
Saturday, August 3, 2024

You Are That Answered Prayer

Pernahkah berlaku dalam life kamu yg kamu rasa kamu managed to do something so impossible? Yang urg bilang ibarat menunggu kucing bertanduk, iaitu level impossible dia tu begitu tinggi. Dengan reluctance kamu, dengan denial kamu, dengan fright kamu, macam2 lah penyebab kenapa kamu selama ni mengelak bikin sesuatu, but tanpa diduga, one day you find yourself doing exactly that impossible thing. 

Most probably you gonna take time and feel so in awe, sebab macam berlaku sekelip mata ja semua tu. Most probably you gonna look up and say, God, you showed me your miracle again. Alleluia. Yes, you acknowledge it was God's work all the day. But macam kita terlimpas sesuatu. Sia sendiri baru jua recently terfikir benda ni. Any idea yet?

Iaitu...setiap miracle yang terjadi sama kita, yes, memang adalah God's work and God's mercy, no doubt about it. But look at us. Siapa la kita ni kan? Memang kita ni undeserving to begin with. Macam nda layak untuk terima blessing yang begitu besar, apa lagi when selama ni kau memang sudah confirm benda tu impossible. Maksudnya, kau sudah terima kenyataan dari awal lagi yg you would not do it for the rest of your life. But ternyata kau cuma insan kerdil yang tidak berdaya. You are that powerless in comparison to the hands that really have power on you. Sampaikan kau sudah bilang Tidak,  boleh bertukar kepada Ya. So considering semua tu, adakah kau The Chosen One sampaikan begitu bertuah? Jawapan dia adalah - Ada sesuatu beside God's generosity, iaitu the PRAYERS of your loved ones. Yes, read that again.

Sia pernah terleka kejap bila sia fikir yang sia bertuah single-handedly sebab God blesses me in such a way. Bila it keeps coming to my head, How can this miracle happen to me? Berkali2 sia fikir, then baru sia terfikir, HOW HARD MY LOVED ONES pray for me everyday. From the day when it didn't cross my mind yet, until now - Yes, sia lalui macam2 kesukaran. Berbekalkan sikit keazaman. I did go through traumatizing time. Sia selalu hamparkan sacrifices sia, kesusahan sia untuk claim tu credit utk diri sia sendiri. Tapi still, things could be harder. Then sia terfikir, No way it was my own hard work. Sebab kalau sia teliti balik, memang ada elements yang anytime could fail me. Memang sah bukan kerja sia. Memang sah! 

Macamana sia buli begitu confident untuk pernah terfikir yang semata2 God kesian sia. Bila sia terfikir pasal prayers yang datang daripada orang2 yang sayang sia, baru it really does make sense now. I know they've been praying really hard selama ni. Because my situation is not easy and not that normal. To knock some senses into me, to make me realize and fight my belief, to open my heart to give it a try,  semua itu BUKAN KERJA SIA. Biarpun memang ada effort from my side, tapi yang open that way was not me. I was just doing very little, mostly with heavy heart, with constant complaining. It was torturing at one point. 

Fast forward to today, I still couldn't believe. So to myself, remember this, all the fears, all the doubts, the worries, they don't deserve a place here. I have fought them all because God answered the prayers of these people. Remember this, punyalah powerful prayers ni. Remember that whenever your life is good and well, these strong prayers have been covering you. There are people who truly want your wellbeing and want you to live well. And your job is to carry your mission responsibly, acknowledge these people that they want you to live well, so you go ahead and live well and stop thinking the impossibles. If this one impossible has been made possible, please do not think any less of the prayers and the power who answered that prayer. Indeed, you are that answered prayer yourself.



Saturday, February 3, 2024

"You Know Nothing"

Source: Google images

This customer of mine working at a restaurant nearby. She came to my workplace many times to buy things. I also recognized her for her cheerful ways, and I liked doing things for her because she was easy to deal with. Our brief encounters usually filled with laughters. Everytime I come to the restaurant to dine, usually she would greet me with smile. One recent day, I came and saw her. She served me as usual. But as I saw her making drinks, she was holding her tears. It was a view I never expected to see. I did hear some voice-raising earlier, but I thought it was how they normally talk. So I assumed the it was between her and her mom exchanging words in their dialect that I could not understand. Her mom is also one of the workers there. So I looked at her again, she was trying hard to hold her tears. I felt a bit sad cos I know her as the cheerful girl. Then I realize something...

What makes me think I know about this girl because of the 5 minutes encounters that we usually have? Even if I sat there with her and chit chat for lets say 30 minutes, there is still some 23 hours and 30 minutes that I totally have no idea about what's going on with her life.

My point is, it goes the same way with everyone we meet briefly. We could see some people everyday, we pass them by, we even greet them and exchange smile, still we practically KNOW NOTHING about them. They could be having a heartbreak, they could be a victim of bully at their workplace, they could have a abusive partner or maybe they are the one who is abusive, so many things that they have to deal with that WE KNOW NOTHING about.

But remember when we have a less favourable encounter with people, we simply conclude that they are just born irritating and lack of manners or maybe we end up feeling bad with ourselves when we expect a better treatment from people and we begin to blame ourselves for being undeserving. Well, if only we consider that we are just a small part from these people's day, we are not even considered in the top 5 matters that bother them the most. Yet sometimes we let those brief encounter ruin our day. Yes you get what I mean. In most cases, how people behave is really ISN'T ABOUT YOU. We don't know about their history, their grief,  their traumas, their phobias and so many other things that may not cross our mind at all, cos everyone, including you and me, we meet new people at one stage our of lives and in most cases, we don't have to know everything. Enuff if we can be nice and leave a good memory. But if NOT, please always consider the things that WE DON'T KNOW about them besides our short meeting. 

