sure you guys know that the coming Wednesday is The Ash Wednesday. I was like, Ah? The Fasting season is here? Now, that’s what I call so-in-line with my mission to lose weight. *giggles. Isn’t it great that I have a greater reason to eat less, and the greater reason is for the faith in God. That's cool :)

Wish me luck.

Someone Gets A New Tribute Page Today

I have talked about the renewed tribute page for Ulal for quite a while. Finally, it's here! Wait no more and hope you guys enjoy it. Click the link.

Actually, I have made A SURPRISE for this page, but DOING IT was not the hardest part. I see that this blogspot has some limitation so you will see it in this page ONCE I work out the problem. For now, go direct to Ulal's New Tribute Page. I especially don't want him to wait just another day for this. *giggles.

Argghh...hope to work out the problem soon.

The Hormonal Dilemma

I’m feeling a bit okay now. Just now was disastrous. The whole day was almost disastrous actually. In fact, it all started from the nite before. The nite before, I slept in the middle of replying an sms. I was too sleepy to even press the letters and the next thing I knew, I had not typed a single letter and the person on the other line must be waiting for a reply for hours. I had not taking my bath. I woke up at 1.30 AM and walked to the kitchen and ate an orange and a cone ice-cream and went back to sleep. This early morning, my mom did it again, by ringing my phone so I could wake up. I overslept again.

This morning, I had to go to town to settle something important. I was feeling so discouraged because it took me a lot of energy to go around and run errands and I almost made that call, “Ops, I think I can’t send it today. Can I do it tomorrow?” Yes, another excuse to delay the job for another day. I can’t be doing it all the time, when will I ever learn? Luckily, I forced myself to settle the thing at once. Phew, at least, one job is finally done.

Even THE WHOLE day before was even disastrous. While attending the sunset mass, I slept during the sermon. It was a very weak day for me. I didn’t even have the energy to sing. Nobody likes that feeling, ya know. But it happens once in a while. I think that my body was too tired.

Back to today. I came to the office and I said that I wanted to finish something that has to do with this blog. I have this strange stubbornness that when I want something done, I expect it to be done. After spending and stealing time to do a nice work for this blog, imagine what I feel when I found out that blogspot doesn’t support the function that I need to make sure my movie can play. I felt so upset and so down because I wasted my time for something unworkable. The fact that only now that I have the idea to make a movie to put in my blog and it got stuck there, I was so upset. I felt so so upset. And maybe MAD too. Why the heck in this streamyx era, I still have to cope with bandwidth? I should be able to play my own flash movies in my blog, right? My goodness. I thought that things have gone much advanced than before. With all this limitation, it makes me sick. It pissed me off right to the bones!

Earlier than that, a friend dropped by and left a pack of Cottage Fries and 2 boxed Chrysanthemum drink on my table. I said, Thanks – that looks like a lot of junkfood to me. But after I got so upset with the blogspot, I just started eating everything on my table. I didn’t even remember finished eating the Cottage Fries. I only remember seeing the wrapping at the dustbin near me. That explains how upset I am when something I plan is not done accordingly.

Some parts of my body are also aching since a few days ago. I’m totally not 100% these few days. Not to mention that I have piling of stuff to do, my unorganized works, my unmade agreement, my messy workplace, my messy room, my unwashed clothes – it’s all putting even more burden to me. I’m thankful to my brother Jojon for being there for me, cheering me up a bit though he was also up to something else. It makes me even more upset because the whole unworkable thing with my blog is actually made for him.

You see all the conflicts that I’m having? Something like this happens to everyone, especially women, at least once a month. It’s the time when the hormone imbalance starts to mess up with your emotions and mind. It’s something to do with the PMS – Pre Menstrual Syndrome. When I am having all this craziness inside my mind, I’m rational enuff to think that this is mostly hormonal. You sense the difference? We almost have no control over it. The best thing I can do is TO KNOW what is happening with me, and do not over react. Suddenly the way I see things has changed. Suddenly all the bad elements of my life are coming to the surface. Suddenly all the negativity is taking control. You see, NOTHING has changed much in my life, but because of this hormonal thing, I tend to see life differently today. Suddenly my life looks much worse to me now. All this could be eating me up. I could spend my time crying on my bed just grieving over a bad day, or I could just force myself to sleep so that I won’t entertain my bad thoughts.

To me, I’m more like letting it take its toll on me. It’s something to do with the elements of my body so there’s nothing much I can do. It’s pity to think that when I’m already feeling so bad but at the same time I perfectly know that my hormones are unstable, not every women are in control of this. They might not care to know that the biological thingy is doing its thing especially when it’s near the menstrual cycle. They might over react, they might go out of control and do something stupid, say something bad, or just unleash their unexplained frustration without thinking that yes, they might regret it later.

What about me? I’m trying my best to be in control. This will pass. And will happen again next month around. Who says being a female is easy?

I bet that the next time I read this article, I would be laughing. Laughing at how I see things. It’s very much nothing but a hormonal dilemma. But wait, let me decide.

Tomorrow is going to be a better day :)

(Written on the nite of 22nd Feb 09)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Just Dropping By...

