
Saturday, July 6, 2013

What If YOU are That Gift?

I’m sure you do admit that you have some talents that your friends don’t have. Don’t you ever wonder why do you have those talents? Don’t you think they are given to you for a purpose? Or you think you since you don’t ask for it, you don’t necessarilly need to use it?

It just crossed my mind. There were times when I was put in a situation where I helped people with just listening to them and gave some piece of mind on how to solve their problems. They actually listened to me and applied it, and the next time they came to thank me. Now I remember again how I saved my aunt from wanting to commit suicide because she thought her hubby (my uncle) was cheating on her. And how I helped a customer from getting in a big mess after she fought with her housemate, and I said to her, “GO BACK AND SAY SORRY TO HER” and she did. She didn’t have to move out from the house at all!  All her problems solved just by doing what I suggested. I also remember, how I was there to cheer up a guy who got dumped by her gf of 5 years and he almost could not face life. And there I was. Knowing that it won’t hurt for me to just cheer him up, I did and he moved on pretty easily and finally got his confidence back. Tho the ending was not so good because I almost victimized myself for being the substitute when I didn’t intend to go that far, but at least he managed to rationalized with his breakup and managed to approach a new relationship that is still going on well until now. I’m sure u guys have ur own story too. Can’t u see it that this is about life, how we cross each other’s path, most of them we just drop by and create some memories, before we continue with the journey. Of course we can’t stay for long. WE ALL HAVE A MISSION IN EVERY STATIONS.  There will eventually come a time when we will finally stay at this particular station, a station we belong to be. I was wondering, maybe this is what they say by becoming “the instrument of God’”, that you come into someone’s life helping them with their situation, some you even help to change their lives to better!

Of course when you think about it, you’ll feel that you can be in a pitiful situation to be “used” for their own benefit, sometimes what you get back is nothing but hurt because not everyone appreciates what you do. We are only humans right. We are not a guardian angel where we are there only when we are needed and then forgotten until they get in trouble again. But I’m sure…sweet things are waiting for us. Especially when we accept the fact that we are just fulfilling our missions on Earth, to be there for one another. Not everyone will appreciate us, YES true. But don’t forget WHO SEND US? It’s Him :) Our rewards don’t come from humans, our rewards come from Him for He is so loving and so generous . The more good things you do, the better. Having a God like Him, you know that you’ll get rewarded even without asking for it. When you are busy asking people, “What are your gifts”, you just never know one day one of them will answer, “YOU”. You won’t always come as a helper, but You are actually a gift from God to someone special, and this someone special will be a reward God gives you, that all kinds of appreciation and love that you deserve to get will be flowed through the person. In the mean time, just be patient when not everyone will see “the gift in you” but keep doing good things. You’ll leave a mark in people’s life as you complete your missions. Remember, despite all your gifts, YOU ARE THAT GIFT ITSELF. God bless. :)

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