It's the same with us, right? Just like when I just let people think what they like without explaining myself. Just like Why I choose my job. I have people talking behind me, judging me for years, why I choose a job like this when I can be more. They could be talking about how I wasted my qualification, so on and so forth. But little did they know I went through a tough time and it took me years before I made the decision, and all the things I took into considerations. Most importantly, people don't understand HOW I WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE. They may want things differently, but I have long accepted that I'm done with society standard. And I have my clear reasons. I don't wear them on my forehead. That's why, I can say the same that you guys practically KNOW NOTHING about me.

My point here is, each of us have our story of struggles. We don't just born and become this person today. We have wounds, marks, and bruises all over our soul. Maybe if we accept that we Know Nothing, we will treat each other with a little more heart and we will appreciate those smiles even more, and we will judge less because that person that we about to punish is just coping with a emotional war that we know nothing about. Just don't make it harder for each other. Appreciate every person that we come across, respect them knowing that they are trying to survive storms everyday, just like us. 


Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023, Thank You

Source by Google Images

31st December 2023, finally here we are again. Again, I'll just let my fingers dance without having anything particular in mind about what to write. But I Must. I don't want this year to leave without a proper speech from me.

Being this age in 2023, of course there are advantages compared to before. But I will hilite interesting stuff that is worthy to remember. There are expectations that are unmet but not all in my power. I left the rest to God and I assume that those expectations are best not to be met Yet. But something that I should mention, about my new workplace since last year, a very unfamiliar place and faces, but this year I learnt to adapt even more. In such a place with small space, I have proven that my passion surpassed the superficial cos as long as my passion grows, everything else will become adaptable. This is such a gift from heaven for me cos how I manage to enjoy work despite all the odds. Like, even that can't stop me. Fast forward to 4th of December when I was given the key, yes I moved again to a new place! I have to go into more details for the future me to read and remember.

When the tenant next door a.k.a my workplace neighbour told me she was moving out to another lot, I didn't even have the idea that I would move. Cos I got comfortable with my less-than-2-years workplace, and of course the cost of moving out is not cheap. After a while, I think God used my friend to convince me that I should move out since that place is bigger. I did not say yes right away. I asked myself, "Am I crazy enuff to do this?" YES, YOU ARE, 256. LOLS. Fast forward to 31st December, the place is 95% ready. I went thru a lot of things with the processes. But this time I'm more hands-on, I got to decide many things hence the bigger challenges I have to overcome. But now I can start seeing the fruit of the labour for the almost 1 month. I decided that I'm happier now that it happened the way it is. Then I try to see myself in the older place, and compare them, I just shake my head in disbelief how I could not see all the disadvantages of the old place. Like it was almost pitiful seeing the small space and how I made a lot of magics happen in the small space. My o my. That proved that it's just the barrier that we put in our head. I'm so thankful to God that I managed to see brightness in the dullness and felt enuff with what seemed to be lacking by other people. I've been so blessed. So guys, I will begin the new year in the new place. I worked so hard to prepare the place for me to create more magics. And this event is one of the most important for me this year.

After more than half a year this year, my closefriends witnessed my stubbornness when I did not write a single thing in our whatsapp group out of a little misunderstanding. But I did that to make myself clear. I'm not saying that I wasn't to be blamed, but I just couldn't force myself just so people can have their way. It's not how I wanted a friendship to be. But I also did not blame anyone. I chose to stay silent to avoid saying hurtful things. But I guess silence is a worse punishment to some. I thanked my friends who still reached out to me but even after that, I still did not talk in the whatsapp group. The first day that I finally broke my silence was on my birthday when everyone wished me. And since then, I became very active again in the group. I mean, do you know what this means to me? From my angle, I see it as Maturity. Cos if you know my nature, I used to be a Grudger. How I could just iron out all the 7 months worth of silence and took it from there in peace and harmony. I believe that our friendship has matured from there. We did a reunion on 22nd of December and we were celebrating our friendship of many years. I have known these friends since matriculation and they are the batch of friends that know me best since they have lived with me in the same apartment for 9 months and my bestie was my roomate. They are among the best gifts of my life.

Other than that, I have also developed work friendships with more people. I like how I am this "hard-to-get-close-to" but still people make the effort to still acknowledge me as a positive person, and at the same time respect the space. I like it when I found out they portray me as a workaholic who enjoys my work more than anything else and that's how I don't get involved in the business of other people, less drama, less conflict that at the end of the day, they wished they did the same. At least, being this person that is not too friendly to strangers, they still can say, 256, I like your way. That's enuff for me. 

I thank you God above for letting me be a good friend to my friends if I ever be, be a good daughter to my parents if I ever be, and be a good sister to my siblings if I ever be. I also would like to set a good example to people just by being my true self. I hope to influence other people in a good way. This is what I have become as this person I am today. I am imperfect but goodness is my intention. 

Thank you God for taking care of my loved ones. Taking care of me and listening to all our prayers. I feel the heavenly touch in every good and trying times. It touches my heart so many times when I realize that God is doing His ways to answer my prayers. Even when I repeatedly forgot to pray, He still reminds me thru every act of love in His involvement in every situation that He's always there. I feel so touched and no words can ever describe my thankfulness. 