Hi Guys... just dropping a note here. I am EVEN busier today, and I'm really in my working mood. Last nite I thought of working on a new post for today, but I ended up sleeping with the light on until morning and I was surrounded by this bunch of newpapers that I was reading before I fell asleep. Kunun2 mau baca kejap ja and then turn on my pc and buat kerja, tiba2 I woke up, siang sudah! Odoiiii...why should I waste my time, SLEEPING like that???? How can I NOT feel guilty for sleeping like I have nothing to do?? Why? Why? (Hahahahahahahaha). I drop this note because I know some of you will drop by and expect to read something from this crazy -3-digits-don't-tikam-nanti-tidak-kena-korang-yang-rugi- (*Lols).
Nasib la sia pernah rasa sudah tekanan dan kesibukan tu yang makes you want to throw up. Nasib la kesibukan sia sekarang ni adalah membuat benda2 yang sia enjoy dan kalau sia mengeluh pun, sia mengeluh dalam ke-positif-an. Wutever term I'm using here, it all comes out spontaneously from this crazy mind of mine. I don't usually write directly like right now, so what you get now is Totally Unedited- totally unashamed peace of mind from a totally-not-me. Ok, I lied.
Okay. U guys baik2 saja today ah. I was quite surprised that some people actually notice when I don't go online for even a day. I think you guys can try for the post -"The Stalker", I think you guys have some great talent. *giggles. OK! OK! I'm kidding. You guys are great. Muahsss
I must finish most of my work today so I can do something fun tonite. Laterz ya.
Muahsss again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Does Busy Feel Like?

You guys pernah rasa ka satu hari tu betul2 bz. Tidak cukup tangan mau buat macam2. Selalunya, kerja mimang banyak, tapi sometimes, I can pretend that I’m Not that busy. Bad attitude actually. But can we stand being busy all the time? I don’t think so!

Actually, being busy takes us away from “the life wondrous moments”. Because being busy engage us in a particular activity and we don’t have spare time to do what we would like to do, if we had the choice. But let me be fair. Being busy has its own wonder too. You feel like you’re fully utilized, your ability and time is not wasted and you’re actually useful – and although it will wear you down, but it’s in a positive way. If you kerja habis2 untuk satu reward – isn’t it good? Rather than relaxing and do all the fun stuff but it leaves you with an empty pocket, still not so cool, right?

Yesterday was busy for me. I kinda love it when I had to say no to my leisure just because I realise that work is more important. Sometimes, moments of desperation teach us a lot. It’s good that sometimes circumstances force us to do something right because if you wait for “you own guts” do it for yourself, you might wait forever, in vain. In my case, yes. I know that I have some issues with disciplines, priorities and all those stuff. So again, in MY case, I need moments like that. It’s like, Make Me Dead Busy Today so I will skip today from feeling guilty – I wasted my time for nothing. Nahh…not that line again.

Actually, today is also busy for me. I hope I have the time to post this to my blog, so you guys don’t have to spend another day “missing” me. *Lols. I have an interesting post that I’m currently working on – but maybe the timing is not so right for me to complete it as soon as I usually can. Do you think creativity is THAT easy? Nope, it’s not. Sometimes you can go a thousand miles in 10 minutes writing about something interesting, but when the mood is not there, you would spend a month just to figure out the first word to write.

No. Don’t take it away from me. I love my ideas. My crazy ideas. I can’t live without them. Who am I without my ideas? People could say that they like me because I’m funny, because I am talkative, because I am manja(?), but actually I think it’s my ideas that really stand out from the rest of the qualities. I want to stay this passionate in writing, and I want to always love sharing my crazy mind, and I hope that it doesn’t matter how busy I get, I always want to have that burning desire to experience life and then share it to the rest of the world, through my piece of writing.

You guys can never imagine how much satisfaction this blog has given to me.

I’ve told you guys once, that even if nobody is reading, I will still write. The fact is that – now I know that the feeling is much different when you know there are people who are there to read what you write. I won’t miss it for the world.

Is it okay to say, THANKS, right now?

I will come back and write more when I’m done with my little project here.


P/S – To My Ulal’s Lovers… Expect A Renewed Tribute Page for him very soon.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Betulkah Kawan Makan Kawan?

Ok guys... lets get in this simple but maybe useful topic. Sia mau share sama kamu sia punya opinion yang nda pandai habis2 ni. Speaking of kawan makan kawan, kita dengar kes tu di merata-rata ba. Apa lagi yang buat bisnes ni. Sikit2 kalau ada rakan kongsi, mesti ada masalah. Kena tipu la, kawan lari la, kawan tikam belakang laa. Awal2 tu, sia pun terima ja la apa dorang cakap. Lama2, sia sendiri rasa benda ni, “something wrong”. Kenapa ada begitu banyak org yg kana tipu kawan sendiri, dan benda ni seolah-olah teda penghujung. Then baru2 tu, satu orang kawan ni datang tempat sia. Dia ni pun kira mau cari peluang untuk make money ba. So dia pun cerita2 la pengalaman dia buat business dan kena tipu oleh kawan. Ini lagi satu kes. Bila sudah dia ni kes yang ke berapa ribu yang sia dengar, tiba2 ada mood pula sia mau menganalisis dia punya kes. Sebab sia jadi bosan ba. You cannot just open a bad story, and then jatuhkan hukuman just like that, and harap org akan terima mcm tu saja cerita kau tu. Kalau sudah dia balik2 datang dan cakap pasal tu, then last2 sia bagi dia pandangan serong yang penuh kemusykilan ni ba. “Betul ka tidak ba kau kana tipu ni. Cuba lu kau cerita apa jadi.”

Dia cakap, dia share buka tu workshop untuk buat fibre untuk kereta ba sama ini kenalan yang sudah bertahun-tahun terlibat dalam business. Dia pecaya sama tu org, sebab sama2 sekolah dulu. So, dorang agreed on fibre punya business. Bila sudah start operasi, tiba2 kawan dia tu bawa ada 3, 4 kereta, parking sana workshop, buat service bikin enjin kereta pula. Mekanik pun dia bawa dia punya mekanik sendiri. So cuma dia tumpang tempat saja la. So, apa pendapat kamu?

