
Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Crowd You Choose To Be With

Something yang sia observe sendiri long before this but I never wrote about it. It's about picking the right crowd. Sebab people who flock in the same crowd treat each other "their way" and if you happen to be there, they will treat you the same. Cos they don't know you, and don't expect them to. If you be in the wrong crowd, get prepared to be treated less than you think you deserve, and it's okay if you can handle it. It's okay if you can handle being treated like you have never achieved anything in your life, like you have not earned any respect in your life, like you have a bank account of a beggar. Yeah, then don't pick your crowd. But I have come to a stage in my life that I don't want people to just UNDO everything that I've done. Not that I think you know me, cos you don't. I'm unknown anyway. So maybe I'll just pick my crowd and the fact that we don't know each other will never be an issue. For justice sake, can we just be in the crowd that we belong to, shall we?

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