2023, thank you for so many colours. Did you purposely leave a few big wishes out so I feel more excited for 2024? If you ask me, well, maybe Excited is not the word, but I'm Positive about it. The year ends with a challenges actually with all the moving out thing, but thank God I'm equipped with wisdom to not snap. I got this. You know who is my Helper.

Bye 2023, Thanks a lot for this chapter. You have made us stronger and wiser. Guys, lets do this. We can do this. 2024, Here We Go! 

Monday, November 6, 2023

And I'm still here...

Hi my babyblog. I'm back for now. I gotta write this one down. So that when "I'm still here again" next time, I can read it and reminisce those moments.

This year is the first year that I'm totally off any medication that is related to my panic attack. I shall write this down for my future self to remember how is the first year "being independent". The Struggle Is Real. The more I read about the experiences of other people, they all have something in common but not everything is the same.  I can see how each of them studying their own bodies and understand how the symptoms take a toll of them. And How they deal with it everytime. Some are much more terrible than what I have but still, during the "moment of agony" nothing bout that matters. Enduring each time is really a matter of "Will I still be here later?"

Why that question, u ask? Because it is just so terrible that all u think is "your last moment" on earth. Seriously. When your body starts to react to little pain and discomfort, as little as a small bruise or swelling that is purely physical, a world of Uncertainty just comes to your mind. Yeah your mind keeps playing all the tragedies u read of how someone suddenly Faint, and Go, and never comes back. Trust me the thought of the Uncertainties is one of the worst part of surviving the "attacks". But still, the worst part is when suddenly you don't hold the remote control to your body anymore. It just goes haywire for a bit, with your heart beating faster, with your mind gets foggy and sometimes you breathe faster, EVERYTHING, enuff for u to feel that it's really your last moments. 

But wait, after all said and done, I'm still here typing this. Feeling good and all. But a few hours ago I had those agony briefly. Even how many times I had it, I'm still terrified everytime that happens. On my way home from work, I was unsure how I'm gonna be when I reach home. But what happened was, I entered the house and right away went to the kitchen and cooked, and then had my dinner. OH MAN. What happened? 

Yes, let me say this. This is what usually happens. The agony does not last forever. Theoretically, the symptoms only last for 15 minutes and suddenly everything back to normal. But it could be longer for some people, and maybe shorter. The most important thing is The Distractions. The more distracted you are, the better. It could be gone before u know. But I had one terrible nite last month during my PMS, maybe the impact of sugar and other things too. Remember that any kind of anxiety has links with the guts. That day I had all the foods I like but yeah, just a bit more sugar than normal days. I usually allow that on Sunday, out of self rewarding after a long week at work. But I guess I ate variety of things out of normal and maybe it clashed with all the hormonal imbalances, I just got one of the worst symptoms in this whole year. That's how I know that when I first got it, and then recovered, it never really leaves my body. After that nite I know that it's part of how my body reacts to the external forces that I let in.  The worst symptoms can still anytime unleash. The difference now is that now I am aware what is happening to me. Unlike when I first got it and with no proper consultation from the specialist.

So my dear self, here you are again. Remind me when that happens, it will LEAVE. You'll be okay, dear self. After many "attacks", I'm still here feeling healthy and good, and filled with positivity and gratefulness. Well, this is my cross to bear but sthing up there reminds me that yes this cross is heavy, but I can lift it because I'm given that strength. I have to say this again... Alleluia to the Lord above. Without him I'm nothing. And thank you cos I'm still here living my life. Amen. 


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Surviving The Insiders

Source from Google images

Hola. It's been a while. In fact only my second post in 2023. I will just let my fingers dance on the keyboard without anything clear in my head. Lets talk about my overview of 2023 so far.

Actually macam tahun2 sebelumnya, merenung kehidupan ni in a bigger picture is something that I do everytime I spend my quiet time alone. Fast forward to 2023, now that we are getting older, banyak benda yang boleh kita renung. Perubahan dari macam2 segi, alongside time yang terus bergerak detik demi detik. Berfikir pasal KEHIDUPAN and WHAT'S NEXT, itu memang nda lari dari fikiran. In fact makin jelas ke mana arahnya semua ni kan.

As a woman, entering new decade in my life, memang terfikir hari tua. I see that some people are doing it much earlier. They are really preparing for the old days even from 20 years earlier. It's always about - The Old Days. Me being a short term person, sia nda tinguk jauh. Sia lebih peduli pasal the nearest Next, instead of 20 years later, I'm a 1 month later kind of person. I'm sure there's no right or wrong sebab yang lalui hidup masing2 adalah diri masing2 juga. 

Of of the biggest highlights in my life so far is still me discovering when I first had panic attacks in 26 Feb 2020 - not that I have not moved on but I'm still observing how my body reacts eversince that day. As far as 2023 is concerned, maybe boleh dikatakan semakin In Control, cos only last year I remembered I popped Xanax a few times but only very little amount, but that time I was getting used to a new workplace and environment, so it was freaking challenging. Now things are doing much better. But I have to mention the recent incident where a few times I got a slight attacks, in fact I occasionally have them from time to time, tapi semuanya manageable. Tapi everytime that happens, I'm still terrified. Biarpun this time I know what's happening but I'm still not so sure about what's next. Sampaikan I tell myself this, "IF I'M STILL ALIVE AFTER THIS, REMEMBER THAT THIS IS JUST HORMONAL DISTURBANCES, AND I HAVE SURVIVED IT AGAIN."