Si kawan sia ni nda puas hati. Dia cakap, itu business untuk fibre saja. So if dia mau juga bawa kereta untuk service di workshop tu, BOLEH, tapi mau kena charge tu berapa hari tu kereta stay sana, dan duit service tu pun MESTI masuk tabung juga. SEPATUTNYA macam tu la, menurut pikiran kawan sia ni.

Tapi, not even satu sen pun kawan dia tu simpan tu duit service kereta untuk perkongsian dorang tu. Kawan sia ni nda puas hati. Dan dari sana laa sebenarnya perselisihan paham tu. Bila kana tanya, dia cakap... “Itu orang sudah tipu saya.”

Sia tanya dia beberapa soalan dan perkara2 penting yang sia dapat adalah:

1. Perkongsian dorang TIDAK JELAS. Bila sia tanya berapa percent, dia tidak pun buli jawab. Dengan mudah saja dia cakap, kira 50/50 la ba tu. “Sebab sia yang banyak keluar buat marketing. Dia concentrate dalam lain2 business dia. Sia yang kasi jalan tu business.”

My Comment: Tidak buli macam ni. Kalau mau buat partnership, semua mesti dalam BLACK AND WHITE. Bukan kau suka2 cakap macam tu macam ni. Partner kau keluar duit lebih banyak dari kau, but kau keluar lebih banyak tenaga – sebab percaturan yang tidak jelas ini, dengan mudahnya kau akan rasa tertindas. Di mata dia, perkongsian kamu bukan 50/50 sebab dia yang keluar lebih byk duit. Tapi kau menuntut hak sama rata. Perkongsian pun awal2 sudah samar2 ba. Berapa sangat kau buli harap daripada cincai2 punya agreement? Apa lagi setakat main cakap2 ja punya agreement. Gila ka mau ambil risiko mcm tu? You have to spell out all the terms and conditions, DENGAN JELAS, ada paham?!

2. Yang masa tu kereta2 luar di bawah masuk tu workshop tu untuk tumpang service, dia ada cakap sama kawan dia tu yang dia kasi kebenaran, tapi dia ni cakap TERLALU BERLAPIK. Dengan anggapan, “dia sudah betahun-tahun buat business ba, inda kan dia nda tau hal begitu simple. Nda kan benda macam tu pun sia kena cakap lagi ”

My Comment: Ini satu kesilapan yang PALING MUDAH berlaku. You cannot ASSUME suka2 yang semua org tau apa yang kau pikir dorang tau. Biar la dia bertahun-tahun buat business, ini bukan masalahnya. Pikiran dan persepsi manusia itu berbeza. Di sana la kita guna kita punya MULUT untuk bercakap. Sebelum dia bawa masuk tu kereta, bincang betul2, apa yang kau mau, apa yang kau perlu. Kalau persetujuan tidak dapat dicapai tu masa, itu kereta jangan masuk langsung. Jangan pula tinguk dan tunggu saja sampai dorang habis buat kerja, terus makan hati sorang2 bila teda bahagian. Itu mindset yang assume itu orang semua BIJAK PANDAI seperti yang korang harapkan, itu tidak betul sama sekali. Semakin banyak kali kau buat gitu, semakin kerap la kau gigit jari!! Tapi bila ada apa2 nda betul, lancar pula kau mau bercakap mau kasi salah org lain kan? Sudah terlambat la geng!

Kawan dia buli cakap macam ni ba: “Itu business kita share adalah untuk fibre. Sia bawa kereta luar untuk service sini, bawa mekanik sendiri, lagipun sia ada share sini, so teda salahnya sia cuma tumpang tempat saja. Ini business teda kaitan sama kau sebab kita cuma share business fibre saja. Inda kan ini pun kau mau berkira? Ini business sia lagi byk keluar duit mah, kalau teda duit sia, ini workshop pun tiada ba kan? Bukan sia kacau itu business fibre pun kalau sia tumpang service kereta sini”

Bila sia cakap sama dia semua tu, dia TERDIAM. Dia nda ble pun jawab sia, sebab apa yang sia cakap itu cuma guna the simplest common sense saja. “Mungkin juga kau betul la...” dia cakap gitu, dengan nada yang “seolah-olah baru tersedar dari tidur”. I said, “Bukan lagi mungkin, Mimang pun sia betul. Cos benda ni terang2 ba. Benda yg simple2 mcm tu pun kau buli overlook, and then now sia nda heran la kau anggap kau kenal tipu. The essence is, COMMUNICATION ba. Jangan cakap business, rumah tangga pun ble hancur ba kalau teda communication. Ada mulut, cakap ba!

So, dalam kes kawan sia tu, sebenarnya MUNGKIN juga rakan kongsi dia tu lurus juga jalannya, cuma salah paham dan dia harapkan yang kawan sia tu pun paham cara dia. Hanya kerana hal2 yg buli disettle, nda pasal2 hilang kawan pula. Nda pasal2 ada kena tuduh menipu. Sebab bila ada hati2 yang tercalar, masing2 mau pertahankan hak masing2, so biar la gaduh daripada dari awal2 kasi settle terang2. Then apa jadi? Masing2 cakap belakang lor. Masing2 cakap kana tipu. Jadi bertambahlah “rungutan” di dunia ini yang kununnya dia kena tipu. Kali tinguk, sia cuba analize one case pun sia sudah nampak silap dia ba. Sepa tau, mungkin begitu juga dengan sebahagian kes2 lain yg kita dengar.

