We notice it or not, even among the best of our closefriends, there will be unsaid emotions that "everybody understands but won't speak about." That they think you are a great companion, and yeah, plus all the good years of ups and downs from college, and life might be treating each of you differently, some achieve more, some achieve less. But yes, we can still sit at one table feeling totally at home being with them. We share the most original jokes. None of these are forced on us. But ironically, we don't fancy our friends keep telling about the good side of their lives only. We dislike that they keep showing the bright side of only, hilighting only what's good about their physicals and relationships; sharing photos that are showing too much of happiness - I mean, they can take that, but only at a certain limit.
Deep inside they know you well. Noone has a perfect life, and they prefer that you stay human, show your defects, admit your misfortunes, speak about your sadness and insecurity. Too much of -only the good things- will make your friends feel uncomfortable, and they silently begin to "hate" it. It's strange, but it makes your friends feel better about themselves if you talk about your problems, talk about your struggles. They prefer if you upload some really messy photo of you, no makeover, no grooming, cos either way, it won't impress them so much too. They just... prefer the humble you and stop trying to impress them for they know you so much better than that. Aha...