Dear ladies, I don't know about you but my PMS days are the most unstable times of my month. It's when I understand my hormones go haywire, and since the days my body intruded by the sickness, I wonder if it would ever go away. So far, it hasn't. But remember, this isn't about an OUTSIDER. This is my own hormones, my own body, my own biological system, which are the INSIDER. I recalled the recent occurance, in one morning, I couldn't describe the feeling. Like Numbness of the upper part of my neck. I had to touch my face to feel it's there, sthing like that. Sounds scary right? Maybe the hormonal disturbances got even worse with certain food. I remember eating durian, something I watch myself closely when I eat it. Cos I know durians can be toxic. It happened only a few longest seconds in my life. I had the urge to give in - like say it out loud, HELPPPP, I'M NOT FEELING GOOD RIGHT NOW. Kamu tau ka tu feeling masa tu? Sia fikir sia mau JALAN sudah. Sebab unbearable tu feeling biarpun kejap ja. GILAA, so gila. Just extra strength yg kana top up entah dari mana, I got the courage to take another step and teruskan langkah. I got into my office and I said to myself, I Will have to fight this for a while. If I faint if I fall, at least it's at a proper place. Guys, sandi bahh. Tapi to my surprise, entah camana, sia duduk di chair sia terus sia buli mula fikir benda lain. Kerja yang mau dibikin, and sia still manage to do it. Before I know, tu feeling yg menggila tadi tu actually not there anymore. WHAT WAS THAT, I thought. Sia geleng kepala ja bila fikir. Cos I must remember during the early times when I first had the sickness, it was much much worse than this. SERIOUSLY. Pun sudah sia lalui. Dan I'm still here in one piece, still functioning as a human yg seadanya. So what I'm trying to say is, this sickness is so tricky. Cos it's an INTERNAL thing. 

Ok, so back to the topic. Banyak benda baru yang sia discover juga. Tapi terlanjur sudah sampai di usia ni, biarpun banyak benda kita bikin yg boleh dibikin lebih baik, cara yang boleh diubah ikut yg lebih mendatangkan manfaat, like I said, terlanjur kita bangun di usia begini and hidup dengan cara yg ada. Kita terima kekurangan kita tapi nda bermaksud inilah masa kita hentam diri kita dan semua kesilapan kita di masa lalu. Keputusan2 yang silap tu, Oh gosh, will I ever learn yang masa lalu tu cuma debu2 ja. Memang bodoh la kalau dihantui debu2. Biarpun cakap ja senang tapi biar kita JANGAN LUPA yg perjalanan kita ni adalah ke depan. GUYS, WAKE UP. Kita tau penghujung hidup kita, jadi setiap langkah kita menuju ke arah tu. Sisa2 hayat kita ni berbaloi ka isi dengan masa lalu? Biarpun in a way, memories tu HARTA bagi sia. Tu la sia suka ambil gambar dan menulis, sebab dari dulu sia tau apa meaning dia utk hari kemudian. Bagi sia memories tu mcm treasure yg sangat berharga, TAPI I should remind myself yg kesilapan dan kebodohan sia yang lalu, hanyalah debu. Macamana dorg try pun they can do nothing to my present time.

So I still agree satu benda - iaitu living the moments. Mengumpul happy points di setiap hari, setiap kesempatan dan setiap accomplishment. Kalau kita boleh becakap berapi2 pasal perkara gila yg kita bikin, nah ini kan pula bercakap pasal perkara bahagia. Sia masih tidak dpt ikut rentak org pasal the common standard yg society kita ada. Maybe sia nda dpt capai tu tapi MAYBE I JUST DON'T WANT TO. Garsh, people. Kenapa la kalau kita tidak sekaya dorg. Kenapa la kalau kita tidak berharta. Sia nda cakap yg it's okay to just hidup cukup makan tapi jangan la kita terlampau mengejar utk setaraf sama org lain ada impian yg nda sama mcm kita. Imagine la, sia dengan mindset sebegini pun masih boleh terbuai sama kepedulian pasal impression org terhadap life sia. At one point, I can overthink apa lah org cakap pasal sia, tapi kalau mau difikirkan, memang teda hujungnya, semua tu cuma andaian yg sia2 ja. Yang kau ada adalah diri kau seadanya. Baik kah, buruk kah, ada org yang nampak kehebatan kau,  dan sebaliknya, atas apa pun alasan. Jadi sesaat pun kau overthink pasal org yg pandang rendah sama kau, tidak akan mengubah apa2. You are still the biggest power dlm life kau. I suggest go ahead and walk tall. Life kau adalah pilihan  kau dan kau BERJAYA sejauh ini. Apa guna mau impress org yg kau terpaksa korbankan bahagia kau sendiri. GILA. I WILL NEVER DO THAT. So here I am seadanya. I'm sorry if you are those people who are meant NOT to like me. Ndapa. Kau go ahead dan teruskan kegemilangan hidup kau. Hayat kita ni terbatas. BIAR LAH. Kita teruskan hidup masing2 ja. BOLEH MACAM TU?

Ok, sia menulis totally ikut sukati jari2 sia ja ni. Langsung teda berlandaskan format apa2. Tapi u should know yg sia menulis ni utk diri sia jua di kemudian hari. Ini adalah jurnal hari ni yg akan merekod footprints kepala otak sia ni. Nda wajib utk ada tapi I WANT TO HAVE THEM. Ini salah satu cara sia hargai kehidupan sebab ingatan kita ni bukan permanent. I want to read them and smile as how far I have come.