So the most important di sini, bukan pasal sepa tipu sepa, it’s about the mistakes that we often do when we are trying to cooperate or have partnership dengan kawan kita, nda kisah la dalam apa2 hal. Buat assignment pun mcm tu ba. Uhuu...been there, done that. Pikir punya pikir, kesilapan terbesar tu bermula daripada kita jua kali. Nah, pikir2 la kio.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Phone Call On Valentine's

I have thought of writing down a list of “Rules To Break in 2009” that will consist of the things that I don’t do, but WILL DO in 2009. How interesting is that? *giggles. That post might come later on.

One of the things that I don’t do is calling up guys for casual chats. I don’t call them just to say “Hi, long time no see. How are you doing now?” Nope. That’s not me. If you are the type who wait and hope that Twofivesix[256] is going to ring your phone, most likely you are going to wait and hope in vain. It’s just a habit of mine as long as I can remember. I only ring my family, closefriends and customers for anything urgent.

I have a few guyfriends who ocassionally ring me and engage me on then phone for hours. They are my new friends so I usually have a lot to hear, listen and respond. The ice-breaking thing is quite interesting actually, so I usually entertain long calls – BUT... follow my timing. I don’t take long phonecalls during the day. I will ONLY entertain long phone calls at nite – when I am ready to go to sleep. (But yeah, I promise not to sleep before you finish talking. *Lols)

Okay...speaking of Twofivesix[256] breaking her own rules finally, I did it last nite. Earlier that day, a guyfriend said that, “I’m waiting a call from this “one person” who promised she would call, but she never called.” I was like, “Ouch, was that me?” *Lols. The word “promise” is serious to me. I won’t break my own promise, Not Anymore. I remember telling him that “Next time, it would be my turn to ring you, okay?” But maybe I did not realize I use the word “promise”. Actually, even this line -“Next time, it would be my turn to ring you, okay?”- is already “something abnormal” for me to say because I never actually said that to my other friends. And I realize and admit that I said it to this particular guyfriend of mine when he gave me his first call about 2 weeks ago. I didn’t know why I feel that I SHOULD return him the favour. So until yesterday, he finally mentioned it. I felt guilty too because I didn’t know that he’s been waiting for my call eversince. Yes, and yesterday was Valentine’s Day. Wasn’t it a great timing to “make someone keep her words to make that damn phonecall?” *Lols

So I kept my word last nite. When I first got him on the phone, I said. “Do you know how lucky you are? I don’t usually ring guys.” He was laughing, the kind of laugh that made me want to stop and ask, “Why are you laughing? What’s so funny?” Maybe he laughed at the idea that I was actually breaking my own rule because of him. But I did say sorry to him because I made him wait. But last nite I was the “hyper Twofivesix[256]” – which happens to be my real character actually. I’m really sorry to him for showing my worst side before he was even ready for it. Hahahaahahahahahahaha.

I’m sure when he reads this, he knows I was talking about him. Hehehehe. What should I say now? Thanks for making me break one of my rules? Hahahahahahahaha. Maybe I think you’re lucky because I feel so easy “keeping my words” when it comes to you. From day one when you balik2 merajuk “tidak kana layan” – finally it all worth it, right? Whatever it is, I think you deserve it. Thanks for being sweet, man. Muahss.

NOTE: Yez people, keep on guessing... *Lols.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love Is Not Like What You Think...

Today is Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone :) I want to write something about this thing called LOVE. Trust me it won’t be Just another article about Love, ok? 

Remember my Indian guyfriend who occasionally had long chats with me? He’s been married for more than 13 years so I couldn’t belittle his views on love and marriage. He’s been there already. This guy brought this idea to me. Not sure if any of you would be as surprised as I were that time. 

He popped out this. “This kind of love that you women are waiting for, DOESN’T EXIST.” My friends, read that. Let’s do some thinking session. When we speak of love and marriage, are you sure we are not seeking for “PERFECTION”? We want a partner who is good in as many aspects as possible. For the few weaknesses that we discover in them later on, make them disqualified to be the person we want to marry. Maybe we don’t realize this but we’ve been doing it all the time. We break up because of the smallest issue in our partner that we couldn’t tolerate. It’s not even about infidelity, my friends. Sometimes the two of you are still very in love, but still you guys break up. Reason? “I can’t tolerate his smoking habit”. Small things like that!!! 

He continued, “The love that you women want, is a love that happens only in Fairytale.” And then the continued, “You don’t marry the person because the person is good in everything, has no flaws and weaknesses.” Oh man, is that true? Is it something that we do unconsciously? His sentences felt like a few slaps around my face bah. The part when he mentioned “fairytale” – it really hit home. He could be right. Or was he right? 

“You marry a person who you think you can build family with. The one that you can raise the kids together. There’s no such thing as fairytale LOVE before the marriage. MARRIAGE IS NOT EVEN ABOUT LOVE. It’s about how you manage to cope, tolerate, accept, adapt and deal with each other to make sure you guys have a peaceful life together. The person you marry could be Anybody who is there for you. Cos it’s going to be the same thing, no matter who the person is. It’s about coping with each other, accepting each other’s weaknesses and most importantly, it’s about the kids that you guys going to have, and provide them with the good lives. At the end of the day, it’s NOT about the two of you anymore. It’s NOT even about LOVE. It’s more about responsibility.” 

“LOVE IS TOTALLY OVERRATED by you people.” He added. 

