
Saturday, December 3, 2011

"It's Your Love" by Yours Truly...

I could not delay this anymore. Procrastination is a big time thief. I could not wait until I sound like a singer to finally post my own singing to my own blog. *LOLS.  I have talked about this for quite sometimes so IT'S TIME to "Just Do It". I know the music sounds a bit too loud, again, do not make me believe that I need another excuse to delay. Just let me post this and I'm sure you guys will just accept me as my poor humble self. Hehehe.

I picked this song, because of the key that matches my voice, and then I could do a little editing to make the song shorter so it goes straight to the point, no time to hear me breathing or snoring waiting for the next line (*LOLS) so this is how I did it. I think the song is really sweet too...I can just easily mean every words in the lyrics.

Hope you guys like it :)

Thanks for listening...hehe

1 comment:

wines said...

i love ur voice...hahaha finally aaa..tapi sa jua la yg dengar suara ko sampai telinga sa panas oo kan. apapun suara ko kan moi memang sedap di dengar oo..thank to GOD aa