So guys, kita teruskan perjuangan la kan? Almost mau habis setengah tahun sudah ni. Ekonomi yg lembab ni nda buli dinafikan tapi sudah lama kita survive dengan passion yg ada, so masih boleh bernafas. Kita masih sempat bikin magic. The word HOPE tu bah, sentiasa menyala. Hebat betul tu word. Bah Jom kita continue journey kita. Sia wish baik2 untuk semua ah. 

Kalau kamu buli baca sampai sini, sabas buatmuhhh. Harap2 ada la terdetik secebis dua ilham dari mana2. And Thank You :) Till next post.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Entering 2023 Like A "Diva"


Orang cakap semakin meningkat usia, kita makin matang dan makin bijak dalam apa juga tindakan kita. But I wonder, does it mean yang kita akan totally change? Will we ever change and be a different person completely from 5 years ago?

Entering the first day of 2023 today, while at the church, I did a lot of thinking before the mass started. I still have things unsettled brought from 2022. The situation that involved friendship, that made me look so immature and problematic. Suddenly I stopped talking and never answered back all the messages. This friend who I trusted, who I thought understands me the most, did something not in my favour. And she should know it but what she also has reason behind what she did. 

Terfikir juga, adaka kita semakin menDIVA dengan usia kita. Kita rasa makin entitled and semua benda kita mau ikut apa yg kita mau. If I say Yes to that, that's not true juga. Okay, lets make this clear. Back in school,  I had no choice. Sepa yg jadi my classmate, sepa yg jadi my dormates, I relied on my luck so I could avoid some names that I disliked. But I remember, luck was not always on my side. In fact, the top name that I disliked the most, became one of my dormates. As much as I hated it, I lived with it and all its consequences. Being many years younger back then, I might have better tolerance. But even that, I ended up arguing with the toxic person because I ran out of patience because she embarrassed me during English class. So remember that I always have this limit.

So selepas bertahun2 lepas school, I have more choices now. No more that I have to follow rules orang lain. Tapi that freedom bukan free. Besar harga dia. Tapi I chose it because I decided that I WANT PEACE in my life. If I don't like it, I will not do it. SIMPLE. Dan tiada sepa yang buli simply order sia do otherwise, unless I volunteer to do it. Maybe because of that, apa yang berlaku ni violated my freedom, and the person who did this is my closest friend. She always believe that we have grown up and should be wise enough to evaluate situations. She has always tolerated with this one toxic friend of ours, and in the name of maturity, she does that because that friend needs extra attention because of her toxic nature and we should be extra patient with her. I have tried my best and she got on my nerve quite a few times. So after many years not being in contact with her, it was this closest friend's effort who brought us all together in a group. Now in the name of friendship, she puts us in the same chat group where we got to see her toxicity everyday. And she left the group twice also out of her toxicity and my friend just couldn't wait to add her back. Despite knowing the issue that I and my other friends have with her, she just doesn't care about the rest of us. What's more important to her is she couldn't leave that friend alone because the history that they both shared. Now she's dragging everyone else so that friend has more company and feel accepted. Do you see how she violated us? That she never asks if it's okay with us. She just assumes we could cope - again because of the theory of maturity that she keeps saying. 

So right now, I enter into my silent mode. Maybe she got it that I disliked what she did but she still couldn't help it and hope that I could just cope and be okay again. You know what I hate? I hate it even more when someone uses our close friendship to put me in this awkward situation. That I will just accept and understand. Am I a Diva when I feel so wronged? But no, I can't just walk in and put on a I'm Okay mask. I'm not a good actor. I can't be like them, they badmouth her behind her back and in front of her, they use angelic words to make her feel better. I CAN'T. THAT'S NOT ME.

So I tried to talk myself down - 256, can you just forgive? But this is not about forgiveness. This is about going on with life, forcing things that I can choose not to. She can still have her way without me. I accept that the toxic trait is just part of her and I don't expect her to change. Just like all the people who don't like me, they can go ahead without me. Why now when I have to do it, I feel like I'm being accused a Diva? Maybe back then they laughed when I said I rejected certain customers, because to them that means I rejected Money, but like I said, I value my peace more than anything. If customers are problematic, I rather concentrate on those who know the value of my work. I have my reasons. 

Susah2 sia pilih ni jalan hidup, ni kelebihan yang sia ada. Some people cannot do it biarpun dorg hidup senang cos they need to accept orders org atasan. Tapi memang berbaloi sebab hidup dorg senang. My life is not sesenang dorg tapi kelebihan yang sia ada ni, when someone tries to take it from me, I have to enter defense mode. I deserve to react. I paid for that freedom dengan semua kesulitan yang sia ada sekarang. Bukan percuma ya.

After all said and done, bulikah sia serahkan ja sama yang yg di atas untuk guide sia? O God, rendahkanlah ego sia kalau inilah yang memblock banyak blessings. Sia sanggup untuk kebaikan. And God, 2023 ni, I may start it with a moderate mindset but it doesn't mean I don't want to achieve greater things. May God give ways for good things to happen in my life. And of course most important is for my loved ones to always be under Your protection. I'm still amazed by how God have made things possible in 2022. May this faith just grow bigger. Alleluia! Thank you God. Amenn!