I was thinking very deeply as he was talking. Judging from the way he spoke, this guy knew what he was talking about. Maybe we are talking TOO MUCH of love, right? Yes, maybe love is totally overrated. Maybe “a good feeling” is all we need but we are all seeking for “the perfect” kind of love. My gosh. Does it mean that we are looking everywhere for something that does not exist? Or is it his view as an individual? Or is his concept right all along?
He even told me this. “Men have animal desires. Me, as a man, I sure want to have another affair/relationship with another woman. Yes, I Want. But that’s me AS A MAN, with the nature that a man is born with. But as who I am now, with all the responsibility that I have, I don’t want to do that because “I don’t want my kids to hate me.” Guys, I was expecting that he said something like, “But I love my wife and I don’t want to hurt her.” He didn’t even mention anything like that. “If you ask me if I ever laid my eyes on other women, YES. I had those feelings before. You meet a girl who is attractive, who makes you feel good and have a good laugh with. I found myself thinking about that “another woman” too. But I never really bother to put a name to it. I don’t really care what it’s called. Maybe some of you call it Love. 

The word LOVE is totally gone from this man’s vocabulary. 

But from talking to him, my perceptions on things have broadened. It’s looking AT IT from a different view. He doesn’t put too much weight on LOVE, but still he has a good marriage, and good family life, wife and kids that he enjoys to be around with. Maybe because he doesn’t put the burden on LOVE, then LOVE has very little burden on him. 

Look at most of us. Maybe we got too burdened by LOVE. We are looking for Love, Love and Love and nothing else. “Do you love me?” “How much do you love me?” “Are you sure what you feel for me is Love?” “But I don’t love you that much.” “Are you sure we are going to be in love forever?” And the list of “love remarks” goes on…
Maybe YES, we don’t notice it all along that we are taking it too hard on the subject of LOVE. This discussion will not have a conclusion because I only want you share with you guys, Who Knows you will get some different and interesting ideas about it and then apply it to your lives. 
Wait…one more. A lot of us wonder why in the era of match-making marriages that happened in the older generation, the marriages last longer. Whereby in this era of Love marriages, the divorce rate is shooting up. Why? That’s a question we have to ask ourselves. 
Maybe the older generation knows better what “living together” is all about. Maybe they know it better that fairytale Love does not exist in the reality of marriage. 
Maybe there’s no one that can tell us what to believe, what to think and what to do. But we sure can learn something from them and who knows, we might come up a better understanding. So, I’d say, why not. Let’s understand Love Better. What do you say? :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Let's Celebrate Love :)

As you can see in my blog template, I made a new theme. I did the graphics just now and then after that I wanted to pick the song for the background music to suit this lovey-dovey theme. I played each of the slow songs that I have in this pc of mine. Most of the songs are a collection of great songs that I have since years ago. Some of them are the songs that keep a lot of wonderful memories.

Have you been in love before? I’m sure you know how it feels to be in love. I’m sure you too have a song that recorded all the beautiful moments of you and the person you loved. But things happen. For some reasons, you have to say goodbye to all the memories. So, does it mean that you will have to dump the song that was once a theme for the great love you once had?

I have a number of great songs that keep the wonderful memories I once had. But I have learnt to “neutralize” these songs, making sure that I can still enjoy them without them bringing back the moments that could make me feel sad. Guess what? I have long thought that I have succeeded. Until Just Now.

I clicked this particular song and let it play for a while. As the melody and the lyrics came out, I initially felt nothing because I have set my mind that I have neutralized all the “sensitive songs”. Maybe NOT THIS ONE? After the song started playing for a while, I suddenly felt like something sharp was slowly penetrating my heart. “No, it’s not happening again.” I tried to deny that IT was happening again, but the pain started to grow more and more and at one point, I had to stop the song! I couldn’t bear it anymore. If I listened to it more than I had, I would have break down in TEARS.

It’s funny that we thought we knew so much about what’s inside our heart. It’s also funny how peculiar the ways could be for us to discover a lot of denials. You can say it a thousand times, but there’s always a way that you would eventually learn that all the while, you are actually lying to yourself. Does something like that just happened to me just now?

Why the song still hurt?
I don’t care what the real answer is.
I only know that I can’t be wrong about one thing.

“To Love And Then Get Hurt Is Better Than To Never Love At All.”
Let’s Celebrate Love For All The Joys That It Brings To Our Lives.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

SinDroM GiLa KomPuTER

1. Bila sia tersilap tulis form atau apa2 yang menggunakan tulisan tangan, punya sakit jiwa sia bila sedar sia kena liquid begitu banyak. Then, sia cari kiri kanan sia, sia mau cari itu KEYBOARD. Sekurang-kurangnya mau nampak itu button Backspace and DELETE. Bila sia sedar yang itu benda sia nda buli DELETE, dua kali ganda sia punya sakit jiwa. Adoiiii. Kenapalah bukan semua semudah menggunakan computer???? Give me that freaking keyboard, please!!! Hahahahahah

2. Ini lagi parah. U guys know yg my office betul2 semak dan sia ni jenis org yang letak barang sembarangan, dan lepas tu lupa mana sia letak. Attitude sia ni sudah banyak menyusahkan diri sia, termasuk la jiwa raga sia. Benda2 yang sia misplace tu, it could be anything. Kadang2 sia terpikir, “Alangkah bagusnya kalau ada detector ni. Yang sia buli pegang dan scan di sekitar tu dan benda tu berbunyi kalau dia jumpa apa yang sia cari.” Sempat lagi sia pikir macam tu ba dalam masa2 sia tension. Tapi itu pikiran yang dalam sedar! Pikiran yang di luar sedar, adalah apa bila sia terus tekan tu Search sana pc sia ba!!!!! Sebab Search tu sia paling selalu guna sebab I tend to forget mana sia save tu file2 sia yang bertimbun-timbun. Punya geli hati sia bila sia tersedar, sempat lagi memaki sendiri ni ba sebab buli2 pula sia minta itu pc cari barang2 yang sia misplace. Hahahahahahahahah. Mulauuu!

