
Sunday, November 17, 2013

You Pay or You Do It Yourself. Simple Isn't It?

My supplier told me that he doesn't want to do the work because it can take him hours, or even the whole day to do it - when he can earn so much more doing something else. That's why he finds someone else to do it, because he still needs to get the job done to keep business coming in. Which also means, the work that he doesn't want to do, is an important work to him. But when it comes to charges, he doesn't want to pay high, cos to him it shouldn't cost that much. Of course if he argues about charges, he'll get the remark, "Then do it yourself". Which we already know he won't. LOLS. So what's the solution?

Something that some people fail to address is the "value of time" and that creativity can come from practice and experience, but you can't expect it to just come anytime when you need it, that's why, "creativity cost something", and it can cost A LOT cos not everyone has it. The only reason people can argue about charge is when they think that "time and creativity" don't have charges - and this will be true if they use the ones of their own. Which means, stop arguing about charges and go ahead "Do It Yourself". But in his case, he puts a lot of value to his own time, and no value to others' time. So if they can't sort it out, means No Business. No Business means No Money. No Money means they can start packing and forget about the business altogether. 

Ridiculous, right. Very basic understanding. But I believe people learn as long as they live. So thats why we are here. Learning as much to live well. Those who can adapt to this, will survive in what they do. :))

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