Thursday, September 15, 2022

A Woman Who Marries Two

Bila baca tajuk, mesti ada yang fikir cuma bahasa kiasan. Dari apa yang kita tau, hanya satu agama ja yang bolehkan kawin lebih satu. Itupun kalau kau lelaki, camana kalau perempuan yang kawin lebih satu? 

Akhirnya ada kawan sia yang berada dlm situasi awkward. Yang sekali dengar, memang salah, tapi bila faham apa yang dia lalui, sia terpaksa buka minda utk pecaya sama keputusan dia. Yang pasti, perempuan yang bahagia TIDAK MUNGKIN akan kena melalui ni semua. Sebab dia sudah lama mau keluar dari marriage yang actually kasi bazir 20 tahun life dia, dengan tiada apa2 pun di tangan dia. In fact, dengan laki yang sudah nda bekerja, dia yg kena tanggung semua kos hidup dia di sini. Itu sia nampak sendiri dan setuju. Kalau dulu dia keluar rumah dengan tiada apa2, kalau sekarang dia balik kampung pun exactly sama, still tiada apa2. Not assets, no kids, no nothing. Dia almost has nothing to hold on to marriage dia. Cuma seorang laki yang masih boleh manfaatkan dia ja. And sorry to say, sia agree juga. Sudah bertahun sia dengar dorg ungkit pasal cerai, tapi hakikatnya the husband memang tidak akan lepaskan dia. Cos she's only the second wife yang bekerja dan boleh tanggung diri sendiri. And he only needs to worry about first wife and anak2. Bukan first time kawan sia nangis pikir situasi dia tapi belum juga dapat keluar dari life tu. Macam la dia bukan mcm perempuan lain yg fikir pasal diri dia juga dan hari2 yang mendatang. Perempuan ni ada kesabaran yang panjang tapi tetap ada limit.

Suddenly seorang lelaki dari zaman silam dia, tiba2 datang balik dalam life dia. Lelaki tu pun ditakdirkan duda. Dengan tau situasi si kawan di perantauan, lelaki tu sampaikan hasrat utk bina masa depan dengan si kawan ni. Selain daripada kesian, dia memang sangat2 suka dengan kawan sia ni. Cuma beza umur yang besar yang menyebabkan lelaki tu terima jodoh pilihan org tua dia dulu. Sekarang dia duda, dan bila terjumpa balik dengan si kawan ni, dia rasa ini lah masanya untuk dorg bahagia bersama. Dalam keadaan dia tau yang si kawan ni sudah berkawin di negera seberang. I don't know kalau sah utk buat begitu dari segi hukum hakam, adalah sudah tidak terpakai kalau di lain negara. Cos right now, dorang sudah rancang untuk nikah di negara dorg, sedangkan si kawan masih lagi di sini, dengan lakinya ada di sebelah. Dia susun  rancangan macamana supaya laki dia boleh lepaskan dia balik ke kampung dengan baik2. Dia rasa kalau dia berkeras utk minta cerai, keselamatan dia mungkin akan terancam. Laki dia sudah balik2 cakap, dia tidak mau kasi cerai sebab dia masih mau tu perkahwinan. Masa ni juga la dia offer utk dapatkan rumah, kasi duit, kasi cari kedai, dan macam2 lagi. Tapi kawan sia sudah tawar hati sebab 20 tahun dia kasi peluang, dia nda bikin pula semua tu.

Sebagai kawan, sia actually harap dia usaha untuk dapatkan cerai. Cerai dulu baru fikir kawin baru. Tapi dia pula sudah give up utk  minta cerai. Dia cakap surat cerai tu tidak penting pun sebab tiada anak juga. Tapi sia terfikir, boleh kah kau skip tu proses atas sebab tiada anak semata-mata? Bukan yang DI ATAS tu nampakkah? I mean, ya la kita semua ni manusia berdosa, tapi benda2 macam ni mcm terlampau extreme utk dibuat oleh seorang perempuan. Terus sia cakap sama dia, Jadi kau technically akan ada dua laki ka? Lain terus muka dia. Sia ndamau juga sound like sia mau stop dia daripada kejar bahagia dia.

"Jadi mau tunggu sampai aku umur berapa? Masa tu masih ada org yg sayang aku ka? Aku mau bazir berapa banyak masa lagi dengan org yang tidak boleh kasi aku hidup yang baik?" Bab ni sia terpaksa setuju. Sebab lelaki yg satu tu sangat beriya-iya. Dia sudah kasi sedia macam2 untuk persediaan sambut kawan sia ni sebagai bini dia. Kawan sia tersentuh dengan semua tu. Sebab dia nda pernah kena bikin gitu oleh laki dia. Dia ada cakap, dia tidak juga begitu cinta lelaki tu tapi dia sudah lama tersiksa sama marriage dia, tiba2 lelaki tu datang dengan kesungguhan dia, dia nampak masa depan yg cerah. And most importantly, "256, begini pula rasa kalau kena sayang kan?"

Dia akan ambil tindakan berani ni hujung bulan ni. Laki dia tu seakan boleh menghidu ada yg nda kena sama bini dia. Dia mula rasa kehilangan dan balik2 suruh kawan sia janji utk tidak khianati perkahwinan dorg. Dia boleh rasa ada orang lain kan? Kenapa la selama ni dia nda treat bini dia betul2? Sebab bila disuruh kasi lepas, dia ndamau. Dia cakap dia sayang bini dia tu. Tapi kenapa tidak pernah bagi dia yg terbaik ? Kenapa biarkan bini cari nafkah dan tanggung byk beban kewangan? Jangan lupa yg kawan sia ni almost tidur di tepi jalan gara2 terpaksa keluar dari rumah sewa secara mengejut. Kawan sia tetap lalui semua tu biarpun ada masa dia nangis juga. Sia sokong juga yg DIA BERHAK UTK BAHAGIA.