3. Di channel IRC tidak dibenarkan memaki right? Walaupun sia ni lama sudah tidak kick orang dari channel, tapi I got really2 pissed sama org yang memaki. Sia rasa it’s totally uncivilized ba. Ya la, macamana notty pun sia di channel, sia belum pernah lagi memaki. Kalau lepas cakap tu, at least buli paham lagi. Tapi kalau taip, inda kan nda ble control kan? So when I was exchanging SMS with a guyfriend recently, he was playing around with me ja ba tu. He suddenly said some nasty2 things la, then I said. “Kau cuba la cakap nda tentu sini, sia kick kau sana.” It’s an automatic thing that comes to my mind ba. He said, “Aiks, di SMS pun ada rule mcm tu juga ka?” Then baru sia sedar yang sia mana buli kick dia di SMS, terus sia ketawa. Hahahahahahahaha. Bikin malu oo. Hahahaha

Kalau ada lagi kegilaan syndrom gila computer yang baru, sia akan buat episod ke-2 untuk this posting kio. Anyway, yaaa…korang buli ketawakan sia sekarang juga. But jangan kuat tul ah. Nanti sia kasi kecil tu volume speaker pc sia pula. Hahahahaha. Muahsss you guys.


This article is for those who have a dream. If you don’t have one, go get one and come again later. I realize that whenever people ask me something about my anticipation of the future, they start to give that look or make that sound. Then why ASK? If you ask me about my dream just to DENY that I can achieve it, SAVE your question to yourself. It's like, you don't go asking someone YES or NO, when you can't take NO for an answer.

I don’t blame people. They are being the typical human beings. It’s a normal thing. When u have a good plan, and start sharing it with other people, “Wow, isn’t that too risky?” “What if it doesn’t work?” “What if it all fails before it even begins?” If you have NOTHNG but this series of negative What Ifs questions, I think that you better go to sleep, tie your hands to the bed and don’t move. You’ll be a winner in your own class. You get me?

If you want to talk about THE WAYS TO NEGATIVE THINKING – I assure you, you can rest assured NOBODY needs a lecture like that. You know why? Because it's in OUR BONES! We are born with it. It's something that gives everybody the right TO BE THE WINNER. If you want to be a negative thinker, YES, YOU WILL SUCCEED. No doubt about it. YOU WILL SUCCEED AS A NEGATIVE THINKER. What kind of success is that? Will you get anything for that success? Any certificate? Any medal? Any trophy? And the bonus question of the day, WILL YOU GET ANY RICHER? Poorer, yes, no question. You see now? You don't need to tell me how to think negatively, cos not only me, but the whole universe is A WINNER when it comes to that. HOW easy to doubt than to believe, right? How easy to be happy with NOTHING than try hard to get something, right? If you want to talk about WHAT IFS your plans WON'T WORK, YOU GO AHEAD, let me know when you're done, cos I HAVE WORKS TO DO!!! COS I HAVE A DREAM TO ACHIEVE AND I CERTAINLY DON'T HAVE TIME TO LISTEN TO "The ways to negative thinking" because EVERYONE IS A PHD HOLDER IN THAT SUBJECT. Understand??

That's my point. We are already a winner in that. Now, we want to be a winner in something NOT EVERYONE can be. How many successful people you can name? 10? 100? 1000? 10,000? Yes, you can name them all. But you certainly won't say that, the successful people are EVERYONE on this earth. As a matter of fact, the successful people are only a handful. Are you surprised? I AM NOT SURPRISED AT ALL. Just look at how the typical people think. Look at how many of them who choose to LAUGH at you, then TO tap your shoulder and say, I believe you can do it. LOOK AROUND YOU and see for yourself. People like this are EVERYWHERE. YOU could be one of them too. Oops. Did I say anything wrong?

You see? if you want to find LOSERS, you don't need to. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE.. I am not surprised that THERE ARE MORE people who talk about other people's successes and just be happy by simply KNOWING and ENJOY THE VIEW. But at least these people experience a journey inside their mind by learning how someone climbed the ladder of success from a ZERO to a HERO. At least, I give these people some credit for THE EFFORTS. But there are some people who don't even CARE about all that. It's like, "Successful? Nonsense la…Alaaa…no need la all that. Just be happy for what you have la. As long as you have food to eat and clothes to wear, if you have no money, you can borrow what?" – Yeah, the typical remark. Now, do you wonder anymore WHY not everybody is SUCCESSFUL? Why not everybody is like Bill Gates or Donald Trump? I used to be curious about that too. But now I know. REAL WINNERS ARE JUST DIFFERENT from the rest of the people.

WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? I will tell you straight away. I WANT HAPPINESS. I will FOCUS on this. If by any chance that I look for LOVE, it's because of happiness. If by any chance I look for MONEY, it's because of happiness. And so on. Don't EVER look for MONEY, MONEY and MONEY and FORGOT WHY. That’s why I told you guys earlier on that don't ask me, to whom I do all this. ASK SOMETHING LESS STUPID. Of course I do it for MYSELF. YES, it's true that on the way of achieving it for myself, my loved ones will get the benefit too. YOU SEE THAT? I DO IT ALL FOR MYSELF, and TO SEE THEM HAPPY BECAUSE OF WHAT I'M DOING, IS PART OF THE QUEST FOR HAPPINESS. It's SO EASY to hold on to the concept. How to strengthen your inner strength for you to hold on to your foundation and never get carried away by the negative influences? PRAY. In today's world, it's so easy to get drifted. Only God is stronger than all that. Be humble because of our humanly weaknesses. BUT humble is not the same as giving in.

