
Saturday, January 5, 2019

You Can't Touch A Woman Who...

Hi people! Happy New Year 2019!!! I'm so glad that I have my mind Not too excited about new-year-new-me kinda thing, Nah, I don't do that nonsense. At least not anymore. I will continue being myself from 2018. My version of 2018 is actually my favourite. I'm clear about many things in my crowded head. When I plan, I put into action, and not sure why, but there are just luck elements that come in my favour. Yess, works of God. Apart from that, it's just Me who is doing my thing, just going a year older and forcefully wiser (No choice! LOLS). So this year, I will fix my 2018 bugs. I will prove that I have time for everything, including my blog. I want to write more this year. Yes, this is still me, the same writer who wrote all the junks in this blog since 2008.

So about the Title, it grabs my attention when I read it in someone's Fb bio. From my understanding, when it says You Can't Touch A Woman, it doesn't mean physical touch. It's about the woman's strength and durability to face anything. I'm not sure if I am that woman since it sounds like she has dealth with hell and comes out alive. I think we women have different battles. Some are physical but mostly are mental and emotional. Not to mention our individual traits that make some of us more vulnerable than the others. A simple occurrence can impact some women more severely than the others. So our life journey is like the experiments to uncover all the contents in our DNA. So no matter what we have to deal, we still have to deal with them successfully. Leaving all the wounds and scars behind, after crying ocean of tears, and still standing tall. So, to all the women who walk to this 2019, we can't help but be brilliant in every decision. We bend rules but we have principles. This isn't just about merely surviving but surviving with Great Honour. Come to think about it, why not lets just try and be a good reference to that quote. We deserve Happiness. Full stop. So lets conquer our 2019 goals, make more memories and add another awesome chapter in our book of life. God bless!

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