Biarpun sia concerned dgn keputusan terburu-buru nikah sama org lain sedangkan status masih berkawin dengan orang lain, sia rasa dia pun sudah cukup dewasa. Dengan hubungan tu nda direstui oleh org tua kawan sia tu, dia tetap mau teruskan. Tapi sampai bila kan? Kita bukan tau umur kita sampai mana. Kadang2 apa pun nda jadi kalau dengar cakap org. Not at this age.

Sia wish dia baik2 ja. Sia mau dia bahagia. Biarpun ekstrem, please live happily ever after anyway.  And Yes, kau berhak utk bahagia. Harap semuanya dipermudahkan.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

1 cm Coffee...& Me

Source: googles image

If you read my recent posts of FB, I mentioned about drinking only 1 cm of my coffee from yesterday and I was wondering if I could drink that coffee again today cos I know I was going to drink only 1 cm of it again. It's like I'm trying to avoid wasting it. The taste was good. Or should I buy again another cup just to drink 1 cm of it?

Coffee and I have a long relationship down the road. We were besties. I was coffee and coffee was me. Cos I always love Coffee, the smell, the taste, everything. I know how to appreciate good coffee when I taste one.

Let me write this down so I will remember. The incident of 1 cm Coffee is to describe that my body starts to have tolerance issue with coffee. Yes, a lot of times I didn't finish my coffee for a reason but all those times I could finish them if I just go for it. But sadly now, my body starts to react to coffee. I think, when I first get my panic attack back in 2020, it impacts me in the long run. I remember when I was still recovering from it, I avoided coffee because it made my heart beat awkwardly. If you have this illness, you should know that it has a lot to do with heart rhythm. It can go haywire when you are having symptoms. But fast forward to 2022, I drank lots of coffee, almost like normal, until I noticed in my last menstrual cycle that my body started to "reject" coffee if taken too much. How much is too much? That's why I come out with 1 cm. Cos it's the level of coffee that I could afford to drink. 

Today, I tried to break the 1 cm level, I drank more because I got carried away with enjoying the coffee. Guess what? A few hours later, my body started to act funny. At some moments, I thought I was going to collapse. I sat there in my office chair, trying to cool down. OH MAN, IT'S THE COFFEE. I broke the 1 cm rule today. What is happening to me? Do coffee and I have to break ways?

I want to know if I will ever get back to the old days when Coffee and I can be besties again. For now, I have to stick to maximum 1 cm only, or avoid it at all. It's kinda sad, isn't it? But I'm positive about it. Suddenly it reminds me about things in life. They don't last. If you ask me, No, I have no regrets with coffee. I have always defended coffee. I have spoken good things about it. I even made more people started to love coffee. So if you ask me if I have regrets now that I have to restrict my coffee intake? No dear, no. I have my best times with coffee in so many years. So that's how I'm going to do with other things in my life. I will treasure you so much until I have no more regrets if things fall apart. So much that in this context, should someone feel the loss, it's not me, it's coffee :) 

Saturday, February 26, 2022

The LandLady & The Wheelchair


I know them for years, I mean they are familiar faces but we never talked or have anything going on to even talk. But I know them. Sia tau dorg ni sepasang laki bini, buat bisnes sama2. And they have expanded to a bigger premis. 

Dorang laki bini ni boleh nampak macam orang baik2. Jenis yang beradab, cakap lembut2 dan buat bisnes lurus bendul. We know kan ada chinese yang macam ni. Nda semestinya semuanya cakap kuat or rough or asyik pikir untung. So selepas begitu lama sia tau kewujudan dorang, akhirnya we have urusan. Sia berurusan sama bini dia, logik juga la sebab sia pun perempuan. So I signed tu agreement di bawah nama orang lain. It could be the husband. So logiklah juga kan memang husband yang boss. This lady, as I have expected of her, so soft-spoken, jenis yang senang senyum and tidak banyak songeh. Terkena lagi sama sia yang species lurus bendul jua bab2 macam ni. Sia rasa kalau dia terkena sama yang bengkang bengkok, buli urang take advantage of her. But don't. Jangan lah. Urang baik sama kita, kita baik la juga sama urang. 

So mau dijadikan cerita, baru sia sedar yang sia nda penah nampak tu husband. Sia pernah masuk office dorang pun sia assume ja tu husband ada dalam sana yang sia nda nampak. Until today. Masa sia rush balik, sia ternampak someone sorong wheelchair. To my surprise, it was her. The landlady. And the guy in the wheelchair looked familiar but I didn't look at him betul2. They were going to my direction. She recognized me in the mask, and awal2 lagi dia senyum lebar macam biasa. Sia sempat Hi sama dia and tepuk bahu dia before dia berlalu. Terus laju di pikiran sia, was that the husband ka? Kan kebetulan I never saw him for a while. Cara dia tolak wheelchair tu, penuh dengan kesabaran, kepasrahan dan... u can see tu Obedience di sana. I don't know apa cerita, I might ask or I might not when we see each other again atas urusan kami.