SO, if you have a good plan, don't talk about the negative possibilities again. YOU KNOW THEM ALL ALREADY. Your job is to find HOW IT CAN SUCCEED. BE RATIONAL, BE WISE, BE LOGICAL – THINK SMART, BELIEVE SMART. Use our best asset. The brain. SO, the negative people, STAY AWAY. People with dreams have work to do. BEST OF LUCK.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm Tagged Again by Dingobee

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
(Dingo, I didn't read this part when I do the tag. Please excuse me this time ah *Lols. Buli jua opt for free style ba tu kan. Hahaha)
Have fun!

1. What is your name?

Shy la to tell cos it's quite cute. *Lols

2. A four letter word:

Kiss (Muahssssssssssss!)

3. A boy's name:

Chris (No, it's not like what you're thinking. Well, okay. Maybe you're right. Haha)

4. A girl's name:

Rach (I'm lazy to finish the spelling. Hahahaha)

5. An occupation:

A-Laugher (If someone pays me for laughing, I should be a millionaire by now. *Lols)

6. A color:

A colour that I find in the jewellery shops that is not available in your Luna colour pencils.

7. Something you wear:

Pants (sometimes it becomes something that I don't wear. *Lols)

8. A food:

My ayam masak cili (when I found out too late that I didn't even have chillies).

9. Something found in the bathroom:

Myself, while lazily taking my bath (Hahahaha)

10. A place:

A spot where I landed on when I thought that my bed was king size.

11. A reason for being late:

"That stupid dream extended my sleep! Kurang asam tul tu mimpi woo, kan?!" (Sambil gusuk2 mata)

12. Something you shout:

"Hahahaahahaha" ("Ui, nanti tebangun urang." My answer, "They can always sleep back, what." Then I sambung lagi shouting itu Hahaha.) *Lols

13. A movie title:

300 (a movie I said I like but l have not yet watched *Lols)

14. Something you drink:

I tried to lie that it's Not Coffee. Okay, it's NOT coffee. Okay, I lied.

15. A musical group:

Hot&Spicy Girls (A name that Spice Girls should call themselves if Britney and Paris join in)

16. A street name:

Twofivesix Street (The un-named street that consists of my journey from home to work and back to home, like everyday!)

17. A type of car:

A Baby Car- Please appreciate this vehicle that our parents need for us when we were still a baby. Hehehe.

18. A song title:

You Know You Love Me (someone pls compose that song for me, thank you. *Lols)

19. A verb:

Try-to-work-with-the-pc-but-the-pc-ends-up-watching-me-sleeping (That's a Verrry long verb, I can see. *lols)

You told me to have fun, right? That's what I call FUN!

These people I tag PLEASEE be as creative if NOT more creative than me. I DARE YOU!!!

I need to tag 10 persons but I only tag 5 because it's 10 devide by 2. It still comes from the number 10, right. *Lols

1. MiszCayg18 -

You're hot, you're cute, you're nice - Do this tag for me

2. Lizzy_gal -

I only knew you for short while, I already knew how brainy and cute you are - Say Yez to this tag bebeh

3. K[o]r[n] -

I already know you're cute, I already know you're Smart - I want you to show to other people who don't yet know!

4. ^Xyndee^^ -

Muahsssss to you the Devil's Claw. Before you bring the jaws and sharks to jacuzzi, do this tag first k! *Lols

5. Ulal -

Laling, kau buat jua ni tag ah, walaupun kau cuma tulis sana belakang kawanmu si botak tu ja (*Lols)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's A Big Deal To Me...

“It’s too much” <-- was once among my most said phrases. I still remember, that time, I entered this college after my SPM. There were many other phrases that I often said. Ah, another one is, “Is it a big deal?” At least, I can remember 2 most said phrases back in college days. *giggles.

I’m sharing with you about this, is because I’m trying to send you guys a little but important message here. My English is actually, just average. But I don’t know why my friends back in college, always thought my English is so good. I always tell people that English is always my favourite subject, and of course, never would I mention that I excel in that subject. Maybe because I have been using English expressions daily, more than most of them. But that doesn’t mean that I’m good enough to teach others.

My friends actually REMEMBER whatever phrases that came out from my mouth. They remembered. Even when I was just mumbling alone, or thinking out loud, THEY REMEMBER. I didn’t know about this. Until the day we had our English paper. We were discussing about how hard and confusing the questions were. So I remember one of my roommates said that “I answered the question that way because I remember that’s what you always say.”

My goodness. “You can’t be serious.”

And when she repeated the phrase, it was a wrong phrase. She must have remembered the phrases that I said negligently, knowing that they are wrong in grammar, but I said it just because I wanted to have something to say. My gosh. It was A MISTAKE from my side, for simply saying the English phrases without thinking that OTHERS are taking them as a lesson. I felt quite bad. It was so shameful for me to say, Oh sorry, actually that thing that I often say, is not even grammatically correct. I said it for fun. I didn’t know that you guys are taking note. Of course I didn’t say it to my friends because I wanted to save face. My dear readers…from the feedbacks that I have from you guys. I know that some of you enjoy blog so much that you guys expect more than just “plain reading”. You guys are reading the articles to get new ideas too, and PROBABLY, learning a little bit of new language pattern that I might be using here and there.

This is a small thing actually but I care enough to mention. Actually, I did quite many typing errors, wrong usage of prepositions and sometimes grammar. When I did my double/triple checks, then only I came across those mistakes. I wanted to correct them all, but I know I still miss a lot of uncorrected mistakes because I find it too troublesome to dig back into previous posts just to correct one of two typos. So please pardon me for any wrong usage of word, which you guys can detect easily. I need to mention this so you guys can excuse me of those small mistakes and most importantly, I don’t want to have the same feeling again when my friend told me that she answered an exam question according to the phrases that was not correctly placed.

