
Saturday, April 18, 2020

About The Guys I Didn't Mention

If one day kamu kena tanya pasal some history of your life, particularly about the guys whom were special to you. Kamu rasa2, kamu ada problem remembering them? Kamu ingat semua or maybe adaka yg tercicir dari list? Hahahaha

So last nite when a friend asked me about the guys in my life, I only mentioned a few. In fact I forgot some name from the list. Only a few ones that I could not forget. But I must admit that among those that I have named, I did not mention a few others who left a mark in my life, who made me smile, and who worth mentioning too  but they were left out of the list because "they only dropped by". Maybe lasted for a few good months, few months but good tho they didn't last.

So to you guys, have you ever become in that list yang "tidak kena mention" sedangkan kalau kamu teropong dalam hati tu pompuan, actually kamu mungkin antara org yg paling dia ingat. Bila sia fikir2 about these guys who had talked to me, and talked about the possibility of being a match to each other tho most of them might just come out of the blue and not more serious than a fling, I said to myself yang, "buli tahan juga sia o kan" Hahahahaa. I mean, dalam pada kau tidak pernah mengaku yg kau mata keranjang, bagus kau akun seja lah. Hahahahahaha. Ok kidding. 

So it was fun actually bila mengimbau masa lampau yg tidak akan datang lagi. Luka yg ada pun sudah makin sembuh. Tapi kan guys, macam hayat kita ni belum tau berapa lama kan, sampai bila juga kita mau simpan sakit tu kan? Umur-umuran begini adalah umuran yg berpijak di alam nyata, no more teletubbies stuff for us. Apa yang sudah lepas tu tetap ada dalam buku teks sejarah hidup kita tapi apa wisdom yg kita kutip dari tu semua yg penting! Apa pun kesilapan kita, ketidaksempurnaan kita, kita cuma cuba untuk bahagia kan? Betul kan? So ndapalahh. Sia sendiri pun mungkin ada masuk dalam list yg "nda kena sebut" tu. Sia tetap rasa yang itu adalah bukti yg sia hidup dan sentiasa mencari bahagia juga. Walaupun bukan sentiasa betul caranya, tapi niat tu adalah sesimple tu ja. 

Anyway, since kita terlampau free masa2 MCO ni, maybe we have time for some memory recall and revising back some of history book. The history book of our lives :) I wish you guys health and happiness. Lets do our best to live the times in "custody" for the betterment of the whole nation. Have faith, peeps!

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