
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Did You Just Waste Your Answered Prayer?

Have you ever been in a situation where you prayed hard for something. Which looked impossible at first, but with your big faith, again, you've seen the magic. Finally God gave it to you. But...

After a while, you realize that it's not enough. You're thankful, but things can be better. You can have it with better specifications and details. But what you get is just -- simply what you prayed for.

I am not the person who experienced this. I am a person who sees a friend with this experience. I tried to study his situations on why he did not accept the answered prayer the way he should.

I don't mean to be judgmental, but this is my finding. I wish it was something else, but it's purely LACK OF GRATEFULNESS. He could use his situation to heighten his life to a new level, but he chose to be coward and back out from his own wish that has been answered. I did my part as a friend to help him see that, but I guess some people just don't have that much courage in them. They are not a fighter enough to give a good fight to their situation. They become a fighter today, and a loser tomorrow, Just like that. I am nobody to speak like I am a fighter my whole life. Nope. I was a failure for so many times. But to be here today is part of my good fight, so I know what it feels like to be at the edge of backing out. I was almost there too BUT to be here today is because I beat that loser in my that time. 

Living is not easy, right, we all know it. Sometimes we don't know what we should do when we face difficulties. It's pity if you don't know what you want, to begin with. You can wonder at it at 17, but as you get older, you should find out about it already. You should have solved some part of the puzzle already. If we are always torn between our Godly desire and our fleshly desire, if you turn your back on an answered prayer, you know you are answering to which desire. We can't play childish to our prayers that we want this today, and we want that tomorrow when we get what we ask for. If we don't give our best shot at solving our current situation, that means that's not God's problem for answering your prayer, it's your problem for not doing your best. 

Come back to God during your difficult times. He has done much greater things, including creating this universe, He can help you out. Don't be a loser yet. As many of us would agree, our success begins with an answered prayer. Know its value and show your gratefulness towards it. Do not give up on it unless we give our best fight. Please... :)

God Bless.

My Conscience, The 7th Year! Never Retire, You Bloggers!

Hi peeps. Thanks for still checking out from time to time. Hope it's not too late to wish Happy New Year to you all, my dear readers. I read some of your comments, and I'm surprised that some of the topics I wrote actually did help some of you on a few issues. I may not reply to the comments yet but I read them. Thanks a lot and hope to see you more often, yeah, you may read silently but do keep my blog close to your heart. Hehe.

Guess what? My blog is turning 7 this year. 7, my favourite single number ( my fav 3-number you already know what...haha. Clue: My nick!) And I'm still around watching my blog closely, despite not having to update it frequently. Again and again I'm so thankful that I went blogging-crazee on the first year of blogging that I blogged everyday!! It was fun doing it when I was still so fired up and excited about having a place where I could write and share! Despite all this, if you notice, sometimes I write something with the thought that I am the only one who is gonna read that. Just when you wished I was more thoughtful, more watchful with my words - aha, those were the posts I totally sunk in my own world. Shame on me yeah...hahahaha

I notice that a lot of my blogger friends are not anymore actively writing their blogs. Some of them have actually announced their retirement from blogging world. It made me wonder, why would anyone actually "retire" from blogging? I mean, is blogging a task you do out of force? Or a painful season you must endure that you can't wait to walk out from it? My oh my, that's not the case, is it? To me, you do not have to announce retirement from blogging unless you gonna leave internet forever, which I don't think you would. It's just like a hobby that you can always go to, since it only requires you to type and not more physical than that. It won't hurt your muscles, I swear. Hahaha. So, why retire? Just take a break and feel free to come back. 

If you ask me, I am still in love with my babyblog My Conscience, cos I can never possibly say goodbye to writing as long as I am still alive, and still have these two marvellous hands to help me do it. Let me wish something for that matter. I wish that I will blog more this year, no matter how busy I am, I want to write more! Lets see if I can make it happen or not. Hehe. Thanks guys. Bear with me.