Yeah, “She makes mistakes too.” <-- please dedicate that to me too, okay? Hehehehehe. If I don’t care for you my readers, I won’t even care to mention. But I do care, so please take note and thanks for being my loyal readers. Lurveee ya guys. Muahsss.

Let's Cook Mi Goreng Dim Sum with Twofivesix[256]

Sia ni suka ba masak memasak ni. Cuma sia sangat2 jarang sudah masak macam2 makanansebab 1. Masa 2. Mood 3. Selera - Nah, kalau tiga2 benda ni ada, baru sia pi masak. Sejak dua, tiga hari ni, sia ada lost sikit tentang apa mau makan. Then this morning, sia terbangun awal, before 5 AM, so sia terpikir mau masak something today, iaitu Mi terajun - The 256 way. *Lols. Terajun tu terajun juga, tapi mesti terajun yg sedap dimakan. :P

Mi hoon sia pakai yang biasa punya. Sebab mi hoon biasa senang serap flavour. Sia punya cara kasi lembut mi adalah dengan kasi panas air, dan terus kasi masuk tu mi.Proses ni penting sebab kalau terlampau lembut pun nda bagus, kalau terlampau keras pun nda bagus. Nanti jadi Mi Dawai tu. So itu air cukup2 panas ja sudah kamu off api, and gaul tu mi to make sure semua bahagian lembut secara rata. Itu air korang buang and then cuci tu mi sampai la itu air dia jernih.

Slice itu bawang putih dan bawang merah. Sia ni nda suka tergigit bawang so sia guna 1 biji untuk satu jenis, cukup la.

Ini adalah Dim Sum segera. Sebab kalau mau tunggu defrost lain2 macam ayam atau udang, mimang nda sempat. Actually, itu lah reason why I use this instant dim sum. Slice itu dim sum nipis2.

Ini packing dia for that Dim Sum. I think, the only frozen dim sum yang sia biasa nampak di mana2 supermarket. Price dia dalam RM15 ke atas untuk satu paket.

Kasi panas minyak and then taruh tu bawang. Yang penting itu bawang punya wangi keluar sudah dan nampak sikit2 warna perang - so this is when I kasi pecah satu telur terus di minyak tu. Itu telur cannot terus2 u guys kasi hancur, mesti tunggu dia masak sikit dulu, ada bahagian yang keras and then baru kasi mix2 dia. If you guys terlampau cepat gaul nanti ilang tu struktur telur tu...ancur semua. Nda best. heheheh :P

Taruh Sos Oyster Maggie dalam kuantiti yang "buli-bulilah" - consider that kemasinan ini masakan akan datang daripada ini Sos. So pandai2 la u guys. Ikut taste masing2.

Gaul2 dia and make sure itu sos sudah masuk dalam tu telur. This is important. Sebab telur ni akan resap tu sos dan actually gives a better taste sama tu makanan korang IF itu kemasinan Oyster kena datang dari tu telur, paham ka? So if you guys nampak mcm sebati sudah.... then,

Taruh tu dim sum tadi. Dalam kes ini, sia taruh tu dim sum kemudian sebab itu dim sum actually sudah masak sepenuhnya ba tu, kena kukus pun boleh, so bolehlah taruh kemudian. Mix2 lagi dalam 2 minit macam tu la.

Nah, sekarang, taruh tu mi. Sia mix2 supaya itu minyak sudah meliputi tu mi. Sia pakai sudu ja supaya sia dapat control. Kalau pakai tu sudip mimang terabang tu mi tu sebab itu periuk bukan besar pun. hehehehe. This will take a few minutes. Kalau buli, make sure semua tu bahagian mi sudah kena tu minyak. Sebab, kan minyak tu yang kasi masak dia. Kalau nda, ertinya ada bahagian yang tawar dan "tidak masak".

Lepas semuanya okay, then it's time to put the kicap lemak manis Hablal. Actually ni kicap kan sangat sedap tau, that's why we have been using it for years now. Kicap ni dia lebih kepada rasa manis. Actually, without the kicap pun, itu mi buli makan sudah, tapi since this time sia tau sia mau taruh tu kicap, so sia taruh tu Oyster kurang sikit la. So ini kicap kasi lengkap tu rasa yang "belum cukup" sama ni mi. Sia ni orang yang tidak berapa sudah masin, so I don't put a lot.

Ini la dia Mi Goreng Dim Sum yang sia masak pagi ni. Ada ba ni yang kurang, iaitu cili merah. Mungkin lama sia nda masuk dapur kan, so my parents tidak terpikir mau simpan tu stok cili merah. Sebab sia ja ba yang selalu guna tu benda kalau memasak. Tapi itu cili merah bukan setakat untuk kasi lawa ba tu, dia untuk kasi taste juga tu. You guys smell pun berselera sudah that. Tapi memandangkan teda tu cili ni ari, tidak bermaksud I cannot enjoy this meal! :PP

Sebab sia kejar masa, mimang ini mi kira express juga. But I took about 40 minutes juga di dapur. Apa pun, sia tau ini mi goreng mesti habis sudah ni kalau sia pulang nanti, sebab sia jarang masuk dapur sudah kan, jadi sekali-sekala sia masuk dapur, bila lagi mau makan tu masakan terajun sia tuu. *Lols.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Dengan itu, dengan segala hormanya sia mau sambung kerja sudah sekarang. *Lols.

NOTE: Baiklah kawan2, nanti sia masak yg heavy2 lagi sia akan share with you guys kalau sia terbawa sia punya camera la ah. Hehehehehehe