
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Health Is The Real Wealth!!

Generally talking, we used to think that our health was so much better back then than now, right? When we were younger, our body were stronger and immunity was better because everything else worked at their best. Maybe I was wrong. But one thing for sure, things so get less and less effective and eroding as we age. Was that idea right?

I used to tell people I had problem with sleep back then. But maybe it was just because I loved to be awake at nite. I would sleep any other time but left the nitetime for me to study and other desk activity, including listening to music . I drank coffee just to make sure that I could be awake as late as possible, even if there was a 7 AM class the next day. It was just crazy. I also had this annual disease of getting flu. Oh, not annual. It’s like monthly. Or as often as possible. Whenever there was a housemate who had a flu, and any close contact that I have, even by just talking nearby each other, “The Disease Is Successfully Transferred”. Darn. I remember that I could be really healthy one day, and just voiceless the next day. The viruses were just playing king and queen with my immune system. You used to be so weak, 256!! For someone who drank nothing but coffee and coke, and ate whatever she liked, and never cared if she slept enough or not, what do you think?

Surprisingly, the pattern has changed. Since the year I’m working, it took a while for me to slowly change my habits. Still, I notice the most and utmost difference only by THIS YEAR. I did some crazy things this year. If you guys remember, how I put myself in a 30 Days Challenge. First in June, I did a MILKYLESS MONTH challenge and went on an extreme WATER DIET, And then July, CAFFEINELESS MONTH. Then I took a break for Aug and September, October with coffee and milk in moderation and ongoing water diet. But some time in October, I started to add another routine, My Daily Cycling. Since my mom brought in the Orbitrac bike from the other house, I found out I love to Sweat!! And one more thing, of course you guys might guess that anyone who are new with physical activity might have muscle ache all over. Guess what, NO muscle ache at all. I was surprise too. Then I look at my bottle of mineral water and got the idea. OH MAN. IT MUST BE THE WATER!

Do you guys know why we are told to drink sufficient water everyday? Water is not like coffee or coke. It doesn’t taste so good. It’s just hard to enjoy drinking water; you can’t even pretend it’s sweet, cos it’s just with the absence of all the flavour of the drinks you like to indulge in. But why only recently that I learned that water is THE FUEL to our organs to function. Really. All the years, I thought that water is just to keep us hydrated and diluting all the extra sugar and sodium that we take, and why I only know recently that water is also provide sponge for our joints. For all the years I didn’t drink water, only last year that it got back to me. My knees were really painful and I could not even use them. I could not kneel or even bend, and I thought, IT WAS THE END FOR MY KNEES to ever function properly again. Remember that water diet that started at June 2012? OMG, it healed my knees!! No medication, no nothing. Just by drinking water. Alleluia. Can u imagine what water does to your body?

And speaking of sleeping. This is finally the year when I don’t bring work to home anymore. I tell myself that I don’t believe that I’m too busy to sleep, and so no matter how busy, I will only do work at the office. Nitetime is only for me to spend leisure, spending time with my loved ones. And SLEEP! Actually, sleeping is never a problem anymore for the past few years, but with my own help, I get better sleep by practising to relax and though my mind is so occupied with heavy thoughts at times, they are not enough to keep me awake. What I know, my body needs sleep to start doing most of the job of health maintenance. Thank God that my health is just so so much better. I’m not anymore susceptible to flu and fever – even when sometimes I have to deal with people who cough and sneeze, luckily my immune system is just better! And since a few weeks ago, I’m starting to adapt Lemon Drink every morning to start my day. What can I say. With this health, we know we are capable of doing WHATEVER we want and Let’s go achieve our dreams!

This health Makes It Possible :) It’s indeed the wealth that surpasses any satisfaction that money can give us. Our Health Is Our Wealth!! STAY HEALTHY, PEEPS!

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