
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

If Love Is Only Skin Deep…

You guys recall the court case where the hubby sued the wife for faking her beauty? After they have the first child, he questioned why the child is not as good looking as any of them. So he accused the wife of cheating with other man. That’s when the wife had to confess that she went to have plastic surgery a few years back. And that’s how she got her beauty. What do you think when you read about the case? It was crazy, right? I mean, gosh, was there no such thing as genuine feeling involved? Especially when what triggered him was the looks of the poor child. How can you even do this? So after the wife confessed, he sues him and won. Whoa, seriously. Logically, you won’t do that to someone you are married to. Why? Cos I think that after marriage, it’s more about attitudes and compatibility that make you guys happily be together. It’s not about looking like a Miss Universe 24-7. Any good looks are not enough to keep you happy when other things are screwing up.  Helloo reality!

You saw people who you think are average or below average looking, with the special person beside them. There are people who love them despite not being a beauty pageant material. So you know, a lot of people out there know this secret. It might perform some magical moment of first hand attraction when you saw someone appealing, but then it won’t stay for long, just by itself. So these people who are so obsessed with the idea that you must walk beside someone who can make people turn at you and get consumed with jealousy. Come on. Do we still have this species nowadays? Hahaha.

How thick is the skin? It’s just a very thin layer, right. If you love relies on that thin layer, you gonna have episodes of stupid experiences trying to find for the perfect one. Oh come on. You make me go back to the statement of, “as if you are that perfect yourself”. But I don’t want to repeat that (which I just did…LOLS). I want to say Kudos to those perfectionists that I used to know, but come back to me with their new outlook of soulmate. They proved my theory right. You are at the right track! 

Note: Been There, Done That!

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