Dalam kepala sia teringat gelagat the husband yang dulunya aktif bergerak, keluar masuk bangunan utk bikin urusan. Dorang dua ni maybe years older ja dari sia, tidak begitu jauh beza. Cuma sia nda sangka sia akan nampak dia di wheelchair dengan usia begitu. Betul lah teda sepa tau apa akan berlaku di masa depan. Dan without making assumptions yang macam2, sia focus on the landlady. Sia rasa kita punya permintaan mencari pasangan hidup ni seribu satu macam. Benda seremeh-remehnya pun kita kira. Mau yang itu, ini, begitu begini. Tapi u know what, bila sia nampak tu landlady surung wheelchair, suddenly something hit me. Kamu buli jamin ka urang yang kamu gila-gilakan sekarang ni akan sanggup surung wheelchair yang kamu naik sekiranya ditakdirkan kamu terpaksa duduk di wheelchair?

Actually maybe berpuluh tahun, the husband would never know how much the wife loves him. Until the point where he can no longer function and move and has to rely on someone to move. Sia jamin dia sudah dapat jawapannya. Yes, dat same lady yang selalu sama2 dia, dia la juga yang sorong wheelchair itu tanpa segan di depan orang. U know what? Nda kisah la apa yang kita mau, but apa yang kita perlu adalah pasangan yang BETUL2 SAYANG bukan dari jasad ja tapi juga soul kita. Yang akan tetap di sebelah kita dan nda akan kasi tinggal kita. Mungkin dulu kau pernah jadi gagah, muda, dan berkemampuan, tapi bila kau bukan lagi macam tu, orang yang tepat sudah memilih untuk sayang kau tanpa syarat. Tiba2 muncul kesedaran yang begitu and merenung balik kehidupan sendiri yang serba kekurangan. 

Sia happy untuk kamu2 yang ada orang begitu di sebelah kamu. Tolong jangan sia-siakan. Tolong jangan lepaskan permata itu untuk sebutir kaca. Untuk yang masih tercari2, yes, yang kita mau adalah orang yang sudah MEMILIH untuk MENYAYANGI kita sampai hujung nyawa.  Tiada tapi, tiada kalau, tiada syarat sama sekali. Kalau kamu jumpa orang ni anggaplah matlamat hidup kamu tercapai. And kalau kamu lah jadi si pasangan setia tu, sia pray yang kamu diberkati dalam setiap hal kehidupan kamu. Amen amen.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Betul- Betul Kerja Tangan Ghaib


Kamu yang ada agama, yg sembayang selalu or sekali sekala, sia mau tanya, do you really believe in God's punya kerja dalam hidup kamu seharian? Adakah kamu sembayang sebab sudah diajar begitu dari kecil, or kamu memang expect untuk nampak God's participation dalam hari2 kamu? Maybe it's nothing surprising juga la bila sia tulis macam ni sebab mimang sia selalu mention pasal kerja "tangan ghaib" ni. 

Anyway, yes, sia pun pernah miss juga sembayang. Tapi bila sia sembayang, mesti sia mention about guidance. Sebab sia ni adalah insan yang lemah, selalu bikin silap. Sia harap yang sia akan dapat guidance yang God kirim melalui kejadian or orang2 keliling sia. So, now Januari 2022, guess what, terjadi sesuatu yg betul2 bikin sia terkejut dan slowly sia realize betapa besarnya blessing yang sia dapat.

Kamu besa dengar word Wind of Change ba kan tajuk lagu? Anggap la perubahan yang berlaku tu adalah Wind of  Change yang TIDAK SAMA SEKALI adalah perbuatan sia sendiri. Imagine la sia dalam ship yang bergerak di air yg tenang, yang sia sendiri selesa begitu. Begitu la lama sia punya keselesaan tu, suddenly datang ni Wind of Change yg bikin kapal sia telah menukar haluan tanpa sia mau or tanpa sia bersedia. YES. So it's not my own doing. It's si tangan ghaib yang di atas. Teda penjelasan lain lagi. 

Sia sempat takut dan cemas. Sia sempat kena serang panic attack lagi mau pikir pi mana ship sia ni akan pegi. Adaka dia akan pegi ke tempat yg lagi ok atau sebaliknya? Tanda tanya tu tetap ada. Tapi sia nda buli menafikan, semakin sia celikkan mata hati sia, semakin sia nampak ATURAN yang begitu cantik dia bikin. Sebab selama sia selesa tu, dia kasi sia masa untuk prepare. Now sia actually sudah more than prepared, cuma sia teda tu courage ja. Nahhh, ni kali lah. Dia kasi hembus tu Wind of Change, sia teda choice kan? Nahh itu maciam la cara dia kasi sia guidance yang selalu sia sebut dalam doa sia. Dia FORCE sia ubah haluan sebab itu caranya untuk sia buli grow. Not just grow, but SOAR AND ROAR!

Oh My Goodness. Sia betul2 in awe. Kagum dan terpaku. Jangan la kita manusia ni mau cuba2 la kan. Sepintar2 kita, sehebat2 kita, teda buli lawan campurtangan si tangan ghaib tu. Sebab kalau ikut batas akal kita, memang sampai mana ja kan. Sia betul2 bersyukur sebab not just me, tapi orang sekeliling sia pun buli nampak tu betapa semuanya berlaku pada timing yg ngam. Oh My God. Again, sia betul2 kagum o. And ini adalah satu permulaan yang hebat untuk sia. 

Thank you Lord. Thank you.